Children of the Spirits ♥ A Supernatural Roleplay


Pessimistic Optimist


So, if you've read the information in the description,

you'll know that only females can be one of the Children of the Spirits.

As for all you males, you're going to be military representatives. There will be six of you.

Well, six of each, to be precise. Six half-breeds, six military reps.

I'll go ahead and post those I've accepted so far here.

Children of the Spirits:


Kimiko Takahashi



Farra Rei



Itsuki Adachi

Bea Delaine


Lavinia Akiyama



Atsuko Emi



Mika Umaji

Ene Kagerou

Military Representatives:


Jayne Brandt



Alexander Simmons



Flynn Grayson



Roman Pirello



Kiyo Autumns

strawberry jammm




Now, here's the sheet. The Children of the Spirits and the Military Representatives will have different ones.

Write in third person (he, she; not I), and feel free to change the layout. Tabs or listing; I don't care.

You can even add extra details if you so desire; just make sure you include the following.

Children of the Spirits' Sheet:


(anime only)


(What does your character go by?)




(Obvious, but put it anyways.)


(You have powers; physically and mentally. We all have heightened senses, but what else can your character do?)


(Does your character have a favorite weapon? Perhaps a katana, daggers, or even fans? Keep in mind the setting.)


(What catches your character's fancy?)


(What does your character detest?)


(What is your character like? 5 line minimum. Be descriptive.)


(Feel free to leave this a mystery if you'd like, but you can include it if you want. Keep in mind the setting.)


(Is there something you're forgetting?)

Military Representatives' Sheet:


(anime only)


(What does your character go by?)




(Obvious, but put it anyways.)


(What do you do in the military? Are you a young prodigy strategist, a general, or just another soldier?)


(Guns are a given, but do they have any other skills with another weapon?)


(What catches your character's fancy?)


(What does your character detest?)


(What is your character like? 5 line minimum. Be descriptive.)


(Feel free to leave this a mystery if you'd like, but you can include it if you want. Keep in mind the setting.)


(Is there something you're forgetting?)

Now, all of the Children of the Spirits will have grown up together. That much is obvious.

As for the Military Representatives, their biographies can be anything.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Precious.png.c979bafb46f0b4aae71869ea86a6405b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18454" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Precious.png.c979bafb46f0b4aae71869ea86a6405b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~Meet the precious Kimiko Takahashi~


"Guess, guess!"

She's the young age of fifteen.


"You can't tell?"

She's a female, obviously.


"It's what makes me special~"

She has the gift of empathy, meaning if she were to touch you, she can feel exactly what you feel. In her case, though, it's also a bit more than that. If kept in contact, she can also see flashes of ones past and possibly even future. If some feelings are strong enough, she can even sense them without physical contact, too. As for more physical abilities, Kimiko has heightened senses like most Children of the Spirits do. Her more unique trait, however, is the fact that she can be in two places at once. She can remove herself, or what some may call a "
soul", from her body and teleport herself to another location. Her actual body, however, is defenseless while this happens, and she can't be disturbed while doing such. No one else can see her teleported being, either. It's like she's invisible~


"I'm not as defenseless as I look, you know!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3f26b39_Athame(2).jpg.1cc7565ffa5ea7ed2a9cba57c1386e9b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3f26b39_Athame(2).jpg.1cc7565ffa5ea7ed2a9cba57c1386e9b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Believe it or not, Kimiko is quite skilled in the art of throwing knives. Aside from that, though, her favorite weapon are fans. Not any ordinary fans, though; fans with blades as sharp as razors. They can cut through you like butter~


"Oh, I just love these things~!"

? Having fun ?

? All things sweet ?

? Learning new things ?

? Helping others ?

? Singing ?


"Yuck! Keep it all away from me!"

? Violence ?

Touching people ?

? Being taken advantage of ?

Feeling forgotten ?

? Her ability ?


"So, you'd like to know more about me? I'm so flattered~!"

