Choose your poison! [Interest Check]

Which will it be?

  • Exalted

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • World of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Black Sun in a White World
It's that time again. Interest check!

Before the summaries come up just a quick notice: If you guys could, so I don't waste anyone's time, if you feel the pluck of interest just throw out a game (Exalted or WoD) and a quick summary of any character idea that strikes you. Figure that'll keep the confusion down and such.

I know I've got a few votes going either way right now, but eh. We'll bring this up for pleasant election.

Exalted: Winter seas are darker than the pit of Neckeshian peaches, the old proverb goes. Winter has come to the Sea of Seas and the tropics have felt the sea breeze stronger than before. The Sorrow Okeanos is performed in all its cultural permutations in all the island-states and nations of the Sea save the Realm's puppet Wavecrest and its corral shell necklace of tributaries and in the shadowed lands of Onyx. A time of quiet contemplation and seasonal recovery for the great nations from a ranging season of heavy pirating. The dice roll, slaves traded, offerings made to sea, volcano and sky.

Embassies of peace, token in nature, but treated with the greatest sincerity, roam the seas in white carracks.

Our stage: The veiled port of Crescent, one of the more cosmopolitan ports of Wavecrest. Situated on the island of Halcyon, the jewel of Wavecrest, the port is as breathtaking as the island-mother it calls home. Lush, exotic, teeming with life, the volcanoes of Halcyon are slumbering and the natives hard in line with tradition, but tolerant of outsiders.

Our actors: A small party of Solar and Lunar Exalted drawn to the islands of the West through mysterious, amorphous dreams, of which nothing can be deciphered save a singular voice whispering, "My children. Send me my children."

Our connection: The actors of this little play shall not be a Circle per se, not in the beginning (lest the players finally chosen do want it), but you will know one another. Introductions take up too much time, so I'd much prefer that characters know one another. Relationships and friendships and rivalries between characters are your business.

World of Darkness: New England is among the oldest settled land of European men and their descendants in North America. History has turned upon its axis before and many old and ancient peoples have been scoured from it with fire and knife and shouting gun. Old Gods once walked here before the coming of Christ's children. The old towns lying on the banks of the Miskatonic have seen much history and many dark secrets seep beneath her banks. Arkham, Ipswich, Kingsport, Salem, Innsmouth, all with storied and sordid histories. With the Europeans came their own Old Gods and religions: walkers of night, howlers of moon, slaves of storied-lantern-men, men of an inconceivable wisdom.

Fall in New England. October. A gorgeous painting setting the background of even crowded Massachusetts. The skittering of leaves 'cross the pavement. Will-'o-the-wisp flaring, dying over panes of blackened lakes. Old wives tales of witches, Salem, stone piles of insidious nature, burial grounds, South Jersey, all the old spook stories come up in classrooms across the state. Professors at Roanton and Miskatonic Universities laugh and ruefully shake their heads. Old wives tales, they say, and cast wary eyes at the ground, their sealed archives deep in basement levels.

Something Old is waking. And the societies of day and night walk on unaware.

Our stage: Roanton, Massachusetts. Austere, old, a picturesque town nestled in the downlands toward the sea between Gloucester and Manchester. Sitting on a perfectly formed harbor, the deep waters of Roanton are still a humming center of industry and trade. The town proper a sprawling maze of history and culture. It harbors one of the oldest universities in the country, Roanton University, and the remnants of one of the first, Roan Pike Bible College, deep in the hills.

There is an oldness to Roanton, still situated on four main streets, the old downtown district, housing its monolithic town hall, is called the Maze. Walking in and taking a seemingly innocuous turn will find you lost for hours at a time. Hours pleasantly spent looking through the windows of dozens of dusty shops, still open for business, looking ripped from the '20s, '30s, and '40s, yet filled with modern goods. It bustles for nine months of the year as the college swells the population over sixty thousand.

Age, however, isn't always kind, giving birth to the Drears, a repugnant chancre crowding in the shadows of the Maze. The other side of the train tracks. A swath of the town that burned during the Great Fire of '22, that was barely repaired and soon forgotten for the strange order of the current downtown. The division between have and have not is jarring passing into the Drears, but few people do. It is forgotten and forgotten things fester instead of go away.

Something Old is waking.

Our actors: Either a coterie of Vampires or simply a group of mortals, this tale is easily set for either group.

