Chop Full of Ideas


New Member
Just some ideas I want to throw out there to see if there's any interest.

The Gaslight War: What if some of the well known characters from Victorian and Gothic fiction had lived long enough to where they would be active participants in The Great War (WW1)? Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, Tarzan, etc?

The Forsaken Island: Imagine, if you would, that sometime in the modern era that there was an island found never seen on any map. A wonderful place where remnants of prehistoric life have evolved alongside a mixed society of humans shipwrecked upon the island. Be wary, though. This is no Dinotopia. It is a land where the strong survive, and where the weak are fresh meat for the carnivores.

A Land of Giants: Long ago, an ancient civilization visited a world inhabited by human beings. They had conquered man, returning their state to that of a medieval technology. In their stead, the ancients left hulking machines powered by magic: The Colossi. It is now up to Man to topple this great machines before their masters return.

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