Chosen to the Rift - Overview


Game master
The city of Clementine, named after the daughter of its founder 1300 years ago. This city was overrun three years ago by the chosen, and has remained under their judgement ever since. The old castle has been reduced to rubble, replaced by a castle of mithral known as the sapphire palace. From there, the city is divided into districts, based on the phases of the moon. The full moon district is where the richest of the native residents live, and as such are under the closest watch. The gibbous district is that of the Knights and warriors, or it used to be. Those who live there now are broken in spirit, though the majority is taken up by a vast cemetery. The crescent district is where the merchants and peddlers live. These men and women are allowed to do their business as normal, under watch of course, provided they do not interfere with the jobs of the chosen. And the new district is where the majority of the populace is left. Peasants and workers, as well as those passing through the town. Entry to the town is easy enough, but passing into any districts beyond the new district is next to impossible if you are not a chosen. This district is under the command of a man known only as "Watcher". He often rides through the town, with the power of different ancient souls gathered about his person in the form of a pair of spiked pauldrons, and a pair of blue bracers. He keeps a close eye on both newcomers and residents alike, and holds the key to entering the other districts. It is here, in the new district, where the stars aline and our own chosen meet . . .
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