• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy 𝒞𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓃𝒾𝒸𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝐸𝓁𝒹𝓇𝒾𝒹𝒶 (CS Thread)



Two Thousand Club
Prior to creating your character, be sure to head to the "Rules" tab and review the rules first. This is so that I know you have read and understand the rules prior to creating your character(s) and understand what you will be required to do for making your character and for posting.

Thank you again for your patience and your interest into this roleplay!

I hope you will all have fun!​

  • Character Sheet
    Appearance: (What does your character look like? If you have multiple forms, make sure to add them all)

    Name: (What is your character's name?)

    Age: (How old is your character?)

    Gender: (What gender is your character?)

    Race: (Be sure to read the rules about this.)

    Role: (What role do you play? Mercenary? Bounty Hunter, First Mate, etc.)

    Member of the S.S Infinity: (Yes or no. Be sure to explain how you came to be apart of the crew if you choose 'yes'.)

    Distinguishing Features: (Is there anything on your character that would help identify them?)

    Sexuality: (What gender does your character find attractive?)

    Height: (How tall is your character)

    Weight: (How much does your character weigh?)

    Backstory: (What shaped your character to how they are today? No less than a paragraph.)

    Weapon: (What weapon does your character use for a weapon? 2 Max.)

    Abilities: (What did the Eternum crystals give you as a power at birth? These can range up to be anything you want. Just be sure to remember to add weaknesses to each of your abilities. The more powerful the ability, the strongest the weakness must be to compensate for it. For example, if you can shoot fireballs from your hand, a weakness you might have is that the stronger or bigger the fireball the more you will be burned yourself as well. 3Max.)

    Talents: (Does your character possess any particular talents special to them; such as hacking into computers, crafting, etc.)

    Hobbies: (What does your character do in their spare time?)

    Theme: (Optional) (What music defines your character?)

    Other: (Optional)(Anything else you might want to add.)
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    • Azure Hitch
      • Helmsman, human, transmale, Demisexual
    • Cypher Riggs
      • Engineer, human, demiboy, Bisexual
    • Eloise 'Atlas' Baran
      • Church Paladin, human, female
    • Shohei
      • Shrine Guardian, Human, Male
    • Shion Ballard-Dragan
      • Rebel Member, human, male, pansexual
    • Raijin
      • ???, merfolk, male, pansexual
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Gaberial De'Sardet

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    Member of the S.S Infinity:
    Yes. After meeting Captain Edward when their ship had docked for supplies they spoke to one another. Before he knew it Gaberial was brought along into the crew.

    Distinguishing Features:
    Gaberial's most notable features would be his long fiery red hair and his crimson eyes. Along with natural features, Gaberial's attire is usually expensive and well-tailored clothing, making him stick out like a sore thumb in low-class environments.


    Height: 5'11

    Weight: 140lbs​
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Cornelia Card

Age: "A vigorous but teetering-on-the-brink-of-elderly 23."

Gender: "Woman, thank you."

Race: "You may mistake me for something more ethereal, but I am the peak of human perfection."

Role: "Chief Gunnery Officer, as no other could do my job as well as I."

Member of the S.S. Infinity: "Why, of course, I am a member of the S.S. Infinity! In fact, after a brief inspection of his cannons, he had me hired on the spot. It may have also been because if he didn't, that dock wouldn't be accepting his ship anymore. Unrelated circumstances, of course."

Distinguishing Features: "I do believe that if you did not find my manner of dress, or naturally strawberry hair, or my manner of speech to be distinguishing, then perhaps you should go back to scrubbing the decks?"

Sexuality: "Exceptionally attractive people, that's who I find attractive. Men with standards, and the decency to be willing to do hard work, and look good while doing it. Or fine women of high society, either work, I'll be wearing the pants in both types of relationships."

Height: "An imposing 4'9" Fear me."

Weight: "You'd be best reconsidering asking this of me."

Backstory: "A full history? You want a full history? Too bad. I only have patience for a brief history. You should've brought whiskey if you wanted me to wax lyrical about myself.

Let's see... I was born to my family's business enterprise, Card Ballistics. We made guns. We still make guns, actually! Don't let me forget about that, that'll be important to the story later. Anyways, I was an only child, since my mother couldn't bother to go through the 'miracle of birth' again, and they weren't going to sully our name by adopting a mere commoner. My father wanted a boy when I was born. Gruff man, made all the old designs himself, modern designs are usually innovations of the things he made back in his youth. Never knew what to do with a child, and my mother often was much too busy at galas or other parties to take notice of me, so my butler Rosencrantz did most of the dirty work until I could talk.

When I could talk, he ensured manners were the first thing I learned before anything else. 'Manners maketh the woman' and all that. When I could hold a rifle, did my father finally step into my life, doing his best to fashion me into the son he wished I was. At least he was willing to acknowledge me, and didn't want me dead, he reminded me of that quite a bit.

Regardless, his work enthralled me. The inner workings, the mechanics of firing a bullet with dust and an ignition, were truly magical, and then eternum was introduced into the equation and you have a revolution in the world of guns! For a while, that was life for me. Never really seeing my mother who was undoubtedly seeing other men, quietly enjoying firearms by myself, my father forcing the idea of legacy down my throat, and enjoying the high life. Then, at the age of 19, I figured that I might want more for myself. The old man hardly saw me as anything else than a future investment, and he was old after all. My mother was in her early 30s when I was born, and my father was in his 50s. By now, he was on the verge of... kicking the proverbial bucket.

Why wait? It's not like Mother would care, and nobody would know if I did it the right way.

Looking back on it, the train of thought may have been a little greedy at the time. Just a little greedy, but could you have ignored the allure? I doubt it. He was simply rolling in the riches, and letting his wife spend it on whatever frivolous activities she wanted.

I just didn't think that he'd actually be prepared for such a thing. Foolish! I know, but I was younger and less experienced than I am now. Long story short, all of his newer weapons won't fire at him, full stop. After a bit of cat and mouse through the city, Rosencrantz helped me onto the deck of the S.S. Infinity, and after smoothly convincing the captain to hire me for my abilities and expertise, I've been flying free as a bird ever since. Believe you me, I skipped out on a few important parts, but that's all I can spare without a drink, oh-so-sorry for you."


Weapon: "Ah, you finally ask me about THESE beauts!"

"THIS here is the Fair Lady. A typical rangefinder rifle, but with a crystal within to power it. It can reach an effective range of 1,800 meters and has little kick. This is my preferred weapon of choice, either in my hands or over my shoulder. It has the special property of guiding the user's aim. Very useful."

"And of course, we can't forget the Clingy Wench, for when my target gets too close and doesn't want to break off the relationship. It's a rather powerful pistol with a kick to it too. It uses rather mundane munitions in the form of bullets rather than magic, as it provides a very different way to deal with my enemies than the first.


Animating Energies: "I've practiced the art of making items do as they're supposed to. With a wave of my hand, I can make an item perform its specified task in a limited manner. Cannons can fire, load themselves, then fire again. Certain items require a menial to operate them, the cannons in my example need to be aimed. This does mean that I can fire my pistol and expend all of its ammunition, holster it, and on my command, it will reload itself if it has the necessary components to reload. Of course, I am limited on the number of items I can perform this on, 10 by the way, and others can't be wielding the item if it can be held in one hand. User input typically drains the energy I’m putting into it, even if unintentional."

Rigidity: "I also can lock things in place, binding them to an anchor object. This effectively makes most things able to float in the air or temporarily bind some items together. It's not an adhesive, and it's very temporary, usually only lasting for a few minutes or until I choose to break my focus. I typically use this to hold my Fair Lady around my person, usually floating above my left shoulder for me to mount somewhere else or to leave it where it is. Due to the Fair Lady's special properties, it can usually draw a bead to a target by itself."

Warding: "Simply put, it's shielding. Armor is for peasants who can't conjure their own means of defense, and therefore I refuse to wear it. It was one of the first things I learned when I was enrolled in the academy. Usually, I project it as a thin layer around my skin that can usually stop most non-magical means of harm or most projectiles. Therefore, if you were paying attention, most magical melee weapons would be able to pierce my wards, but that means I'd have to smell your no doubt terrible breath, which I'd never allow. I can project it as a physical object, like a dome or a shield, but it can come in larger sizes as well, about the size of one of the larger masts. I can only keep something that big up for a few seconds at a time, and it's exhausting to do so, but I can protect my person without much thought for about two hours."


Talents: "Marksmanship, leadership, gunsmithing, inventory management, upper-class upbringing, need I say more? I am the chief gunnery officer for good reason."

Hobbies: "Reading, mostly. I don't... I don't really do much else, frankly, if it isn't work. I used to have friends to drink tea with, we'd talk about books that we've read and whatnot, but that's the past." "Singing too, I guess. Parents tried to make me an opera singer when I was 7, then a violinist. They threw a fit when I learned the guitar, and then music just fell out of my life. So be it"



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Name: “Sylvia Parker, but ‘Parker’ is sufficient.”

Age: 35

Gender: Woman

Race: Human (but is secretly a homunculus)

Role: Scholar — Studied humanities, but her fields of specialty consists of history and archeology.

