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Realistic or Modern Chemical 432


chemical 432 or {the cure for cancer} as the media dubbed it that was 3 years ago and now the media, the people, the world has gone quiet all we hear is the constant sorrowful wails of the undead as we try to survive.
Sara looked around at the empty sanctuary, her gym bag weighing her down more and more. Endless weeks carrying these weapons just to find another empty place. Then she saw him. He was sitting at a table, a cowboy hat next to him while he drank a soda. Might as well. She walked forward slowly, her boots clicking against the floor. "Um...Hello?"
Cajun looked up seeing a girl with a gym bag in hand she looked tired and beaten to hell and back. He checked his surroundings. No one ever sneaks up on him how could he let this happen. he stopped that train of thought this girl is the first hed seen since his team was ripped apart. 'Howdy" he said plainly his thick southern accent echoed throughout the empty place dully. his other hand very slowly gripped the handle of his blade just in case people are crazy nowadays
Sara's breath hitched as she saw the man and her stride stopped for a moment, but she carried on. Her hand was in her back pocket, where her dagger was hidden. She couldn't trust him until she was sure he wasn't a walker. "You here alone?" But for some reason she couldn't think straight. Maybe it was the fact the he was the only other person who seemed sane in this apocalypse, or the fact that his southern accent gave hee chills she hasn't felt since...since Charlie.
"yes, im here alone does it look like anyone else is here." Cajun spoke sarcastically as he lit a cigarette and nodded towards the chair across from him he motioned for her to sit down. "Names Ma.. uhm Cajun." he said quickly sipping his drunk again. it was a coke and whiskey the only thing he really drinks anymore.
Sara slowly walked to the table, dragging out the chair and sitting down, putting her gym bag down in the floor, "Sss...Susan," she said andlooked at the cup, "What's that?" She said, and her eyes unintentionally slid over his body, her heart bea r racing but she looked away before foreign thoughts entered her mind. "Some happy juice?"
He smiled "your no good at lying girl and yea I guess you could call it that huh" he took his bottle out of his pocket and put it on the table. "Care to par take?" he asked the girl plainly his hand still walked around his knife just in case. why is she lying to me? he laughed at that thought hell probably the same reason im lying to her shes more than most likely hiding a weapon somewhere he glanced to his rifle sitting behind him propped against the boarded window. his hand stayed around his knife
Her eyes quickly went to the rifle and back to him. "You have a good poker face, but I was in Psychology in the one year I went to college. I'll tell you the truth if you tell me." She grabbed the bottle and tipped it back in her mout b, the liquid burning in her mouth as she swallowed, but she tried to hide the pain. "Good stuff." What the heck is this guy drinking?
he laughed. " sweetie your one year of psyche has nothing on my SEAL training. but fair enough names Mark I go by Cajun. and you?" he spoke solemnly relaxing his grip on his knife
She tilts her head slightly, biting her lip at the same time, "Sara." She let go of her dagger and let her arms on the table, "SEALs? How was that?"
Mark relaxed and crossed his arms over his chest. "It was uh.. shit it was pretty bad exspecially when they sent my team in for containment." he finished his drink grabbed his bottle and poured half in his cup he took another drag of his cigarette and looked through a space in between the boards. The sun shined brightly and he could see the walkers roaming around just looking sniffing for their next meal.
Sara paused to say something, but noticed his expression. She followed his gaze and saw the boards. So much for safe haven. She slid her hand to yer gym bag, but froze. He wouldn't take her seriously if she took out a gun, "You alright?"
He turned and started to say something but stopped. he heard the roar of an engine. "GET DOWN NOW" Mark screamed and tackled the girl to the ground. the hum of an engine became louder as an armoured hum vee slammed through the wall of the safe haven. Five people stepped out wearing human skulls on their heads. Mark knew what they wanted they wanted the girl and they wanted her fo things. horrid things. "Shit. Sara run and run fast they must have followed you here." Mark tipped the table the two where sitting at and grabbed his rifle slinging it across his back he pulled his pistol and began firing.
Sara slowly crawled backwards, grabbing her gym bag and taking out her rifle, but kept crawling backwards, trying to find an exit. She was merely inches from the door. "Mark?"
Mark turned to look at the girl and was ambushed by the four. he could handle it though the man was a seal hes seen worse. one grabbed Marks arm and bit Makr shook him and ended him quickly with his blade. Then Mark felt a sharp pain in his side. he turned and saw he had an 8 inch blade sticking deep in his ribs. He looked at Sara and said "GO" at that he collapsed
Sara raised her rifle and carefully aimed at the walkers. One shot each. Nit much ammo around her. She shot one in the head, the other in the chest and the rest came at her. She shot another one, but it wouldn't go down.

Sara backed up into the door, and she looked at Mark. Everyone around her ended up dead. She reached for the door knob, but the door opened and she looked up. "Charlie," she gasped.
The men where dead and Mark tried to pull the knife from his side the walkers can smell his blood and they're coming he could just feel it "some help would be much appreciated " he said to sara as his vision started to blur. he finally jerked the bade from his side and held his wound blood spilling and flowing freely
Sara looked between Charlie and Mark, and she ran to Mark, grabbing her gym bag and taking out medic supplies, "Lift up your shirt."

"Who's this?" Charlie asked, but she ignored him, "Come on Sara. You're not still angry, are you?"

"Mark, can you hear me? " she asked.
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Sara grabbed alcohol from her bag and dabbed it on a large piece of gauze. "This is gonna burn," she warned and put the bandage on the wound.
Amy watched from the shadows of a building across the street. She wanted to help, but knew that she would be worse than dead if the masked people found her. She quietly shuffled back, double-checking the blades on he back and her thighs. As if an after thought, she grabs a gun from her waistband and checks the number of bullets. Discouraged by what she sees, Amy only has 6 bullets left. It's a good thing she prefers her blades to guns.
Sara looked around as she started patching up Mark and sitting him up against the table. "Wallers are on their way," she whispered, standing up with her rifle.

Skirting around the side of the building, Amy finds a ladder to the roof of a neighboring apartment complex. While not the best, it's as good a place as any to hide until the masked gang leaves. She'll also have a good vantage point to keep an eye on the people holed up in the bar and the walkers littering the streets. Gripping her gun in one hand, Amy begins the climb up. When she's about four feet off the ground, she feels something grab her ankle. She looks down to see a walker holding her foot and a horde of others making their way towards her.
mark looked up vaguely remembering the time when him and his best friend raffy got cornored in a street in Baghdad. they where out manned and definitely out gunned. Raffy had already been shot to shit and Mark did what he had to do. he pitched three frag grenades and 5 flashbangs into the crowd as he took off and drug Raffy 28 miles to evac. Raffy had been dead for hours by then but Mark spaced out and just kept going. Mark himself suffered serious wounds and still carried on. He stood up wobbled a moment then gained his balance he took a swig of whiskey and grabbed his gear "we need to get out now." he said simply heading for the back entrance he parked his truck there it surely had enough room for a few people.

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