Chasing Rin Hayashi

So, I've made a thread in the Roleplay recruitment threads but I ask that you spread the news to some of your friends so that we can get this roleplay going :)
Alright, I've added a new spell and edited a few things (just dislikes and weaknesses if I'm not mistaken). Thank you for being so patient with me!
Hey guys! I have work tonight and a lot of homework so I may be off for tonight but if I finish everything, I'l read through all of the characters that have recently been submitted and accept. Also, no problem Party Poison ^^
Hey guys, I wanted to say sorry for not being on for awhile. I've had to do a lot of school work because from sun - tuesday, I'm goning to be gone on a retreat that's required by my school. As soon as I'm back and am caught up with my homework, I'll start accepting. I promise.

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