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Death Documentation

Full Name:

DWMA/Stage Name:


Age: (Must be at least middle-school age!)

Date of Birth:

Appearance: (Either a two-paragraph min description or a photo)

Hair Color:

Eye Color:


Parents: (Optional)

Siblings: (Optional)


Known Languages:

Pets: (Optional; Must be small enough to fit in an apartment!)



Form: (Picture or a paragraph description!)


Soul Count: (No getting out of this one; put 0. I will edit it to add or remove souls depending on your mission results)



Abilities: (Just list canon abilities by name; nothing too powerful unless stated otherwise. If you want to have custom abilities you must bring it up with me, and must put a detailed paragraph description down)

EAT or NOT: (If you are a new student you MUST be NOT unless a special exception arises)

Rank: (Only One-Stars are being accepted as of now)

Soul: (Explain in two good paragraphs how your character’s soul appears, the size, the color, etc.)

Personality: (Two good paragraphs please)

History: (Three detailed paragraphs minimum)

Fighting Style: (At least one paragraph

Items: (Optional)
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Néa "Nils" Ljung

DWMA / Stage Name



Transgender Male



Date of Birth

November 8th

Hair Color

Platinum Blonde

Eye Color





Fredrik Ljung | Father

Isa Ljung
| Mother


Emil Ljung | Older Brother

Desirée Ljung | Younger Sister


Gothenburg, Sweden

Known Languages

English, Swedish, French, Spanish, and German


Demon Weapon





N / A

Soul Count



Nils' soul holds a white ivory color to it, with a dimmed glow to it. Its size could be described as one able to fit perfectly an adult's hand. It possesses a pair of big, droopy with a faint, somewhat nervous smile for an expression.

Its identifying characteristics are a wavy puff on top of its head and long eyelashe.
The soul shows to quiver every little often when one with Soul Perception were to observe it.


Nils is very reserved, shy and somewhat aloof. When prompted to speak, he often corrects himself and rephrases everything other's may misunderstand him from. A dork at heart, he is a quiet and nervous individual, who seems to not share the same dimension most people around him. Tending to overthink, he spends a lot of time staring blankly into space, as if he is ignoring others, when in fact he is paying attention to what they are saying and pondering over their words. As such, he is often misunderstood and many tend to avoid his presence, as they feel intimidated by his ong, quiet stare. He also is a rather judgmental individual, easily ticked by things most people wouldn't, portraying paranoia to a certain extent at times even. Once faced with something that surprisingly inflicts embarrassment or excitement within heim, he is prone to blushing, having the habit of turning his face away, start babbling in clear distress or simply flee from sight. He is actually quite psychologically tense and alert, which clearly influences his drained and submissive state most of the time, as it fatigues him greatly.

He has an uncanny way of making others uncomfortable when he finds someone interesting, which may actually come across as creepy or disgusting in a way… He also is extremely curious and has a thirst for knowledge, believing ignorance is one of the worst traits humanity has. Intelligent yet socially awkward, many consider him a difficult individual to interact with, sometimes even driving someone to exasperation while trying to hold a conversation with him. He also seems to enjoy appearing and disappearing "out of nowhere" in the middle of a conversation and seems to possess slight obsessive-compulsive disorder. He is responsible and reliable however, never hesitating to go his way to aid those she has come to care for in need if he manages to cope with his lack of self-worth and weak-hearted nature. Nils ften fixates on things (prompting other people to have to tell him to be quiet), and misses social cues at times (for example, unknowingly changing the subject of a conversation).


Born in a healthy and comfortable upbringing within Sweden, ever since she was a small child, Néa found herself to be target of unimaginable pressure and responsibility for everything that went wrong among her surroundings, trying to keep up to her parents’ expectations and obeying them without question, all the while coping with a lingering, comfortable discomfort towards his identity as a female. More than anything, she felt shackled to his family, like a bird trapped on its cage, earning for their approval at any given moment of her life, fearing rejection and disappointment from more than anything in her young existence. She loved them but it was suffocating how much of a presence they had in her every choice and action, a tool for them to maneuver and shape to their liking, telling her who to be at every second of her life.

But the moment she would discover a calling she had not envisioned, not even her family either, something that awakened a path that forsaken the one he had to took unwillingly. Fear had stirred within her parents, as to what the meaning of being a so-called Demon Weapon entailed for the future they had for her. By coming to know others who were like her, even some who introduced her to the partnership of a Meister and Weapon, Néa, little by little, would come to ambition for a freedom she had never attempted to reach in the past.

Néa became Nils.

No, Néa accepted Nils.

Needless to say, his relationship with her family would only become more and more strained, to the point that not even his own father would look at him, his mother would kept addressing him as something he was not. In the end, it was just too much. His friends, or at least those who accepted him as Nils, would come to be his only tie to the past, sheltering him for months. Such was his situation until become acquainted with EAT students on a mission, conditioning his induction into DWMA…

Years after, here he is, part of the EAT student body yet missing in perhaps the most important element as a Weapon : a partner. He does not seem to be particularly interested in becoming an autonomous weapon either. Despite his efforts, her personality would come to draw away a definitive Meister over and over, a fact that certainly cemented his palpable lacking of self-worth, no doubt... Missions are but a momentary spec of achievement to him, not by choice, but out of orders.

