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Fantasy Chasing the Sun



You are lost
Chasing the Sun
In a world purely of fantasy, after the recent event of the eclipse, the world has been cast into a never ending night. The reason? It would seem the sun herself has run away.

It's not very often that the sun and moon appear before everyone in physical, human-like form. But, after some complications, the moon has appeared in one of the local towns in search of a group that could help him find the sun. For, the moon wishes for the day to come - perhaps missing the beauty of the light, or perhaps he wants to restore a balance for the inhabitants of the earth.

The land beyond the town is dangerous, and the moon simply cannot do it himself.

One of the moon's minions, of four stars, approach you with the offer. Will you step up to the task? Out of the kindness of your heart. Or perhaps you're just in it for the reward. Maybe the adventure and danger thrills you.

Do not post yet.

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Chapter 1: Shine and Shimmer
01 : Shine and Shimmer
On that evening, the lands had been lit up in festivals of dim lanterns and lively music accompanied with passionate dancing. The bustling stalls full of chatting and children voicing their awe and curiosity. For, it was an occasion to celebrate. Or, rather, an excuse to hold a festival. From the Tenide capital to the small town of Hemia. Everyone would spend this time enjoying themselves, as above ahead in the darkening sky the solar eclipse occurred. An event that only seemed to occur every ten years, in which the occurrence of an eclipse was quite special and something every watched with explainable awe.

That would be the evening after ten years that everyone would celebrate one way or another. From spending their time in the local tavern getting drunk, or sitting by family and friends as they enjoyed a fulfilling meal together, or even just quietly admiring the event from the roof of a stranger's house.

Yet, upon them all in a far place. In a realm that was as inexplicable as it was indescribable. Of the mystic and enchanting oddness of it all. There they were; the Sun and Moon as very living and breathing beings. In a glorified existence, they would have spent that time together. In silence or in conversation, they would have been witnessing the event too, for they were the ones behind this phenomenon. Perhaps, too an excuse for them to spend more time together. The eclipse itself being some form of meeting with one another every ten years. But, once it was over, the Sun would have left without so much of a thought, followed suit by her trusted companions -or rather, underlings.

And, those below might have kept the festivals going, or they might have taken off to bed. As, the Moon began the night. Something he had always done, and did not need to think much of it. It was during these times that he would have tried to kill time and his boredom by spending it with the four stars. And, as every other time, the Moon did.

Time surely flew by then. But, when the Moon grew tired, he would have looked around for some sort of confirmation. In which he got. The Sun surely should have been awoken by now and beginning to start the day. But, the light never came.

Yet, for they did nothing but stay in stunned and concerned silence. A day should have passed, but the night remained. For, those down on the earth, it was something that they all thought to be the beginning of something terrible. In a way, that might have been very true. As, when the Moon had sent one of his stars to check upon the Sun, where she should have been she was no more.

And, it was only then that a plan began to arose. Though it might have taken as much time as it taken for them to check on the Sun. Ultimately, in a dire need to return to the day, the Moon himself came descended onto the earth within the company of his four trusted stars. Hemia was where they found themselves, a lively but shady little town. Nevertheless, the Stars were sent to recruit any willing helpers for the oncoming quest.

In the four, the Stars departed in four ways.
Upon the search, South had crossed paths with a thief atop a roof. While down below, North might have stumbled upon a runaway making her great escape. Meanwhile, the East star would have captured sight of an aspiring knight. And, inside Hemia's one and only tavern, West would have found himself, where he would have found interest in a particular story for an odd story teller.


-The Runaway-

Mood: Skittish
Scenario: Run run runaway
With: none yet.

Tags: Yennie Yennie Cychotic Cychotic


What are you thinking? Are you mad?

Shay ignored the voices in her head as she continued to quickly make her way through the back alleyways of the small town. Her escape had been quick and really, it was a last minute one. She had never planned for herself to be running away so soon after her parents revealed that she was forced to marry the man she was arranged with in 2 months time. She actually wanted it to be a bit more dramatic than that. Shay was a sweet girl, never bothered anyone and was sometimes way too naive for her own good. But she had never wanted someone to feel so guilty.

Surely, if she left on the day of her wedding, the blow would be too much to bear for her parents. Proving her point and providing her the satisfaction of knowing that she was right. It all started that morning, which well, wasn't really a morning.After the solar eclipse, the sun did not rise. For some reason unknown. It left all the people talking about it. Although Shaylee was concerned her parents weren't. They never were.
Shaylee was sitting in the dining room, waiting for the various servants and such to bring her breakfast. Mother was sitting on one side of the long table, delicately sipping at her tea. Father, on the other, a few papers in front of him as he continued to eat his meal. Once Shay's plate was set in front of her, she spoke. "Will I meet him before the wedding?" Silence. She asked again. Silence once again followed. She understood that her parents must have been tired of dealing with her constant questions. But it was her life, and she had every right to know who this man was and why she was arranged with him.

Although Shay knew the real reason as to why she was arranged with the mysterious man. Money. Her parents use to be very wealthy individuals, somehow doing well despite living just outside the small town she was in now. But now they were running low, and she was sure that her parents were spending borrowed money. She wasn't suppose to be married until 25.

Then they suddenly push for her to marry at 22 and they expect her not to ask about this man or when she can see him. No one spoke, the only noises that were made were the clanking of silverware to china.

Shay couldn't understand it and nor did she want to, but something inside of her snapped. Setting her glass harshly against the table she moved out from her seat, shouting. "This is ludicrous! I am the one getting married! I have a right to know who I am to marry!" Shay's father stood suddenly, his face red with anger. "You do not question the authority of your parents, child." He boomed. "You will do as we say because it is what is best for you! Stop acting like such a foolish child!"

Shay was stunned into silence by her fathers outburst. Normally she was only met with eerily calm silence, and now she was being screamed at. Her lower lip trembled and she excused herself quietly from the table.
Slipping into a narrow alleyway, she wrapped her grey cloak tighter around her. Not wanting to be seen or noticed by a soul. Looking up at the black sky above, she leaned up against a building before sliding to sit on the floor. Leaning her head back against it, she slowed her breathing and just took in the new sense of freedom. This is just the beginning.

Code by @Starfish

"Running away is only the beginning for me"
It had been two weeks since the Sun had vanished, the night long and glimmering in the night. The disappearance of such a being was rather worrying at first, but was cast away with little thought. The Sun could very well be taking an overdue break and was bound to come back. But as the days past, this hope dwindled and the Moon realized he could not keep night in reign forever.

London believed himself too unworthy of such a task and the people too unhappy with him. And so a plan was devised, one that would take place as soon as the North Star, or Stella as she was called, came to his chamber to take him to the world below. No doubt she would come with yet another argument concerning her disdain about London's inability to take reign. She had brought it up frequently throughout the days and he had always given the same response.

