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Fantasy Chasing the sun {CLOSED}


You are lost


[ Aukanai Aukanai ]​
[ Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Quest ]​

[ Fantasy World, Medieval-ish ]​
[ Semi-detailed, 2+ paragraphs ]​

"Well, the eclipse didn't go as planned."

In a world purely of fantasy, after the recent event of the eclipse, the world has been cast into a never ending night. The reason? It would seem the sun herself has run away.

It's not very often that the sun and moon appear before everyone in physical, human-like form. But, after some complications, the moon has appeared in one of the local towns in search of a group that could help him find the sun. For, the moon wishes for the day to come - perhaps missing the beauty of the light, or perhaps he wants to restore a balance for the inhabitants of the earth.

The land beyond the town is dangerous, and the moon simply cannot do it himself.

One of the moon's minions, of four stars, approach you with the offer. Will you step up to the task? Out of the kindness of your heart. Or perhaps you're just in it for the reward. Maybe the adventure and danger thrills you.

I plan for two arcs - or sections - of this rp. Though this might change to three later on, if I can develop any more ideas that will make sense to add on.

Arc One; Will basically revolve around the quest and search for the sun. There will be clues to how to find her throughout this arc. It will also revolve around the characters learning to work together, and most certainly the drama between them - for everyone's reason for helping can be different (of ill intent or not). I might throw some side quests in so the characters can obtain extra weapons.

Arc two; This will be kept somewhat of a mystery for now.​

Roles [0 OPEN]
The Sun [TAKEN]
Though she may have radiating beauty and a bright smile, the sun is very much like a spoiled princess. She wants things to go her way, or she will crack a fit. She can hold a grudge and is one to give the silent treatment if she is mad at someone. And, she has quite a nasty rage.
(Actually, the Sun will not appear much in the rp, she will be more of a minor character until arc two at least.)

The Moon [TAKEN]
A kind-hearted guy that tries his best. Though he's a bit oblivious to another's feelings, he never attends to upset or anger someone. Discreet hints will go unnoticed and he won't have a clue on what's going on if it's not spelled out clearly.

The Stars [0/4 OPEN]

North [TAKEN]
North carries a superior air of confidence and charisma and is most definitely the loudest out of the stars. She tries her best to impress the moon, for she loves getting praised and getting complimented.
East [TAKEN]
Quiet but sarcastic and hurtful, East isn't the friendliest and perhaps it's best not to joke around him, for he will certainly give you some snark.

South [TAKEN]
Just the pure embodiment of cuteness, South is very affectionate but scares easily but is defensive when he's being teased. South is playful and loves to occasionally pull pranks on people..
West [TAKEN]
Cool and a big risk taker, West loves having a thrill and any physical activity is something she loves doing; running,
dancing, jumping, ect. She can be a bit cocky and loves showing off to make herself look awesome. Though, she doesn't seem to take failure well.

The Times (Minor Characters) [0/3 OPEN]

The first and most trusted of the sun's minions. He is gentle, kind hearted and always responds with a warming smile and polite words. He seems to ignore any and all flaws the Sun may have, for he looks up to her greatly..
The second of the Sun's minions. She is a bit of a know-it-all and tends to share some unwanted information that will make you feel stupid.She corrects people a lot and is the first to warn another of the risks.

The Sun's messenger. Since the eclipse, Dusk has taken off on his own choice. He is indecisive and tends to 'float' between the Sun and Moon, never seeming to stay with one or the other for long periods of time. He proves to be a big mystery, and perhaps he likes it that way for he likes to keep people guessing and wondering.

The Helpers 0/4 OPEN]

The gutless [TAKEN]
He who dreams of being a knight, or perhaps a hero. A humble man that defends the innocent and is just trying to do his best to do some right. However, he is still young and has a long way to go.
The runaway [TAKEN]
She who was betrothed. She wanted nothing more to escape for this cramped life, and escape her fate of being a bride to a man she hadn't met. But, perhaps she isn't quiet ready or aware for the coming danger.

The Thief[TAKEN]
She was a goner anyway, the long she stayed her, the riskier it got. And besides, there must be more towns around to target. So why not join the band?
The Teller [TAKEN]
He who chases adventure and seeks action. The one who seems to come up with all sorts of stories to tell. But, how much of it is truth? He who is a teller but might not be the adventurer he speaks of.

  • The names for characters are left up to your choice.
  • The roles list is to pretty much balance out the genders and give more of a variety to personalities.
  • If more people are interested - I will open more positions for the helpers.
  • View the description of the roles as a prompt and expand on your character based on them.
  • If the genders still remain somewhat balanced, I will let you change your character to your preference.
  • Your characters (if one of the helpers) can any sort of fantasy creature (as long as they have a basic human figure and size - so no little fairies), however the supernatural creatures are very limited.
  • Please discuss your character's race/species beforehead - please keep in mind to give your characters balanced weaknesses and strengths.
  • Your character has abilities relavant to their race/species. They will not be granted with special magical powers.
  • The stars have one 'magical' power (such as barriers, light manipulation, healing,ect) But, the stars shouldn't be too powerful, and should also have balanced weaknesses.
  • I'm so sorry if anything is confusing - PM or comment any questions.
  • I try, plz be kind. QAQ