Kimiko is, and always has been, a very sweet and innocent girl. She loves all life, and she never treats anyone or anything with prejudice. It's always hurt her terribly to be judged for being a half-breed, but as she grew up and matured little by little, she's grown to accept the fact that not all people are kind and understanding. She's seen far too many dark things, and, due to her ability, she's felt some very dark feelings from others, too. All of this has caused her to develop a dislike for touching people, though she loves interacting with the spirits gathered around the Kokoro Shrine. When she touches idle spirits who just come and go with the wind, she won't feel any emotions or get any visions of pasts or futures from them. They're just hollow beings after all, made only to protect and comfort other spirits and humans. Some could say that those are her best friends, which may seem a little lonely, but Kimiko is okay with that. She's always dreamed of being able to express her feelings through kind actions like hugs and whatnot, but she's too afraid of what happens to her upon physical contact. One may call Kimiko timid and shy from a first impression, but to those other Children of the Spirits like her, they know her to be a very open and compassionate girl. Over-all, Kimiko's a very chaste and softhearted girl. She's not meant for violent scenarios, but if she needs to, she's willing to risk it all to protect those she loves.


"Oh, yeah! I forgot!"

She doesn't like being considered a demon hunter.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf40bea12_Precious(2).png.27ef30f7760494abbe2273fe2475ddd7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18543" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf40bea12_Precious(2).png.27ef30f7760494abbe2273fe2475ddd7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Farra Rei






Physical: Weapon shifting. (Can change parts of her body into weapons; think Soul Eater.)

Mental: Can lift objects (that weigh up to 50 pounds) with her mind.


Double-sided daggers. One side is made of polished obsideon, the other iron.




-Horror stories.

-Beating the crap out of demonic spirits.



-Demonic Spirits.

-The townspeople, even though it's her job to protect them.


She is sarcastic and impulsive. Farra is a dirty-minded, bi-sexual girl who will flirt with anyone. She is childish sometimes, and can be found outside, flirting with the neighbors. She is also rude and short tempered. She doesn't take shit from anyone and will knock your lights out if you mess with her. Enjoys starting fights, and won't hold back, no matter who it is. If you happen to stay on her good side, she can be kind and understanding, but her enemies; well, prepare to get your asses whipped. Besides her violent and disturbing matter, Farra has a very large knowledge of the world, and is one of the smartest people she knows, with an IQ of 157.




Demon Hunters 4 lyfe!

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Itsuki Adachi


"Im 16. I might be small but Im not a kid like Kimiko!"




Itsuki can control plant life, see things in the location of a plant she has grown and morph into one herself, though it does not feel good to do the last one. so she tries to avoid or never use it. "I feel the destruction of nature every day... I cant stay like this an expect to wake up and feel everything get better. It makes me feel too guilty for having yet to help."


She is a fan of the Katana, and enjoys spending time practicing.






Other people

Being helpful


She is afraid of fire

how cold dead things are

Feeling hated


People who think she's small


Though Itsuki likes fighting and rough housing, she hates death. She likes to play fight but doesn't like it when it gets serious. In fact, she hates acting serious out loud in general. Her problems are kept to herself as she acts as bright and happy as possible. During dark times, she will attempt to cheer others up in every way she knows how, never losing her smile. She believes the moment she lets it leave her face she has lost in some way. If you are a comrade, this is the side of her you will most likely see.

On the other hand, enemies be warned. You hurt somebody she cares about and she will make you suffer. Death isn't always the ultimate damnation and she has no problem proving it. Her skills with a katana and her abilities very well reflect her dedication and willingness to do things. Though she is playful and seemingly empty headed, she is the type to work through the night perfecting something.


"What happened then doesn't matter because today Im as young as Im ever gonna be and tomorrow is what I make it."


Haha, she is indeed a happy Demon Hunter!