He sat upon his window, his leg propped up and hands holding a book by a small sphere of light. In the entirety of his palace in the skies, London favoured the library the most, often falling asleep there as well as running away to the place when frustrated. It was quiet, with a cozy atmosphere and plenty of books to keep him busy. But his mind was wandering today.

London looked rather casual about such a quest, but in reality, he was worried. London had always been the smaller figure of the two entities; it was for his own good. If at reign, London would have to appeal to everyone. One bad outcome would bring him down.

He shook the thought away and flipped a page.

Stella Polaris made her way through the Moon's Palace, the place London had set aside for himself but had opened it's doors to the Stars as well. Of course only important ones such as herself inhabited here, there were far too many minor stars for them all to fit.

Stella moved with purpose down the halls, her destination the library where she knew with absolute certainty London would be. Normally he adored the room; lately he seemed to have an unhealthy attachment to his books. She knew the reason was of course the Sun's disappearance - much to her chagrin because she doubted he would ever be this torn up about her.

Stella sighed, shaking her head as she stood outside of the library. Personally she found the Sun's absence to be a positive thing. London's light got to shine for much longer and people relied on her more than ever. The past few weeks had almost been rather enjoyable for her. Of course she knew the people on the lower realm had nearly lost their minds with the change but in time they had come to accept it as their normalcy.

So why couldn't London?

She knocked softly at the door, schooling her features before she eased her way in. "London, I've come to escort you to the lower realm as you requested." She knew he had grown weary of her complaints as of late and was determined not to mention anything. For now.

His small light guided her towards him and she assumed her place at his side. He looked so at ease, a book in his hands and legs propped up. She knew he was tense because of the slight crease between his eyebrows, something she was certain he wasn't even aware of doing.

But she had noticed it long ago, like she noticed so many other little tells of his. He had no idea just how much she truly watched him. Clearing her throat, Stella reached out to place her hand on his shoulder. "Though I still think this is foolish and ill-fated, I will do my best to aid you and her on this quest."

Stella was very against this at first but London had looked so distraught that she hadn't the heart to say no. She knew this was foolish because how did they expect to find the Sun with absolutely no information? She could be anywhere by now and they'd be aimlessly looking for her, always two steps behind. Still Stella would do it even if it took them ages. Simply because he had asked it of her.

London blinked, the familiar touch of one his stars rested upon his shoulder. He had chosen not to greet Stella when she cleared her throat and announced her presence, something she did often to catch his attention. His gaze landed on her and a smile crinkled on his face. He set the book aside, and gently slipped Stella's palm in his.

"Thank you," he smiled, rising from his sitting position. London knew Stella disliked the Sun, believing her to overpower him. But she did not quite understand his biggest action. It was selfish, he knew this, but the Star was kind enough not to nag him today as well as accompany him. "What would I do without you?" he laughed.

With a hum and a snap of his fingers, the image of a rather isolated alleyway appeared in his mind. He closed his eyes, lashes brushing softly against his skin. London supposed that if they were to go looking for the Sun they should do best to remain small. It would do no good if the sun caught onto their presence and ran away once more.

And so as his feet hit the pavement and the scent of earth greeted him, his eyes fluttered open.

He let go of Stella's hand, placing his palm within one of the pockets in his coat. Tonight was a bit chilly, with a soft breeze blowing through the alleyway. London tucked his coat closer to keep himself safe from the cold.

London moved forward, noting how narrow the alley was. He hugged the wall moving against it as he walked, humming softly. It was only until he noticed a flash of grey that he stopped. London squinted, his eyes narrowing in attempt to see what the object was.

A bit dull, yes, as he could create his own light. But by the time he realized this, he made out a figure underneath a cloak in a relaxed stance.

He had no idea that such person wished not to be seen and had already gone up to them, a smile on his face. "Hello there," London greeted, adjusting his coat.
Yennie Yennie Bellz Bellz


Abraham Demoreau

Abe sat, mostly unnoticed in the far corner of the town tavern. He was enjoying the warmth and the buzz of conversation. The tavern was loud, boisterous in only the way the terrified can be. They gathered in the tavern and told each other tall tales of heroes and villains, to forget the dark at the gates. Inevitably as drink was freely passed about the story-telling grew worse in quality, and gained much in bawdiness. Eventually someone lost patience and shot to their feet, making the one offer guaranteed to command the attention of any wandering bards. She half shouted, "A new pair of good leather boots to any bards in this damned place that can tell a proper story, while we await the sun!" Abe glanced down at his boots, the soles worn thin by the pressures he regularly subjected them to. The decision was a simple one really.

He stood and called out over the crowd in a low, carrying voice, "Aye I'll tell a tale. Learned this one from a friend of mine I met on the road. Said they were immortal, but ah who can trust a wanderer eh? Now they swore up and down this tale was true, but they were a little magick mad. According to them it was certain truth, but they could not quite swear to which reality it was true in, nor what time it was native to. Usually I would accompany myself, but I lost my instrument on the road, so you will have to settle for the original spoken tale, as told to me by a wanderer on the road. Maybe I'll even give a taste of the meaning ascribed afterwards, a little lesson for this dark time." His face remained shadowed as his head tilted slightly back and he began to sing, a melodic tenor voice ringing out.

We sing a tale

We call a memory

We sing a tale

We pass on the heart of another

There once was a demon

Whose cruelty was storied

Whose evil was legend

Yet she served a greater foe

There once was a priestess

Whose deeds were storied

Whose purity was legend

Yet she could not face her foe

The demon was sent amongst humanity

She spread misery without end

She was a being of evil darkness

Yet none are unaffected by their lives

The priestess wandered amongst humanity

She worked for peace without end

She was a woman of light

Yet none are unaffected by their lives

The demon changed as those amongst mortals will

She lost her cruelty to experience

She lost her chill to the warmth of humanity.

The demon changed

The priestess changed as mortals will

She lost her certainty to experience

She lost her warmth to the chill of humanity.