Fighting Style

Nils relies majorly on long combat range, given the kind of Weapon he is. Albeit his performance when it comes to close range may pale in comparison, he has been attempting to level such a discrepancy in the future. His most prominent characteristics on the field are his aim, speed and proficiency when it comes to combat tactics and alike. Due to his complacent nature, he has shown to be a valuable asset on team missions rather than solo missions. A follower, not a leader, so to speak. She seems to lack both the charisma and the empathy to pull it off.

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Death Documentation


Full Name: Ayumu Fujisaki

DWMA/Stage Name: Spring Breeze

Sex: Female

Age: 14

Date of Birth: October 8th

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: Japanese/French

Parents: Ayer (Father) and Aiko Fujisaki

Siblings: N/A


Known Languages: Japanese, English

Pets: N/A





Partner: N/A

Soul Count: 0

Soul: She has a light blue soul with an ever smiling face and closed eyes. It is quite a small soul, about the size of say a dwarf hamster, so it isn't very outstanding. Sometimes when she is angered, the eyes open and the soul appears to have a stern expression.

Some identifying features are low twin braids, and some bangs.


Ayumu is a very motherly individual, caring very much for everyone around her. She talks to everyone like they're children in need of a mother, always worrying and missing people she cares about. She always checks up on her comrades, and makes sure their condition is good. She also tends to bring them baked goods and such if they aren't feeling well or sad. She is often one to hug and hush people, petting them on the head and assuring them everything will be okay.

As she is a gentle motherly, she is scary when angry... She gets extremely stern, a fire in her eyes, which could scare just about anyone. She only gets angry when her worry comes up. If someone is told to lie down because they're in terrible condition, she will make them lie down and stay.

Ayumu is a very empathetic individual, always being the one who you can talk to. She is very therapeutic and wishes to see everyone in good mental and physical health.

She also loves to have fun, always pushing herself to get out of the house every day to exercise, play, or explore.


Ayumu was born to a broken family. Her mother had gone back to her family's estate to give birth, completely abandoning her father. Why? Well it was the way of Fujisaki women; they couldn't stay with their partners and had to raise their children under their rules and beliefs. Ayumu has only known females for the beginning of her life. She lived knowing her cousins, her aunts, and the servants in the estate. She had never seen the face of a male in her young life, and didn't know they even existed.

When she was four years old, she happened upon her mother and aunt fighting. Her mother had become the family head when her grandmother passed, and her aunt was quite upset. She demanded the position be given to her, since she was much older and wiser. Her mother told her time and time again that it was not her decision, it was that of their mother's. Ayumu then walked in on this harsh debate, just to be shooed to bed by her aunt.

This fighting continued, up until the age of seven, when her training was to begin. She was walking through the yard, having been playing with the ducks in the pond, as she heard her mother and aunt arguing on the railing above. Her aunt had been angrily pushing the woman, who was then distracted by her daughter's presence, and in turn didn't protect herself from the hard shove.

She fell over the railing and landed on the ground head first, ending her life instantly. Ayumu had watched her own mother die right before her eyes. She stood there in pure shock with vacant eyes, her aunt quickly coming out into the yard and picking her niece up, rushing to a phone.

She didn't remember much of that day, but only her mother's broken body came to mind when she did think of it. Her aunt had hidden the body, throwing it over the cliff. She was thankful Ayumu was shocked into silence, but her caretakers did notice her strange silence.

She was snapped back to normal a couple days later. She didn't really remember that day, and was told by her aunt that her mother had ran off. Her aunt was in great distress about the ordeal, crying and being racked with grief for several days. The woman wanted the position, not her sister dead.

Ayumu encountered her aunt one final time in her bedroom, all the lights off and her hugging herself and rocking back and forth in bed. Ayumu detected that her aunt was not well... She came onto her bed, trying to get her attention, just to be met with silence. And then, something she wouldn't think would happen occurred. Her hand suddenly glowed with a gentle light, and she reached out and touched her aunt's chest. Within minutes her aunt had come to her senses, staring at her niece. Her hand was still glowing, and she looked up and smiled at her aunt, glad she was awake.

Her aunt then went and told everyone in the estate about how she healed her of her "demons". She then began praising her niece quite a lot, urging her to go into training to become the new head of the family.

Though one day, at 10 years old, would completely rewrite her fate. She was walking through the halls of the estate, until her cousin frightened her. Her hand turned into the mouth of a gun, and it quite scared her. She hurriedly ran to her aunt, who was mortified by her arm's transformation. Police arrived, though were calm when they discovered the girl had just turned her arm into a weapon. They were told exactly what was happening, and recommended taking her straight to the DWMA.

Later that month, she was bid farewell, which made her scared and cry. She was only 10 years old and she was separated from her family.

Arriving at the school, she signed the liability wavers and began the NOT class, soon moving up to the EAT class in two years. She practiced her ability, later learned she has possessed the healing wavelength, instead of strong psychic power.

Fighting Style:

Ayumu isn't much of a fighter, though when forced to she is very elegant in hand to hand combat. She turns her arm into the muzzle of the gun to sort of act as a pole knife to hit her opponents with. Since she cannot shoot, she can only hit and cut people with her partial transformation. She moves like the wind, proving to be very fast with attacking her opponent. She aims for sneak attacks and close hits.

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Full Name: Alisa Ann

DWMA/Stage Name: Mask

Sex: Female

Age: 15

Date of Birth: Nov 28th



Alisa stands and 4'9 and weighs around 86 lbs. For the most part she looks like a normal little girl, save for her odd eyes. When she's fighting her facial appearance changes completely, pretty much like she's wearing a mask, as seen below.