  • Name: Jayne Brandt

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Position: Military Strategist



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(May change appearance shortly)


Alexander Simmons






Prodigy General


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Thompson.jpg.89e6ad979ed3a1f5af2ff1392adfc716.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18524" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Thompson.jpg.89e6ad979ed3a1f5af2ff1392adfc716.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Peaceful moments

Happiness of those around








Inequality against COTS


Hollow, that would probably be the choice word from others whilst summarizing up Alexander. From an outside perspective he only really bothers with convenience, or whatever is needed at the time. After all, he doesn't really appear to show off a personal interest in things. His eyes are always dead, and he doesn't seem to ever get really excited about anything.

However, if one actually knew Alexander. He is the type of individual who can not make up his mind when it comes to personal gain. Incapable of properly reading even his own emotions, he decided it is best to not act on them due to a slight fear of making the wrong decision. As such, he will resort to bland answers that he knows for certain will have a result rather than something he may mean. So if one were to define this individual, it would be confusion. A confusion that grows so vast that he is saddened by his own incapability.


Mystery (Or to be edited)


Demon Hunters, if that is what we must be, so be it.



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[Edits: Liv has cool, turquoise eyes.]

Name: Lavinia "Liv" Akiyama

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Abilities: Energy manipulation. Liv is able to absorb and release energy, which can either work as a weapon or as a means of healing. Just by touching another living thing (or a nonliving entity with energy, like a river or strong wind), she can take a part of its energy into herself, or pour some of her energy into it. The speed of this transfer depends on Liv's mood, her strength, and the subject's willingness; Liv can heal a weak person who desperately wants help more quickly than an angry person who doubts her abilities. However, if there are no available sources of energy, Liv's healing abilities come directly from her own energy stores, causing her exhaustion and pain that corresponds to her patient's injuries.

As for her ability working as a weapon, Liv is able to channel excess energy into short but powerful blasts that have the potential to deal heavy physical damage. With more practice, Liv will even be able to form these blasts into more precise shapes. As of right now, however, she usually deals them through the end of her weapons.

Weapon(s): Liv is an adept archer, and it is easy for her to store energy in her arrows for added force. She also carries around a staff with cherry blossoms and foxes carved into it, and although she typically uses it for support after finishing a particularly exhausting healing session, Liv can also use it for combat.


  • Solitude. Usually Liv likes to be by herself, because it is difficult for her to control her ability around a large number of people.

  • Training. Despite her healing abilities, Liv likes to train hard and fight roughly.

  • Swimming, running, and climbing trees. Clearly Liv likes to keep active.

  • Healing and helping. Although she will not admit it, Liv does like to heal others, even if she hurts herself in the process.

  • Reading. It is not uncommon to see Liv tucked into a tree branch with a book in her hands.

  • Her sisters. While Lavinia is often cold, obstinate, and sarcastic, she holds a deep and fierce love for her fellow Children. She would do anything to keep them safe.


  • Villagers. Lavinia has had terrible experiences with villagers, and though she will not hesitate to help one in need, she is always very wary around them and other non-gifted folk.

  • Attention. Having others focus on her is very stressful for Liv because she is so used to devoting herself to those around her, not the other way around.

  • Selfishness. Liv hates this vice over all others, and if presented with any shred of egotism she will do her best to tear it down.

Personality: Lavinia has a personality that is difficult to get along with at first. She is, at first glance, cold, standoffish, obstinate, and stubborn, with a wit so sharp one could use it to cut through stone. Her reclusive nature makes it a challenge to get to know her, and she only comes in contact with others when absolutely necessary. However, beneath her tough exterior, Liv has a genuine sense of devotion and grace that can seldom be matched. She is fiercely loyal to her sisters, and will overcome her own aversion to people if it means bringing them happiness. A terrific listener, Lavinia has been known to sit with her sisters for hours on end as they work through problems together, and she is always ready to help the younger girls with their fighting technique. While outsiders generally dislike Liv, her sisters love her dearly.