The priestess changed

The demon and the priestess met

The demon gave her warmth

The priestess gave her kindness

They both became whole

The Eldritch lord saw

It noticed this failing in it's servant

This warmth in their cold blade

It tore them apart

The demon was broken

She had gained

Only to lose

She gripped hope tightly

The priestess was broken

She had gained

Only to lose

She gripped hope tightly

The demon was brought to it's masters abode

It's humanity was bound

It's evil empowered

Yet it was not whole

The priestess came to the it's abode

She came to unbind humanity

To empower goodness

Yet it was not enough

They fought

The demon was the greater power

Yet the priestess had the greater power over her

They became whole again

They came together and went down into the darkness

The darkness awaited them in it's abode

They walked without fear

The being awaited with malice

The battle was met

The one was darkness

The two were shadow united

The darkness was the stronger alone

The battle went on

The one was evil

The two were human

The opposites fought

The battle went on

The darkness was mighty

The shadow was one

Their power vied

The battle ended

The darkness was the greater

The shadow was born of the light and of the dark

The shadow broke the dark and sent it back

The priestess and the demon were one

They were one throughout good

They were one throughout evil

They loved like a storm, fiercely

Yet storms end

Shadow gives way

Light fades

Darkness lingers

Humanity burns bright

Darkness is eternal

They were one

They broke again

The demon returned to It's citadel

The demon was lost

The demon was afraid

The demon kneeled in pain

The priestess followed to It's citadel

The priestess was sure

The priestess was certain

The priestess rejoined the demon

The priestesses light had burned out

The demons shadow was eternal

The priestess died

The demon held her

The demon mourned

It called to her, and offered darkness

She heard its call, but followed light

It screamed with rage as she left it behind.

The demon walks the world

Love is eternal

Humanity is a flame

The demon is broken

Abe lowered his head and was still, utterly. Nothing seemed to move about him at all, and indeed most of the tavern was still and quiet until he spoke, "Now the meaning is debatable, and has been debated before at that. Some call it a warning tale, some disregard it as a simple good versus evil tale, some call it a reminder of inevitable mortality, some say its just a romantic tragedy. In honor of this elongated eclipse, I will for once tell you the truth of it. It is thrice-fold in meaning, and yet it boils down to one essential truth. immortality amongst mortality has no joy to it without inhumanity, without the ability to disregard suffering, death and loss. Ah, but mortals are tricky creatures. They will drag even the darkest bastards into the light. It is in the end a cautionary tale. Seek not immortality, because it will exact a mortal price, and the cost will be more than you ever wanted to pay. If I had to guess at the cause of the current plight, I would perhaps suggest a closer look at tales of the manifestations of celestial bodies. I have heard many tales of those beings being made manifest for a time, some saying they ever walk among us when they are not in the sky, some saying they descend on rare occasions, some saying they are ever separate from what they represent. Mayhap the sun lost sight of its immortal purpose, or maybe I'm just mad and some dark thief has stolen away with the day-star itself. Anyway! I believe I am owed a new pair of boots, and me without my instruments, you all have some unaccompanied drinking to get back to. Tarry not too long on dread thoughts as this matter is likely beyond you anyway." As quiet conversation and movement broke out again accompanied by a mildly accelerated consumption of alcohol, Abe slipped away to talk to the woman who had offered the boots. The woman smiled a knowing smile and passed him a pair of boots she had had beside her chair. The woman had the look of a mercenary, clad in dark grey leather armor over simple grey woolen clothes, with a sheathed broadsword leaning against a wall next to her. Her face was rather scarred by battle, but still untouched by age. The two fell into quiet conversation, eyeing the folks around them and always speaking just a little too quietly to be heard.

Few necessary details this time sides tagging Aukanai Aukanai the only other pc present.
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Rye, The West Star

[ Well ]​
[ Excited & Curious ]​
[ Tavern, Hemia ]​
In the recent events and unexpected disappearance of the Sun, everything had certainly changed a lot. For better or for worse. For Rye, he couldn't tell. Perhaps the West Star always liked having a change every now and then. Even more so, once the Moon; humble London has concucted a plan. In which, they would have to descend down upon the earth below their mystic realm they so called home. Perhaps Rye was the most excited about this, regardless of the task as hand. But he didn't seem to fully understand it. Or, rather, London's brief on such mission had got in one ear and out the other.
But, at least Rye seemed to remember one thing; find someone who is willing and capable of this quest.

Why? Rye didn't know nor did he care. Perhaps, London had been the only one thinking ahead. The land below was full of danger. Hence, they would need the help of those who inhabited in. All these tricks and turns, the threats and enemies unbeknown to them. A new world and a new way that they would have become used to. Especially.

Hence, be sent ahead of London and Stella, the other three stars were the first to descend to the earth below to the small town of Hemia. As they had been directed to do. However, in an odd twist, they would have felt somewhat...different. Down here in this realm, they were hindered with having a physical body. Which was something they were certainly not accustomed to. Yet, Rye seemed to be getting straight into the swing of things.

"Hey-hey! This is pretty cool," Rye had given a huge grin towards his fellow stars as he carelessly pranced around like a complete and utter idiot. And yet, with odd looks from the other two, Rye might have stopped then, snickering slightly but eventually shaking his head. "Right, gotcha. We should get to work, huh? I dibs that way!" Pointing in one direction, Rye sped off and left Astaroth and Ezra behind without so much of a chance to respond to him.

However, at some point Rye might have lost focus on the task at hand and ended up taking his time in exploring this small town. From the narrow alleyways and eventually to the town's noisy tavern. And once there, did overhear an extraordinary tale through a song, sang by a rather mysterious man. Yet, Rye would have crept closer among the group that was listening to the man's story. If it were not for Rye's deep interest in such a story, the star would have interrupted to voice his interest. However, this time, Rye did quite the opposite, keeping his mouth shut as his lips spread into a wide smile and his eye lit up. The meaning of it was something the not so smart star would be able to figure out. But that did not seem to phase Rye.

And, even once the man had finished telling the story and song ceased, Rye continued to buzz with some sort of excitement. He certainly was interested in the man, and perhaps then he might have found the man to be a notable person to help upon the quest. Not because the man seemed to be a suitable and capable addition, but rather Rye's curiosity would have led his decision.

"Say, strange man," without so much of a concern, Rye strode towards the man after he had collected his new pair of boots,"does the sound of a dangerous quest thrill you?"

In the recent events and unexpected disappearance of the Sun, everything had certainly changed a lot. For better or for worse. For Rye, he couldn't tell. Perhaps the West Star always liked having a change every now and then. Even more so, once the Moon; humble London has concucted a plan. In which, they would have to descend down upon the earth below their mystic realm they so called home. Perhaps Rye was the most excited about this, regardless of the task as hand. But he didn't seem to fully understand it. Or, rather, London's brief on such mission had got in one ear and out the other.
But, at least Rye seemed to remember one thing; find someone who is willing and capable of this quest.

Why? Rye didn't know nor did he care. Perhaps, London had been the only one thinking ahead. The land below was full of danger. Hence, they would need the help of those who inhabited in. All these tricks and turns, the threats and enemies unbeknown to them. A new world and a new way that they would have become used to. Especially.

Hence, be sent ahead of London and Stella, the other three stars were the first to descend to the earth below to the small town of Hemia. As they had been directed to do. However, in an odd twist, they would have felt somewhat...different. Down here in this realm, they were hindered with having a physical body. Which was something they were certainly not accustomed to. Yet, Rye seemed to be getting straight into the swing of things.

