Promethean Lights


Friday/ April/ 18th/ 2015/ at 2:15 PM

The School bell rings. Joy. As everyone empties the room the teacher asks if you need a ride home "No, its alright, i'm staying after for a club" you reply, walking out and away from the school exists to a small room on the third floor, this particular room was a design error, no windows, no vents, yet you feel at home. You start setting up as you wait for all of your friends to show up. Its not an official club, but recently the school principal gave you the keys to this room because no one else wanted a dark, humid room with nothing in it, but sure enough you and your friends have turned it into the ultimate hangout room, a mini fridge, TV, Video games, Pinball machine, you feel like your on top of the world.


You go to turn on the light switch but nothing happens, the room is only illuminated by the light of the pinball machine which runs on a rigged car battery.

Knock Knock.

Going to the door you open it to find your friends standing their using the light of their phones to find there way. "The powers out" You tell them, but they shrug it off, It was raining hard earlier and thunder could be heard in the distance. Despite this lack of electricity, you and your friends manged to keep your the club room powered using the extra batteries used for the pinball machine.

Now. The fun begins.


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