Member of the S.S Infinity: Yes. Parker left her professor position, bored of its many limits, and chose to become an antiques/artefact dealer for a short while. Parker’s wealth of knowledge enabled her to identify between precious and artificial, and her keen eye has taken her to multiple places across the world. But this wasn’t fulfilling. A deep longing in her to know the mystery of Eternum, her origins, and finding a solution to her predicament was growing. She saw an opportunity in Captain Edward, a kindred spirit who also searched for answers. She intervened his interaction with a vendor at a market, where the vendor was trying to sell him an artefact that promised him answers. Parker identified its true nature as a fake. Eventually, Parker found herself apart of the crew as their resident scholar to aid her new captain in search for answers, as well as her own, and even acts as a the crew’s support on the battlefield.

Distinguishing Features: Misty grey eyes that are a bit too hollow if one stares long enough. Thanks to this Parker developed a habit of not looking into people’s eyes unless it’s to purposely unnerve them.

Sexuality: Heterosexual, but many joke about Parker being married to her work or to her “dusty collection of old knickknacks.”

Height: 5’3”

Weight: 50kg

Backstory: Parker remembers little of her childhood. She only remembered being an unnamed orphan, and then being sold to become a servant to nobility. Her most prominent memory is a voice of a man, who she vaguely remembered was named ‘Sylvan’, and a blue glow, telling her, “you are a homunculus, my dear girl, made to serve.”

Parker guessed that was her father, if she could call him that. Was it the warm voice? Or how fondly she felt when she remembered the memory? But why was she left alone on the steps of an orphanage with no name? Why did she not feel angry as she should?

Unsure of how to make sense of her past, Parker followed where her master lead her. She discovered early on how she had a penchant for knowledge, and is fascinated by how the world works, but more so of its past. Parker would sneak books out of her master’s library, and her intelligence rewarded her with a governess position. Nameless as a servant, it was only then she was asked for a name, and Parker settled on ‘Sylvia Parker’ after the man in her memory and a notable figure in the books she read. Years of educating noble’s children as well as growing her own knowledge eventually bored Parker. Wanting more, Parker left to study at the academy. She wasn’t their best student surprisingly, as she’d often do her own self-study with the resources the academy had, its curriculum not enough to quench her thirst.

Unfortunately for her, it wasn’t enough. But through the academy Parker discovered she had abilities all along, but its peculiar nature held her back from fully sharing it. She had one companion whom she grew to treasure—a fellow student who shared her immense curiosity. Together, they delved into the history of the world, but ended up in shadier dealings.

Parker was led to the world of antiques dealing, where she met all sorts of criminals in the trade, from thieves to fences, and even participated in said activities as she was able to gain more knowledge than legal means. Parker graduated the academy with proper control over her abilities, and continued life in the illegal antiquities trade.

Eventually, the auction house (that housed said criminals) Parker worked in was brought down by authorities. Parker was offered immunity if she testified against them and revealed the whereabouts of its hidden goods, to which Parker agreed to, and even became a consultant for the authorities for a while. This earned her attention in the historian community, and she was even invited to speak at various universities and academies regarding Eldridan antiquities.

Despite all this, Parker felt incomplete, and still is determined to go to the ends of the world to find the answers she seeks.

Weapon: “I—erm, am not proficient in combat. I do have experience in marksmanship from my time underground but otherwise, nothing remarkable. I keep a Luger in hand, from that time in my life.”

Eternum-powered Luger. Thanks to Parker’s ability, Parker doesn’t need to replace the crystal as her own body acts as one, but it’s preferable to replace the crystal so she won’t waste her own energy.

Abilities: Parker has the ability to store energy, most specifically the kind from Eternum crystals. Parker can act as a sort of battery for both Eternum-powered machines and even other ability wielders through physical contact, providing as much magic as she has stored in her. While she can’t use the large amount of energy in however way she wants, it’s enabled Parker to fly, mimicking what Eternum crystals do for landmasses. Parker is unable to manifest any other ability for herself other than that. To prevent her abilities being exposed in fear of examination into her true nature, Parker disguised her powers as flight and energy manipulation. If Parker totally depletes the energy she stored up, she’ll pass out and won’t function again until exposed to Eternum crystals. As an artificial human being, Parker is like a machine, and needs Eternum crystals’ power inside her to function.

Talents: Ballroom dancing, scientific illustration, cleaning, child-rearing, and cooking.

Hobbies: Reading, journaling (in reality she’s just writing reports and articles), visiting museums, cloud gazing, gardening, and going on walks.

Theme(s): Hanazeve Caradhina / Viator
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Nubian Creste - [nyoo·bee·uhn]
Creste; Sunwalker; Lookout; The Darkbane Djinn; Nubian of Star Clan

Race : Djinn
Gender : Male
Age : 227
Height : 6'3"
Weight : N/A
Sexuality : Pan - Gender doesn't really come into it.
Voice : Idris Elba - 3000 Years of Longing.
S.S. Crew : Yes - Creste was picked up by Captain Ishikawa while on his pilgrimage across Eldrida's skies. His interest in the ship and the people on it led him to stay.

Role : Lookout / Scout
Distinguishing Features : Djinns have very striking features, Creste's family being tall and dark-skinned. Most notable is his curly hair, which many find exotic in an attractive fashion. When photosynthesizing golden energy flows beneath his skin and towards his chest.
Relations : Star Clan - Creste's village and home of his birth-family, consisting of 46 Star Djinn. | Captain Ishikawa - The Captain came across Creste X years ago while on a pilgrimage of experience. After talking for some time Creste agreed to board the ship and continue his quest among the crew.

Personality :
Creste is a peaceful, soft-spoken Djinn, like many of his clan. With a calm temperament and boundless patience, he enjoyed the stories and cultures he'd heard from his village and hopes to experience these places for himself. He is still learning to be creative and insightful, attempting action over reaction. His approach to others is always straight-forward and honest, though he chooses not to reveal too much of his own abilities for fear of his weaknesses. He often appears reserved or quiet at times, in some ways seeming ponderous and incomplete with thought. But he is brave in the face of danger if it means honouring a deal or protecting a friend.

Biography :

As a Djinn born of light, Creste spent his first century training basic discipline with his elemental abilities. He learned to master control over his form, then to manifest light into magical techniques capable of wondrous feats. Ready to protect himself, he had become eager to discover the sights and senses of the far corners of Eldrida. etc

His parents taught him compassion and kindness, as well as humility and determination.


Gear :
General description.
  • A few things
  • If necessary
  • Otherwise delete

Abilities :
Photokinesis - The fundamental ability all Star Djinn possess to control light. Other than the basic manipulations of the self, Creste can only use a few of its applications. Overuse of any of these abilities will cause a Djinn to dim and eventually enter a low-power mode, wherein they revert to immobile Eternum crystals.

  • The generation and manipulation of one's light energy. Aside from the basic Djinn techniques, Creste has learned to apply his Personal Light for offensive and defensive use.

    • Photokinetic Combat - By collecting and ionizing photons, Creste can energize his physical attacks to move at high-speed and with greater impact. Inversely, this can also be used as a barrier to protect himself from harm. While effective, Creste does not have much stamina for this.
    • Lightspeed - A limited blink is achieved by energising Creste's body and moving it at high speed to a point. It is not considered teleportation however, as he cannot pass through solid matter. Creste also cannot use it often due to its high-energy consumption.
    • Light Pressure - Creste's final escape plan. After generating enormous amounts of light energy, Creste expels it in great quantities slowly to blind and crush his surroundings in a 15ft radius. He has only needed it once in his life, and many Djinn have burnt out and died after using it.

Misc :
Creste's greatest fear, like any Star Djinn, is to be confined in a dark space. If he cannot taste the sun, he shall die.
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Tiana Evermore





First Mate

Member of the S.S Infinity:
Yes, she hired to steal from Red but when she realized it was her old childhood friend they reconnected and he introduced her to his crew he was with. Along with that she ended up finding out their first mate was actually betraying them. When she discovered this and stopped whatever information he was about give the crew offered her to join them as their new first mate. It took a little bit of convincing but she did. She's been with them for about 15 months now.

Distinguishing Features:
piercing red eyes




Tiana was born into a very rich and noble family and Tiana never felt like she fitted in with them. When she was younger she was a very shy and sweet young girl. Wouldn't hurt a fly. She was quite talented as well. She could paint, play the piano and sing. But even so for some reason she never seemed to get the praise her older sister did. It was very clear her parents favored her sister over her. She was never good enough. While her sister was outgoing and very social. Tiana was the opposite she was very socially awkward. She preferred to stay at home and read. She even started to do her own writing which she enjoyed immensely. Tiana was bullied a lot by other girls, especially by her older sister. She only had one friend, Gaberial who she very close with. She also a had crush on him though she never admitted to it. The only other person that seemed to understand her was Tiana's Grandmother. She was the light in Tiana's life until her she died. She had gotten sick and couldn't get better. Which sent Tiana into a terrible depression. It didn't help that her parents continued to berate and call her worthless. Her sister and the other girls continued to tease and bully her and until one day Tiana snapped.

Tiana never thought she had powers. Her sister did OF COURSE. But not Tiana which added to why her parents saw her sister as the perfect child. But one day while at home Tiana and her sister had gotten into a argument. Normally Tiana was quiet and never spoke back but, for the first time ever she actually went off on her and when her parents got involved they of course took her older sister's side. She found herself surrounded by them being yelled at with words being thrown at her until finally she screamed for everyone to shut up and suddenly everything went black. She had only been out for a few seconds but when she came to all she could see were flames surrounding her. Tiana made it out of the house and watched as the flames just consumed it. She assumed her family didn't make it that night. After a min she turned around and ran never looking back. Tiana was 13 years old and homeless. From then on life didn't get easier in some cases it was downright a nightmare.