- As Vampires, our actors are newly Embraced childer of five prominent Vampires within the primary Covenants save the Order of the Crone, they are anathema in Roanton and are kept in the dark woods surrounding the city. Nomads are welcome, and the childer of the First Estate and the Lancea are offered due respect, but little true power save what they earn in thrift and industry in this jointly ruled Carthian and Ordo dominion.

- As Mortals, our actors are everyday folk brought together through a series of strange and unnatural circumstances occurring in rapid succession during the weeks prior to Halloween. P.I.s, college students, cops, librarians, researchers, all the classical concepts of Lovecraftian fiction are more than welcome, along with modern professions and people.

Our connection: Preferable that some of you know each other, not ruled for everyone.

So! There they are folks. Please, if you're at all interested, throw up a vote for whichever game and if you've got an idea just throw a summary at me. Short and sweet. Thanks!
Mark a vote down for Exalted.

Character wise, I'd love to play a marked man: someone with a Wyld Hunt after him.
I am a fan of Exalted - I've not particularly enjoyed games held in the West but I'm willing to give it another shot. I assume your World of Darkness premise is using the nWoD version in which case I must restrain my inner vitriol and politely decline that game.

Character concept:

I do have a Solar concept for a character based in the West but I'm not sure what Caste he would be. I envision a character who has captured an artifact sailing vessel from the Realm. As part of his Exaltation his family were slain by (Lintha?) pirates which the Realm patrols conveniently ignored and vengeance on both pirates and the Realm Navy are on his List. He captured (through violence or other means) an artifact warship and is looking for a band of pirates with red and gold tattoos. So yes, he will most likely start with the Known Anathema flaw if M&F are allowed.
Exalted in the West, by all means!

Mmm Exatled in the West! My very first character for Exalted was a Twilight crafter in the West. I'd love to give it a re-spin now that I actually know how the system works a bit better. Concept: Magitech MacGyver

Kana saw something rolling in the surf. This in and of its self was hardly unusual, but this something caught her eye as it reflected the mid-morning sun's light directly into them. Squinting and somewhat irritated she wandered over to discover what manner of thing had tried to blind her. It was a spyglass. Half waterlogged and bound in some questionable looking leather, it looked like it had been in the water for some time. Gathering it up for closer inspection, she felt a wave of nostalgia.

Her father leading her patiently around the docks showing off his ship, and explaining as best he could to a five year old what daddy did for a living. Setting her on a stool by the harbormaster's office he handed her his spyglass and told her to keep watch for Lintha. Peering out from her crow's nest with the spyglass she saw magical blue and white fuzziness...

This spyglass looked familiar, but it was ridiculous to even think it could be his. Her father had never returned from his next voyage, and his spyglass was probably lost forever to the ocean. Still, she took it along with her, examining it's make.

Arriving at the shop at mid-day, she was greeted by the sound of Relina's hammer. She watched patiently as Relina finished straightening some flattened stock. She had been working with Relina for four years learning to work metal into the various items Relina sold. Today she had been promised a special task.

"Ah, you're early." Relina said as she put down her hammer. "I need you to make something special for a valued client. A pair of sais. But, they must be both sound and elegant, almost decorative."

"I'm sure you can think of something appropriate," she said with a wink. "I'll be back tomorrow to see if they are acceptable."

She had made sais before, and began arranging materials so they would be ready for the process. But, then that was so boring, and she wanted to create something great. Ideas lept to her mind and she started working. She melted down the slightly chromed rings from the spyglass, and peeled off the layers of leather wrapping. She then crafted the steel into elegant yet deadly looking sais. They were good, the best she had ever made certainly, but the finishing touches would really set them apart. Carefully she tried to ornament the sai with the lighter material. The molten metal seemed to actively resist her, and threatened to escape it's confines. As she struggled to force it into place, a vision flashed through her mind. A massive workshop with all his tools and assistants at the ready, a massive sword before him glowing hot as he drew the metals together and bound them for his purpose. The forge was illuminated with a bright glow. Her hands worked instinctively detailing the blades, sharpening, polishing. Finally she bound the leather from the spyglass around each hilt, and branded them with a pattern at once certain and foreign.

The glow of her anima slowly faded, and she looked at what she had created. Now she understood. Taking up the weapons she named them Look and See, after the materials that gave them power. Twins, one for offense and one for defense, though no mortal could tell you which was which.

