Soul of the Machine
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4. shuffle through your mind for a moment. something must have come before this. something. anything. it may not get you out of here. maybe itll run your flecks of battery away just thinking of something. it sounds a bit stupid, but sometimes wisdom can be found in the strangest places.
Quit it! Quit it! Quit panicking! This is... i need to think.
I just need to... clear my head.
I just need to...
"Fmmmmmmm... hhhhhhhh..."
Slowly, gradually, emptying your head of the immediate present, you thought. When you woke up, there was something said, spoken to you, but not really. You could see the spoken words.
Yes. Yes. That was it.notice: certain personal files cannot be found. is this ok?
...certain personal files cannot...
...personal files...
Personal files. It said certain ones could not be found. But that couldnt mean all of them, right? There had to be something here that could explain something about what was happening. Why you were here. Here, inbetween two hunks of metal, hardly able to move more than a scrape right or left, why there was so little... feeling in everything. Everything that should, by all means, be there, but isnt. You didnt know how, but you knew those... things should be there.
With what little sight you had, you blinked. With a soft k-click of an eyelid, everything went dark for only a split second, then your sight transitioned into a soft, blue screen.
Attempt Partial Backup Restoration?
>yes >no
Attempting Restoration...
1%... 2%... 3%...
You waited.
10%... 11%... 12%...
And waited.
45%... 46%... 47%...
And waited.
97%... 98%... 99%...
Notice: File deemed fit for use. certain parts may be missing. playing now.
>yes >no
Attempting Restoration...
1%... 2%... 3%...
You waited.
10%... 11%... 12%...
And waited.
45%... 46%... 47%...
And waited.
97%... 98%... 99%...
Notice: File deemed fit for use. certain parts may be missing. playing now.
A sharp white light enveloped your sight, like swirling into a grandiose nothing, it felt like falling. Falling through the infinity of your head, falling through each piece of your mind! An endless swirling pulling things from all directions towards you, towards the center of yourself. Pieces came into view, sticking themselves to one another bit by bit in front of your eyes. Creating... Visages... A wall to your right. Blurry and white, much like everything else around you, but unlike the nothing, it had... Shape. Texture. It was something. Something from nowhere. Another wall, to your left, similar to the first. A third, in front, feeling far from you. Farther than you could reach in eternity and then some, but equally as close, attaching itself between the first two. And though you couldn't see it, turn to see it, percieve it in any way, you knew the 4th of the walls was behind you, attaching itself comfortably. A wall rose up below, attaching to the 4 walls before you, making a floor. Another floor fell from above, landing right on top of the walls. A cieling. A room. It made a room.
New shapes began collecting around one another. These awkward polygons sticking together in these wierd little ways that made it difficult to parce, until all of the different pieces came together at once, creating faces. No, not faces. Helmets. A visor. No feeling, the helmet becoming the only identity of whatever could be behind it that you could refer to it as. It's hands came together. Forwards, as if holding the underside, borderline holding out for you to touch- and yet, somehow, despite that, angry; threatening.
More shapes came together, farther away, closer to that wall. In through a hole in the first wall that you saw. They had that same identity. The same helmet as the first. That same identity. Feelingless. They we're coming towards you, one of the helmeted appearing to be coming through that hole in the wall. Then, as the last shapes collected, you recalled a feeling
It hit like a sack of bricks. This overwhelming feeling rising up in your chest, everything coallescing into a burning heat in a part of you that you could not tell whether or not existed anymore. A gun. A weapon, pointed directly at the center of your head. Inbetween your eyes. Locked there. The walls around you steadily darkened, as did the helmets of the people, defining into vague, blurry suits with belts. Hefty suits. Things you would wear for protection. It darkened further. Quite a bit further. Further until the only light bleeding into the room was that of a more subtle brightness stretching in through that hole in the wall.
Then, everything was bright again. Not in any way that made things easy to understand. If anything the light made it much harder. Especially how it was coming directly from the weapon pointed at you
"DISENGAGE ALL OF YOUR MAGIC IMMEDIATELY AND KEEP YOUR HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!!" a voice shouted, the weapon being shoved closer up against you.
"What are-?! Why are-!? __________!! Whats happening?!" you shouted at the top of your lungs.
"WE ARE ________ ________ ________, YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!" the voice shouted, the weapon continuing to be held in front of you
"I-I don't understand-! Why are you-?!"
"Now, now. lets calm down." a new voice said. There was new hole in the wall. Rectangular. Tall. From the void beyond the hole, shapes showed themself. Another face. Not visored or helmeted. A face. Blurry. Impossible to read. Blank. There was little detail, if any.
Everything stopped. As though put on pause, the world stopped a small screen flashed in your eyes
End of Available Memory.
You couldnt understand. Was this all there was that remained...? What about everything before this...? And everything before that? There had to be more. Within the memory, you looked left, you looked right. You looked to your hands. Within one, raised up, was a large... note. A musical note. Something in the vague shape of it. Was... that magic? You seemed to recognize it as such. You could barely tell what it was. It was odd. You could tell it was... a part of you, somehow. Some extension of yourself.Despite the fact that you didnt know what it was, but you knew its name
New Spell Obtained: Do
Ending Memory Recall Sequence...
You blinked. Back inbetween the metal again.Ending Memory Recall Sequence...
Remaining battery: 20 minutes, assuming idle
1. A new spell? Maybe that could help us out of this. You dont know what it does. Maybe it could help us out of this. I mean... you seemed to be trying to use it to protect yourself in the memory... (Use Spell: Do (cost: unknown.))
2. Hold on. What is magic? How do we use it? CAN we use it, as we are? We should still run a diagnostics before trying hasty things... Even if it will cost more of our battery...
a new post has been added
Chrysanthemum: The People
Chrysanthemum: The People
You know a new Spell!
You obtained a new memory!
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