Biography: On one particularly stormy evening, Liv was born to a severely depressed mother on the outskirts of the village. Too afraid of the townsfolk to enter Himura, Shani had elected to instead give birth to her daughter in a secluded grove nearby. The child was born quietly, without any screaming or crying, and Shani had a similarly quiet death only a few short minutes later. However, the townsfolk, recognizing the pattern of mothers disappearing, reappearing, and then giving birth shortly after, knew Shani had likely given birth that stormy night. A wise healer by the name of Ranna went out to search for the mother and child, for though Ranna was afraid of the Children of Spirits, she was a naturally kind soul, and did not think any child deserved so cold and wet a death.

Ranna found Lavinia lying in the arms of her stiff, dead mother, and immediately worked to revive the sickly child. After a few days in the care of Ranna, Liv was alive and well, though still an unusually quiet newborn. She was taken to the shrine, and grew up under the protection of Ryurena, although she made frequent excursions to visit Ranna. Because of Liv, the old healer had overcome her fear of the Children of Spirits, and came to thoroughly enjoy the little visits.

An accident involving the death of Ranna when Lavinia was eight years old scarred the Child deeply, and set the pace for several difficult teenaged years. In her mid-late teens, however, Lavinia began to channel her own fears and self-blame into devotion for others. She is a third mother to many of the girls (the first being their birth mothers, and the second being Ryurena), and, starting around 14 years old, has even become well-known in Himura as a gifted healer. In the dead of the night, Liv will often be woken by a worried villager whose loved one is seriously ill or injured- the villagers are too ashamed or afraid to come to her during the day.

Liv is happy with her sisters, but longs for something more. She wants to see the world, but feels trapped by her birth.

Other: Liv, as a demon hunter, specializes in purification. She can draw the bad energies out of a rogue demon and turn it into a peaceful spirit.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Helena.K.Sink.full.1400066.jpg.fbeb20a4018c3e17f1120819182f6051.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18542" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Helena.K.Sink.full.1400066.jpg.fbeb20a4018c3e17f1120819182f6051.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Couldn't find something I wanted that has pointy ears, so let's pretend that she has pointy ears that are the same color as her hair.)


Mika Umaji

"I have no name. I am a mysterious huntsman from the black forest."



"Today I'm turning 525,600."



"I want to be a real man someday, with all the strength of a great typhoon."


Mika can materialize illusions and objects in the light of the moon. Her illusions are most powerful during a full moon and she can not use her powers unless the moon is some where she can see it with out having to move. For an example, she can not use her powers during the day, because moon isn't out. Another example is if something his blocking her view of the moon, such as a cloud, or the trees, then she can't use her powers.

"I'm a good singer. Do you want me to sing a song?"


Mika uses a bo (not a bow), when she has a choice, but also has fair swordsmanship when needed.

"I have a stash of invisble weapons all around us. You should be warned."


? She has a love for trivia and poetry.

? Her pet rabbit, Okami, is treasured by Mika, who tends to make up stories about his, "past life."

? Her favorite food is mochi, which she is a, "master," at making.

? Mika enjoys referencing things that no one really ever understands.


? She doesn't like putting effort into things.

? While she likes most vegetables, she isn't a big fan of carots.

? She has something against people who step on bugs or hurt, "ugly," animals

"My preferences don't exist. I love everything except hard work and hypocritical serial killers."


If anything, Mika is odd. Not just because she enjoys making references to things that no one understands, but her mood changes like the tide. It's as if there's not one Mika, not two, but three tiny Mikas that make up one big Mika.

If someone were to look at her and only see the top part of her face, starting from the bridge of her nose, they would rarely see any change at all, despite the fact that her emotions change so easily and so often. No one knows why her eyes are always so emotionless, and some people try to joke about it by saying that she changes her emotions so much that her eyes can no longer take the strain. She doesn't tell people that this theroy is wrong, but doesn't tell them it's right, but people easily know that it's simply a joke due to rare occasions that she does change the look her eyes.

