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Multiple Settings Christian 1x1 Partner? (Always Open)


*Internally Screaming*
Hi, I’m Mouse, or Valmonte (previous screen name), either is fine. I’m looking for an RP partner that shares my Christian views or has a similar theological background and is open to long-term casual role play with original characters. I really enjoy creating new characters and world building and appreciate someone who will chat OOC about what we both want to see moving forward.

-A little about me-
(Please read all of this section before messaging me so you don’t have any surprises)
• I comfortably play both male and female characters
• I love a good Romance rp but I only write m/f pairings. Though often preferred, romance is not always required, so I'm happy to write platonic characters as well.
Fantasy of any kind is my favorite genre and always what I’m looking for most, Modern Fantasy being my #1, but I also enjoy Steampunk, Medieval (or historical fiction), some Slice of Life, Alternate Universe and a touch of Sci-Fi.
• I am a detailed writer. I tend to write at least a couple of paragraphs, but 4-5 on average. My starters tend to be much larger, but that isn’t what I demand of my partner. So long as my partner gives me enough back to work with, I don’t care much about response length. If it’s a few sentences and it moves the story forward, it’s good with me.
• I prefer to write with others within my own age range, 25-35, and I do not write with anyone under the age of 18.
I most likely will only respond once a week. There are times when I am available for more, but they are rare as I have limited free time between raising kids, running D&D campaigns, tending my farm, and attending church.
I am a Christian and my faith is important to me and is a large part of my life, so it tends to bleed over into my characters and writing, but I’m not going to preach a sermon at anyone or rewrite the Bible. I’m here for entertainment.

Time Travel- Whether accidental, fateful or purposeful, I love a good time-traveling story, especially in a romance or mystery.
Modern Fantasy- I am always -ALWAYS-open to starting a story set in our world with the fantastical lurking hidden just beneath the surface. I enjoy monster hunters, murder-mysteries where the culprit or the detectives are not entirely human, ghost stories, or a love story between a modern guy/gal and a being from the hidden world within ours. Pretty much anything in this setting, I will jump on.
Medieval/Past Era- I’m itching to write something set in the past, either Medieval or maybe a Holy Roman Empire type setting, though other past eras are welcome as well. (I’m also perfectly happy to mix this in with some fantasy of course)

High Fantasy- I live for anything with fae or elves and lots of magical creatures. If you have an idea like that, throw it my way!

Plot Ideas
(Just a few of many)
- Alternatively, if you have any plots you'd like to discuss with me, then please feel free to message me. These are not the only plots I am willing to write-
Temporal Monster Hunters-
For as long as monsters have plagued our world there have always been monster hunters; human who have trained their whole lives to protect the unsuspecting populous from the things that go bump in the night. Some join these ranks due to chance encounters with the supernatural. Some join due to awakened abilities, and some become Hunters because they were born into it. Among those long Hunter bloodlines, however, sometimes there are those who are born with more than just the typical abilities. Rarely there are Hunters born with the power to traverse time and space in order to maintain the balance and protect the Continuum from the creatures and beings that sometimes fall through the rifts into other times. These elite Hunters are called Tempest.
  • MC1- an experienced veteran Tempest
  • MC2- either a Hunter or a regular human (Mundie) with latent or awakened Tempest abilities
MC2 finds themselves falling through time and space, appearing against their will in other lands and eras and not knowing how to get home. MC1 detects the anomaly caused by MC2 and seeks to correct it but instead of a monster, they discover an untrained member of their own kind. MC1 takes in and trains MC2, teaching them how to use their newfound powers, the truths about the world in which they live and how to navigate it.
- This has potential for romance between a MxF pair or can be a platonic mentorXmentee story of any combination.

Star-crossed Lovers (Fae)-
The Summer and Winter Courts of Faerie are at war, but this isn’t breaking news. The war has been raging on for generations with few breaks in between. The two times a year the realms have their truce, however, are the Summer and Winter Solstices: a single week each where the land is quiet save for celebration. It is during one of these, the Summer Solstice, that the MCs meet by chance at the ball held by the Summer King.
  • MC1- the fiancé of the Crown Prince of Summer
  • MC2- a prince from the land of Winter
Having snuck into the masquerade ball for a bit of chaos and fun, MC2 finds himself entranced by a beautiful woman (MC1) with whom he spends the whole evening, until it is discovered that members of the Winter Court have infiltrated the party. This leads to MC2 needing to flee but when they are parted, he can think of nothing but her. Several more encounters follow as the two must navigate their deepening feelings for one another while keeping it all a secret from their friends and family lest it be known by others and one or both of them lose their heads.