Hair Color: Whiteish Gray

Eye Color: Dark Orange

Nationality: Russian

Parents: Roderick Ann, Katya Ann

Siblings: None

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Known Languages: Russian, English.

Pets: A small white mouse named Squeaks, usually rides in her front dress pocket.



Autonomous Demon Weapon

Form: Her arms basically morph into two blades of these:
. The blades themselves are about five feet in length and curved as seen in the picture. The edges of the blades are serrated, and thus cause heavier wounds than normal.

Soul: Alisa's soul more or less looks exactly like her mask in the center of her chest, similar to a heart. The noticeable difference between her mask and it is the eye colors are swapped, right one is orange and left one is blue. Ever so often if one with Soul Perception looks closely a 'wave' of sorts can be seen flowing over it. It's not entirely clear what exactly it is, but its there.

The key defining characteristic of it is the massive brown bow on the top of it. Typically its expression has three settings; Smiling, Neutral, and Frowning. Depending on whats going on or what she is doing triggers the emotions. Fighting obviously triggers smiling, as does things that she REALLY enjoys. Any other time it slowly starts turning into a frown. When this happens it means she's either 1. Extremely bored or 2. Upset. Typically if its the first option it turns into the second option and thus she acts depressed due to it.

Partner: N/A

Soul Count: 0


Alisa is kind of dense, primarily due to the fact she doesn't speak, read, or otherwise understand English well. She is fairly decently naive most of the time due to it to, she is easily tricked into doing just about anything. She is generally a kind person to be around and values friends over anything, including herself. That said she doesn't really grasp the concept of personal space or shame, nor does she really get embarrassed by much of anything. That coupled with her carefree attitude isn't really a good thing and it has infact lead to some..incidents. Of which include showing up to school in just her underwear and once or twice not even that, she doesn't grasp shame so whats it matter to her? She also doesn't really understand why other people care, but eh.

When her 'mask' comes on she mostly retains her personality, though her bubbly and carefree attitude takes on a more sadistic tint. Sadistic as in she'll laugh gleefully and sing while hacking things to pieces. It probably doesn't help that she enjoys her work either. When she gets into it she gets really into it. Her only off switch is when every enemy in sight is dead.


Alisa grew up in a more rural area of Moscow, instantly taking a liking to her surroundings the second she was able to explore them. She got along with her parents quite well, the both of them loved her and she them. They often did pretty much everything with each other and frequently visited foreign countries, mostly the US. Though she always preferred her home in Moscow she loved exploring other countries as well, never denying any chance to visit one with her parents whenever able and often asking to go with them when they went on business trips and the like.

Despite this she always felt there was something else she could be doing or something she hadn't discovered yet. By nature Alisa was a very curious girl, often getting into trouble no matter where she went. It didn't exactly help that she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box either, which only further led her to get into trouble. As time went on and she got older this only got worse, and due to such her parents stopped allowing them to come with her and refused to take her anywhere. She was simply becoming too much of a handful for them to deal with. Of course, she didn't like it at all. Often times she'd try running away, it wasn't that she disliked her parents at all. Infact she understood their reasoning. It was simply for the fact her curiosity got the better of her and refused to let her stop learning and seeing new things.

When she was thirteen she found out she she could transform, if only partially. She thus started training herself secretly in private whenever she got a chance, deciding to use her time on that instead of running away. At first it was simply her hand, then an arm, and eventually both arms. It was hard, but over the course of eight months she'd learned how to do it. By no means for large amounts of time at once, a few minutes at most, but she considered it an achievement since she'd accomplished such a thing on her own. Approximately a month later her parents found out and immediately shipped her off for the DWMA, no questions about it, to further her training.

She didn't really mind, infact she preferred it. She'd be able to get stronger and make some new friends, so why not? Thus she's been at DWMA for little over a year now, determined to get as strong as possible.

Fighting Style: Alisa tends to fight with swift and quick hit and run tactics. She gets in, cuts a few times no matter how deep, and gets out hopefully before her opponent can retaliate. It's actually both a good strategy to minimize injury and maximize pain for the target; which she enjoys doing. She can actually fight decently well at times when she isn't able to perform her usual hit and run tactics, but she generally prefers not to.

Items: A void satchel full of nothing but an infinite supply of candy of any and all kinds. Will accept no other items.
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DWMA / Stage Name :

Holika Holic

Sex :


Age :


Date of Birth :

December 16

Hair Color :


Eye Color :

Violet ( the eye under her eyepatch, however, is red )

Nationality :


Parents :

Lawrence Strathmore ( Meister )

Yuuko Ichiyanagi-Strathmore ( Meister )

Siblings :

Alistair Strathmore ( Meister )

Birthplace :

Federal Way, Washington DC, USA

Known Languages :

English and Japanese

Pet :

A white owl named " Yuuki ", who oddly enough has heterochromatic blue-red eyes

Species :

Human / Meister


Partner :

Marlin Bishop Harthrow ( see below )

Abilities :

> Soul Perception

> Soul Resonance

> Madness of the Black Blood ( heavily suppressed )

> Hand-to-hand combat proficiency

> Immense durability, healing and athleticism ( as an effect of unsuppressed Black Blood - only enhanced in her normal setup )

EAT or NOT :

EAT ( one year in the EAT class after being in NOT for three years )

Rank :

One star

Soul :

Anya's soul is a violet orb with one main tail and four smaller tails, reflecting her hairstyle ( and it somewhat resembles a pineapple... ). Unlike her outward appearance, her soul has two eyes, which gives anyone who see it the clue that her right eye may not really be missing at all. Unlike how most would guess, her soul's Wavelength is actually quite strong - which signifies that she has a bigger power inside of her that most, including her, do not realize. This power, however, makes it hard for other souls to resonate with her, because if they do not match her soul's power, their soul maybe overwhelmed by hers. However, this is a very rare condition, and thus people just think that her wavelength is just too different from theirs. Her soul is also a bit larger than most.