As dusk grew close, she remembered Relina, her mother, the village. Afraid of what they might do to her and what she might do to them she fled. Taking Look and See and her satchel with her dinner she snuck out to the first small sail boat she could find and put out to sea. The sea was life to her people, but it was not a woman's domain they said. She could handle this small boat, but the approaching night was a real danger as she had to get away from shore before morning. Turning to parallel the coast she sailed until the light failed, and then rowed hard through the night.

Dawn revealed that she was far out to sea, and she could sea a village on the coast in the distance. She continued sailing up the coast, trying to avoid settlements and other boats. Large pillars of cloud slowly dominated the sky and the winds became troubled and fitful. Her little boat would not survive a true storm at sea, and she fought to move closer to shore. She was far away though, and the storm moved quickly. Soon the rain and wind began in earnest, and it was all she could do to keep hold of the boat and cut lose the sail. The sea tossed her about with little care, and as true night set in, it didn't look like it planned to stop. Suddenly she was thrown from the boat as it hit something with a sickening crunch. The hard rocky ground seemed in league with the waves as they tried to scrape her to pieces. She managed to scramble up the slope and into a cave where she passed out for the night.. and much of the next day.

When she finally woke up, stiff and sore, she peaked out of the cave to try to figure out where she was. There was approximately nothing to see. No shoreline, no boats. A few splinters of boards from her boat were stuck up on the rocky ground. She was on what looked to be a smallish volcanic island, and her cave was most likely a vent. She didn't see any obvious Wyld zones though, so with nothing else to do she began exploring. She paused for the night in another opening further up the mountain. Starving, she had not even seen a bird to hunt. She was thinking about trying to make some of the boat splinters into fishing spears when she realized this opening was not natural. It had been formed into a smooth passageway.

She followed it, and it continually branched. For some reason she didn't track her turns, it didn't seem necessary. Her feet walked the path as though they had done so many times. Feeling her way along in the dark she eventually came out onto a starlit ledge overlooking the very throat of the volcano. It appeared to have been dormant for some time though, and she followed the ledge to a large golden door. It warmed to her touch as she tried the handle, and opened smoothly, silently.

Home. Memories came to her unbidden and showed her what this place was, and had been. The manse itself was relatively large, but many parts of it had fallen to disrepair, the essense of the demense was no longer enough to power it all, but the structure had been well crafted and adjusted accordingly. There was still a serviceable workshop, though a number of the supporting areas were run down, and the hydroponics garden had like-wise adjusted. She ate well of the food the manse provided and went to the hearthroom to reclaim her home.

She spent her time cleaning up the run down areas, and trying to remember the workings of the tools. One day the god of this volcano appeared to her. He recognized his old friend, and mentored her in craft and retrained her in the Ebon Shadow style. At the same time, he spoke often of her mending the power source of this place, and subsequently heighting his power, though he didn't strait-out mention that part. He did speak fondly of working together to create great weapons, and sparing. He only appeared to her as an immaterial spirit, and sometimes just spoke to her mind.

She spent three years in the manse. Training, remembering, and repairing what she could. Once she had mastered the Ebon Shadow form the god of Hiula suggested she go out and search for the knowledge to restore this place. She managed to fashion a small ship and sailed east. A Tya ship found her, and offered to carry her to port on the condition that she told anyone inquiring that she was merely going from one place to another, and had not been at sea alone.

(a defiler, could be on the run or not...)

"Shara was a woman of many talents. A fine woman, and a wonderful wife. This whole village bears the mark of her loving hands. In the wind chimes and jewelry I see it, in the children I see it, and in my friends, healed by her hands, to live on. She fought to the very last, and though we did not find her, I pray that she finds the souls of our children in her next life." - Barem Kal, her loving husband

Shara Wave-song, Defiler in the service of Kimbery, raises her eyes to gaze last on the place of her former life. The demon in her mind restrains her, now is the time for leaving, would she frighten him with her new appearance, surely her death will give him easier comfort now. Shara felt a stinging tear trace her cheek and quickly turned. The sand of the beach shimmered and she was in the desert, alone.

Shara had grown up on the small island, and lived their all her life. She was a healer and an artisan. While her husband crewed on a fishing vessel, she made fine jewely, charms almost ornamental in design, and wards to keep the spirits in line. She tended to the sick and delivered most of the children on the island after old Kawri passed on. Hers was a good life. The sea brought it's trouble and bounty in equal measure and the people danced to it's rhythm.