The Pretender-
The new Grand Duke is a monster. He had his father’s (the former Duke’s) advisors executed after he killed his uncle in cold blood to usurp the title himself. He is a cold and bloodthirsty man covered in hideous scars with no shred of humanity left in him… or so the rumor mill would have every young maiden in the surrounding country believe, and now the King has commanded the newly titled lord to marry. This wouldn’t be a problem if not for the vicious rumors surrounding him, which terrify even the most stout-hearted eligible ladies.

MC1- the Grand Duke, a young(ish) man (between 18-40) who inherited the title from his late uncle. Whether or not the rumors of how he obtained his title are true is yet to be seen.

MC2- the personal handmaiden to a noblewoman who has served her well and faithfully for the past 12 years. The two grew up together from early childhood and have always been very close to the point of being nearly inseparable.

When news of the king’s order reaches the noble families of the surrounding areas, the nobility is thrown into chaos. On one hand, the prospect of having their daughter become the next Grand Duchess is extremely enticing, but with rumors of the new Duke’s menacing and dangerous disposition, every family that cares at all for their daughters is hesitant to throw them at his feet like lambs to the slaughter. To remedy this hesitancy and at the insistence of his new advisors and the King himself, the Grand Duke has invitations sent out to every noble family, in good standing or otherwise, to a grand seven day ball where eligible maidens from every household are required to attend with the intent of the Duke choosing a bride from among them. Upon receiving the mandatory invitation, the young noblewoman whom
MC2 serves packs her things in a panic and wishes her dear friend and servant farewell to run away with the man she loves, a knight in the service of her estate. Not yet willing to face the egregious disgrace his daughter has brought upon their family or risk angering the Grand Duke or their King, her father instead chooses to send another in her place to act the part long enough to get through the ball and return home, and who better than MC2, the one woman who knows her mistress better than anyone else? After all, MC2 only has to pretend to be a noble lady for an entire week while surrounded by dozens of other nobles without being discovered. How hard can it be? (This could also work with a prince in place of a Grand Duke, or a particularly cherished and beloved princess graciously being allowed by her father to choose her own husband from a long list of eligible suitors if the role of the noblewoman and her servant are replaced by a young nobleman and his manservant.)

The Replacement Champion-

The old gods are real and very much alive, but as it turns out, they aren’t actually gods. Immensely powerful, neigh immortal, inter-dimensional beings? Yes, but all powerful, all knowing, all-seeing gods? Not so much. Long gone are the days in which they were worshipped as such, and though the gateways to the Underworld, Olympus, Valhalla and the other realms remain intact, they have long been shut to the mortals. The gods, or In’nan as they call themselves, still disguise themselves as mortals and mingle from time to time among them, sometimes resulting in the creation of demi-human offspring. These half-breeds find themselves torn between realms being children of both worlds but fully belonging to neither.
Although the pantheons are no longer worshipped by those of the mortal realm and therefore no longer compete for their devotion, many remain antagonistic toward one another resulting in long lasting feuds and alliances among them, but the pact between realms prevents them from invading the lands of one another… directly. This however, is where their demi-human offspring factor in. The In’nan have taken to choosing “Champions” from among mortals and the demi-human children of their own pantheons, which they send out to do their bidding on Earth and in the other realms. It is a dangerous and precarious position to be in for those chosen and sent, and with the constant threat of being hunted down preemptively by other pantheons and their Champions, killed and eaten by monsters or discovered by the full mortals, life is a definitive struggle.

MC1- a demi-human in service of their In’nan parent who has been chosen as their next “Champion” to lead the investigation into the previous Champion’s (the MC’s half-brother) sudden and mysterious death.

MC2- a mortal who witnessed the attack and death of the previous Champion, and has had their eyes “awakened” to the supernatural world around them.

