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Fantasy Chronicles of tasopp cs page


The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
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Yo thanks for getting this far. The sheet below is the bare minimum I need to accept a character but you can add more if you really wanna. I might ask you edit or change something but don't take offence by it. The sheet will differ between what race and role you choose but ill add a bit of info in brackets you can read and delete.
(human beastkin or elf.
Humans are human looking,
Elves are similar but with pointed ears and they generally have blonde/red/black hair.
A light elf has pale skin and glowing blonde hair.
A dark elf had tanned/dark skin and grey/silver hair.
Beastkin is a mixed bag, the distinct difference between animal/monster and beastkin is rational sentient thought/speaking ability and standing upright. Take your best stab at art and description)

Age: (humans and most beastkin live to a max of 100 years on tasopp. Elves live to a max of 200 years.)

Personality: (describe this character from the point of view of a generic npc and how the character would describe themself.)

Appearance: (picture of some sort is needed but give a brief description anyway. Things one can notice at a glance or stare)

Gear: (what your person has on them. If you are a God sent champion your basically got enough clothes to cover your privates and a God given weapon.)

Skills/talents: (whatever they are good at)

(no one's perfect. For every two skills add one flaw.
Mind you I'll make these flaws count even if you write something that kinda isn't a flaw.
"They have a massive sweet tooth" rotten teeth, bad skin, untrustworthy twitch in their eye from sugar intake
"Edgy murderous rage no one can control or stop!" medieval fantasy Batman beats the shit out of them then arrests them
"Shows no emotions and doesnt work well with others" no one cares and they probably aren't joining the group as its filled with "others" )

(everyone bar the God sent champions have mana. Humans and beastkin have a single mana type but it's only humans who create a sword or weapon out of solid magic. A spellsword/sword breaker Is capable of using mana without drawing their weapon but in doing so it allows for more precise/stronger magic.
Beastkin is a mixed bag, generally their magic is simple in comparison to humans and elves but it doesn't mean the weakest. have a stab at it and I'll let you know if it's good or needs a edit.

elves can "borrow" two or three mana types from spirits to use whenever. To use their energy without a spirits mana results in telekinesis one can see with the naked eye, this energy is considered force magic.
When a Elf uses their energy with spirits from Nature they have a chance to turn into a light elf with all the pros and cons that comes with it.
When a Elf uses their energy with recently deceased and commits acts of violence they have a chance of turning into a dark elf with all the pros an cons that comes with it.)
(Side note, no one starts as a light or dark elf but your elf character can become one in game)
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Name: Yahno Naza
Race: human/elf
Age: 27
Yahno is a lean rugged man about 5ft9 with a head of messy silver hair. A sign of mixed blood as only dark elves have such a notable shade of hair. Like most warriors of Grudga Yahno is in great physical condition. Often appears tired or bored due to the fact he is hungover or bored.

Personality: when training to be a spellsword most viewed Yahno as a bit of a sarcastic jerk but generally nice enough to tolerate. Yahno often describes himself as "A honorable, charming young rogue wise beyond my years" but only a select few would agree with that statement.

Gear: Yahno dresses very casually, loose fitting clothes that allow mobility and speed.
The only regular weapons carried by Yahno is a sword with a sheathe and three curved throwing blades capable of tricks due to a aerodynamic shape and form. (Katana and boomerangs)
Yahno owns a herbal pipe and often has a assortment of bottles or waterpouches hanging from his belt or within pockets.
When hunting outside the walls Yahno has a bow and a quiver of arrows

Hunter/gather==the Naza clan live on the Grudga borders to teach their young quickly to survive in the wilds. Even without mana most Naza are renown hunters undaunted by beasts and monsters.
(Knowledge on flora and fauna/sneaky and accurate)

Trained warrior== the naza clan focus on winning fights via ranged stealth and ambushes via their mana. Though Yahno spent two years training in combat to pass the requirements of becoming a magic knight.
(Has been trained to fight by the magic knights academy.)

Dark savant==
The Naza clan often produced unique talents with potentially amazing mana but even among the greats, Yahno's approach to magic was different. As expected of a Sword-breaker from a young age the boy could replicate most techniques he saw from other talents in his clan.
(Considered "very good" with his mana)

Half elf==
Much like a full blooded elf Yahno has a large source of magical energy to draw upon, he is also capable of seeing spirits and souls of the deceased. As Yahno has a mana type he cannot borrow or use any from spirits.