"Hey-hey! This is pretty cool," Rye had given a huge grin towards his fellow stars as he carelessly pranced around like a complete and utter idiot. And yet, with odd looks from the other two, Rye might have stopped then, snickering slightly but eventually shaking his head. "Right, gotcha. We should get to work, huh? I dibs that way!" Pointing in one direction, Rye sped off and left Astaroth and Ezra behind without so much of a chance to respond to him.

However, at some point Rye might have lost focus on the task at hand and ended up taking his time in exploring this small town. From the narrow alleyways and eventually to the town's noisy tavern. And once there, did overhear an extraordinary tale through a song, sang by a rather mysterious man. Yet, Rye would have crept closer among the group that was listening to the man's story. If it were not for Rye's deep interest in such a story, the star would have interrupted to voice his interest. However, this time, Rye did quite the opposite, keeping his mouth shut as his lips spread into a wide smile and his eye lit up. The meaning of it was something the not so smart star would be able to figure out. But that did not seem to phase Rye.

And, even once the man had finished telling the story and song ceased, Rye continued to buzz with some sort of excitement. He certainly was interested in the man, and perhaps then he might have found the man to be a notable person to help upon the quest. Not because the man seemed to be a suitable and capable addition, but rather Rye's curiosity would have led his decision.

"Say, strange man," without so much of a concern, Rye strode towards the man after he had collected his new pair of boots,"does the sound of a dangerous quest thrill you?"
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Merui a job to do tonight. A man asked her to retrieve a necklace for him and he would pay her 20 gold pieces. "Alright now let's see where did I had to go. She looked at the piece of paper with the directions on it and thought for a moment. "Ah, I know where. " She folded the paper up and put it back in her pocket and headed towards the location. The directions brought her to a Inn and by the looks of the carriage that was parked near by someone very wealthy was staying the night. She headed in and went up the stairs to the rooms. Even someone saw her no one would care. They would think she was visiting someone. "Let's see I think he gave me the room number." She checked the paper with the directions on it then headed towards the room. Once she reached the door she put her ear to it and listened in. Didn't sound like anyone was in and she couldn't hear the faint sound of anyone sleeping. She took the chance and picked the lock and went in. Sure enough she was right no one was in. She closed the door and started looking for the necklace. Though she couldn't find it anywhere. She was just about give up when she realized she hadn't checked the bed. Well she checked under it but under the pillows or anything. She went to lift the pillow and there was a box and inside the bow was the necklace. "Bingo." Suddenly she heard the doorknob move and quietly but quickly climbed out the window and on to the roof. She sighed, "Well that was a close one."
Cosmos Cosmos

-The Runaway-

Mood: Skittish
Scenario: *Sigh*
With: London and Stella.

Tags: Yennie Yennie Cychotic Cychotic


The temperature outside was only dropping. Shay wrapped her cloak around her tighter and stared down at the pavement before a voice caught her attention.
Hello there.
Shay's eyes snapped up to meet the face of a man and a woman. And well, her jaw almost dropped. They were unlike anything that she had seen before. Sure they looked relatively human, but Shay knew that they most likely weren't. She held back a sigh, as all she really wanted to do in the moment she had to herself was think. But if conversing with people was what had to be done, than so be it. The young woman quickly shuffled to her feet before letting the cloak fall from her head. The people in front of her would block the view from the streets, so for the moment she was safe.
Her long ebony locks were unfastening themselves from her conservative styled hair and it framed her face nicely. She looked between the two once more, not sure on every what to say. Well hello would be a start. Her mind scolded her as if she were a naive young child before Shay released a breath of air. It showed in the darkness of the night. "Hello, are you lost?" They looked out of place for such a small town. Too nicely dressed and too perfect of skin to be the hard working folk in town. Not tanned from the light of the sun or aged from it. No scars from work injuries or simply just exploring outside. But she had an itching that maybe she shouldn't judge these people so harshly. For sure, it was clear that they were outsiders, but that doesn't mean she had the right to treat them as such. "I'm Shay." She murmured and held out her hand, introducing herself politely.​
Code by @Starfish

"Running away is only the beginning for me"

"Even the smallest star can shine the brightest when given the chance"

[-Location: Hermia, streets —> Inn // Interaction: Luckz Luckz Aukanai Aukanai animegirl20 animegirl20 (Mentioned) Yennie Yennie Cychotic Cychotic -]

Astaroth had felt there was something off that night when the sun had visited like usual, every ten years the two beings of day and night met and there was always an uneasy tension filling the area around them, but last time there was just something- different. The child-like star had of course dismissed this feeling at first instead trying to keep up appearances in front of the two beings of such great power, ignoring it and enjoying the experience to her best. It felt like the first time in ages that all four stars and the moon had been together at the same time, Astraroth seemed to be having to entertain herself through some of the nights passed by frolicking around the halls or setting traps for the others to comedically fall prey to later on as she watched in wait of such event.

But when the next day was scheduled to begin and the others began to worry why there was no light coming forth she could but tightly grasp her small hands into a fist at the thought that she could have done something at the meeting, if only she had acted upon the odd presence that had filled the room. But as her nature was she soon forgot this concern and instead returned to her normal childish and playful ways, if anything happy that the moons light was getting to shine for such a long amount of time, but how London seemed to be reacting made the child question if this set of mind was right, his expression seeming to hold a greater understanding of what such a disappearance could cause and as restless hours passed one after another from the man she agreed without hesitation to his plans, if it would make him feel better of course she'd do anything to help out.

Whilst Stella and London made seperate preparations the other three stars went ahead in their arrival on the Earth, once landing the small star imminently face-planted into the ground below, a small 'oomph' noise escaping her mouth as she was not yet used to having a physical form and unsure of how to move the body her first step was rather clumsy needless to say evidently resulting in the consequence. Once recovered and dusting herself off she smiled cheerfully and stood, giggling at Rye's rather ridiculous actions of prancing around the empty streets before giving a small nod at his words of getting to work on the job at hand before watching as he ran off in a seemingly random direction. It wasn't too long after that Astraroth herself felt she had gained control over her new form and set out with a simple wave to Erza and a mischievous smirk settled on her face.

After a few minuets of wandering about the small town curiously, exploring this and that and seeing if that thingy worked together with the other thingy she came upon the sight of a young female human, watching from a distance as the girl glanced down at a piece of paper before suddenly walking off again, intrigued by the suspicious stranger she followed after at a slow pace, eyes wide and grin filled with enthusiasm, it would be the first time she'd ever spoken to a human! The female soon came to a stop outside a rather noisy building, Astraroth could hear the yelling of voices and badly sung lyrics from all the way where she stood,
"What a curious human place~…." She mumbled under her breath, almost loosing sight of the girl as she entered the Inn. The star attempted to follow after but was halted only a few steps in, "Aye' kid. This ain't no place for you to come runnin' and playin' bout' in ya' know? This is for grown-ups only, K'ay? Now run along back to wherever ya' came from~…." A bartender said with a glare that even the newcomer to this world new not to mess with, Astraroth nodded and with a nervous grin backed out whilst rubbing the back of her head, briefly wondering whether mentioning the fact that she was centuries older than any of the people within would have helped before getting distracted by a certain noise coming from one of the upstairs windows, it was faint and at first the young star was unsure of wether she was just hearing things but a second sound of similar origin soon confirmed that her hearing was perfectly fine.