Tiana was in shock just how bad a lot people had it. She had lived in a completely different world. Very quickly Tiana had to adapt to living in the lower class. And the people she felt sorry for when she became one of them she soon came to hate. Lower class or not they weren't better then anyone else or deserved any better in her eyes. Though not everyone she met was awful. Tiana had to teach herself how to fight. She got beat up a lot growing up in the lower class and she witness a lot of violence that went on. she new she had to protect herself and she she worked on her powers as well. Because of all her experiences Tiana would have nightmares they weren't every night but they happened more then she would have liked. they only got worse unfortunately when she met man named, Joseph Morgan.

When Tiana was 18 she basically became a hired thief she stole things for money for the nobility. She was also paid to spy and get information. She made a decent amount money out of it. It was interesting to see just how two-faced people actually were. Most of the time she didn't get people coming back to her repeatedly very rarely would she get the same person twice. But there was one person that would repeatedly hire her. Joseph Morgan. Though the more she worked with him the more uncomfortable she became. It would be from the way he stared at her or how uncomfortable close he would get. Even the comments he made which seemed innocent Tiana couldn't help but feel creeped out. After while she decided she wouldn't do anymore jobs for him and she gave him a piece of her mind, he didn't seem to take that well but she had been rid of him for good or so she thought.

Confused and dazed Tiana woke up in a unfamiliar room. Though it reminded her of her old home. That's when she noticed someone else was in the room. Or maybe they had just walked in? She wasn't sure. Her brain was still all foggy and her eyesight was quite clear. As they began to approach she recognized his face, Joseph. "You know....I'm a very patient man. I'm willing to wait to get the things I want. But there are times when people want to be difficult so I have to take matters into my own hands. Like you for example, I was willing to play the long game but you just...had to make it difficult...." He was now currently staring down at her as he spoke and Tiana was becoming more and more aware of the situation as the fog cleared from her mind. Joseph then turned the chair, she was tied to, around and her eyes widen at what she saw. It was painting of her blown up over his fireplace. "Beautiful isn't it. As you know I like beautiful things. I have to them." He walked from behind her chair and took a few steps forward to look at the painting. "And you my dear are one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen." He turned around to look at her. Tiana rolled her eyes. "Yeah sure wonder how many women you've said that to." He walked up to her with a smirk on his face. "Many but you will be the jewel in my collection." Tiana eyes widen at that. "You kidnap women for your collection?!" He grinned, "Not all of them. Some come willingly and are treated like a queen. On the other hand there are others who have to learn some respect. And you my dear I plan on making my crown jewel. Except unfortnally you lack respect." He walked up to her and gave her a gentle smile. "But don't worry that'll be fixed in no time." He walked passed her getting ready to exist the room but suddenly spoke up again. "Now don't bother to try to escape while I'm gone. It won't work. You see not only are you not strong enough to get out of those restraints but that chair and the restraints are fire proof. Your never living my lovely Tiana so do try to make this new home of yours a lovely stay or I'm afraid it will quickly become your worst nightmares."

She trapped there for year before she could escape and unfortunately she never would forget the mental and physical abuse she went through it came out in her nightmares almost every night. Six months later she soon found herself joining a pirate crew. And it quickly started to feel like home. Though she may admit it she's come to like it there a lot.


Tia has fire powers which can be quite strong but though they can be strong they can be a danger to her and people around her if she loses control with her anger. Her fire powers seem to be connected to her rage she doesn't need rage to use them but them more angered she is the more out of control they become. The goal is to keep them in check no matter how in raged she might be but unfortunately she's hasn't quite mastered that. She also can't lose her fire when she's really scared. Fear seems to snuff out her flames.

Good with animals


Sabrina White




None yet

Member of the S.S Infinity:

Distinguishing Features:

Doesn't know yet

3'7" (115.5cm)

44.0 lb.

Sabrina's personality is beyond words. She has a very crazy and hyper personality, making her very energetic. Though she has her heart in the right place, she's quite oblivious about matters that involve the bigger picture of things and lacks knowledge in some areas. Sabrina's constantly has a deep sense of right or wrong and will go to extremes to correct situations if they are involving those she is close to. She has a habit of picking up stray animals, even though she never gets to keep them. She's the type to make sacrifices when it comes to those dear to her. In spite of her naive nature, she is very peculiar about not hurting anyone around her. Sabrina is also a very deep sleeper she can sleep through practically anything.

As a baby Sabrina was abandon by her mother on a park bench. She was a noble teenage girl who ended up pregnant. She managed to keep it a secret and after she had the baby she abandon her and never looked back. Sabrina happened to be found by Azure the next morning. Though he wasn't able to pick her up right away. When he approached the Sabrina started crying scared and small round force field appeared around her. Sabrina ended up being raised on the ship. She see's Azure as her big brother and is quite attached to him along with gramps.


Force-Field Generation - There's lot that can be done with her powers but Sabrina is still learning the basics of what her powers can do. She can create force fields big and small but the bigger they are the more energy it takes. She can also able to form "armor" out of force-fields for protection and physical boost.

Still discovering








Member of the S.S Infinity:

Distinguishing Features:
Grass like hair.
The entirety of her eyes are green
And she had two flowers growing out of her head.

(Possibly can change during rp)



Invisible to the human eye is an island and hidden with in the island is a race of people long thought lost. Here they live and thrive. They are content and happy and could wish for nothing more for they live in paradise but there is one girl who can't help but wonder what lies outside their bubble. For she hears of old stories and knows of the dangers but can't help but be curious of it all. But it matters not for she can not leave the island for it has a barrier which one can not pass. Though unknowing to her and her people the barrier has weakened and its only a matter of time before they are accidently discovered.


Plant Manipulation: She can control plant life but she can not just make it appear ot of thin air or make it pop out of a seed. This power is also very draining especially if your not use to using all the time. In Honeyrose case she'd be drained out pretty quick when trying to fight when using her power cause she's not use to it. This can get better as time goes on but it won't be fast. You can tell how much energy she's using by her hair which the color begins to dull the longer she uses her powers. Once she's all rest up her hair is back to the bright green. It's good indicator to when she needs to stop and rest.

Sewing/Making clothes
She's a really good/strong Swimmer.

Does Day dreaming count? She's been doing a lot of that recently.
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    - male & masculine pronouns
    -gay & panromantic
    - coastal reef ( betta fish ) merfolk
    - twenty-eight

    -male & masculine pronouns
    - bisexual & demiromantic
    - arctic ( great white ) merfolk
    - twenty-four

    - male & masculine pronouns
    - gay & demiromantic
    - deep sea ( tiger shark ) merfolk
    - twenty-seven
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  • Woq4Kjo.jpg

    Name: Ella Brooks

    Real Name: Princess Isaella of Aradia

    Age: 23

    Birthday: August 28th

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Role: Navigator

    Member of the S.S Infinity: Yes

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    About Her

    Height: 5'5

    Weight: 124

    Distinguishing Features: Her vibrant eyes, the Royal Brand on her back

    Hobbies: Adventuring, Sightseeing, Thrill-seeking

    How did she become a member of the Infinity:
    Ella originally sought out the Infinity after running away to go on her own adventure in order to help deliver a message to a prisoner who she was close to and learned how to navigate from a prisoner named Aliya. She had found the ship just over a year ago planning to give her message and the family heirloom only to get cold feet. With the role of navigator open, Ella took the role having knowledge and some personal experience navigating her way around as a way to get around 'undetected' and to hopefully one day get the courage to finally give the heirloom she promised to give her child.

    Ella can be a very free-spirited and playful woman. She seeks absolute freedom as much as is possible able to do whatever makes her heart happy. She can be a bit of a tomboy particularly in her youth, though as she has grown older she has embraced more of her feminine side. She has a rather strong moral code, one that doesn't necessarily always follow what the laws might be. She wishes for people to be as free as people can be and as such greatly opposes those who might take such freedom from them. She isn't able to stand the idea of someone suffering, feeling a burden on herself in order to try to fix the problem even if such a fix is impractical.

    She has a tendency of enjoying the act of teasing others, finding great joy in doing so much to the chagrin of some. She can be a bit arrogant and prideful at times, often getting ahead of herself. She can be incredibly stubborn when her mind is set on something. Her adventurous side has a tendency to also cause her to act in risky ways often putting the idea of 'fun' over being safe. She isn't one to shy away from a fight finding some enjoyment in them, even if despite the appearance of her blade she is actually rather careful and opposed to taking a life so long as it is feasible. She can be rather blunt at times not realizing how bad things she says might come off as bad. She can be perhaps a bit of a bad influence encouraging bad ideas.

    Ella does hold herself responsible for a good bit of deeds she contributes herself being the cause of. Her carelessness can often put others in danger which often she is reluctant to take responsibility for, even when she knows she is at fault. She can become rather sheepish when it comes to apologizing. Despite her confident and strong appearances, she feels rather trapped being the princess and potential heir as she is not wishing to leave her adventuring life behind her. Her rather carefree attitude at times can sometimes get in the way of her own responsibilities.

    Early Years

    Born the princess of Aradia, daughter of King Galadrial the 3rd and Queen Erevan. From the day of her birth Isaella laid within a golden cradle. She lived a rather lavish childhood being given many great gifts and her needs tailored to being watched over by dozens of servants. She was always treated with such reverence, giving the girl a sense of grandeur. It was as if the very world catered to her every need and she relished in it. The little child being a bit of a brat at times seeing what things she could get away with. A bit of her rebellious nature even as a toddler showing as she would tempt things doing as she pleased.