Until one warm summer evening, fire rained from the sky. Shara rushed to protect her four children, running from her workshop amid the noise and confusion. She found them safely huddled together in the hut and hurried to get them away from the wooden structure. Suddenly Jai shouted, she turned to see a massive ball of fire falling right towards them. Her children clung to her as she turned her mind to protecting them. A shimmer of light danced across her skin just as the fire struck them.

The fire burned hot, but she was alive, it had worked. She opened her eyes ran her fingers through Samra's hair, but it wasn't there. Shara stumbled a few steps and collapsed, silent screams and wails poured from her parched throat, the image of four tiny skeletons burned into her mind. In her grief she heard a voice, comforting her. It talked to her. A stream of babble. Someone helped her up. The cold salt water splashed against her badly burned skin, stinging and soothing. Welcome pain. It led her again, then there was quiet, sleep eventually overtook the grief.

She awoke to the night time sounds of frogs in the forest, somewhere a bird trilled a warning and she looked about to see the one that had helped her. It, he? was obscured by a cloud or mist of some sort. "Why do you toy with me spirit?" She whispered through parched lips. "Why do you keep me from my rightful death?"

Then the voice from before spoke, it's voice was measured and sincere, with.. well.. an almost clicking undertone, "Rest Shara, I have not come to change your fate, I am merely an instrument of it. I have known I would come to you from the moment of my birth."

Another expanse of time passed and she again woke to see the obscured figure at her side, "Ah, now you are ready. Shara, I am here to be your guide, and also to impart a gift. My master has seen your sorrow, and she has seen your capabilities. I know now you are doubting them, but do not. My master sent me with a gift that will give you the ability to protect those you love, to strike those you hate, and to learn the truths of creation."

He watched while she thought about it, fighting through the raw emotions, finally, giving into them. With a tear streaked face she turned to him, "Guide me on this path. My own has been destroyed."

Malfeas was a terrifying place for Shara, but as she learned more, she learned why it was as it was. She was never one for true study, always learning by watching and doing, and sometimes guessing. Eventually she was ready to leave for a time. Waves of sorrow still found her, but her new.. life.. role, duty? Whatever it was, it kept her distracted and busy. She found knowledge within herself she had not learned, she found she could create with the most unlikely things, and finally, she learned that which would have saved her family. More assured she could do what she set to, she went out into creation to spread the love of her patron.
Amazing artwork Arynne :D

Oh and Exalted in the West sounds very very interesting. I've never participated in a naval campaign/story, nor played in the West part of Creation before.
Part of the hate is that the nWoD is simply so much different. Mechanics are one thing, they needed work, but I didn't understand a word of all that stuff about Covenants, Order of the Crone, First Estate, Lancea, Carthian, Ordo... I've read the book cover to cover twice, but it refuses to stick because it's simply so different. I can keep the differences between oWod and Dark Ages in my head, but nWoD won't stay.

I'd consider getting in on the Exalted, and I'd actually like to try nWoD sometime (perhaps my character can be as ignorant as me - it's a great way to learn) but I probably shouldn't - no game with me in it finishes scene 2, and they rarely start at all :P perhaps another time. I now return to my regularly scheduled staying-away-for-a-while.
Miashara said:
Mark a vote down for Exalted.
Character wise, I'd love to play a marked man: someone with a Wyld Hunt after him.
Oh, the dreadful things to be done with a Hunt in the West.
I was thinking for my character a soldier from lookshy who exalted. They honored him for his deeds as he saved a good amount of soldiers. They honored him for his length of service as well. In the end he was to risky to keep around.

Now he's wandering trying to find his place even with his heart still with mighty Lookshy.

I was gonna make him a dawn. Likely take some war and melee for his focus. If Feantari doesn't go with the magitech macguyver I'd likely have him knowing craft magitech. If he does go that route then I won't.
I am currently thinking of an Eclipse caste diplomat as my character (perhaps with a liberal personality and piratic tendencies), skilled in the fine arts of swordsmanship, sailing and negotiating, dreaming to unify some day the Islands of the West under the august rule of the returning Lawgivers. Of course it's still early and I'm quite prone to change regarding concepts etc in Exalted. :)
You'll have time to decide, folks, as will I! I've decided on a party of five (no more than six). The study ever deepens, so I'm still looking amongst you!
Here's my concept

Amano Rosario, The Desert Ghost, Wandering Bard of the South

It's said in the Southern deserts by certain caravans that many odd things lurk in the sands. Fae, monsters, long lost cities, forbidden treasures, cannibal tribes...but, not all of these stories are filled with danger. Some are just mysterious. The wandering songwriter who calls himself The Desert Ghost, is one of these stories.