In order to get closer to whatever was creating the strange sound Astraroth scaled the outside of the building in but a small amount of time, seemingly making no big deal as she clambered onto the roof and sat cross-legged with her hands firmly placed in her lap, listening intently to whatever was occurring below before a head suddenly poked out from the side of the building and the female human Astraroth had spotted before made an appearance right in front of her. She blinked a few times, mouth wide open in amazement and a light pink blush soon covering her pale cheeks she rose from her sitting position and waved her hands in the air excitedly,
"Wow! How did you do that!? Can you fly? Can all humans fly? Well- that's silly…. If all humans can fly then why are there birds? then that must mean you're a really powerful human! Oh, and what does bingo mean? Is it to do with you searching around in that mans room for the shiny thing? I know! Bingo is the name of shiny thing, right, right!?~" The multiple questions she had launching out one after another at the poor female, the young girl practically yelling from the rooftops to the whole street that whoever was with her just stole something. The star was so full of energy and wonder that she didn't even give a second thought to the strange happens or what those actions may mean.

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Suddenly she heard someone from behind start to speak which scared the heck out of her. "Eep!" She turned around to see a girl with ears and a tail talking nonstop. She stood there and blinked for moment then started laughing. She couldn't help it she just found it funny then something hit her. This girl was yelling off the roof top about what she was just doing. Before the girl could speak again Merui quickly covered her mouth. "Shhh don't go shouting out that. I don't want to get caught." She then slowly removed her hand and sighed. She took another look at the girl in front of her and just noticed she had fox ears and tail. "Aww your kind of cute!" She said grinning as she poked the girl's nose. She then quickly backed away shook her head. She was getting distracted. "So um look it was super nice to meet you but I have something to deliver. So maybe we'll meet again huh?" She turned to leave.
Cosmos Cosmos
He was tired, bored and annoyed at the sound of people's voices, he wanted to do the job and go home, or more precisely get back to his sleep or book, whatever one. "Find a worthy quest goer? Fuck me," he moaned to himself in a barely audible whisper as he descended. He qui kly watched Rye head off, the West star who he found tolerable more than most but the kid was insane.
The East star looked to the two companions as one fell ever so gracefully into the ground face first, Astaroth to be precise, he inclined his head towards her as she gave a wave and promptly bounded off. He rolled his eyes, not enjoying orders to recruit a 'budding hero fit for a quest'. The man stepped forward, the body was no different to adapting different forms when he shifted, and being half-orc really was less of a problem. Than he'd let on anyway. The half-orc's small teeth protruded from his mouth and he growled out in annoyance at the scents he was receiving. Quaint, now where does one find a child playing hero? He though condesendingly and hadn't even met the person he'd attempt to find. Ever since night had fallen, Ezra had been more reclusive, sticking to his quarters or the strange parts of the Palace to occupy himself in, finding enjoyment in labour work and excitement with animals and his abilities. It was certainly strange but nonetheless the Sun was gone, boohoo. Now he actually was being made to lift his ass up and do something about it.

Ezra sighed as his hooded cloak danced around him, then well, seemingly stuck to his body as he manipulated his form into something better with greater use. In seconds a black raven was upon the ground and Ezra quickly took off into the skies.

"Now then," all he had to do was listen for trouble, good always shines through darker times, that's what he had learnt. Not that he cared to share his knowledge willingly either. The raven looked to the moon in the sky, what a shit day or night, I quite frankly don't care.


Cosmos Cosmos
Aukanai Aukanai
"Even the smallest star can shine the brightest when given the chance"

Astaroth continued to wave her arms around excitedly for a few moments, tail swishing back and forth with each movement with the same eager liveliness. She was just about to burst out with another round of questions when the girl all of a sudden began laughing causing the small fox-girl to slow down a little and blink curiously, not a moment later the females hand was over the young girls mouth and Astaroth simply stopped and listened to the others words, "Caumft?…." The muffled word came out of her mouth accompanied by a raised eyebrow, she'd been intending to say the word 'caught' but gave up halfway through since she couldn't move her mouth properly and instead came out with the gibberish spoken.

Once the hand was removed Astaroth giggled a little innocently, clasping her hands together behind her back and leaning backwards and forwards from the heels of her feet to the tips of her toes, simply sneezing at the poke on her noise and blushing a bright red shade once more at the statement of her being cute, her small cheeks puffing out a little in a stubborn manner as her ears twitched, "Aye'~…." She muttered as though she were a bashful child embarrassed by receiving an adults compliment. Smiling once again as the girl quickly backed away and shook her head, tilting her own head a little at the action as she watched the girl do something akin to that of a double-ale on the situation.

As she said her farewell and turned to leave Astaroth suddenly reached out a hand and tapped her on the shoulder twice trying to catch her attention, "Hey, do you wanna go on an adventure with me and some friends?~" She asked in a friendly tone, "I promise it'll be heaps and heaps of fun! And um- there's gonna be some kinda reward as well, I'm sure it'll be way better than whatever you're gonna get for that shiny bingo~" She continued, pointing at the necklace and for a split second a smirk crossed her face along with a rather intimidating glare as though aware of something more than she was letting on, though you'd have missed it if you were to so much as blink, Astaroth's more manipulative and tricky side coming out briefly in an attempt to hopefully gain the girls interest, she really didn't know what the girl was doing but from what she gathered she was gonna give away the shiny thing for some sort of other thing worth more than it. She was also well aware this girl wasn't a 100% good-guy material, but she seemed nice and the young child honestly really liked her, she was sure even if she was a little bad that it'd be okay, after all…. She seemed like someone who she could become friends with, and anyone who can become your friend has just gotta have a good heart, at least that's what the young star thought.

Her expression full of cheerful and childish intent as she playfully poked her tongue out, "Come'on then if you wanna take the deal! I'll meet you down the bottom slowpoke!~" She called out as she clambered down the building in a matter of short and quick movements, the girl hadn't agreed yet, but Astaroth just had a feeling she'd say yes, also if the girl wanted to leave she might as well get a head start on it, why not have a little game of chase on the way after all? If she finished the job this quickly there was no reason the others could say otherwise to her playing around just a little on the job. "Come'on!~" She continued, waving at her from the ground as her fox-like attributes moved themselves accordingly to the girls own movements.

