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Futuristic Circle (OPEN, 1/6 players)


The Story:

24 people, plucked straight from their everyday business, awake in a dark, wall-less room, standing in a circle. The moment they are fully conscious, one terse thought dominates their mind before departing: Vote, or perish. Unable to move or do anything but talk, and with non-voters punished by a searing spike of agony, they are left no choice but to earn their survival. The price is the death of their competitors. They begin to die, one by one, voted away by their counterparts. Presumably, only one may come out of this alive. Who will it be?


  1. There are six players in this RP, each controlling four characters of their make. These are completely normal people; no mind tricks or ninja swords.
  2. As part of being completely normal people, yes, they all have a sense of morality, even if it's a weak one. Generally, also, people don't like jerks. As a rule of thumb, imagine a sibling or friend saying what your character does. If it makes no sense whatsoever for them to do it, then it's likely not real enough.
  3. Voting is done by merely harboring the desire to see that person gone; even unintentional slips of the mind, "My gosh, she's annoying," and your character has voted for them. Intentional voting trumps this, though. They are distinctly aware of who they are voting for. All votes are secret, and can be changed.
  4. Voting continues until more than 50% of the remaining players have votes for one person. So if there are twelve still alive, it takes seven to kill.
  5. The longer it takes for an individual vote, then the stronger the pain in their minds becomes, until the sheer agony of it forces them to vote. After a person is eliminated, all remaining players who voted for that individual have a few minutes' longer time in the next round to vote before the pain starts again. The pain does not stop if the player is intentionally vote-switching or attempting other gimmicks to delay an elimination. The pain does not inhibit normal cognition.
  6. Players are ordered numerically around the circle, each equidistant from the Big Black Orb of Evil in the middle. Everybody has their number floating above their heads for the community to see. 1 stands next to 24 and 2, who stands next to 1 and 3, who stands next to 2 and 4, etc.
  7. Everybody gets four characters, of the numbers of their choice.
  8. To sign up, simply post the physical descriptions of your four characters, as I will do below. Don't describe their personality quite yet; that's what the writing itself is for!
  9. Every one of your characters is completely independent of the others. You may NOT have a particular favorite character, who all your others flatly refuse to vote. Give them all equal love. Because of this, you are strongly advised against using a Mary Sue or Gary Stu character.
  10. The ultimate goal of every character is to either be the one alive at the end, or to die a heroic martyr-tastic I-Do-It-For-You death (less preferred). They will always try to say whatever they have to say to keep themselves alive. Are they a minority? Play the race card. Are they the father of six beautiful children? Even better. Ever serve in the police force or the military? Tough to top; it's definitely something to be faked. Do they pretend to be gay? G-freaking-G. The ultimate question of this RP: What do people say, and to what lengths will they go to, to keep themselves alive at the expense of others? What would you say?
  11. One last note: keep the language at a conservative PG-13 level.

My characters, as an example:

  • Number 3: White male, mid-twenties. Short, dark brown, unkempt hair, brown eyes, mild acne, slightly underweight. Wearing a T-shirt with an obscure calculus pun, a white elastic wristband, khakis, and sandals.
  • Number 12: White girl, approximately twelve years old. Long, straight auburn hair past shoulder length, green eyes. Wearing a white T-shirt and a light black jacket, jeans, and neon pink sneakers.
  • Number 14: Hispanic man, early thirties, overweight. Black buzz cut, brown eyes. Wearing full nautical clothes, Waterproof trousers and boots. Wearing a brass wristwatch.
  • Number 19: African-American woman, late fifties, rather tall. Curly, shoulder-length black hair, no earrings. Long sleeve shirt, brown shawl, and dress pants and shoes. Holding a pen in one hand and a composition notebook in the other.

Who owns what characters:

  1. Comparing Realities
  2. Comparing Realities
  3. Comparing Realities
  4. Comparing Realities

Signups are OPEN!

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