Its expression is a meek smile, much like her usual face. Its eyes are raised at the inner points, forming a droopy look, and it has a small smile. Under... certain circumstances, however, it changes expressions. These certain circumstances turns her soul's emotions to something more confident. The smile turns to a smirk, and the eyes turn sharper, with its outer edges pointed up instead. This transformation also has her soul sometimes having spikes of fluctuation around its edges.

Personality :

When one first thinks of the student named Anya Strathmore, the first few adjectives that comes to mind are "meek", "spineless" and "lacking presence". Anya is a bit too shy and a lot too meek towards others, particularly due to her antisocial and isolated upbringing, which makes others think that she is simply too pitiful or makes others rein back on how they approach her with the truth. Anya is very timid, stuttering sometimes or being confused when people interact with her, as she doesn't know how to relate to others. She also appears to be lacking in confidence, often downplaying her talents and hesitating to offer her help with the thought that she may only make things worse or she might not live up to par with the expectations people give her.

However, for all her perceived spinelessness, Anya also holds a lot of inner power. Even if she can't deal with social situations and people often can't feel as if they can rely on her, Anya will fight for things that are important to her, and she will damn swear she'll sacrifice her life if needed so. Her bonds with others that she tries to protect gives her the courage to step out of her comfort zone. She values justice first and foremost, and will fight for what she thinks is right.

However, Anya has a sealed split personality in the form of Yana - the manifestation of her desire to be stronger and more confident - essentially her Madness. Her eyepatch usually keeps Yana at bay, because Yana not only is stronger and more confident, but she is also highly destructive and is somewhat concerning, because, with Yana in control, Anya becomes more willing to fight, but for the sake of fighting than actual justice. She becomes highly condescending and may even attack allies if they try to stop her from exerting the power that Anya's soul has within it. Anya is immensely scared of what Yana can do, which is why she sealed Yana through the one physical difference that Yana gives her: the red right eye.

History :

Anya lived most of her childhood locked up indoors, simply because she was too weak and frail to survive outside, due to a hereditary disease that her mother, Yuuko, passed down to her. Her only companion was Alistair, her older brother, but even he left a lot due to the fact that he is a DWMA student and frequently was in missions. She was, for the most part, isolated from the world. Her father, Lawrence, grew heavily concerned - the Strathmore family had a long tradition of being exceptional Meisters, and Anya had to live up to the name, but her condition could not cope with it. At first, he tried the medical route - doctors gave her supplements, tended to her physical conditions, everything that his immense riches could afford. But nothing worked, and over time, Lawrence grew impatient. At that point, an old friend who Lawrence knew was now involved with underground dealings and the black markets offered him a cure that promised that Anya's and Yuuko's conditions would be eradicated forever. Tempted by his want to cure his wife and his pride over his name, Lawrence availed of the small bag of Black Blood and had a doctor inject a small amount of it in his wife and daughter, and then placing the doctor under a gag order.

And it worked. Yuuko was once again free to be the jubilant mother she was before, and Anya could finally go outside, though Anya had long been used to the normalcy of her being inside that she didn't stay out anyway. In fact, it seemed to increase their physical abilities as well. At this point, Anya began talking to an " imaginary friend ", whom she named " Yana ". According to Yana, she is the person that would protect Anya, and the two became close. They would often play in Anya's room, and since Yana was someone that was only in Anya's dimensions, her parents only concluded that Yana was imaginary. But essentially, she was the personification of the Madness in Anya that the Black Blood triggered and strengthened.

Anya saw nothing wrong with this setup, until she went to school at the age of 11 and was thrust into a practice mission with Alistair accompanying her. The practice mission was designed to test young students like her during their NOT classes, but they weren't aware that it was just a " practice " under simulated experiences. In both fear of failing and the fear of the situation itself, Anya finally activated the Madness that allowed Yana to take over her consciousness. The next thing she knew, Alistair was dying by her hand. Though he did recover after two years, Anya became so terrified of what can happen if she tapped into her Madness again and approached the headmaster to help her seal away Yana. DWMA detained her for a year after results showed that she has Black Blood within her, and only released her when they managed to develop a " seal " that utilized her soul's Wavelength to keep her Black Blood at bay - essentially becoming a guinea pig. She was still kept under surveillance, and was paired up with weapons that could not respond strongly with her in order to test her if she could really go about the world again.

After this, she resolved to make herself stronger using her own power and capabilities, which helped her graduate from the NOT class to the EAT class two years later. Unbeknownst to her, Alistair has focused his attention to the affliction of his sister in hopes of removing the Black Blood in her for good, if that is possible.

Fighting Style :

Anya's fighting style involves reading her opponents' movement first. She fights smart rather than blindly, and assesses her opponents' weakness first by playing down her actions to read people using Soul Perception, or by understanding their behavior and tendencies. Once she has the information she is looking for, she formulates a fighting tactic that she adjusts based on the circumstances. However she has yet to perfectly refine her fighting style as more impulsive fighters still throw her off her game. She also tries to relate her past information from past fights if she sees it fit.