    Entering into her childhood, the role of a princess was finally put on her. She was actively tutored and taught the ways of being prim and proper. It built a certain bit of resentment as she found her little demands were left suddenly ignored as she was made to do as she was meant to as a proper princess. It only encouraged her in ways to sneak around and go against the grain often scolded for doing so. For her, she found enjoyment in pushing the boundaries a little showing a personality trait with her mother and her own headstrong demeanor. It was only upon seeing one of the servants being punished for her purposely knocking over and breaking a priceless artifact did Isaella realize just how her actions had some consequences that effected others.

    Isaella dragged her heels though whole way though she began to do more as she was told. Her little tirades fading shortly after turning six when she learned to be crafty. She would do her little studies though rather then acting up, She began to be more clever sneaking out instead to poke her nose around. If she acted up outside the watchful eyes of her father or the servants charged with watching her, no one would get in trouble. Even as such a young child she would find her way in various places, even managing to slip out of the castle a few times on her own.

    It was through this she had found her way not far from the barracks of which she encountered a knight who caught sight of her. She had begged him to keep it quiet and after some hesitation, the knight agreed, allowing her to watch him continue his training. It had sparked a love for the sword finding the idea of holding a sword and becoming like those pirates in the stories one of the maids read to her (although in the case of the story protrayed as 'evil', her young mind finding the freedom and adventure of it all fascinating). It lead to her begging to learn how to swing the sword which once more... the knight was reluctant before finally agreeing so long as she kept it quiet and it was under her 'orders' not to tell anyone.

    As the years passed and Isaella got older, her lessons became more tedious. While Isaella wasn't a dumb girl, she wasn't the type like her mother who was very invested in learning. It made the princess much more restless as she found more chances of which she could sneak away wanting to see more. The more she snuck out, the more her curiosity sparked up. It got to the point Isaella would find her way out of the castle on a near daily basis. At this point she had found a very safe way in which to slip free undetected and wander around disguising herself away (in some part cloaking her appearance, though as clever as she thought it to be, it didn't take much though to realize she was trying to cover herself up a bit.

    It was through one of her little escapades as normal that Isaella found her way in the more shady part of the city. Quite far from the safety of the upper quarts. It was such a 'chaotic' mess as she saw it. While things were far from glamorous, she felt a certain attraction to it all. It hadn't been the first time out this far, though she had been more daring then normal. Finding her way into a tavern full of what would be considered by her 'peers' as 'unsavory' folk, she had snuck around poking her nose around. While many brushed her side as a young child not to care about, she had come upon a young couple who seemed much more friendly.

    The curious Isaella was inundate with various stories about their adventures. It left the girl eager asking for more and more. It was through these stories she learned of the fact the couple had a daughter a few years younger then herself. It was something that left the girl rather giddy imagining such a life sailing through the skies seeing various places living what she viewed it on a whim in one long storybook adventure. It left Isaella to lose track of time, ultimately being questioned after by the woman named Aliya about her parents and her home. As reluctant as she was, it left Isaella saying a hasty farewell before darting out of the tavern.

    It was on her attempt to walk home that she had been stopped and grabbed by one of the patrons of the tavern who had recognized her to be Princess Isaella. She tried fighting back kicking and screaming though there was little she was able to do against the man being the little girl she was. It was only due to the watchful eye of Aliya and Kaito, the couple from the tavern, who saw the man following her out that she was saved. Unfortunately, it had lead to a large scene drawing in the guards who were quick to put blame on the couple accusing them of attempting to kidnap the princess, Despite what Isaella claimed defending the two from trying to save her they ignored her sending the two off to jail.

    Isaella was brought back scolded for sneaking out. She attempted to get the couple free only for her father to dismiss it, seeing it in his eyes as just an elaborate ruse for them to grab the princess for themselves. Isaella in his mind was clearly filling the blanks and was clueless just how things worked with her father naturally inclined to believe in the worst in them seeing them as nothing but pirates. She was dismissed to her room, only to find her attempts to escape faltered as her door was kept locked and a far more careful watch was kept on her. There was no more chances the kind would take to make sure his daughter was kept safe.

    It had been several weeks before Isaella manage to slip her way out. Even after finding a way out of her window, she still had to be very careful finding her way around. Sure enough, with a few close calls she managed to sneak her way out finding the prison where Aliya and Kaito were being held. Getting inside was impossible for her without being seen, instead she managed to find her way around outside checking each barred window. It took a little time but sure enough, Isaella managed to find the cell in which Aliya.

    It was through their talk that she learned of the sentence. Aliya being once a noble was given an indefinite sentence kept locked away for the supposed 'kidnapping' due to them considering her 'manipulated' by Kaito. Kaito, unfortunately, was sentenced to execution. It had left the poor girl taken back and confused. Rather upset she had started crying only to have Aliya attempt to comfort her from within the cell. As young as Isaella was being only 8, she became dedicated to try and do what she was to make someone listen to her. She was the princess after all, she had some authority!

    A few years had passed as Isaella kept pushing to get the two released. Each attempt would often being dismissed. Her father would brush it aside while those under him would be swift to say his word was law and as such they had no say in the matter. Isaella would make regular visits to see Aliya. The young girl perhaps a little selfish in wanting to be regaled with stories though her heart coming from a good place wanting to spend time for the woman she felt some responsibility towards being in there. It was in these visits that she learned a bit more about her role as a navigator. For once in her life she became eager to learn. She saw it as a way to escape, to one day take a ship and sail off to uncharted regions of the world! A rather perhaps childish dream but it was one she couldn't let go.

    Naturally, over those years her regular education continued. She had fallen more in line with what she was told, though it didn't stop her from acting up or being a bit rebellious making a fuss about wearing fancy dresses or having to speak in a certain way. Still, her outbursts were often quick and she would give into the insistence of the servants not wishing to unintentionally cause them harm. All through this time, she never stopped her training from the knight. She wished to learn how to fight to protect herself. She didn't want to be made helpless again. If she wanted to travel the world, she needed to learn to become independent and rely on simply herself as far as she saw it.

    Unfortunately, word had gotten to her about the public execution. Now three years after the incident it was time for it to occur in what was a display of power from the king executing several prisoners of whom wronged the Royal Family or caused 'distress' to society. Among those put up for execution was Kaito. Finding out last minute, Isaella had rushed to sneak out in order to stop it. For her, she was willing to take the risk of being caught if she could save the life of the man who had helped to save her and of whom Aliya was in love with. Isaella had made her way out being so bold as to go out in her gown much to her (at the time) dismay of wearing such a thing to use her power as a princess.

    Upon reaching the execution, she had stepped out to stop it. Her wet eyes tearing up as she demanded such an act to be stopped not wishing for any lives to be taken and that Kaito had saved her life rather then attempt to cause her harm. Her heartfelt speech had moved several in the crowd as the young girl despite her young age showed some sense of maturity even if displayed in a more childish way. Her father, however, stayed the execution. While angered by her act, he also had some sense of pride. The king instead turning it to show the compassion his daughter held and spoke of admiration for it, even if misplaced. With one gesture the floor dropped and the man fell. A swift crack and with it many of their lives taken in an instant as others suffocated in front of the crowd.

    Isaella was left devastated as the guards took the crying girl away. What had been her attempt to save Kaito had instead been made twisted into a display of compassion her father used as if to further highlight the generosity of his daughter. It was as if she had been rewarded for such evils committed and in a twisted way for her own benefit. Even upon being brought to her father rather then strictly seeking to punish her. He scolded her only so briefly before praising her for her elegant little speech seeing her as a great future leader given she learns to show the right amount of compassion and the importance of showing a message of strength.

    It was some time before Isaella got the courage to visit Aliya. The lingering guilt left the girl a bit distant. Despite it, Aliya was kind and warm to her. Still, she could tell despite her appearances and demeanor she was left devastated. Her words comforted her but also made her feel more regret. It wasn't fair at all. She didn't want to be the princess anymore at all. Even the title felt wrong. Still, she knew she would be helpless on her own, even at that age she realized it. It was at that time Isaella wished to further learn more about navigation. She knew she would one day find a way to leave her home and to make it out into the world and shirk her responsibilities.

    Young Adult Years

    Four years had passed as Isaella was now fifteen and well into her teen years. She matured quite a bit more. A bit less of her tomboy side was showing as she seemed to embrace more of her feminine physique. She became much more articulate working through her studies even with a good amount of reluctance at the loads of work she was put through. So long as she could pass it all was all that mattered. She learned to play the part of a proper princess practically putting on a bit of an act. Occasionally she would be strutted around in engagements and made to put on appearances more so in the background but visible in the public eye on occasion. It didn't stop her from getting a word in when she felt it necessary nor her little escapades sneaking out from the palace.

    Her training with the knight was put to an end as the knight had gone to retire, parting from the capital giving Isaella encouragement after her last lesson. She had learned all she really needed to learn, from there it was on her to learn on her own and to be suited her her own style of fighting. It had left her feeling strange at first, but over time it helped to build a sense of confidence in her own abilities. She was one step closer to being ready to venture out into the world. She began to take it on herself attempting to use her own abilities and learn how to fight on her own.

    Having grown older and being given a bit more trust, Isaella was able to make her way into the prison getting a sympathetic guard to allow her entry in to see Aliya. The princess talked with her finding time to sneak off at night to visit learning more about navigation and to simply strike up a conversation. Being a bit older and wiser, it wasn't hard to tell Aliya had been effected by the time she spent on her. Her mind partially deteriorating over time. Her lessons and talks often being filled with awkward silences and distant glances. Often she would talk about seeing her husband and child once more... despite the fact Kaito had long since passed away.