(MC1) a demi-human of a particular pantheon god finds themself in a terrible mess when their older brother is killed and their father chooses them to find out what happened and take revenge on those who killed him. With monsters, invisible to the mortal eye, always searching for a delicious demi-human snack, and a possible syndicate of demi-human murders on the loose, they may have to make a few new friends and call in some favors on this treacherous investigation and who knows where it will take them?
Meanwhile, a mortal (MC2) is witness to a terrible crime, the brutal attack and murder of the man that lives in the apartment across from them, but what they saw makes no sense. Creatures like the one that killed their neighbor don't exist outside of the movies... and because of this they can't report it without sounding crazy... again. The police said that the murder was the result of gang activity in the city, just another victim on a long list of gang-related fatalities, but they know what they saw and heard. The only problem is... who on Earth would believe them?
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I've been doing text based RP since AOL came on Floppy Disks, so I am comfortable saying I am quite comfortable in the Casual RP classification. That's not to say I can't do very long, very detailed posts, or if we share a discord server, short 1-2 liners as far as dialogue. Lately I have been really into modern fantasy, the kind where humanity is still in the dark about the things that go bump in the night, or where they are being forced to face the reality that, there really are monsters in the closet. I prefer to play F main characters, as I am honestly still working on grasping a believable M Main, but I can play multiple genders as superficial background characters. Frequency can be a bit of a hit or miss for me, but no less than once a week from my end, sometimes I can do 3-4 posts a day. I work 18 hour days, and sometimes I have more downtime during those than others.

I am mostly looking for some relaxed, casual RP based in a modern fantasy setting.

My Characters are very Plot dependent, so I tend to create a character on the fly once we have decided on a story line.
I've been doing text based RP since AOL came on Floppy Disks, so I am comfortable saying I am quite comfortable in the Casual RP classification. That's not to say I can't do very long, very detailed posts, or if we share a discord server, short 1-2 liners as far as dialogue. Lately I have been really into modern fantasy, the kind where humanity is still in the dark about the things that go bump in the night, or where they are being forced to face the reality that, there really are monsters in the closet. I prefer to play F main characters, as I am honestly still working on grasping a believable M Main, but I can play multiple genders as superficial background characters. Frequency can be a bit of a hit or miss for me, but no less than once a week from my end, sometimes I can do 3-4 posts a day. I work 18 hour days, and sometimes I have more downtime during those than others.

I am mostly looking for some relaxed, casual RP based in a modern fantasy setting.

My Characters are very Plot dependent, so I tend to create a character on the fly once we have decided on a story line.
I'll DM you
Hi, I’m Mouse, or Valmonte (previous screen name), either is fine. I’m looking for an RP partner that is open to long-term casual role play with original characters. I really enjoy creating new characters and world building and appreciate someone who will chat OOC about what we both want to see moving forward.

-A little about me-
• I comfortably play both male and female characters
• I love a good Romance rp but I only write m/f pairings
Fantasy of any kind is my favorite genre and always what I’m looking for most, Modern Fantasy being my #1, but I also enjoy Steampunk, Medieval, some Slice of Life, Alternate Universe and a touch of Sci-Fi.
• I am a detailed writer. I tend to write at least a couple of paragraphs, but so long as my partner gives me enough back to work with, I don’t care about response length. If it’s 2 sentences and it moves the story forward, it’s good with me.
• I prefer to write with others within my own age range, 25-35, and I do not write with anyone under the age of 18.
•I most likely will only respond once a week. There are times when I am available for more but they are rare as I have limited free time between raising kids, running D&D campaigns, tending my farm, and attending church.
• My faith is important to me and is a large part of my life so it tends to bleed over into my characters and writing, but I’m not going to preach a sermon at anyone or rewrite the Bible. I’m here for entertainment.

Time Travel- Whether accidental, fateful or purposeful, I love a good time-traveling story, especially in a romance or mystery.
Modern Fantasy- I am always -ALWAYS-open to starting a story set in our world with the fantastical lurking hidden just beneath the surface. I enjoy monster hunters, murder-mysteries where the culprit or the detectives are not entirely human, ghost stories, or a love story between a modern guy/gal and a being from the hidden world within ours. Pretty much anything in this setting, I will jump on.
Medieval/Past Era- I’m itching to write something set in the past, either Medieval or maybe a Holy Roman Empire type setting, though other past eras are welcome as well. (I’m also perfectly happy to mix this in with some fantasy of course)
Hi! I have a modern fantasy plot if you’re interested. Message me!
Trash-Mouse Trash-Mouse Hey Mouse, how do you feel about super hero settings? I know they are sort of done to death these days, but I like them and they fit the modern fantasy genre. I got a couple ideas for it as well.
Trash-Mouse Trash-Mouse Hey Mouse, how do you feel about super hero settings? I know they are sort of done to death these days, but I like them and they fit the modern fantasy genre. I got a couple ideas for it as well.
I actually haven’t done a super hero setting yet. It could definitely be fun!

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