However, when Yana is in control, Anya fights more aggressively and more impulsively, often causing destruction and mayhem in the process. She also does not distinguish friend from foe, and the only way she can be stopped is if she is paralyzed or calmed down.

Items :

She only carries one important item: a ring that matches her brother's. He bought the two rings when Anya was 10.


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/28b0d950a746bca4753848998248aa37.jpg.fbf203ebf4c548d8fc661d728c4df7da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122056" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/28b0d950a746bca4753848998248aa37.jpg.fbf203ebf4c548d8fc661d728c4df7da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Death Documentation:

Full Name: Milo Zeckler

DWMA Name: ReVerb

Sex: Male

Age: 14

Date of Birth: July 7th

Appearance: (See Photo.) About 5'3'' and 110 lbs.

Hair Color: Brown with a blue streak

Eye Color: Blue

Nationality: American with German descent

Parents: Dr. Eduard Zeckler and Mrs. Lisa Zeckler

Siblings: None

Birthplace: NYC, New York

Known Languages: English

Pets: None

Species: Human (Meister)

Partner: N/A

Abilities: Soul Perception

Soul Resonance

Quick Reflexes

Hand-to-hand Combat

EAT or NOT: Last year of NOT

Soul: Milo's soul about the size of an orange and is yellow with and blue streak on the tail. His soul always has a happy, bubbly expression on his face. It's usually smiling and bouncing around to the beat of a song. It's eyes are usually closed, or half-opened with a satisfied expression on his face. His soul wears headphones like he usually does.

When, Milo is sad, his soul's color becomes more grey, and its tail droops. When Milo is angry, which is rare, his eyes are wide open and furious-looking, his smile becomes more of a grimace, and steam pours out of his nostrils (do souls have nostrils?).

Personality: Milo is optimistic, energetic, bubbly, and out-going. He is the kind of person in school who everyone knows as being kind, sociable, and well-meaning, if not a little annoying. He is rather loud and boisterous, and often makes people feel uncomfortable with his openness. He shows symptoms of ADHD, having a hard time sitting still in class, as well as a lack of concentration.

He completely changes, however, when he listens to music through his headphones. With these, he is able to concentrate and manages to shut out many other distractions. It is the only time he feels absolute serenity. He is focused when he hears his music.

Despite his bubbly personality, he does know when to take things seriously, and can surprise people with intelligent and meaningful comments or observations.

History: Milo Zeckler grew up in Long Island, New York, with his parents and their dog, Heinrich. Despite a curious case of stunted growth, his upbringing was fairly normal. His father, who was a renown physicist, wanted his son be just like him, but young Milo had a hard time concentrating in school. Despite being bright like his father, he could barely sit still in class, and this led to poor grades. He was diagnosed with an attention disorder, and was given medication to help.

The medication helped Milo concentrate in class, but he still felt like he was different. Milo had always felt like he was meant to do something greater, but he had no idea what it was. He dreamed of becoming a musician, as music was his passion, and he was a pretty good guitar player, but he felt oppressed by the expectations of his parents.

One day, while walking home from school, he saw something weird. In the chests of everyone he passed by, there were weird glowing balls with faces on them! Figuring this might be a side effect of his medication, he casually told his parents about it. They didn't take it as well as he did. After being taken to the hospital to see if he was ok, the doctor told him he may be a Meister, and was recommended to the DMWA. Although reluctant at first, Milo's parents figured it would be best for him. After a tearfuldeparture on his mother's part, Milo was enrolled at the DMWA, where he has been training for a couple of years.

Fighting Style: Milo usually uses his reflexes and agility to strike quickly before the enemy can attack, and then dodge quickly when the enemy strikes. He uses his seemingly endless energy to overwhelm an enemy and take them down.

Items: MP3 player, headphones, and guitar



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Death Documentation

Full Name: Andor Christopher Fuchs

DWMA/Stage Name: Uriel

Sex: Male

Age: 13

Date of Birth: December 25th



Note on Appearance: 5'2, 100 pounds. Quite fond of Wing motiffs.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue

Nationality: South African

Parents: Thomas Christopher Fuchs

Jeanne Regina Fuchs

Siblings: Helen Fuchs (Older Sister)

Birthplace: Leicester, England

Known Languages: English, French, Afrikaans



Abilities: Weak Soul Perception. His soul type is obscured. Basic, and weak soul force.

EAT or NOT: (If you are a new student you MUST be NOT unless a special exception arises)

Rank: One-Star

Soul: The exact shape of his soul is obscured. He has a Nebulous soul, which appears to be a basketball sized sphere of clouds, almost like a gas giant. Like all nebulous souls, another soul type is held within, obscured. The clouds interweave, and are all a dreary shade of gray.

Grigori soul. Way to ruin it you bloody wanker. It's nice and blue, soft ball sized and it's always fidgeting.

Personality: Andor is quiet, dedicated, a bit shy, and a tad bit naive. Though some of it may be a tad bit of an act, He'd like to be friends with everyone, and takes a little personally when people don't take a shining to him. He excels in class, but it's because he tries. He's one of the nicest people around. He sometimes ends up being an errand boy, which is somewhat bizzare considering his upbringing.

He'll always be the last one to raise his voice. He speaks softly, and unsure most of the time. But, let it be known. Demons run when a good man goes to war. He will attempt to protect his 'friends'. He can even get angry. But it's not the loud obnoxious kind of angry. It's the quiet, calculated, dangerous type of angry.