    Isaella's desire to escape had been put in some part on pause in order to regularly visit with Aliya. She felt in a way her very presence at least kept her from slipping fully away mentally. The later teen years of the princess being mostly focused on her being put more into the spotlight as she matured. The gem of Aradia as some called her for her shining beauty, but to Isaella she felt it was all built upon acts of cruelty and sin. She wasn't worthy of such praise and admiration. She wanted nothing of it. She wanted to be free from such a title built upon the backs of others. Perhaps in some part a selfish desire, but one she felt justification for wanting to do so.

    Years passed as she left her teens and into her early twenties. She continued to regular visits to see Aliya, though each visit she could feel as if the prison was hurting the woman worst and worst. She had learned all she could for her about navigating putting effort into her studies for once rather then her half hearted attempts to please her tutors. She could chart her way around the world knowing all that knowledge could allow with much of what she needed to go further being experience. It made her feel uneasy as she felt as if the lack of material to learn gave Aliya yes for her mind to focus on. Her conversations becoming more erratic as the woman seemed to have a complete lack of the track of time. The woman often talking about embracing Kaito only a day ago seeming to completely forget what had happened.

    The princess found herself being courted by her father. While not worried of his own wellbeing, he sought to find Isaella a noble of whom would be a fit leader. Despite his domineering presence and questionable ethics, King Galadriel did care for his daughter. He would arrange for her to spend time with various suitors wishing to give Isaella her own choice in the matter. He held patience for her to choose, though it didn't mean he didn't push his hand ensuring to pick out those he deemed best and attempting to 'push' his daughter in the right direction.

    For Isaella, she found little interest in the idea of marriage. As much as she did deep down want at some point companionship, none of the nobles fit her tastes. Each seemed to hold that air of superiority about them that rubbed off the wrong way for Isaella. While some were more down to earth then others, each suitor clearly showed a great deal of ambition the king sought as a valuable trait for a future leader. Most she was quick to dismiss, with a few exceptions of whom she at the very least held a more agreeable disposition with. A slim few men she even perhaps could be mildly friendly with or even feeling attraction towards. Still, it never was to the point of feeling love. In a way perhaps she saw it as a new prison in which she would become trapped in.

    Her desire to find her way out into the world she was so curious and wished to see had only turned to a fever pitch. As Aliya seemed to become more and more estranged from reality and her visits becoming more questionable, it felt right for her to finally go and see the world of which she deep down wanted to experience herself. It was on her last visit to Aliya she told the woman of her plan to flee the capital and to go out into the world. It was at that point a glimmer of Aliya seemed to return. The ragged woman handed Isaella an heirloom. From it, she asked Isaella to give it to her daughter and to give her a message. With a tearful nod, Isaella took it with the message in her mind as she would set out the next day away from home.

    The Runaway

    The twenty one year old Isaella had gotten up the next night with her things already packed away. She knew the longer she could delay the discovery that she was missing, the best chance she had to get distance and be safely away before anyone could stop her. Scrounging up some valuables that were easy to pocket to sell and taking a sword and knives. She pushed a cabinet partially in front of the door as to slow down entry before piling up pillows to act as a guise of her being in bed. A note was left in stating she had left doing what she could to ensure no one would get in trouble thinking it was a kidnapping.

    Isaella slipped out of the castle donning as casual of clothing a princess could. A fine cloth draped over her head to try and keep a lower profile. She made her way into the poorer district where she ditched the cloth stealing a cloak she managed to stumble on leaving some coin and the cloth as a way to 'repay' them. From there in the cover of night Isaelle made her way out to the docks. It was there she had found herself a ship parting at night clearly involved in more shady business. Isaella paid off one of the men to give her entry slipping her way bellow deck and with it the ship set off in the middle of the night.

    Word of her going missing seemed to be kept rather quiet. Despite it, it didn't take Isaella long to realize a search was going on silently in an attempt to find her without raising suspicions with the people. She would keep a low profile as authorities seemed to be looking around becoming more active even outside from her homeland. As she journeyed out attempting to keep some distance from home, the rumors of her having gone missing leaked out being simple speculation likely leaked out. It became a bit riskier for her to use her real name as she simply used the name Ella often dismissing questions about herself making up a story to try and shrug off anyone suspicious of her.

    Isaella felt like a child in a candy store seeing the various places her short charters on a ship brought her. Seeing new places and people brought her a great amount of joy. She had half forgotten her goal of seeking out the Infinity often spending time at various islands sightseeing and taking part in festivals or other public activities. Still, even with her actively searching for the ship it seemed like a rather daunting task. It was far from a ship that would likely be actively tracked and known about. her best bet was to continue around hoping to find a breadcrumb trail she could follow to perhaps find the ship and complete the promise she made to Aliya.

    Isaella managed to find herself a small cargo vessel which was lacking a navigator. Using a bit of her girlish charm and a perhaps 'slightly doctored' resume of past trips she went on she was hired on as a navigator. While she had some mild stumbling putting her navigation education into action, Isaella being as resourceful as she was managed to fit into the job fine. She managed to get a decent amount of experience while taking advantage of the ships regular docking and unloading to get to see various ports as she made her way around place to place. Each stop gave her a chance to question people about the S.S. Infinity while getting a taste of the area she was at.

    Sometime during the near five month tenure on the ship, Isaella managed to find a rather talented blacksmith. Taking a portion of the wealth she had left over, she had a blade hand crafted partially of her own though inspired by stories she had heard of a traveling paladin who went over the world seeking no glory but helping those on the way. A Zweihander was crafted in a shape resembling the legendary weapon the paladin was said to use which Isaella named it Iustitia. Along with it, she had special throwing knives crafted out of a single piece of metal of which to use with her powers. In her downtime at knight, Isaella would train with the new weapon seeking to get better at using it with her magnetic force along with the knives.

    It had been one particular stop the ship had taken on a simple trip to a tavern where as if fate was playing it's part that she heard word about the Infinity. An apparent sighting of the ship having been at port with it's destination mentioned in passing. Isaella didn't hesitate at all seeking it as a chance to finally catch up to them so she can fulfill her promise once and for all. Isaella swiftly resigned from her spot as navigator on the vessel she had been on seeking an immediately charter spending some of her now dwindling money to quickly head out to try and catch up with the ship.

    Arriving at port, the ship the Infinity was set at the dock seemingly preparing to depart. Isaella was quick to approach the vessel. It was there she encountered Azure (unknowingly for her at first). A small conversation ensued as she pried a little bit as a sense of nervousness filled her. A bit of worry that Aliya's child might not even be on the ship any longer. Upon the mentioning of the name Hitch, it was much to her surprise that the man before her was Azure leaving her rather taken back. Any surprise she might of felt turned into a pit in her stomach as they spoke. Isaella clutched the sack of which she held the heirloom as it was made clear the anger the young man felt towards her family... towards her.

    She had to tell him right? It was what she promised... but...

    Isaella never managed to give it. The unease she felt making her feel awkward as she struggled against it as such strong guilt she felt lingered more as the sight of Kaito hanging and of Aliya rotting away in prison ran through her head. It was all her fault, and as headstrong as she normally was, she couldn't say so. Instead, it was the fact he mentioned the lack of a navigator like his mother that left her to jump quickly on the idea. After all, she could fill that role... and just tell him later right?

    Their Captain Edward seemed to hold no qualms about her becoming part of the crew. They could use a navigator, and Isaella was clear in showing her desire to see the world, at the time simply leaning on the fact she happened to be from a 'well off' family that had fallen on hard times. She could get to see the world and perhaps get to know Azure more. She was sure to build up the courage... and perhaps the hatred she could feel from Azure might fade?

    It's been over a year since becoming a crew member and Isaella has yet to complete the promise she made. The feeling of guilt remains made worst as she feels a closer with Azure and the rest of the ship. For her it felt as if she had finally found her calling... but when the truth is revealed... would it ruin everything she has? Can she keep running from her responsibilities forever?

    Abilities and Gear

    Iustitia (Zweihänder)
    A two handed sword 4'5" in total length being roughly cross shaped with its long golden guard, a circle ring across it, and a long hilt. The blade itself is composed of two slightly different materials upon each side of the blade finely fused together. The blade itself is rather large though due to Ella's Magentic Force, she is capable of rather easily manipulating the blade able to use it in one hand and hold it without too great of a burden on her. The blade itself is finely crafted by an expert swordsmith and is quite durable, with Ella's use of repell upon the edges further minimizing wear the blade receives although due to the need to make contact to apply her power it does still take some wear from use.

    Throwing Knives
    Ella uses simple metal throwing knives as part of her kit. The knives themselves are rather simple being one piece of metal. While being able to be used in close range as a knife, their primarily purpose is for being used at range. While striking a target is a clear use, the knives themselves are often used instead as a way of extending her power in order to move around more easily. Imprinting on a knife, she can then throw it using her power to pierce a target even metal with the use of her power to allow for it to stick into a surface just enough to stay in place. From there, she can use her power to quickly propel her body towards it so long as its in a close enough range and she uses another power in order for the pull to be great enough to attract her body to it. They can also be used to influence the pull of objects, though such more advance applications are quite a bit trickier for her to pull off.

