Name: Arin Jörn
Gender: Male
Aliases: Jörn
Age: 19
Species: Human

Birthplace: Tampa, FL. Arin was born in a parallel Earth. An earth where aliens and human have partnered up to create new and useful technology.
Occupation: None
Skills: Even though, Arin is decent at fistfighting, he mainly excels a being a good leader. He can also break up a verbal fight with ease.
Supernatural Abilities: None.

Personality: Arin is often straightforward. He tends to analyze a situation carefully before charging in. Equable and mellow, Arin is capable of remaining composed in most situations, he is able to remain strong and act practically despite dangerous and uncertain situations. While mostly level-headed, Arin can still lose his cool when he is all alone, put in a tight space, or completely stressed out. While Arin is usually silent and hardworking, he can be slightly outgoing when he is around people he loves. Arin isn't a completely honest man, he would lie to not make his friends and family upset.
Backstory: Arin lived in a mansion with his mother who owned a casino, and his father who was a scientist. His father wanted Arin to become a scientist, fortunately, Arin actually did want to become a scientist. Arin was always interested in the multiverse and wanted to find out if it was real when he was older. Arin's father knew about Arin's dream for a while, and had been trying to develop a machine that can jump universes for years. On Arin's 18th birthday, the machine was created and given to Arin. It was called the the Trasporter. It's not a very imaginative name, but he didn't know what to call it. The machine looked like a giant wristband, but I could transport the wearer/anyone holding it to any universe they want. Now, all Arin does is travel through the multiverse and making new friends.
Weapon(s): His lucky baseball bat his dad gave to him when he was interested in baseball for a short time.
Equipment: His smartphone, baseball bat, notepad, and a mechanical pencil.

-Good leader
-Panics when put under pressure
-Not honest
Extra: (Maybe I'll edit this later)
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