Chronicles of a Water Bender *8* Character Sheets


Sass Queen






(Only one)







*8*My Characters*8*


Karisa Mila Cole















Kendra Elise Roanne














*8*Extra Info*8*

Map of The World


Special Characters

Water Kingdom Special Characters

King *8*

Queen *8*

Princes/Princesses *8*

Others *8*

Fire Kingdom Special Characters

King *8*

Queen *8*

Princes/Princesses *8*

Others *8*

Earth Kingdom Special Characters

King *8*

Queen *8*

Princes/Princesses *8*

Others *8*

Air Kingdom Special Characters

King *8*

Queen *8*

Princes/Princesses *8*

Others *8*


Lillie Ryu *8* Played By iLozer



Lillie Ryu






Avatar (Main--Water)


Add later.




Will finish later.

I'll join, it sounds cool, give me a few minutes to fill it out

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Iliana Gaelen

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Element: Earth


Personality: Quiet, keeps to herself a lot. She is very friendly though, and likes to meet new people. She is not shy, just not talkative is all. She is usually found wandering around by herself.

History: (Find out later)


--- Merged Double Post ---,color:orange,color:sand,face,girl,illustration,manga-cab722f99804146a5bea2ffd91263913_m.jpg

My link decided to randomly put a happy face >_>
Name: Shoryu Shingu

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Element: Earth


Personality: Lazy, yet loves to fight.

History: Shoryu was born in the Earth country, where he learned the ways of Earth bending. He also trained proficiently with a sword, wishing to become the premier warrior of his tribe. That is, until a rogue traveler came. The rogue slaughtered his entire tribe and scarred Shoryu, blinding him in his right eye. Since then, he's trained harder and harder in both bending and his swordsmanship.

His sword, Tsuchi.
Name: Raven

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Element: Fire


Personality: she has a fiery personality, no pun intended. She is set off easily but underneath all her anger and hate she is just scared to be alone forever. She has abandonement issues and never lets herself get close to or become emotionally attached to anyone.

History: Her family sent her away (not disowning, so she is still technically theirs, they just didn't want her in their house) when she was born, just because she had been born a girl when they wanted a boy. It was a stupid reason, but for some reason they still did it. New parents took her in, but they too eventually abandoned her at age ten. She changed her name to Raven and went out on her own. She hasn't trusted anyone since. She doesn't know the reason that her parents wouldn't want her, unless they were trying to keep her a secret. But they got rid of her, because she was born into a royal family who had to have a son as their oldest child in order to carry on their family name. Since she was born female, her family had to keep her a secret, so they sent her to live with another family.

other: she is learning to channel lightning as well as use fire
((I could have it so Raven was born into royalty, but they sent her away because they needed a son to carry on their name. So she would be royalty but not know it.))
((I changed Raven's bio so she would be royalty, but no one knows it, not even her. She can find out about it all later on))
(( Yeah, it was there and then I refreshed the page and it was like it was deleted or something ))
yeah it really does belong in fandom, i wondered why you made it in the other forum, but glad u did since i wouldnt have found it here. sorry for any misspellings or whatever im on my ipod xD

Name: Arlen Moana

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Element: Water

(Only one)

Appearance: posted below

Personality: He is a strong, brave, courageous warrior. Since his parents died in a tragic plague that swept the tribes when he was five his Uncle had run the kingdom. However now it is time for him to step forward and take over. He is very protective of those he loves especially his sister Anat.

History:Posted above

Other: Prince/soon to be King

Name: Anat Moana

Age: 15

Gender: female

Element: Water

(Only one)

Appearance: Posted below

Personality: Kind, Loyal, Quiet, Trusting

History: She barely knew her parents are therefore doesn't miss them much. Anat is of marrying age and despises the number of suitors that her Uncle picks out. Arlen also hates these guys. SHe goes everywhere with her Polar Dog Maris

Other: Maris:

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OMG. Avatar is my fav show, I can't wait for Korra. I know there's already a few water benders, but it's my element, I've used water bending in so many rps its not even funny. So here I go.

Name: Narra Candor (Nar-ah)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Element: Water--Avatar

Appearance: Carmel, deeply tanned skin. Chin length, dark brown hair that shines with streaks of indigo when it catches the light just right. Piercing, ice blue eyes, ringed with a cadet blue. Tall, lean, athletic frame. She honors her Water Nation heritage by dressing in their traditional clothing--since its hard to deny the obvious because of her physical traits native to her nation--she wears (basically what Sokka, with a sleeve-less tunic over tight long-sleeved garment that hooks around her middle finger, tapped wrists, knee-high bound boots, and a traditional Water Tribe necklace.

Personality: Highly independent, defiant, and strong-willed. She doesn't let anyone push her around or step on her. Stands up for what is right. Her methods may be questionable, is a disciplined fighter--she uses her hands as much as her bending. She is open-mined and thoughtful. Though she despises it, she has a knack for diplomacy--as well as trouble sometimes--as a result of her formal upbringing.
She has acquired lots of experience; however, her pride gets in her way sometimes.

History: Narra was born into a higher class family. Her father being one of the many on the board of advisors to he King, so ever since she was young was was learned in the ways of a proper young woman. Essentially a nobody, in the eyes of the world, she grew up rich and spoiled--but it was very much the opposite.Being restricted by the strick code of aristocratic conduct gave her a rebellus and independent streak. Narra saw things differently, she saw so many things that could have been changed for the better; but, being a woman, even at the elbow of her father--though as low as he is on the board--she was never taken seriously. It was a trait inspired and nurtured by her mother. Her mother knew that someday, things would be unsettling--as the pattern of time and war shown through history--politics were getting edgy, and her mother decided her prepare her daughter for the future, organizing secret and private defense classes. Narra was originally trained to use her hands, and came to learn to rely on that. It wasn't until later when she developed her bending skills. It wasn't set in stone through her family tree that she would have elemental influence, as a stray water bender would pop up every few generations. So adapting and applying her new-found skill to those she had already learned and continually learning and improving as much as she possibly can. Aristocratic life irritated her. She had no freedom to do what she liked and was cooped up in the palace almost all the time. She couldn't stand being stuffed into frilly girl's clothes (dresses in general) and the politics of it all.When she was twelve she finally decided to gain her own freedom--as ephemeral as it was--she would secretly dress up as a boy and go off around town and do the things she pleased.

Other: She is of the Northern Water Tribe.

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14hca14 I didn't know which tribe your charries were from, but if it's North, then I'll change mind to South :)


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