    Magnetic Force
    Ella's power allows her to effectively turn anything imprinted by her to gain an repelling or attractive force. Upon contact, the object or person becomes 'magnetized' being able to be influenced by her powers. Depending on the magic applied the force increases with greater power allowing greater range for attracting and repelling something that is tagged by her. It can be used as a force multiplier to her strikes or as a way to quickly pull her around to places she might have tagged. Applied to her sword two strong repelling forces on each side vastly increases its cutting power allowing upon being struck to slice easier through what it struck even if the sword itself would normally be unable to cut through a material. She can use it as a makeshift 'gravity' effect on herself allowing her to walk along walls or on ceilings.

    The 'imprint' considers an object based off the material it's made of. For example, a pencil wood might be tagged so the properties extent only to the wood although it would be able to easily pull the rest of the object with it. Touching the hull of a ship would attract her to the entire hull, although say floorboards on the deck wouldn't be imbued with that effect. A more complete 'imprint' can be imposed on a multi part object with a bit more focus and energy, In the case of a person, imprinting with a hit on their armor would only effect the armor, however directly connecting with their skin would imprint their body. Imprints themselves can last indefinitely with constant contact so long as the user has energy to do so. If lacking contact, the effect can linger depending on the strength of the imprint lasting anywhere from a few minutes, to even a few days given a particularly powerful imprint process.

    Without an imprint, Ella's power has no effect on objects or people requiring contact. Even if an object is magnetic naturally Ella's power has no effect upon it. While Ella can apply her imprint indirectly through objects which have been imprinted, this ability to imprint needs to be specifically applied and lasts a few seconds with particularly potent imprints only perhaps expanding the ability to imprint to less then 10 seconds. She needs to focus on the imprinted object in order to interact with it. Lacking vision or any other sense of an object, she has no way of knowing what object is outside a rough guess on it's size though it appears as much more of an amorphous blob.

    Spatial Awareness
    Ella has the ability to be extremely aware of the space around her. With her power she can judge distances with ease able to accurately judge things. If she is attached to the ceiling standing upside down, her mind is able to easily comprehend such a thing allowing her to not become disoriented. It acts almost as a sixth sense for her as it's own way in which she can understand the world around her. The power itself can also tell if there is anything particularly 'wrong' in the air or out of place.

    This ability doesn't change the effect that anything disrupting her other senses can effect her. While it can be used to detect if something around her is amiss, it isn't able to tell exactly what is wrong and its only a strange feeling, so standing in poison gas, an area radiating with magic, or an inivisble person standing near her will all feel similiar with just the 'intensity' of what is off being all she can tell about it. While she makes use of the power, she is far from capable of fully utilzing it on it's own, in many cases it being considered by her to simply be her 'instincts' taking into consideration things rather then realizing it is a power she has.

    Highly Educated
    Ella was never much for learning, but her parents were very much dedicated to ensuring she learned with her mother being a large advocate for such a thing. She was given various tutors and put to work studying to be well educated. Sure enough, even someone resistant to the idea is going to eventually be forced to learn and Isaella very much did so. She is well learned on various topics of the world. How adapt she is at recalling all the fine points can be questionable, but given she is asked about something she can at least recall learning or hearing about it, even if the more 'boring' bits of it is likely long lost in the caverns of her mind.

    Ella keeps herself physically fit actively watching what she eats and exercising regularly. Despite being a 'princess' she very much keeps herself active in many ways acting as a soldier when she is capable of. She might of been raised to be a pampered princess, but she did all she could to be capable of more always having sought out to see the world and do so on her own. She is rather athletic capable of doing many feats beyond what most can do.

    Royally Charismatic
    Perhaps a trait the royal family has possessed for so long to allowed them in some part unopposed for so long despite the good or bad that was brought upon the people by their hand. Ella has a natural charm about her both with her beauty as well as her demeanor. She tends to hold a great presence about her in the way she walks or given she wants to the way she speaks. She always brings forth an air of confidence.

    While she isn't quite as attached to her Royal roots in her behavior as she could be, those traits do still linger. While often a positive, there are many who can see her as being stuck up or give off the air as if she feels herself 'superior'. It can perhaps get on some peoples nerves acting against what her demeanor might do for others.

    Despite going against her parents wishes, Isaella has princess was able to use her influence to get a knight to personally teach her under her father's nose. Over the years she has trained to be skilled at it with his tutorage. It was later on when Isaella took that training more into her own hands learning to use her power combined with her weapon to fight using a much larger and heavier weapon to fight. Using a mixture of training as well as her own embellishing, Ella has a unique fighting style of her own. While technique wise it might not be perfect and relies much more on her use of her abilities to use, it is still rather impressive on its own.

    When everyone is attempting to make sure you are kept safe and only in places you are suppose to be for much of your life, it's only natural a freedom seeking girl like Ella would grow to learn how to take a stealthy approach when needed. She had become rather attempt at being quiet and finding ways of evading line of sight from those looking out for her. She might not be the best at being sneaky like a master thief nor has any of the sleight of hand, but she is pretty darn good at it none the less when it comes to making her way around undetected.

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(No fancy coding from me, I'm afraid. I tend to break it. 😆 Later I may do up some tabs, but that'll probably be all.)

Name: Emelie Minajim

Appearance: Dark brown hair, just long enough to tie in a ponytail (usually with a ribbon of undyed cotton); large brown eyes a few shades lighter than her hair. She has an olive-brown complexion, warmly tanned from her time as a dockworker. (Her features are more Arabic than Mediterranean European, but not entirely -- she's of mixed race.) When she's clean and smiling, she's rather pretty, but otherwise ordinary. Her figure is curvy enough to be clearly female, but very muscular (something like bodybuilder Erica Cordie's). Her clothes are all very practical, mostly heavy canvas or leather, and all as common as Emelie herself.

Image credit: unknown (found on Pinterest, unable to locate original)

Image credit: Cameron Mark, "Face Study"

Image credit: 阿霜Aiiicy (unknown title) (found through Pinterest)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Role: Crewwoman

Member of the S.S Infinity: Yes (backstory has the "how")

Distinguishing Features: Emelie's eyes are rather large for her face, and there are a number of faded scars on her hands from scraping her knuckles against rough stone while she was growing up. Otherwise, nothing special.

Sexuality: Heterosexual-leaning (might be open to females but hasn't yet considered it)

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 135 lbs

If Emelie had ever had parents, maybe they really had sold her to the mine foreman, like he'd so often taunted. Sure as sure, she couldn't remember any other life before the day she'd finally convinced him to let her go to the academy. (It helped that her powers, uncontrolled as they were, had already almost caused two cave-ins.) She'd hoped the knowledge gained there would help her get into a better life (not that that was a particularly high bar). Instead... well, learning to control her powers was worth it, she supposed, but once the required courses had all been completed, she found herself back on the outside, left to fend for herself without having gained much else of practical use. What to do now? She knew she didn't want to go back to the mines. She tried taking on temporary jobs with the merchants here and there in the city, but no one really wanted an unknown orphan on their hands, even one willing to do any sort of menial labor, however dirty. And she shied away from the few propositions she'd gotten -- she wanted the life of a prostitute even less than that of a miner.

Eventually she ended up hanging around the docks. Quartermasters and warehouse owners could always use another pair of hands to lift and carry, and she'd earned her muscles the hard way long before. It wasn't much of a life, but it was an honest one. Boring, though. The cargo might vary, but Emelie's view of it rarely did. Big crates, small crates, in-between crates. Wooden boxes, sometimes metal ones. Sometimes canvas-wrapped packages. But that was it. In between loads, she stared up at the ships, imagining where they had come from, where they were going. What the crew saw on their trips. And she found herself longing to join them. Even if she had the same fetch-and-carry work, at least she could look out over the rail and see the world! But the ship captains (their mates, rather -- she never got so high as a lofty captain) were no more interested in hiring her than the merchants had been.

Then she came up with a new plan. If she couldn't get a job on a ship, maybe she could at least stow herself away on one and get to a new port. That at least would be somewhere new. She scrounged some provisions (hardtack and apples, mostly) and packed her meager belongings into a bag she could hide right there on the docks, ready for whenever opportunity knocked. One night, she was sure it had. A huge ship had just come into port, beautiful and fierce. Emelie peered up at the name on the side. "S.S. Infinity." It seemed a good omen. Several of the crew left and headed into the city. Enough that few would remain to notice one girl sneaking aboard? She hoped so.

Grabbing her bag, Emelie slipped up to the side of the ship, right under one of the cannon ports. She looked warily around, but no one seemed to be watching. She tossed her belongings through the port, then hauled herself up and in, squeezing around the cannon. All was dark inside. Feeling around, she found her bag and tried to find a place to hide, but everything seemed to be benches or tables or -- well, she didn't know what, not being able to see, but her shins and toes seemed to find every one of them. It was all she could do not to yelp as her bruised legs kept knocking into things. Unexpectedly, her probing foot came down on nothing at all, and she tumbled forward into a lower level. She cried out as she landed with a crash. Lights flared to life. She stared up, terrified, meeting the gaze of a weather-beaten, white-haired man with a scar down one side of his face. Emelie was sure she'd somehow gotten into the clutches of a pirate, and these were her last moments... but no. The man looked her over, then smiled. Much to her surprise, instead of killing her, or even just tossing her back onto the docks, he asked who she was, and why she was there. At first hesitant, his grandfatherly demeanor soon had her telling him everything: the mines, the Academy, her attempts to find work with merchants, her life on the docks. (Not the propositions. She couldn't bear to tell him that. But he might have guessed from the way she blushed and stammered past that part.) Her yearning to see more of Elrida. Finally she fumbled to a halt and looked down, suddenly and unaccountably shy. That's when the man told her who he was: Edward Ishikawa, the captain himself! She blushed as darker than ever before, embarrassed beyond words. Caught by the captain, and telling him all about her low-class self! But he still didn't kick her out. Instead, he offered her a place among his crew. His family. Her family, now, he said.