Mika is good at a good amount of things. For an example, her cooking skills are extremely exquisite, though because she has a strong disliking towards working hard and putting lots of effort into what she does, she rarely uses these lovely skills. She is also rather good in poetry and martial arts, but once again, her laziness interferes and causes her to not want to use the talents she was given.

While she seems nice and well mannered at first, once you get to know Mika, you realize just how selfish she can be. If something is hers, it is hers, and if you touch it she will get angry. Which is not quite intimidating as it seems, once again, caused by her laziness.Like most people, Mika can be serious when angered enough. Her attitude might not show it, but actions definitely will.

Another thing to know about Mika is her tendency to crack terrible jokes. She attempts in the field of comedy to, "lighten every mood," but she is utterly and completely.


She claims that her rabbit was a Demon Hunter in his past life.



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Name: Flynn Grayson










  • Fighting
  • Spicy food
  • Cold weather
  • Training


  • Sour food
  • Hot weather
  • Cowards
  • Deviants
  • Those who don't follow the rules and listen


Flynn is a very serious guy. He follows the rules and always pays attention. When given a mission Flynn sticks to it and does whatever it takes to complete it. The mission always comes first for him, even if a comrade needs help. Due to his serious nature he is not one for jokes and hardly ever laughs or even smiles. Flynn is also quite a pessimist. He always thinks negatively and is quite blunt to those who have a more optimistic outlook. The only ones who he is kind and friendly to is his family and closest friends (which he has none of). Due to countless hours of training Flynn is a top soldier who is very skilled with guns and swords alike. Flynn loves to get into fights although he would never purposely start one with with an ally. If in a fight with an enemy he is relentless against his enemy and will kill them or die trying.

Biography: (spooky mystery minus the spooky)


Demon Hunters? Oh those...things...



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Atsuko.jpg.b5eec232a46222d3cc7ef79bfd16b6fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18565" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Atsuko.jpg.b5eec232a46222d3cc7ef79bfd16b6fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Just imagine that she has pointed ears as though like a dog that are the same color as her hair)


Atsuko Emi

"Why should I tell you?"



"1 + 8 =......Er...Wait a second.."



"What does it look like, genius?"


Atsuko can understand what animals are thinking and feeling by touch. She can also transform into an animal herself, but once she does so, it drains most of her physical strength and wares her out, which limits her options as to what animal she can shift to as well. Communication with the animals often helps her understand what is going on around her.

"Yeah, that one over there, his name is Fluffy. And Mr. Kashi is right over there."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4189d7c_AtsukosWeapon.jpg.e4e6be36ab8d46ff16c3027fb8e003ce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18567" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4189d7c_AtsukosWeapon.jpg.e4e6be36ab8d46ff16c3027fb8e003ce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I wonder how sharp it is? -Ouch!"


"Heck yeah."



Pointy Things





"Heck no."

Spicy Foods


Repetitive Noises



Sticky Things


"What am I here for again?"

Atsuko is very stubborn and independent. She is very clumsy at times, but when she needs to be serious, she is in full focus. Somewhat goofy, doesn't like to see someone excluded from anything, and is a jokester. She is not very good at making a joke, and if she does make one, she be sure that it is going to be cheesy. Teasing is her way of showing the amount of friendship with you. When someone is sad or depressed or just isn't seeming like themselves, she tries t cheer them up by getting them to smile or laugh. Awkward silences are her cue to say something random or off subject. Although Atsuko may seem very childish and immature, she can be very protective and serious about the situation at hand. The Children of the Spirits are like siblings to her, and she tries her best to impress them when she can. The one thing she hates most is being called 'shorty' or 'small'. She is not very bright, either, especially when pressured.


"Oh me? I'm a Demon Hunter."

She is very short compared to the average height of the people her age.