History: Andor was born in Leicester, England, to a pair of affluent parents. He remained there until the age of four, when his father moved the family to South Africa for business. Here he lived a lonely and sheltered life, taught and cared for by staff. His older sister remained in boarding school in England. His mother died when he was six in an automobile accident and it had a profound affect on the boy. It was a year after the accident before he spoke a single word again.

Most children would have gone rotten having been spoiled as Andor was, but he simply didn't have time to be petulant. He was too busy trying to find ways to impress his father, and compete for his attention and affection. Learning languages, doing well in his studies, taking up proper English past times. It may have been all for nought in it's original purpose, but the boy picked up a few skills.

When it was discovered that his sister had a grand aptitude as a Meister at age 16, it became his destiny as well. He arrived at the DWMA this year, and was more than slightly intimidated by the sheer amount of human contact. He was even more surprised that he was placed in E.A.T, despite his hard work at learning martial combat.

Fighting Style: Andor uses the only types of fighting he knows. Traditional European swordplay, and Marksmanship. The marksmanship usually is secondary. Andor does his best not to fight in the first place, and when he must fight, he tries to slant the odds in as far to his favor as possible.

Items: A family ring (with crest).
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Death Documentation

Full Name:

Virgo June Capri

DWMA/Stage Name:

The Golden Soul





Date of Birth:

September 21


Is an african-american that is about 4'7 and a half that normally wears a light blue shirt with black joggers and timberland boots, as well as a white cape with black tips and a yellow bracelet with the bold words HERO in all black marker. He weighs about 92 pounds and has a shrap crew-cut for hair. On his stomach is a large scar (which will be explained in the bio) and scrapes on his knees.

When at home he normally wears a normal white T-shirt with black basketball shorts with fuzzy blue slippers, braclet off and safe in a place he hides it. When outside the DWMA, he is normally walking around with grey sweatpants and a yellow hoodie with a blue T-shirt underneath, as well as normal white sneakers. Although he always wears his cape regardless of either two.

Hair Color:


Eye Color:





Brian Capri (Deceased)

Betty Capri

George Capri


Arizona, USA

Known Languages:

English (Wants to learn japanese so bad, it hurts)






-Soul Perception

-Martial Way: Boxing

-Cooking...Though he claims he's sucks at it

-Large stamina

-Can go a long time without sleep






Virgo's soul is practically the size of an apple, Its expression is half-open eyes with a confident smirk that is lightly turned to the side. Its color actually represents his normal appearance, which is blue and white. It even wears a cape that flows slowly! When calm, his soul is quite small, but when doing a speech or fighiting, it's known to grow to the size of a softball, its expression changing to narrowed eyes and a full grin, its cape flowing even faster than before! When angered, his soul is black, it's cape now torn and barely even moving while it glares, eyes overflowing with tears and size remaining a softball size.


Virgo is an enthustiastic kid with a heart of gold and fiery determination. When most describe him, they usually use the words 'Lawful good', meaning that he's REALLY compassionate and kind-hearted. He can't stand the sight of evil and would jump in to face it, no matter what he situation. He helps everyone equally, but due to his naive nature, has a hard time telling the difference who is good and who is bad. Even a simple lie could trick the little vigilante to the point where a long detailed explanation is needed to convince him it's a lie. He's also loud and hyperactive, not being able to sit for long without the help of a good anime or a comic book/manga and always telling speeches about the power of justices or just what he's heard from his favorite animes. It's hard for him to give up on a task and won't tolerate any of his friends giving up.

When betrayed (when he finally realizes it), he's practically depressed, becoming quiet, slow in movement, and sad for weeks. Despite this, he does believe in second chances and would even allow the greatest of all evil a shot at redemption. He likes to help anyone and everyone, even if they don't want it, which some take advantage of and makes him do crazy tasks, though most of the time they don't usually want it due to his clumsy behavior. It's hard for him to hurt good people, yet when faced with evil, is willing to go all out, even near death. He is quite confident in his own abilities, but when his cape or bracelet is missing, he loses all confidence in himself. It's almost impossible to get him angry, But when he is...well...it's best to figure out on your own.


From the ages one to five, virgo was a normal happy young boy. He would always hangout with his father, go to comic book stores, and play outside. People treated him like an outcast when he was young, but he didin't care when all he needed was his parents to keep him company. But all of this changed one day when his father was ran over in an accident involving a drunk driver. Enraged, his mother and her lawyer went to court, yet was unable to put the man in jail or sue thanks to the fact the man was rich and had a lawyer with higher professionalism.

Now depressed, his mother saw virgo in a new light, viewing him as the distraction that could've given her more time with her husband before his death. Whenever he walked by, she gave him dirty looks. She always left him on his own and didn't even bother getting him up or making him breakfast anymore, let alone actually talke to him. Confused and still trying to cope, virgo decided to put his intrests into mangas and anime, fascinated how even the toughest times were overcome with just sheer willpower and determination, leading him to develop the personality you see today. With a postitive attitude, he continued on with his life until he was ten, where his mom and her new boyfriend had gotten married without virgo even knowing he exsisted.

George was despicable and rude, drinking and smoking rather frequently, shoving and punching Virgo in the arm when he walked by, and even going so far as to lock him in his own room when him and his wife wanted to be alone. After getting fired from his job and drinking himself silly, George barged in the house and noticed virgo out of his room. In a fit of druken rage, he grabbed the closest thing next to him and swung it at the boy which happened to be a knife. After a quick rush to the hospital by his mother, virgo, feeling betrayed and not knowing who he could trust at home, ran away in the middle of the night, and after three years of roaming around, finally found himself at the DWMA. Learning about the academy, he trained himself as much as possible until he was fourteen, where he applied to the DWMA and was accepted.