Weapon: Emelie isn't much of a fighter. She has a knife for emergencies, but hasn't yet used it for combat, just utility work. She's pretty handy with her fists, though, that being one of the forms of "entertainment" common among the miners she grew up with (also good for fending off unwanted amorous attention).

- Lightweight, short-range telekinesis: up to 20 pounds (note: this is a mass requirement, not weight -- anything magically weightless still counts towards the limit), has to stay within 15 feet of her or it drops as per normal gravity. She can use this ability on multiple objects at a time, but must be aware of and able to focus on each (no stopping a hail of bullets, for example -- but a volley of arrows all shot one at a time by the same archer is doable).
- Temporary flight: self-only, any height but only for half an hour at a time. Afterwards, she can't fly for a period of time equal to twice whatever she spent in the air, since whatever part of her brain controls this needs to rest. Under desperate conditions, she might be able to fly for a longer period, but not much, and would need actual sleep afterwards instead of just a rest. While flying, she can carry whatever she would be able to hold normally.

Talents: When Emelie first started life aboard the Infinity, she had few skills that weren't related to mining or lifting crates. However, she learns quickly, and can now handle most manual-labor type tasks without supervision. Though she still knows little about engineering and other tech, if a particular task is explained to her ("Watch this dial, and press this button if the dial goes into the red"), she's quite capable of performing it faithfully as long as it isn't extremely complicated. She's decent with carpentry, and can evaluate wooden or stone structures for weaknesses with a fair degree of accuracy. For someone without magical enhancement, she's very strong, something she rather takes pride in (and works hard to keep up), but she's also deft with fine manual tasks. Though she's had no formal training, she likes music and dancing, and is often humming as she goes about her work (on key, usually). She has a strong work ethic, no matter what job she's set to, feeling it's all part of her duty to captain and ship.

Hobbies: Emelie spends a lot of time in the gym, but also up on the deck (or better yet, in the crow's nest) looking out at the ship's surroundings, whatever they happen to be. Frequently she'll bring her meals there, too (she's found most of the spots where she can sit and not be in anyone's way). She likes to read, especially nonfiction, but finds actually seeing things more interesting. She likes also dancing, music, and most activities that involve physical activity (like running, climbing, or swimming -- though she's not as good at the last, having only learned since joining the crew).


Relationships/opinion of the other crew: TBA
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Character Sheet


As far as YOU know?


But she who shall never be seen?


Name: “My name is Alciela Binagniana. My father called me Alcielita. And… I miss him.”

Age: “24 winters now. I think… I was never one to keep track so closely.”

Gender: ”I am a lady! …maybe! You don’t know! Not behind this helm you cannot see through.”

Race: ”I could be any race! I am mysterious, aren’t I? Though… for legal purposes. Human.”

Role: “Please don’t tell anyone… I’m a deserter. I was once a part of the Royal Guard. I want to go back so badly but they will kill me. I would much prefer staying alive.”

Member of the S.S Infinity: “Me? No no… of course, not! I am a mere passenger attempting to get lost in the world.”

Distinguishing Features: “My papa, Georgiono always said I had eyes like the sky that stretched across our land. But I have no distinguishing features. My voice in the armor is deep and manly of course! For the mystique.”

Sexuality: “Ah, love… I once thought the king quite rich- I mean, handsome but he is married. I once considered stealing him from his wife but the king is a scary man. So is his wife. Forget I said anything!”

Height: “Ah, in the armor, I am a formidable six and a half feet! Nevermind the fact that without it, I am a measly 5 foot 4 inches…”

Weight: “Hundreds of pounds! I am quite imposing when I need to be. Again… without the armor… ugh… 128 lbs. Why is it so hard to appear intimidating?”

Backstory: My papa, my mama, and my siblings all lived together quite happily. We are potato farmers in the countryside and having 4 brothers and 3 sisters was itself, a separate challenge. In the nearby village, we had one doctor, one lawyer, one mayor, and one sherif. And he was all the same person. His name was Fernando Arleccino and he was a retiree of the Royal Guard. Everyone loved him so I thought, perhaps I could be a Royal Guard to. He was nice enough to mentor me for a few years before I ventured to the capital to train. I was a hero. Everyone thought I would bring great pride to Monte San Proccio but… I didn’t do it for such grand reasons. I just wanted to be rich and eat whatever I wanted for the rest of my life. All I care about is having a big house and being left alone. That way, when I retire, I can be like Fernando and always be useful to others. I want to go back to being a Royal Guard. I want to go back, I want to go back, I want to go back! No! Instead, I have this stupid book full of stuff I don’t understand! I’m deserting because I saw things I shouldn’t have, poked my nose in places I shouldn’t have, so I panicked. I grabbed this book and before anyone could find me, I ran. They’re trying to kill me and I am terrified of dying. I needed to get out of that city and run. Run as far as I could, change my armor, my voice, everything. I didn’t care. I just wanted to live a good life and drink wine and eat cheese with bread and grapes but NO! Now I’m here. And my life is miserable. And I don’t want to talk to you or anyone. Just leave me alone. In fact, give me that bottle. It’s mine now. Goodnight!”

Weapon: “A giant molten all-weapon. I specialize in forge magic. I can melt and reform my weapon into whatever I want so long as I know the weapon I want to create. Though, I prefer to have it in a great hammer or great axe.”

Abilities: “I have the ability to be a living forge. I can melt any metal and reshape it however I like. That said, I don’t like using it too much, especially in combat. My armor is quite powerful and my weapon is too, but the more I forge without allowing tule to cool down, the hotter everything remains. After two forges, everything is quite hot. Sure… it will hurt the foe more, but it will make me uncomfortable. Beyond that, I risk breaking my armor and weapon down into a molten mess. Then, I’m not use to anyone and I burn alive. Not. Fun.”

Talents: “I AM a former Royal Guard. In my selfish pursuit of loving the good life, I have unwittingly become frighteningly athletic and acrobatic. I May not be the smartest fighter but whatever you throw at me, I can adapt. Just like my armor and weapons reforge into what I wish, my body melts down and hardens into something newer and better. Also, I am good at holding my liquor. Listen, I intended to win every drinking game I could at the local tavern in exchange for money. I don’t care how shameless it is.”

Hobbies: “Napping. Gambling. Drinking. Eating. Doing things generally reserved for fat rich people. So what?”

Theme: “I will get back to you on this.”

Other: “Give me that cookie. And that cake! And those fruits. YES, I AM GOING TO EAT ALL OF IT, DON’T TOUCH IT.”
Quartermaster / Captain
  • Strength
    Combat Ability
    As long as I draw breath, I will never fall.
    Jin Aethor
    Standing at a full height of 6'2'', Jin's physical build is lean and athletic, although not overly muscular. Unlike ordinary humans, he has a pair of cat-like ears and a tail that match his hair color; white except for the fact that both his ears as well as his tail are spotted like that of a spotted snow leopard. Under his shirt, his entire torso and back are covered in scars that appear to be due to a mixture between surgical tools, claw marks, bullet wounds, and other torture devices. The largest scar on his body is in the center of his chest which appears to be a scar of what looked like a giant gash, almost as though his chest had been ripped open.
    Those who are first meeting Jin could easily assume that he's an antisocial individual who tends to give people the cold shoulder more often than not. However, truthfully, he tends to be a much nicer person once someone gets to know him. While he may not respond at times, he is more than willing to help those in need silently rather than openly say something regarding it. The only people that Jin is open to speaking with are the rest of the crew of the S.S. Infinity as he considers them the only family he truly has left. It is uncommon to find Jin actually angered when it comes to situations that involve himself as the main target, although when it comes to anyone on the crew being harmed or targeted, children, or worse of all his little sisters than his demeanor tends to change to that of a monster who would tend not to show mercy towards harming anyone.

    Even with his seemingly cold attitude towards others, Jin has a rather soft spot when it comes to children and small animals. When spending time with either a group of children or animals, those who observe him can clearly see that the Jin that they once knew almost seems to be a completely different person from what they might see before them.
code by Nano
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Name: Mizuki Hoshiko

Age: 19.

Gender: Female.

Race: Human.

Role: Battle Maid.

Member of the S.S Infinity: Yes. Turns out, being on the run was far more challenging than Hoshiko had anticipated. Her parents had likely enlisted agents to track her down, forcing her to constantly change locations and remain vigilant. It was a stroke of luck when she unexpectedly crossed paths with Captain Edward, who commanded the impressive vessel known as the S.S Infinity. Seeing an opportunity, she approached him and offered her skills as a combative maid. Embracing the role of a maid was not daunting for her; instead, she effortlessly and gracefully slipped into this new identity, for it may be the only thing which would save her freedom.

Distinguishing Features: Above all, Hoshiko's eyes stand out as her most remarkable feature. With a striking shade of red, her eyes possess a commanding presence that effortlessly captivates observers, leaving a lasting impression. The vibrant hue creates a striking juxtaposition against the whites, resulting in a captivating contrast that amplifies the dramatic and intense quality of her overall appearance.

Sexuality: Undisclosed.