It's said that at certain oases, during high noon, when the sun beats down at its worst, a man walks out of the mirage. Long, sun bleached hair contrasts his sun tanned skin. Tall and skinny, with an odd instrument of steel strapped to his back, similar to a sitar or sanxian, but with a wider body and a shorter neck, with six strings. For a small offering of food and water, he'll play you a tune, tell you a story. The hardships of the world melt away, and as the sun sets, everyone relaxes. He tells his story about 'The Good Fight', and asks others to carry his message of peace, before wandering away into the desert night. Spirits are elated, sicknesses pass, and the journey continues with far better luck than before.

More and more people speak of The Desert Ghost, and it's considered a good sign to see him, despite rumors. Is he fae? A demon? Anathema? Most don't care. He certainly doesn't. He just wanders under that desert sun, spreading his message, singing his song. His 'army' is growing though, fighting the good fight, making the South a little bit better, a bit at a time.
Well if it's back stories we want to put up I've got my horrible attempt.

Amilar Konchiro. He was born to a minor member of Gens Amilar and a courtesan. His father made sure he was taken care of even though he was a bastard. Trained from an early age in the military academy he grew up learning to love Lookshy. Understanding their duty even as he payed lip service to the immaculate faith. His story didn't really start till he was an adult.

Originally he got assigned to one of the normal units where he quickly made a name for himself for his skill and daring. He first came to the true notice of the general staff when he took command of a scale and led them to victory during a major skirmish. The other officers were either dead or wounded to much to lead. He rallied the men and led them to a decisive victory. He was formally adopted into the Amilar Gen on his return.

With that he gained rank quickly and soon became the highest ranked non dragon blood in service. It was in a major conflict against a Fae incursion that his fate truly changed. The ambush was at night, the commander had not put sufficient sentries up to give warning. The first wall was overwhelmed in the camp before most of the troop even awoke. Konchiro started to rally his men when he was jumped by a Fae knight. While skilled the fae was much more. Still a snarl and a lunge he fought. He didn't even notice the glow of his anima until he noticed the Behemoth approaching. Seeing the drivers of the Warstriders dead or fighting and knowing that they had to get them into action he made a decision. He could of survived and likely hidden his curse, or he could be a soldier of the 7th legion and reveal what he was. With a heavy heart he made his way over rallying the men as he moved. Until he got to the warstriders. He activated the greatest of them and went to battle against the horrors.

When the dawn finally came Konchiro radiated with the light of the sun. His caste mark proudly standing on his brow. Stepping away from the warstrider he surrendered himself to the commander. What ever came he'd go to it proudly as an Amilar.

Once at Lookshy the general council had a heated discussion. Here they had a soldier loyal to them. One with the power of the Anathema. One argued that they could use that. That they could use him to help them get into a better situation. They could bind him by oath and love and he could help them. The other side was saying he was to risky to keep around. What if the tales where true and they were insane. What would the immaculates do if they went that route. In the end they decided to let him go.

So he was given a retirement. They equipped him with the gear they'd of given a Dragon Blooded war hero for his deeds. They gave him a small manse to the Amilar that he was custodian of. Again for his deeds. They gave him a good retirement package money wise. Yet they asked him to move on.
Character idea.


When the Paragon of Chairascuro commissioned a picture dictionary for his son, Andronicus was asked to pose for the picture of 'Axe-Murderer.' (It's one word in firetongue.) It wasn't his fault. He's always been a nice guy and surprisingly good with children, but he has one of those faces that touches the 'run in fear' reflex on most people.

He once got thrown out of a bakery by a terrified young woman. Andronicus attempted to persuade her that he was not, in fact, after her chastity, her money, or her health, but would much appreciate it if she served him waffles. They were in a bakery after all. She would not stop screaming. Andronicus produced his wallet and attempted to pay for the waffles, hoping it would persuade her to reconsider her reaction. It did not. Shortly after the guard arrived, and very shortly thereafter the big man decided his leaving would be the best for all parties involved. He never even got the waffles, which was the tragedy.