Mood: Playful, Cheerful || Location: Outside Inn/On Streets || Tags: animegirl20 animegirl20
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Johnson could barely see it at the distance, finally. The town of Hemia, he didn't recall much of the town. Yet, thanks to the directions from Gramael, he knew there would be someone needing some help in this city. Especially in these times.
"This is where it begins, m-" Johnson pauses as his foot catches a root. Leading to a thud as he suddenly drops onto the ground.
"adventure..." he mutters as he groans for a moment before pushing himself up and recovering from his own clumsy self. He brushes his leather armor as he double checks he's prepared for a good first appearance for this town. He starts to head to the small town with a slower pace as his gaze drifts to the ground often, making sure he doesn't look like a fool when he sees the first person he meets. Johnson starts to daydream of his adventures. The glory, the people, his own grand home with all the things he wants. Johnson foot steps onto a branch, with a audible crack. His attention goes to the snapped twig and his mind on his dream fades. Right, the city. Johnson mumbles to himself self confidence as he slowly approaches the town.
Merui stopped as she felt the girl tap her on her shoulder. She turned around to the girl to see what she wanted now. She really needed to hurry up and get going though she didn't want to miss out on the payment she was getting. "A adventure?" The girl mentioned friends but they weren't friends yet, she could see herself being friends with her though. The fox girl went on to say how much it would be and who the reward would surpass whatever Merui was about to get. Her eyes lit up. "Really?" Well I guess I could go. She crossed her arms thinking. I have to admit I am bit curious...no Merui got stay focus can't let curiosity get the best of you this time. She was about to pass on the girl's offer but she was already heading down the building telling her to come on and yelling out slowpoke. "........damn it!" Letting the her curiosity, and the fact this kid called her a slow poke, get to her she climbed down after her. "Hey! wait for me!"
Cosmos Cosmos
The raven that was Ezra flew gracefully around the edge of town, a few people wrre here and there but most he had seen didn't even look up to the task at hand. He was about to give in and just grab someone beforr a couple of well, unflattering sounds again caught his ears. The bird flew towards the cracking branch and saw a man, leather armour, he looked somewhat prepared but his clumsiness made Ezra snicker. He needed to prove himself, yes he may likely die which who couldn't give two fucks about but the quicker he did the less he'd have to spend time with him. "Hm, he'll do, I am not spending any longer than I have to being an errand boy," he murmured.

Staying in Raven form Ezra swooped down and begun to circle the man. "Do you have what it takes?" His voice rung out, he was speaking from the bird which no doubt would've been creepy; perhaps he could play on his curiosity.

"I need someone strong, curious to assist on an adventure of a life time," he night be dead but hey-ho. Ezra continued flying his black wings flapping in the darkness.

Dutchmann Dutchmann


"Even the smallest star can shine the brightest when given the chance"

Astaroth waited impatiently on the ground as the female climbed down after her, still filled with excitement and enthusiasm the young star was practically bouncing up and down on the spot, and probably would have been if it weren't for her not quite trusting her coordination skills that much yet, she didn't want a repeat of earlier after all, she could still taste some dirt in her mouth- and it didn't taste all that good, she could assure you of that. She smirked as the girl called out for her to wait up, finally ceasing her waving and instead turning around and beginning to wander off, making sure the girl was with her by glancing back every few moments, giggling as she thought up some more questions to ask.

"So~ What's a bingo? Do you really like bingo's, is that why you took it from that man? I mean I really like this one shiny thing Stella has so I used to take it all the time but then she'd get really angry and yell at me, so I don't take it anymore. I guess I kinda understand why you took it then, but aren't you afraid that man will come and yell at you? It's not nice being yelled at after all." She inquired curiously whilst her ears flickered a little, hands once again clasped together behind her back as she removed her gaze from the female and instead began looking around the area with a raised eyebrow, "It's been a while now…. I think they should have got here right? I hope London's gonna' be really happy with me! I'm sure I'm the first one to find a human who wants to help out!" She continued in a cheerful manner, blushing a little with a timid smile at the thought, "Oh! I completely forgot I haven't even introduced myself yet have I?~" She suddenly snapped out of it and her thoughts returned to the girl, she pointed towards her face with her left hand and grinned up at her, "I'm Astaroth! What's your name big sis?~" She added quickly after her last sentence, briefly considering telling the girl about her being a star and all, but she thought London might not like her telling bout' it so she chose to wait for his permission first. The 'big sis' part was almost instinctive and she didn't even notice she'd said it, and even if she had unaware of what that may sound like to someone who was practically a stranger.

Mood: Curious, Excited || Location: Streets || Tags: animegirl20 animegirl20 Yennie Yennie Cychotic Cychotic

code by aukanai - for TheHappyPikachu's use only
Johnson walked with caution as observed the scenery around him, it's a bit difficult to see everything but it's something to pass the time with his short travel. He thought he say a bird for a moment but didn't pay much attention to it. While Johnson was walking, he took a sudden pause as a voice rang around him.
"Excus-" he stopped as he noticed that there was no one behind him or around at all that would've spoken to him. He double checks to area, noticing the bird he thought he a few moments ago. Then again the voice rang out, but it was clear it came from the direction of the bird.
"Uhh..." Johnson mutters to himself in confusion as he tries to put the puzzles together. Is he already going insane? He shouldn't have drank the Sh'ad Ke at the tavern. He thought he was a man, but the rumors of the drink making him see illusions may be true.
"Yes!" Johnson shouts out loud, maybe it's someone hiding in the dark shadows. Diverting his gaze from the bird, trying to find a different figure that may represent a person.
Luckz Luckz
Ezra stopped flying and swooped down, changing mid air to his human form, black cloak dancing around him as his orcish mouther curled upwards in a smile. "Delightful, this little hero is accepting the quest," he said with a tad annoyance as he stood towering over the man thanks to his orc half.

Confident. Seemingly strong. Curious...he'd be fine and if the kid died he'd...well he wouldn't care at all! Ezra's face dropped void of all emotion, a usual look for him as he spoke. "Come quickly, a friend will fill you in if you're willing to accept a perilous journey," he knew the curiosity of the man would over rule as Ezra span on his heel and quietly walked away, not waiting for the man to catch up. He wasn't here to dawdle, or make friends, or even care for the quest, he was being ordered to much to his dismay and the man grunted. He was very surprised at the disappearance, he thouhht everything was dandy with a bunch of cherries ontop but apparently Miss Sunny hadn't thought that way. "Quaint," he muttered as he kept pace, all he needed was Rye and he'd hand the man over like lifting a kitten by the scruff, quickly, precisely and out of his hands as soon as possible.

"There's a reward," he mentioned in hopes to persuade even more, well if he lived to reap it anyway.