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Aukanai Aukanai I'd really want two of the characters- but the issue is one has already been taken an interest in by arkadia arkadia and the other is- well…. male. I can only play female characters but I really like the personality and genre type of the south star!!~ >W<
I'm interested in a few roles actually, but definitely want to throw my hat in for North star for now
Also like Moon but I'll leave the up for someone else more interested
The Thief, please & thank you <3
This looks so great, I can't wait!!
Yessss <3

Aukanai Aukanai I'd really want two of the characters- but the issue is one has already been taken an interest in by arkadia arkadia and the other is- well…. male. I can only play female characters but I really like the personality and genre type of the south star!!~ >W<
hmm. I'll see what I can do.

I'm interested in a few roles actually, but definitely want to throw my hat in for North star for now
Also like Moon but I'll leave the up for someone else more interested
ahhh yay you're joining <3 Let me know if you want to change anything for North.
Aukanai Aukanai Nothing I'd like to change, already building her character in my head as I get ready for bed
Glad this popped up as I was looking for something neat to join!

Oh I will say I don't mind her becoming male to keep the stars genders balanced but that's totally up to you

Also curious as to which role you are planning to take?
Aukanai Aukanai Nothing I'd like to change, already building her character in my head as I get ready for bed
Glad this popped up as I was looking for something neat to join!

Oh I will say I don't mind her becoming male to keep the stars genders balanced but that's totally up to you

Also curious as to which role you are planning to take?

Haha, nice, nice.
It's really up to you about North's gender.
As for the role I'll be playing..I'm still deciding on the sun, the moon or the West star xD
I'm interested, but Idk what role bc I can't actually read half of the post rn so I'll have to let you know tonight when I have my laptop.
I can't read half of it either but interested!


Ok so I managed to read 90% and I am in love with East Star...Orrrrrrr, if someone really wants him, I'd love to take the Runaway!
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Aukanai Aukanai So- can I has the south turned into a girl plz? :3 I have a really cool pic for them already and have already got a personality idea and everything~ XD
I am interested:D Can I have The runaway:D I have a really great character in mind for her!
sgtmickey sgtmickey @Anyoneelsewhowantstohelp Okay XD She has the perfect name if I do get south~…. ASTAROTH. :3 (it has star in it and I think it's really pretty for some reason~)
I'm also tossing up between these images, any thoughts? I personally am really between the first two but more leaning towards the second.
1. (All numbers go for the image above it) I really like this design and it gave me the idea for the name, plus the colour green would go well for the healing ability I was thinking of giving her.
2. I found this both cute and convenient since the stars took on physical form and they were meant to be 'messengers' for the moon what better than a cute post-girl outfit? (Ignore the fox details included in it. XD)
Anime Princess.png
3. I'm not too sure about this one as I used the image in another roleplay but I feel it was a star like vibe coming form it.

4. I'd be referring to the one on the right with the lighter shade of blue (Aqua) hair, keeping a tom-boyish charm about her close to the original gender of the character and keeping a more ambiguous gender for whatever comedy in the introductions and onward may occur.

5. Finally this one, it's cute and I think it fits well for the personality type I was going to give her, and the cute cat ear hair flicks and messy hair certainly got my attention, but I'd have to go into a lot more detail describing/thinking up her body and colours.
Archdemon Archdemon Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle @TallyHoe Mazz Mazz Vali Ulfr Vali Ulfr Nano Nano A Murder Of Corviknight A Murder Of Corviknight (I know Birb and Nano are busy but if/when anything clams down maybe?) F o o l i s h n e s s F o o l i s h n e s s @I n t e l l i g e n c e PinkUnicorn PinkUnicorn EmmaStarlight EmmaStarlight @PokemonGirl Midnight2902 Midnight2902 Zareh Zareh constellation constellation Idea Idea (Sorry for tagging you in so many senpai!?~ =v=;) Any of you interested?~ :3
don´t worry about it. Unfortunately, "this is not first come first serve" is an automatic turn-off for me. A shame, cause this almost had my interest, but alas...
Okay, I apologise for kinda-spamming~…. "^w^
don´t worry about it. Unfortunately, "this is not first come first serve" is an automatic turn-off for me. A shame, cause this almost had my interest, but alas...
Ah, np!!~ ( It's simply because of the limited spots, although the helpers will be expanded upon if more interest is shown. :) )
Ah, np!!~ ( It's simply because of the limited spots, although the helpers will be expanded upon if more interest is shown. :) )
I know that it is because of the limited spots, but I don´t like the idea of being judged as if the GMs were superior to myself, and I don´t trust that they would have good criteria to choose them.
I know that it is because of the limited spots, but I don´t like the idea of being judged as if the GMs were superior to myself, and I don´t trust that they would have good criteria to choose them.
Ah, no problem~ How do we keep getting ourselves into these weird little- not arguments…. Discussions? I guess. XD
I think I'm interested though I can't read most of it because I'm on a phone right now.

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