At a young age he entered the pit-fighting circles and soon rose to a level of notoriety. Eventually a southern broker for House Sessus acquired his contract and took him to the Blessed Isle. There Andronicus made a comfortable living punching peoples faces out the back of their heads, filling his off time with training and raising stray dogs. But there is only one conclusion to a mortal pit-fighter's career on the Blessed Isle, and it isn't retirement. Sooner or later they either die or make enough of a name for themselves to be fed to a Dragon-Blooded contender. Within a few years of coming to the Realm, Andronicus realized this. His escape came in the form of Sessus Trycus, a short, weasel-faced kid who was going to the Heptagram. He needed an attache/bodyguard, and Andronicus fit the bill. The hulking brute got out of his pit fighting career and went to school.

The primary work of sorcerers, especially battle sorcerers, is the summoning of demons. It is for that reason they get assistants like Andronicus. If the demon summoning goes bad as they are wont to do, one wants a big, angry looking man at one's back to assist in the negotiations. As mortals are incapable of learning sorcery, the official Heptagram policy is to allow them to sit in the back row. This gives the bodyguards enough familiarity with the process to know when things go bad. Thus it is typical to see a row of huge bruisers sitting politely in the rear of an auditorium, listening to sophisticated magical lectures. For security reasons, the lectures are in Old Realm, and it is assumed the goons won't be able to understand. This was true for a while, but even Old Realm isn't that hard to pick up if you listen to it for eight hours a day.

One evening the young master summoned his first demon, a blood ape, at the stroke of midnight. The demon appeared and lost the subsequent battle of wills, but noticed the big fellow standing ready. There was an instant understanding between them. Andronicus knew what was going to happen, the blood ape knew what was going to happen, and the only question left was 'when.' Sessus Trycus made the ape perform a couple of simple tasks to demonstrate he had control over it, and released the creature back whence it came. Andronicus was certain the damn thing winked at him as it went.

Trycus summoned it several more times, and each time things went well. Soon the kid was obviously complacent. He got to calling it forth when it was forbidden, just to prove to himself he could. Then one night he summoned it for no reason at all save he could, and the emanthyroi shattered the bonds of will and power that held it captive. One swipe send the young Dynast crashing into a wall, and then it and the bodyguard got down to the business of the hour.

Andronicus had a simple sense of ethics. Once he was bought, he stayed bought. His job was to deal with this sort of problem, so he intended to do just that. With fists and feet, he fought like mad, and in the dormitory of the Heptagram, a mortal man beat a demon to death. In that moment Andronicus completed the greatest triumph of his fighting career, and he Exalted.

Exalting as a Solar in the very center of the Realm's school for magery left him in a tricky situation. As Andronicus burned with essence fire from within, he looked down at the boy and the situation lay before them. All the lad need do was take responsibility for the summoning and the lights and magic could be explained away. Or Andronicus could just kill the boy. There was nothing the lad would be able to do to stop him.

Then the lad fled, screaming about Anathema, and Andronicus went the other way.

The new Twilight was saved by the situation. Events had provided him with an excellent magical education. Andronicus summoned a cloud and sailed away on it. This being the Heptagram, no one was terribly willing to start throwing countermagic wildly, and by the time the story was established, the Solar was over the ocean and gone. They called the navy after him, and it was a race.

We wouldn't be talking about this if he had not made it, but he probably wouldn't have Exalted at all if he wasn't the type to pull through such trials. Andronicus got to land and kept running. The full story of Sessus Trycus' activities came out at the Heptagram, and the boy was expelled. He ran home to his family, and spilled a wild tale of Solar Anathema demon summoners who plagued his efforts. No one should have believed it.

Trycus' uncle is named Sessus Chenow. You might have heard of him. That ruthless old bastard took up the cause at once, and instantly proclaimed that this was indicative of the weaknesses of the Realm. He personally raised the call to arms to bring the Wyld Hunt after Andronicus. Using the escapee's face as a rallying cry, it was in the dictionary under 'Axe-Murderer' after all, soon there was a veritable riot of people out after Andronicus.


Andronicus is a surprisingly nice, understated guy who likes dogs. His hobbies are reading books about history and swimming. Much smarter than he appears, he doesn't talk much but listens well. He's also a dedicated martial artist and somewhat fastidious.