Fighting Style:

Virgo has read about all types of weapons, making him exceptional for swords and simple melee weapons, yet phenomenal with pistols and revolvers. He likes both close combat and ranged, but isn't strong or skilled when it comes to close combat. When I'm close combat, he perfers to dodge as much as possible until the right moment, and when ranged, stays as far as his aim will let him.


A book bag filled with pencils, papers, snacks, and a manga or two.
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Death Documentation:


Full Name:

Marlin Bishop Harthrow

DWMA/Stage Name:

Lucifer Makarewicz





Date of Birth:

August 17th XXXX


Hair Color:

Marlin's natural hair colour is a auburn colouration whichhas a red tint to it, also when he was younger he use to keep it cut short with a little bit of length on the top. However upon moving to the DWMA Marlin grew his hair out and colours it more of a red/orange colour.

Eye Color:

Marlin's eyes are a teal green/blue colour that change depending on his mood and the lighting of the room. Marlin also usually has an eyepatch over his right eye. When asked why, his story always changes so no one really knows the truth.


Marlin is about 5'10''


He is about 134 lbs


Marlin's nationality is both British and Canadian


Adoptive Mother: Elizabeth Harthrow neé Robertson

Adoptive Father: Andrew Harthrow


Not Applicable


London Ontario

Known Languages:


Canadian French [to some degree]


A small black cat with bright green eyes, who has a small chunk of her ear missing. Her name is Nocturnal.



Marlin's weapon type is similar to a lance in style, with a blade on the top. How ever he also has a small blade at the bottom of the staff for better defense or attack.


Anya Strathmore [see above more info]

Soul Count:

None at the moment

Soul Appearance:

Marlin has a red soul that is about the size of his fist, which compared to some may be rather small. The "tail" of the soul trails off of the top left with (what looks like hair) hanging over a white 'x' where the eye is suppose to be. The other eye is a little sharp in the cornea, and his mouth is a small smirk to the right with a "canine' tooth slightly sticking out.


Marlin's personality is hard to explain. He doesn't like to show that he cares for someone however he will go out of his way to try and protect the people that he does care for. If he doesn't like someone then he will usually ignore them or he will act as if he cares just to make them leave him alone. Often the male will just observe how people interact with one another from afar. He prefers to just watch and listen rather than talk himself. When he becomes friends with someone then he will talk more, and show more of his joking sarcasm side.


There isn't too much to say about Marlin's past. When he was young he was adopted into a normal family, who loved him like he was their own son. They often didn't talk about Marlin's real parents, by Marlin's request. He didn't want to know about a life that he should of had. When he discovered that he was a weapon, he told his adoptive father, Andrew, who didn't seem very surprised considering that he knew of Marlin's parents and who they were. The father smiled and told Marlin about a school where he would learn how to harness his abilities and learn how to use them properly to help humans. Marlin never knew if his adoptive mother knew the truth, after talking about it with Andrew, it wasn't really brought up again. It was Marlin and Andrew who went to get Marlin settled into his apartment. Of course Elizabeth had some concerns about Marlin leaving for an over seas school, though she still wished the boy luck, and asked that he stop in occasionally when he got the chance.

Fighting Style:

Marlin doesn't really have a specific fighting style while in human form, he tries to avoid fighting in this form. However if he does have to fight, he takes more of a defensive stance and lets his opponent tire themselves out before he starts to attack.


A simple black eyepatch

Several necklaces that his mother gave him.

A sweater that he has had for years that is rather beat up.

His black violin.

A green/aqua green bandanna that his "aunt" gave him when he was little that he often wears.


*I will add more to this. I swear this is not the best I can do, and I will add more over the weekend. I apologize since I was writing this in between writing an essay... Sorry!

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Uptades Through Rp


Basic Information

Full name

Kurai Mamoru

Christian van law

Stage Name

Chris Law






May 6th

Hair Color











Utility Meister (Bann? Shokunin)



known Abilities

Special Abilities

Rensh? Kon'i - Sangoku "Gi" "Go" "Shoku

A variation of the Soul Menace technique, that instead rapidly hits an opponent three times in succession, using the same fist. The attack inflicts enough internal damage to cause the target to bleed from the mouth.

Soul Resonance

[updates Inbound]

Personal Information



She's a shortempered, hot headed female not only she's that but she is rather an impatient individual, as she has a distaste of waiting for a certain period of time. Though on the good side of it all, she's very playful whenever she is in the mood to be, she's also kind hearted if need be.

Christian throws her anger out on her comrades if those who feels the need to disagree with her on most terms. She's a hell of a talker, and can be annoying to most people around her, though she has a lack of carness for that matter.


Not much is known about her, or her parents though she did confirmed that she did have a father, but had left her, her mother, and also brother when she was 3 years old. Christian was the oldest of the family, and took pride in that, she did however disliked her brother when the two had gotten older, but she hid the fact that she would protect him if anything as worse as a fool willing to step in a pool of acid would happen to him.

While she was in japan her name used to be kirai mamoru, kirai which meaning dislike/hate, and mamoru to protect. This however would most likely mean she dislikes things that she must protect, for example her brother which she dislikes, but is willing to protect him. When she became 10 she went into an academy known as the DWMA, and was listed in the not class for some months until she moved to other countries, then rested to america where she then happens to be in the eat class once she transfered to germany, then to america.

