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Fantasy Chasing the Sun {Info}

Chapters & Stages
[ Stage 1 ]​
[01] Shine and Shimmer
[02] The ready set
[03] The first spill
[04] Of fortune
[05] Golden fingers, Golden eyes
[06] Clean out
[07] Grim and Gasp
[08] Little Miss Says
[01] Shine and Shimmer
The beginning of the quest. A star approachs one of four with an offer, of whom they deem worthy and fit for the task at hand. How does the Moon think his minions chose? Let's meet our helpers.
[02] The ready set
Gather and prepare, bring your best weapons and pack your things. It's time to set out on this new adventure.The first trial; how well can everyone work together? Especially when it's a matter of life and death.
[03] The first spill
Time to put teamwork to an ultimate test. Among the journey to the next town, a monster attacks. A very sneaky and slippery monster, one whom is not so easily defeat. It might take for our helpers to work together to bring this monster down. How well will it go? Will everyone still be so willing to continue this quest together?
[04] Of fortune
Finally making their way into the next town, everyone settles down to rest and restock. Is everyone still on good terms? Or has peace been disturbed between the group? As everyone takes their time to relax for a little while, some bonding might be well needed.
[05] Golden fingers, Golden eyes
Whilst in the town, the more of our greedy helpers might find themselves another quest and a chance to get some coins; a bounty with a hefty reward. It's up to the Moon and his minions to stop them or help them to get back on track.
[06] Clean out
Our little sun princess has been sighted, and it's only a matter of time before the Moon catches up to her. But, with recent chaos, a village is left in shambles and in risk of more attacks. Of the stars advising, it would be a good deed to help the villagers and chase the monsters targeting the village.
[07] Grim and Gasp
After loosing their chance to catch up to the Sun, everyone sets back out to the next town for another rest from the latest battles. Perhaps greeted with impressive hospitality, the helpers might enjoy their stay in the town. However, a grim messenger approaches.
[08] Little Miss Says
Of a warning from the Sun to stop following, perhaps our little sun princess has a trap and trick up her sleeve to shake the Moon off. However, the stars persistent does not falter. But, will our helpers be so keen to continue?
The Lands


Shaphor (Sha-for)
A small town built along the south-west coast. Shaphor has a small population of 500, but is very well off with their booming fish markets and bustling fruit stalls. Along with Samor, they get most of their wealth from their seafood trade with other towns. The people here are often intrigued by strangers, due to the fact that they don't get many.
Shaphor has numerous boats used for transportation purposes, though of usually small sizes. The people in Shaphor aren't entirely handy, but have their own ways of doing things. Shaphor residents are big on re-using materials. Food wastage is minimal, and usually the numerous stray dogs roaming will clear such wastage.
Town features: Tavern, Inn, docks, small housing, fruit and veg markets, infirmary.
Shaphor is about four-six days travel away from Hemia and Gramael.

Samor (Sa-more)
A large town, settled on the south-east coast. Samor is also known for their fish and seafood trade. The people in Samor have fish in a majority of their meals. Fruit and vegetables are few and far between - berries being the most common.The people in Samor are welcoming to strangers, for they get a lot of visitors for their quality seafood stock.
Town features: Inn, medium housing, docks, fish market, infirmary, library.
Samor is three-four days travel from Hemia.

Hemia (He-me-yah)
An extremely small town where the population is only two-hundred. Hemia isn'y very wealthy and lacks quality food. But, despite Hemia's poor off state, it is well known for it's lively nature and odd residents - from tricky performers to drunkard swordsmen. However, Hemia has a bad reputation, from the many criminals that originate from there.
The people of Hemia pay little attention to strangers, for Hemia if often used as a traveller's resting point, since most are heading towards Samor.
Town features: Tavern, Inn, small housing, stables.
Hemia is two-three days travel from Gramael.

Gramael (Grah-meal)
Kamilal (Car-me-la-eel)
Kamitak (Car-me-tack)
Tenide (Teh-knee-dee)
Folumder (For-lum-deer)
Tensheen Island (Ten-she-in I-land)
Heelima Island (Heh-lee-ma I-land)
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Q & A
Would the Sun and Moon have knowledge of the customs, traditions, lifestyles,ect of those on the earth?
Apart from small observations, no they wouldn't. They would certainly have knowledge of the people, but nothing very in depth. The language would be the only thing they would be most familiar with. The Times and Stars would be on par with this - perhaps making daily reports to the Sun or Moon on observations.
Would their human forms be new them? (Sun,Moon, Times & Stars)
Yes and no. While they all would have had a body to begin with, it would not have been a physical body. Therefore, yes, it would make them feel odd and somewhat confused for them to suddenly had a physical body. Some might become accustomed to it quicker than others..
Would their bodies work the same as humans? (Sun,Moon,Times & Stars)
Yes, they would.
They can bleed, feel pain, get sick (though rarely colds,fevers or diseases), ect. One thing to note, is that they wouldn't have need to consume food, but in their physical bodies, they will need to which will be odd for them.
Usage of magic will make them become fatigued quicker. Though, in terms of them getting injured, they will certainly heal fast.

Secondary Characters & NPCs

"Call me, the lucky."
Name: Alika Francis
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Role: To be revealed..
Personality: Who knows?
Entrance: 05 - Golden Fingers, Golden Eyes

"Now, children, let's all calm down."
Name: Heshi Jun
Gender: Female
Role: To be revealed..
Personality: Mama bear to the ultimate
Entrance: ???

This role open to be played.
Name: ???
Gender: Genderless
Role: Earth
Personality: -
Entrance: ???

"Where you all heading?"
Name: Tamika Yuriel
Gender: Female
Role: To be revealed..
Personality: -
Entrance: Side Story - Part 1

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