Five foot eleven, two hundred five pounds with dark, ash colored skin. His right eye socket was broken once and healed back incorrectly. Now his head is asymmetrical. He has droopy brows and heavy cheekbones, a low, sloping forehead, and protruding ears. Early male pattern baldness left him with little hair, so he regularly shaves his head. He normally wears brightly colored woolens, but anima flux has left all his garments sun-bleached. There is an odd pattern of scars on his back that came from a jaguar fight, and a discolored patch of flesh on his arm where his bicep was nearly bit off by a fan. He bathes twice a day, with scented oils if he can get them, and his grooming is impeccable. It makes him look like the neatest serial killer anyone's ever seen.
Are converted Abyssal's allowed? (Once Solar, now Abyssal) Writing his backhistory and it keeps ending up an Abyssal - Exalted RAW is a ***tdark place.

Journal of Dart Brilliance, aboard Swift Running, dated ???

We’re finally approaching our last turn towards Cirthe, around the shoals of Dagmon and it should all be smooth sailing now. The winds run with us and the water is blue and deep, our Knubentes has made the bargain with the Wind Makers and our masts are groaning with the sails’ full of their wind.

Give us just a little more luck we’ll easily make the run home to Cirthe in time to claim the triple bonus. Father should be pleased, he’ll finally have a buffer to take the vessel into dry-dock for maintenance. I wonder if I’ll be made helmsman on our next voyage out. Mother still thinks I should ‘prentice to the portmaster. As if I’d give up the freedom of the oceans for the staidness of land-locked. I know she is just worried about the growing pirate activity, we’ll be fine.

Journal of Dart Brilliance, aboard Swift Running, dated ???

A blue water merchant has been shadowing our ship for the last 2 days. It flies no flag. We’re close to the regular shipping routes however there has been no sign of the Navy of the Realm. What is the point of tithing them if they do not provide protection when it is most needed?

Father merely laughed when I queried him regarding any danger. I caught him gazing back at the ship with a fleeting concern when he did not realise I was present. We are nearly at full sail and the mast of Swift Running will crack if we unfurl any more canvas. I’d best get back down to the galley to eat or Mother will box my ears.

Captains’ Log, Swift Running, dated ???

For 3 days they follow - always slowly gaining. I have tried all that I know to lose them, I dare not sail any closer to the reefs with the winds’ abeam; the Maker giving wind to our sails quiets the weather in its’ wake and still they come. Our best hope is for a storm or fog in which to lose them. However the sky does not even look like it will rain. The price of dealing with these elementals was high.

There has been no sign of the Realm’s Navy and normally they patrol these waters. Someone must have tipped them off. Damm their corrupt souls!

We have 2, perhaps 3 hours at the most.

I am afraid; may the Gods watch over my family and crew.

Journal of Burnished Chorus, date unknown

<the page is water damaged and full of sharp, dark and disjointed calligraphy>

Bastards! Bastards! Burning wreckage! HAH I survived. Tattoo of a red and gold demon in my minds eye! Shark and sea and spray and bargains saved me! May the Sun burn them! May the creatures of the deep harass them! May my family know PEACE on the sea floor! May the Realm join them!

There is a hollow circle of gold on my forehead with a glittering golden light surrounding me. I see myself dying again and again. No. I remember being slain! A sharp jade sword dripping with blood, buried in my chest. Terrestrial Exalt leering over me. Not this time! Bastards!

<journal entry continues in much the same irrational manner until the writing trails off into a illegible scrawl>

Journal of Burnished Chorus, date unknown

Now that I have my sanity once more, I can elucidate on events that have taken place. My family vessel, Swift Running, was shadowed by pirates, until they caught up, looted and then sunk our ship. I found washed ashore pages of Fathers’ log from the ship. Particularly regarding the absence of the Realm.

I remember the captain who led the assault on our vessel having a red and gold demon tattooed into his forearm and possessing a laughing sneer as he weighed me down and flung me overboard.

I sank. Light filtering from the oceans’ top slowly died. I plummeted and I knew I was going to die. Sea creatures gathered around and watched my procession to the seabed; many of them were the carnivores of the sea. However I was saved by the grace of the Sun embracing me to His bosom and giving me the gift of His voice.