When she was traveling she had picked up some languages such as german, a little japanese. She claims that she wants to learn korean in the near future.

Fighting Style

Fighting Style

Christian main focus is her close range, as she is well known for it, and her soul menace ability during her training with a known death scythe in her country back in asia. She is well flexable, and balance, but despite her lack of vision her favor is close range combat. As she can't see from far away. She mostly uses her legs rather then her hands, and would perform her soul menance with her legs.​


Her soul color is bright pink with a touch of a ribbon on the right side. As it's expression would be a smirk forming. The soul is quite calm, but aggressive due to christians personality.

Sometimes the characteristic can change to moody, and or blood driven ready to take out her opponent at any given moment, fellow student or family member.​

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? ? ?

Santeru Ishumari "Greed"

  • Name:

    Santeru Ishumari


    17 (Physical) 600+ (Chronological)


    Human /Magic User/



    Blood Type:



    January 25th

  • raven_symbolgram_tattoo_by_sewreel.jpg

    ~Appearance & Personality~

    Appearance Details & Picture(s):


    Santeru has a tattoo of his family's crest on his back left shoulder blade. He tends to wear what is shown above as he enjoys a formal look, he will sometimes extend wings as he will take on the Alias/Persona of The Angel of Greed.

    Personality Summary/Introduction:

    Santeru is a complex person mainly due to the fact that he has no loyalty to anyone but himself, he does nothing out of goodwill or even for evil. The primary motive behind his actions is simply entertainment he attempts to put people in situations to see their reactions, providing the foundation for them to either prove themselves or dis-honor themselves. From an early age he showed no interest in playing games with objects just people.



    Though he has an amazing and manipulative mind and enjoys to fight he will try to avoid doing as much work as possible, often he can be seen ditching his duties and walking off at random times to do whatever it is he desires.


    Santeru is old though how old is not known, it seems he was a gifted sorcerer strong enough to even take over some of the head witches duties before he abandoned the coven.


    Raised in what would be considered a 'noble' household Santeru was taught manners at a very early age, speaking to his elders using such terms as "Sir" or "Madame" and assisting the elders was always his favorite thing to do. Even to his enemies he treats them with respect as he believes everyone deserves at a point.


    With the now seemingly endless amount of time on his hands Santeru takes time to travel alone attempting to avoid contact with people, he enjoys most things in life by himself.

    ~Lack of empathy~

    Santeru was forced to make tough decisions from a young age as to shape him into a individual, this left him with a feeling of isolation and depression and overtime he grew numb to others worries. This left him a bit broken making it hard for him to sympathize with others thus losing someone to him isn't such a big thing as well as communicating feelings is a bit awkward for him. He is typically very bad at comforting someone.


    - Anything with mint in it.

    - Cats

    - The moon

    - Ditching responsibility

    - Intellectual conversation

    - Rain

    - Someone who can take a stand

    - Music in general


    - Arrogant Individuals

    - Narrow minded individuals

    - Work

    - Mindless destruction

    - Losing

    - Disrespect


    - Travelling across the country

    - Listening to different musicians across the land


    Santeru was born some 600+ years ago to Seras and Walter Ishumari both of whom were involved with the witches coven and very gifted magic users. So naturally from a young age Santeru was gifted with the ablity to use magic quite well and was surrounded by many who could teach him even more.

    Growing up with the coven was much like living in a tight knit community where everyone knew your name and even your birthday, however his parents were among the high ranking and often like most people of the coven when not meeting stayed isloated. Santeru grew up in his parents library for the most part

    eating and even sleeping in there as he tirelessly lived through books as to stave of the lonely feeling he felt. However when the annual meetings rolled around every year he got to see so many of the other magic users from all across the world and socilize and learn, but he noticed that less and less children were atending as he grew.

    With the birthrate of magical children on a steep decline and the witch hunts Santeru's family took it upon themselves to go deeper in hiding but their efforts were in vain as it was to late. A nearby village had set it's sights on the family and even after they had fled miles from their previous home the fires of hate found them.

    At the age of seventeen Santeru returned home to find his family home ahses and his parents sitting on stakes in front of what was left of the doorframe, this emotional stress caused a magic outburst that most witches and warlocks get later in life that stops their age but it was typically around 23-30 when this happened.

    Now with time no longer an inconvience Santeru isolated himself in the northern wilderness letting the snow and storms drown out the ever changing sorrow that pounded away. A few years later Santeru set out across the world being careful to avoid the watchful eyes of the church as he learned history by watching it, and even causing some of it.

    With his magic knowledge he infiltrated the vatican befriending the current pope as a 'messanger of the lord' but soon the church lost it's momentum and he grew bored being a secret the vatican tucked away for reasons of greed. Leaving he sought after the occult finding vampires and werewolves alike and learning what they all had to teach and listening to their stories.

    The times have passed and now Santeru is setting his sights towards the DWMA and to visit his old friend Death to inquire him if the position of Philsophy/History teacher was available, but most of all he was interested in speaking with the students of the famous school for Demon weapons and their meisters.


~Character Quote(s)~

"I am many things, a lying cheating degenerate is one of those many things my dear."

"I forgive no one, I only forget."

"I have done things not for the right reason and not for the wrong reason, I made those choices simply because I could and because it seemed like it would be fun."

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