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Fantasy Children of Villainy: Players' Conversations

Yeah I like light mode, I’m just used to it. But when I bbc I always have to remember that people do love dark mode. It’s hard to sometimes though.
Oh, my gosh, you're so kind. I'm glowing right now. Like, seriously, that made me so happy. (I'm probably overreacting because it was, like, a single line, but I literally stared at my screen and grinned so wide, it's not even funny.)
Thanks for the catch, AgWordSmith AgWordSmith ! Cookies for you.

EDIT: Just smushed my post from below to prevent too much spam. (It's just below this now.)

My goodness, the format is trash in editting mode. XD I absolutely have to learn to be cleaner about it because, YEESH, I'm seeing "[ FONT = georgia ][ /FONT ]" about every three lines, and it's annoying as heck. Especially since I'm not changing fonts.
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And, hey, Yatasal Yatasal , I got a question, too.

Payth (the little guy I'm playing) feels the call to go west, but unlike a lot of the characters here, he's quite content with his life as it is. He's not despised at home; he has a good friend. Life isn't perfect, no, but it's not bad by any extent. The call irritates him. It's been pulling at him stronger as time goes on, and it's starting to scare him because he'll wake up, alone, several footsteps into the woods that lead west, and he can't remember walking there. He doesn't want to go. He really, really doesn't.

So far, he hasn't heeded the call, and he'll continue to fight the urge until (1) he lacks the strength (either physically or mentally) to resist, or (2) he gets an encouraging nudge from someone who understands what it's like. *cough cough* Someone's character? *cough cough*

In plainer terms, I'm wondering if Payth's first encounter with someone else could be what starts him on his journey west. He might be--forcefully--compelled to join them, or maybe some sort of accident happens and he basically has no choice but to follow west, or (insert any other reason here). It might be a dynamic start for Payth and someone else? Or maybe a gang of someone elses? And it may lead to emotional conflict later if something nasty happens on their travels. (A long stare, not piercing, but unbreaking. "I don't expect you to understand." A beat. "And I don't expect you to care, either.") Loooots of fun stuff can happen.

That cool, Yatasal?

And, also, anyone interested in meeting Payth like that?
if that's chill with Yatasal I'd be totally down to do smthn like that with Payth (unless someone else is interested in it too!) if he gets accepted and stuff! I really love the character and can't wait to see how he might interact with everyone else <3
You play Silan, yeah? That'd be so fun! (And, seriously, if anyone else is hyped like I am, pleeeease hop on this.)

Payth might wake up and find himself up a tree, somehow. ("These nightwalks are getting worse.") And as he's puzzling his way about how to get down, he could . . . somehow run into Silan? XD That doesn't make any sense, actually, but what if there were some situation where Payth gets spooked and injures himself, and perhaps Silan might wanna help because he's the one that spooked him? Or, like, what if Silan heals Payth for something, and just during the healing process, Payth feels an additional connection to him, and he stumbles back, eyes never leaving Silan, and he says, quietly, "I could feel you," or, like, anything else.

I'm a bit pumped for this thread. ;)
Oh, right. We have PM's here. Derp.

Hmm. Yatasal Yatasal , could we have a plotting thread? As much as I'm looking forward to plotting with Svisttt--which is a lot!--I don't want to deny group plotting to others because, um, it's a group RP, and the more the merrier. Unless, are there group PM's? That wouldn't be too bad of an idea. Buuuut would it still be useful to have the thread public so anyone can see it?

Haha, I have no idea what I'm doing.
group PMs exist! <3 And and I think group plotting can go here and stuff, I just didn't want to spam people with a buncha notifs hah
Join usssss, AgWordSmith. We neeeeed you. Ricolette definitely needs a part in all this ham-jam. (Also, I noticed you revised your CS. It looks nice! And also readable XD)

As per spam . . . Eliasdagood Eliasdagood , Randomfella Randomfella , redvelvethedgehog redvelvethedgehog , Ladyvix Ladyvix we absolutely, 100% wanna plot with y'alls. I dunno how this is going to work out, but it will, and it will be amazing.
(XD yeah I realized I never fixed that code for dark mode. I’ll have to fix it in my bbc thread to now Xp ) I just might join in, I’m just hoping for Yatasal to give Payth the yay or nay on him so planning really can go somewhere
Ah, right, I forget he needs the permission. Fingers crossed! She's usually pretty active, right? Like once a day?
Weird i wasn't getting notifs here musta missed one. Also I dont think most characters had it bad at home its mostly just the strength of whatever is calling them taking its effect. Dont see why characters couldnt meet if certain ones live further west on the road though.
We'll be patient, then. :)

And you're right, Randomfella. I shouldn't have overgeneralized; not everyone had it bad. I so want to see what happens when Santo meets Silan. Their powers should be interesting with each other. :3

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