Dutchmann Dutchmann
Johnson scanned the area in front view, twice, another time, maybe he is going insane. Suddenly the familiar voice and his vision became dark as a shadow loomed over him. Forcing him to look up at this rather large man. His features looked as if a hybrid of another race, but study isn't his specialty neither is the races of this wondrous world. He doesn't know how to respond... Questing is great, and adventure is right in front of him. Yet, his immense size and structure, his tone, everything about him feels intimidating to him.
"W-well I-I uhh.. of course!" Johnson's tone dropped for a moment and he looked down, making himself look like a fool by his sudden drop in might. 'Man up Johnson!' he thinks to himself. His mind start to race, his first adventure is at hand, and it looks like a big one. He looks up to see the man is already on the move, dammit Johnson pay attention!
"Coming!" he exclaims as he starts to follow the large man. Questions racing in his mind as so does the curiosity of rewards.
Luckz Luckz

Abraham Demoreau

The reactions from those around the table to the newly arrived speaker were swift, and diametrically opposed. The woman at the table shot to her feet, knocking her chair back as she drew her sword from the sheath behind her and swung it at the new arrival. As fast as she was, Abe moved faster flashing around the table and moving in front of the blade. The woman jerked her blade to a halt, very nearly touching his hood, although her look of deep dislike remained locked upon the new arrival.

At odds with her reactions, her voice held no anger. When she spoke there was only quiet sadness, "So you are ready to fall again? Ready to break yourself on your never-ending crucible?" She turned to Abraham and snarled viciously as she turned her blade into his hood and ran it along the side of his throat. This time when she spoke she sounded mournful and angry, "Or maybe I should just strike you down here. Simpler and less painful for all involved."

Abe's face remained in shadow as he spoke, sounding resigned and bitterly amused, "Aye the time has come. Wandering aimlessly has lost it's appeal, and I have never had a taste for your path. Anyway it is rare that the beginning of an adventure is so polite. I should at least hear them out don't you think? Besides dear sister Abigail, in all our time we have never fought, and I doubt now will be the time you choose."

Abby stepped back, sheathing her sword and tucking it into the straps on her back in one smooth movement. She spoke, sounding almost neutral, "Fine then. follow your path again, to where it always leads. I will not stick around to watch, but remember this choice, and remember how it always ends." She turned and walked away, saying just a little too loudly for it to have been meant to go unheard, "Because Death knows I remember each and every time I have had to pick up the pieces."

Abe stood still for a moment watching her depart. Then he turned to the man who had prompted the argument and looked him over. His voice still held amusement when he spoke, "Well much as I might have preferred you didn't see a lot of that, it should have answered some of your questions. I'm in a mood for heroics, so unless you're seeking assistance of a darker nature, you likely have my help. That is unless your looking for money for an intact shirt, in which case you should probably think back to the fact that I needed a free pair of boots."
The tag Aukanai Aukanai The womans blade does not strictly look like normal steel, but is clearly painted black, and recently. She looks roughly like this, although with different clothing, and more scars.


L o c a t i o n
Somewhere on earth

S t a t u s
Lets just get this over with...

T a g g i n g
Bellz Bellz Cychotic Cychotic


The North Star

Stella quielty mourned the loss of the warmth of London's hand when he let go upon their arrival. She knew from here on out he would be solely focused on the mission and secretly resented that fact. But she would do her best to make sure this was a success. Or at the very least make sure none of the stars were hurt. She'd already instructed the others on what to do; they would look separately for a while before meeting up and discussing their next step. She had chosen to go with London because he was rather naive and overly friendly, he'd need her protection and she was the only one fit to do so. The others could handle themselves though she did worry about Asta's tendency to play pranks pissing off the wrong person, or Rye's rambunctious nature getting him into trouble... Stella shook her head, white strands of hair bouncing as she forced herself not to worry about her comrades. They were all well trained and could handle themselves. Everything would be just fine.

"Well I suppose we should start loo- oh." Stella had turned to address London but he was already moving down the tight alleyway they had found themselves in. She scurried after him only to be stopped in her tracks by the appearance of a cloaked figure. Immediately distrusting them, Stella moved forward to put some distance between the figure and London, who of course had already acknowledged them and even spoke. She could have rolled her eyes if she didn't find the situation potentially threatening. Her body relaxed a bit when the woman removed her hood, revealing a pretty face framed by long dark hair. She looked harmless though Stella knew to remain on guard as looks could be very deceiving.

She couldn't contain her scoff when the woman asked if they were lost. "No we aren't lost. We're just fine thank you." Of course Stella hadn't a clue as to where they were or where they were going but her sense of direction was unparalleled. They would find their way easily. And if they did happen to get lost she would ask someone who was infinitely less attractive for help. She frowned slightly at the pretty woman, this Shay. She noted the flushed cheeks and nervous energy coming from her. Far too suspicious for Stella's liking. "I think we should be on our way. Good day." She said curtly, signifying the end of their interaction. Truthfully Stella did not wish her a good day but London did like it when she was polite to the humans. Speaking of London, Stella turned around to gauge his reaction to Shay, hoping not to find too much interest gleaming in his eyes. She reached out for him, wanting to urge him along the alley way and away from this mysterious cloak wearing woman.

Rye, The West Star

[ Well ]​
[ Curious ]​
[ Tavern, Hemia ]​
Had Rye been any other person, or any different. He would have been stumbling back in alarm as the woman almost lunged at him with the sharp blade. Yet, as Rye as he was now, he wouldn't have moved a centimetre. This star did not seem to understand the danger and the threat. The only time he did step back was when the strange man had stepped between Rye and the sword. Still, Rye's face was painted with an annoying smile. Perhaps he might have found this whole thing rather interesting, watching it as one would watch a theatre play. Nothing seemed to phase the Star.

"Woo...that was interesting," Rye grinned, glancing in the direction the woman had left, before looking back at stranger,"aha! great! I'm certain London would approve. Welcome to the team then, who aren't here," Rye laughed more so at himself than anything, finding his way of welcoming the man aboard the adventure somewhat amusing.

"I, the amazing Rye shall lead you, heroic man, to the team," Rye nodded, his grin only stretching,"The moon himself has called on this quest. You surely must know what the quest is all for. The Sun ran away, so, help is needed to find her."

His interest in the man was only growing, and perhaps Rye had been thrilled when he had accepting the informal invitation to join upon the coming quest. Without much knowledge of such quest and without hesitation, had the man accepted. And yet Rye found this to be somewhat mysterious. Had he nothing else to do? No concern? But despite all that, even from witnessing the quarrel between this stranger and the woman from earlier, Rye seemed to want the man to join even more. If, all perhaps for entertaining himself with the man and his mysteries.