Height: 5'7 inches.

Weight: 132 lb.

Hoshiko's tale begins in the vibrant floating archipelago city of Hanami, renowned for its cultural traditions and picturesque landscapes. Born into a relatively well-off middle-class family, Hoshiko's parents, Kiyoshi and Ayame, reveled in their newfound prosperity and dreamed of a future filled with societal status and influential alliances.

From an early age, Hoshiko displayed a fiery spirit and unwavering determination that set her apart from her peers. However, her parents, driven by conventional expectations, believed that her role was to become a refined and well-mannered lady, adept in the art of diplomacy and graceful socialization.

While her parents entertained the notion of her joining noble circles, it was Hoshiko's grandfather, Ryuji, who recognized her innate potential. Ryuji, a wise and seasoned warrior who had served the Kingdom of Aradia with valor in his youth, saw the same spark of tenacity that had once defined him. Defying his own daughter and son-in-law's objections, Ryuji took it upon himself to train Hoshiko in the ways of battle and martial arts.

Under Ryuji's guidance, Hoshiko's training was intense, pushing her to her limits both physically and mentally. She learned the art of wielding a sword with precision, emphasizing patience, timing, and adaptability. Ryuji also imparted valuable insights on strategy and combat tactics from his own experiences on the battlefield. But, Hoshiko embraced the rigorous training regimen, mastering the art of the sword, hand-to-hand combat techniques, and honing her physical and mental discipline. The bond between Hoshiko and her grandfather grew stronger with each passing day as they shared a mutual understanding of a world beyond societal expectations.

However, despite her exceptional progress, Hoshiko's parents decided to send her to the Academy of Zephyr, as was customary for children her age. Although she learned a fair amount about the world there, she couldn't help but feel unsatisfied with the education provided. Hoshiko's hunger for knowledge extended beyond martial prowess, fueled by her grandfather's belief in cultivating a deep understanding of the world. A well-rounded warrior, he insisted, possessed not only physical strength but also a keen intellect and a compassionate heart.

And so, Hoshiko threw herself into her lessons with unwavering enthusiasm.

Her graduation from the Academy was a bittersweet affair, but Hoshiko didn't dwell on it for long. She had entered as a girl of moderate temperament and emerged as a young woman of exceptional quality, much to the pleasure of her parents.

Perhaps that's why her parents remained adamant in their desire to mold her into a docile lady of stature. They arranged meetings with potential suitors, determined to secure a marriage alliance that would elevate their family's social standing.

However, when Hoshiko accidentally stumbled upon her parents' clandestine discussions about her future, a wave of disillusionment washed over her. The realization that her dreams of personal autonomy and a purposeful life were to be squandered for the sake of her parents' aspirations filled her with a profound sense of betrayal.

It was no wonder, then, that Hoshiko made a resolute decision, driven by a burning desire to determine her own destiny. Under the cover of darkness, she packed her belongings, secured her treasured twin swords—a gift from Ryuji—and slipped off into the night.

Weapon: Twin Blades: Hoshiko wields a pair of slender, ethereal blades. Crafted from rare metal, these enchanted weapons are lightweight yet incredibly sharp. They emit a faint glow, enhancing her strikes with otherworldly power.

  1. Astral Step: Hoshiko can momentarily shift her body into a state of pure energy, allowing her to teleport short distances with precision and speed. However, this ability requires a tremendous amount of focus and drains her energy reserves, making it limited in use.
  2. Stellar Shield: Hoshiko can summon a radiant shield of energy to protect herself and others from harm. The shield absorbs incoming attacks but can only withstand a certain amount of damage before shattering. After using this ability, Hoshiko experiences temporary weakness and fatigue, requiring time to recover.
  1. Energy Drain: Hoshiko's powerful abilities consume a significant amount of her own energy. Overusing them can leave her physically exhausted and vulnerable to attacks, requiring her to carefully manage her energy reserves during battles.
  2. Close Combat Vulnerability: While Hoshiko excels in close-quarters combat, her reliance on melee weapons makes her vulnerable to opponents with long-range or projectile-based attacks. She must close the distance quickly or find cover to avoid sustaining heavy damage.
  1. Martial Arts Mastery: Hoshiko is a highly skilled martial artist, proficient in a variety of combat styles. Her training allows her to deliver lightning-fast strikes, evade attacks with grace, and exploit her opponents' weaknesses.
  2. Tactical Mind: Hoshiko possesses a keen tactical mind, enabling her to analyze battle situations quickly and formulate effective strategies. She can identify enemy weaknesses, coordinate team efforts, and make split-second decisions under pressure.

  1. Meditation: Hoshiko practices meditation to maintain mental clarity, allowing her to recharge her energy and find inner peace amidst the chaos of her adventurous life.
  2. Stargazing: In her spare time, Hoshiko loves gazing at the night sky, marveling at the beauty of the stars, and contemplating the mysteries of the universe. It serves as a source of inspiration and helps her find tranquility.
Firey Chef
Dominique La´Sar
Female / Witch / 23
Member of S.S Infinity | Chef Cook
Blue Fire Manipulation/ 170 cm / 69 kg
A neutral cook or at least that's what the first picture shows. But by a closer look you might notice her keen eyes, the precise motions... if she didn't raise the bottle yet. Dominique- for short Meeka or Domi- is a relaxed woman, who loves the smell of spices and see faces lighting up when they eat her meals. However, if you have managed to piss her off, you might get some sloppy soup looking like octopus jelly. She loves to collect stories or talk in general. Meeka prefers to not priotize anything, though she might have changed that by joining the crew of the ship.
No reports show her birthplace or family. Her life starts in an orphanage after her blood family abandoned her. Judging that their surroundings definitely hit the lower class spectrum, Dominique supposed her parents hoped for her to have a better life somewhere else. Besides various visits and sometimes even interests from people coming from the upper classes, she spent most of her childhood in that orphanage. Though they barely had anything to eat though, she and her peers were sent to school to master their abilities.

The academy revealed her true blood. Not a human, she was a witch. A descendant of an unknown spree. Thus the teachers kept a close eye on her, in case the

Her life changed when she was ten. Meeka (nickname of Dominique) had always been easily provoked. One day an older kid took it too far. She had taken interest in cooking and after long hours of looking for supplies in the wild, standing in the kitchen for more long stretched minutes- all to have one kid throw it all to the ground one day. Her friends and the younger children ended up hungry that day. Meeka started a fight right there and then. But the academy had yet to teach her everything at that point. Her fire turned blue- hotter, deadlier. As if she forged her own dagger. It leashed out and took the orphanage down, together with many lives that could not outrun her wild fire. Dominique cannot forgive her till this very day.

Alone and homeless, the girl walked to a nearby city. The journey almost cost her life. Creatures crept out of their caves at night, the weather tucked at her. Dominique carried on nonetheless. She hadn't fought for nothing. After some time she arrived at a city. Not the capital, she knew upon arrival. Some middle class city, ready for her to explore. Almost a month after her incident, the little girl found her way into a kitchen. They didn't allow her to cook, obviously. She was more of an errand-kid than anything else. Besides the bare money she gained, she lived from the left-overs. But Dominique listened to the elderly cook, who told stories of the sea and ships in the skies. Nothing uncommon in a world where pieces of lands flew. The same cook took her under his wing by the time she grew thirteen. For three years he taught her all he knew and gave her extra history and myth lessons.
By the time her sixteenth birthsday arrived, her teacher died due to his rather old age. For the witch was no more reason to stay in the kitchen or in that city. She decided to search for a new place, a new challenge.

Word of the S.S. Infinity reached her then. Dominique made it there and proved her skills as a cook. Ever since she has been seventeen she was part of the crew as new cook. She found her joy in seeing people loving her food or generally speaking to them. They didn't use her, often got on her nerves but she cherished the crew that never failed to surprise her.
On one of their adventures, the witch found a small mechanical dragon. After some time, she got her hands on one of those eternum crystals, ready to inplant into the lifeless body. Both to her surprise and astonishment, the little dragon was a small fire pot connecting to her magic. Dominique didn't even allow a debate if her new pet could stay or not. A cook always needed a helping hand... or, well, claws. Since then Linsie has been on her shoulder ever since. (Linsie: [Linsie The Dragon] )
Combat Arsenal
Arsonist| Fire Manipulation: Dominique's fire turned blue in matters of training and emotional rage. Hence they are a bit hotter and sharper. Though she mostly uses it for her kitchen instead for combat. Her magic is bound to her emotional stages. They determine the strongness of her fire. (e.g.: focused= stronger; sad= weaker)

a) she cannot forget the incident when she was ten, thus her magic usually does not respond when she is up against someone in combat
b) She has to be physically okay. Well fed, rested etc. (e.g.: when she didn't sleep much her flmaes are a lot weaker) since her power "eats" away her energy and may cause terrible damage to her body if overused.

Pistol Lady: Why would a cook have a pistol? To fight, obviously. Dominique may seem calm and collected, but she does not hesitate to fight whatsover if it concerns someone she has sworn to protect.
The pistol is somewhat enchanted. It allows her to channel some of her magic into it, letting it settle into the special made bullets. She may or may not have found a good relation to the seller of Linsie's crystal and discovered another piece of his masterpieces.
She call her pistol Mad Rosaline .

It can only fire in a certain ratio.
Magic enchanted bullets fly slower and not quite far.

Physical Strength: Naturally, Dominique has a fair amount of muscles, allowing her to box. The cook sometimes can be seen in the training area of the ship.

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