The second thing that saved me was the Avatar of the Sharks spoke to me. This monstrous being with sharp teeth would save me if I would agree to his price. He demanded an offering of blood every time I put out to sea. Either mine or of someone else. With my life fluttering away from me with every moment that passed, I hastily accepted, making only the amendment that the Avatar would come to my aid once more when I called. When I was freed and washed ashore the island, my Second Breath hit me in full. Memories that were not mine spilled into my brain, not many of them pleasant. Memories of being someone else and dying with a jade weapon impaled through me. My body changed as did that of my slayer, but not the symbol of the Realm in my heady visions. The Gift of the Second Breath drove me insane with grief, both for the pain of my current life my other lives’ cut short.

I am no longer Dart Brilliance, I am a Burnished Chorus, to bring together the peoples of the West together and ensure no one will again prey on the helpless.

Journal of Burnished Chorus, dated ???

I look back upon my last journal entry and can almost smile at my hopeful optimism and idealism. I have been able to do little things here and there, no more. Continually I must fight against corruption, materialism and graft just to stay where I am. People and spirits alike are not interested in helping someone alike, preferring only to grab what they can for themselves.

No one will tell me of the captain with the red and gold tattoo, either they do not know or will not answer. Always I must rely on myself and what I alone can achieve. Spirits’ that can sense whose’ voice I speak with give me a wide berth or treat with me at arms’ length, afraid of the covenants they have broken. Ordinary people are easier to talk to, however often they hold little real power or knowledge, and they are corruptible like everyone else upon Creation. Unconquered Sun, why did you let it all come to this?

Journal of Burnished Chorus, date unknown

<this is a piece of parchment, loose>

….things fall apart… the centre does not hold….

Journal of Harmonic Discord, aboard Lady Dancer, dated ???

It has been some 6 months since the Silver Prince banished me from his citadel in the lands of the West. Six months since I sold my very soul for the hope of vengeance.

Still, I am no closer to finding those that slaughtered my family and set the blue water vessel Swift Running to the bottom of the ocean. Time is a luxury to me now at least. Plenty of time to gather the tools and allies I need to perform that last act. Perhaps then I shall rest.

Journal of Harmonic Discord, aboard The Acheron, dated ???

The Acheron handles well, she is fast and quick to tack.. I can still hear the cries of V’neef echoing from the shore. Heh. I consider it a small down payment on the death of my family. However I do forsee problems when this ship of the line sustains battle damage – and she will in the times to come. Her make and materials are unlike anything I’ve seen so I imagine repairing her or its’ weapon mounts will not be easy.

<insert more details about group/dreams/etc here>
Obviously, there is a need for an orca Lunar who is not Leviathan. I shall fill this need!

I have been tweaking and playing around with this character concept for some time...

As in the dark of winter night

Our eyes seek dawn,

As in the bonds of bitter cold

The heart craves sun,

So blinded and so bound, the soul

Cries out to thee:

Be our light, our fire, our life,


In the Northern satrapy of Dehenna, only a few thousand inhabitants are free. Within their number, a few dozen free and exceptionally wealthy citizens own the rest of the population. Slaves work the fields and toil in the mines. More than that, though, all the scribes and clerks, merchants, artisans and managers are slaves too. They receive other rewards and privileges. They can own other slaves and property. They can earn money. They can even become wealthy. Yet, they are not in any way free.

When the skeletal ship came out of the fog, most of the people on the waterfront fled screaming or stood staring blankly at the corpse-pale pirates who came rushing to cut them down with axes stained by frozen blood. Dorissa, the plump, seemingly placid daughter of a clerk in the service of House Ledaal, did not. Instead, she lured two of the pirates away from her sister and brother, giving her younger siblings time to escape. When the pirates realized they had been tricked, they tried to drown “the fat cowâ€. They were surprised, to put it mildly, when she suddenly glowed with dark blue light and transformed into a killer whale. It was the last thing they were ever surprised by.

In the aftermath, the whale surfaced once, gazing sadly at her stunned friends and family, who had gathered at the dock. But as the hissing whispers of “Anathema!†began, she turned and swam away in the direction of the Western Ocean, vanishing quickly from sight.

Caste: No Moon

Anima Banner: A dorsal fin jigs slowly across deep blue water

Spirit Shape: Orca

Tell: Shadows over her eyes

Motivation: Discover the true meaning of freedom, and teach it to others


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