Greedy== hates sharing, always wants alot. Food, drink, herbs, potions whatever.
Bit of a perv== loves beautiful women and cute girls, refuses to harm a female elf or human.
Half elf== Yahno has notable silver hair which is a target for those who hate elves. As a half elf Yahno can see spirits and the dead but is only able to understand the dead. Spirits are a foriegn language.
Weakness to spirits== Like all dark elves Yahno is especially weak to spirit magic.

This talent is a Sword-breaker with shadow mana,
a magic capable because of mixed heritage which blends force and dark mana to gives Yahno's magic much more weight.
What is formed: a Scythe forged from shadows.

Controlling darkness--
conjuring a shadow with physical weight and form to be thrown as a projectile capable of blinding and binding. Shape and size depends on the effort and mana used.

Shadow cloak--
During the day a act of intimidation and secrecy, at night its the same thing but makes the user much harder to see with the naked eye.

Shadow jump--
Teleportation though technically this is more falling in and out of the void via shadows in the real world. Generally used to fall in one shadow and pop out of another close by.

Optional history...
Yahno Naza was born in the small village of Serti on the border between Grudga and Wakuum. Serti was formed years ago by three respected clans... The Yatuut, the Naza and the Proudspire clan.
It is said the best talents come from Serti, living in the wilds where all manner of beasts and monsters roam make for tough living where only the strong survive. Yahno Naza was no different from any other talent in Serti apart from the fact he was a Swordbreaker, only one had came before him so being the second sword breaker of Serti was still a worthy bit of gossip.

The news came early that Yahno was special as he was only ten years old when he formed a scythe made of darkness for the purpose of cutting fruit from a tree. After a few weeks with many esteemed Naza talents it was clear that the boy was capable of much they could perform or quickly learning from visual examples alone. Most of Yahno's training was in the art of hunting... thankfully there was much to learn in the wild which kept the young boy occupied for a good number of years.
At the age of sixteen Yahno's uncle returned from the royal city and took a interest in the boys abilities. After a difficult lesson about the void was learned, Shikki groomed Yahno to be a assassin hoping to replace his role as Voidwalker for the kingdom. This was a effort that proved fruitless on both halves as Yahno could travel the void but only in a stunted and limited way compared to Shikki who had void mana capable of proper teleportation.

After three years of on and off training resulted in pretty much nothing Yahno travelled to the City of Dunwall to attempt the magic knight initiation test.
Though joining the academy in his early twenties brought about ridicule it was dismissed rather swiftly once it became obvious the man was gifted in magic and combat. However Yahno was somewhat lacking in terms of direct combat and unfamiliar magic...
The two years which should have been filled with a well rounded number of courses to build the ideal spell sword was replaced with combat training. For two years Yahno fought students, teachers, proper knights... Most of these matches were his quick victory but there was three indviduals who not only matched but managed to defeat him. A bitter reminder that he was not effortlessly the best, there is always challenge in life.
After the mandatory two years of work was done Yahno was recruited by the a faction of magic knights named the phantom blades, the blades were often sent to perform tasks on the borders between the lands and it was on the field of battle where Yahno's dark hair turned silver. Like any elf who has taken numerous lives, the chance to become a dark elf is there. Yahno's body underwent changes simiilar to that.

Yahno was exiled from the phantom blades for being a dark elf, or half elf... doesn't matter to much. Believing he would be arrested for returning to Dunwall and assuming his clan would disown him for having the title of knight taken away... Yahno roamed the lands until finding the town of Firmalt. While he was allowed inside the town many were quick to distrust or dismiss the man due to prejudices and hatred of other races.
After six months of selling animal and monster goods Yahno became somewhat accepted by the population.

As a sword breaker Yahno is one of the famous/known warriors of Firmalt, often called upon for dangerous jobs instead of sending for aid from Dunwall. When God sent champions arrived in the towns church Yahno was one of the people hired by Duke Furler to be a guide to these new souls.
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Name: Yuri GreyThorn
Race: Human
Age: 32

Personality: Generally friendly, but distant in some sort of way that isn't directly obvious.

Auburn hair, emerald-green eyes, and a constant glare. He stands at a massive 6'4" and built with a fighter-like body.

Gear: A single broadsword, Trench-coat reaching down to his ankles and apair of fire-resistant gloves

Talented sword fighter
Large amounts of strength
Fire Manipulation

Hesitation to kill
Reacts before thinking

Mana: Pyrokinesis, specifically phoenix fire. It is really powerful and hot, and has gold and black flames. He also creates a second sword of of this fire as a general offensive boost.
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