Had Rye been any other person, or any different. He would have been stumbling back in alarm as the woman almost lunged at him with the sharp blade. Yet, as Rye as he was now, he wouldn't have moved a centimetre. This star did not seem to understand the danger and the threat. The only time he did step back was when the strange man had stepped between Rye and the sword. Still, Rye's face was painted with an annoying smile. Perhaps he might have found this whole thing rather interesting, watching it as one would watch a theatre play. Nothing seemed to phase the Star.

"Woo...that was interesting," Rye grinned, glancing in the direction the woman had left, before looking back at stranger,"aha! great! I'm certain London would approve. Welcome to the team then, who aren't here," Rye laughed more so at himself than anything, finding his way of welcoming the man aboard the adventure somewhat amusing.

"I, the amazing Rye shall lead you, heroic man, to the team," Rye nodded, his grin only stretching,"The moon himself has called on this quest. You surely must know what the quest is all for. The Sun ran away, so, help is needed to find her."

His interest in the man was only growing, and perhaps Rye had been thrilled when he had accepting the informal invitation to join upon the coming quest. Without much knowledge of such quest and without hesitation, had the man accepted. And yet Rye found this to be somewhat mysterious. Had he nothing else to do? No concern? But despite all that, even from witnessing the quarrel between this stranger and the woman from earlier, Rye seemed to want the man to join even more. If, all perhaps for entertaining himself with the man and his mysteries.
Satisfy]london yamir[/font]
a little disoriented [size=
10px] [/size]
Mentions: bluejay bluejay Bellz Bellz
Mood: curious
Currently: conversing
Location: alleyway

Shay. Her name was Shay. It intrigued him a bit, enough for him to tilt his head in curiosity. "Shay," London spoke, a smile on his face. "It's a pleasure to meet you; I'm London." To him, she seemed pleasant enough; her face was nice despite her closed attire. Maybe she could help them in their quest. After all, the more heads, the better.

As Stella spoke with her harsh tongue, London quirked a brow at her, his hand resting at her shoulder as if comforting her. "She is correct," he seconded. "We aren't lost at all."

"Stella," London stated a bit curtly, watching her as she attempted to close the conversation. "We shouldn't leave so quickly. She can help us." Of course, London had no idea as to whether Shay would lend her hand or anything of the sort, but he had the hope she would. It tugged on him, his curiosity too great along with something else.

"Well, that is, if you would like to help. Stella and I would love to have you along with us," London chuckled, stretching the truth just a tad so the girl felt welcomed.

"I'm the Moon. We're in a bit of a fix - the Sun has disappeared to who-knows-where and we need some help to find her." He brushed his hands against his white attire, slipping his palm into his pocket.

"It might seem a bit soon, but we need to meet up with the others." London glanced at Shay. "If you help us, I can help you with whatever it is you need."
coding by cychotic
Merui quickly climbed down to the girl. When she made it to the bottom she noticed the girl had already taken off. "H-hey! I told you to wait up! Do you want me to come or not?!" She yelled out. Not liking the fact this girl was going faster then her she quicken her run and quickly caught up to her. The moment she finally caught up to her she was bombarded with questions...again. Though Merui didn't mind that much, she'd be lying if she didn't think it was just a little bit annoying. Though Merui herself could be just as bad so she decided not to complain and let it go. "Well...uh it's not a bingo it's a necklace, and yes that's what I took. I did not want the necklace for myself, I'm getting paid to steal it......wait your not some undercover guard trying to trick me are you?" That actually happen to her before. Merui was still confused with this girl and it got more confusing hearing her say something about finding a human. ".....why do I feel like I'm getting myself into trouble....again." She mumbled to herself. The girl surprised her as she suddenly yelled out about not having introduced herself. Apparently her name was Astaroth. "Astaroth? That's a cool name. I'm Merui....wait did you just call me big sis?.....THAT'S SO CUTE!!!" She gave her a big hug. "Awww you kind of remind me of my little sister!" Quickly realizing she was probably squeezing the life out of her she let her go and laughed slightly. "Uh....anyway which way are we going?" She said quickly trying to change the subject as she looked around.
Cosmos Cosmos
(i'm so sorry I took so long to post.)


"Even the smallest star can shine the brightest when given the chance"

"Necklace?…." She repeated the word shortly after the female stated it, tilting her head a little and squinting her eyes as though trying rather hard to work out what such an objects use would be before simply letting it go with a small and evident shrug to herself. Eyes widening and once more returning to their usual childish appearance, blinking obliviously as the girl mentioned something about a guard and tricking her, only really paying attention at the 'trick' part from her state of being lost in thought as that generally meant ether something funny to laugh about or something she was being yelled at for- admittedly it was usually the late. A small and awkward giggle followed swiftly by a sigh of relief at the fact it wasn't anything to do with one of her pranks for once escaped her mouth however it was short lived due to her suddenly being taken into a tight hug from the girl she now knew as Merui, a stiff nod given in reply to the question of wether or not she'd addressed her with the sibling title.

Now able to breath once again the child took a gasp of air, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink before she recovered and stood up looking around at the girls enquiry, "Uh- That way I think!~" She replied, pointing in a direction that was truthfully picked at random and suddenly rushing towards it with stubborn intent, she didn't want to look like she didn't know what she was doing in front of this human, that would be a terrible first impression after all.

It wasn't long until the duo came about a spot not too far from the edge of town, this part of the town seemed somewhat isolated and a little too quiet in Astaroth's opinion, nothing but the gentle chirping of crickets in the distance filled the air. Or at least it seemed that way until her fox-like ears perked up and turned this way and that, flickering every so often as she looked around in an attempt to try and pinpoint a noise she'd just heard and taking a few steps forward, gradually the sound grew louder until it could be made out as a voice coming from what seemed to be the alleyway opposite from the pair, "If you help us, I can help you with whatever it is you need." The voice was instantly recognisable to the young girl and her face brightened into a small smile that almost seemed to glow in the night. It wasn't but a moment later one of her hands raised up from her side and grasped onto that of the thieves, "Hey…." She whispered softly, her gaze not shifting from its fixture on the small group down the alley that they'd just approached.

"What is it that you seek most in this world?~…."

The question came quickly and quietly out of the young stars mouth, the tone was that of not requiring an answer, but instead a statement put forward to be heard and not responded to…. But at the same time the seemingly young girls had held tighter onto Merui's and the expression on Astaroth's face held both an admiration of unspeakable proportions and another feeling seemingly so lost within that it would be hard to not long to give an answer, to let the weary and abandoned question find rest and comfort in another's reply.

Mood: //Unknown// || Location: Alleyway, Hermia || Tags: Yennie Yennie Cychotic Cychotic animegirl20 animegirl20 Bellz Bellz

code by aukanai - for TheHappyPikachu's use only

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