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Roman Pirello






Reconnaissance Specialist







  • Heights
  • Soft-spoken females
  • Dark Humor
  • Silence
  • Disobedience


  • Noisy environments
  • Inconsistency
  • Seafood
  • Awkward interactions


Roman has always been the quiet wall-flower. He would much rather hear the flow of a creek bed than listen to the conversations of the crowds that surround him. He is always precise, if even the slightest miscalculation appears in his actions he will take that flaw as a personal failure. Roman is a confident guy, though his constant silence does not allure to that. He will be the first to take on any challenge and the last to admit his defeat. He has always been good with the ladies; however, it doesn't help him out when he does not bother talking to most of them. Roman became part of the special forces as a challenge to himself, he now holds that lifestyle to be the utmost achievement thus far in his existence. Being one of the best marksman in the military, Roman is often sent alone for weeks on missions that most people would not believe to have been carried out.


Roman's background and motives would be best out of the public eye for now.


"Demon Hunters?" Hell, I could take down any demon with my rifle."
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Kiyo Autumns

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Position: Combat Medic




He uses multiple scalpels at once when he fights close-combat, and he'll use scalpels and syringes as throwing weapons when his enemy is far enough to not be in close-combat, but not enough to warrant his submachine gun.


-Being hurt

-Nonfiction novels

-Adult novels


-Being a pervert

-Making random references to random things


-Sweet things



-People getting injured

-Performing medical treatment on people who get injured easily


Kiyo is a laidback and apparently cheerful person. However, he often changes from a caring person to an insensitive brute, all the while keeping a cheerful smile on his face. There has never been a moment when anybody has seen him without a smile on his face. Some say that he smiled too much, and his face stuck that way as a result. He frequently fails at everything he does except for fighting and performing medical treatment, with his skill at treating people said to be 'out of this world, yo'. While not on the job, Kiyo is extremely bad at understanding others, and he'll frequently show his perverted tendencies by asking girls for their panties or such and such. He'll plow ahead with disregard for the feelings of others, he'll lie without a second thought, and all the while he'll be contradicting himself.

Biography: "I used to be the Demon King of the Sixth Realm. Yes, I used to be Ado Nobunga! If you believed that then you're an idiot!"

Other: Did you know that I'm actually a Demon Hunter? I'm just like Yosuke Uramushi, with my Raigun.



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Curse you Crystal! I have no choice but to join this RP due to the amount of potential it has! *shakes fist*  


He has a scar that starts from the left side of his jaw and stops above his left eye. He has 5 scars across his chest caused by a demon.


Kaziri Koju








One katana with a blue hilt, one combat knife. A sniper rifle and two silenced pistols.



  • Kaz enjoys chatting to new people and meeting new people
  • He loves the Children of the Spirits and believes that they should be accepted by everyone.
  • He likes sweet things and helping people.
  • Reading books
  • listening to people
  • Animals


  • Kaz doesn't dislike Demons. He hates them with every inch of his being.
  • People that insult the COS, try to attack them and generally anyone that doesn't treat the COS with respect.
  • Sucide missions
  • Plans that involve him running towards the enemy as a distraction
  • being used as a distraction
  • talking about his past


Kaz is a very brave man and is very loyal to the COS. He is fairly laid back most of the time and loves a good joke. He depises Demons because of his past and is known to change the subject when asked about his past. He gets along with most people and always tries to find a peaceful way to resolve things. He doesn't give up easily.


" You don't want to hear me talk about my past. It's quite boring." - Kaz when asked about his past

"This blade belongs to me. It belonged to my father" - Kaz to another scout when comparing their blades

"Nah, i don't think of home, for this is my home. You are my family and I will protect you." -Kaz to an unamed soldier

"Don't call me scarface. It's a lazy nickname and there's a story behind my scar. One which i won't tell you. anyway, the demons won't kill themselves." Kaz when asked how he got his scars.


"I'm a Demon Hunter. We, Demon Hunters, do whatever it takes to stop those scum. We also make good sushi."
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