Chasing Rin Hayashi

BW Red

New Member


Rin Hayashii - (Taken) - Played by BW Red

Nariil: (Highest ranking first, 2nd, etc.)

Master - (Reserved) - Rosemarie Cecelia Hawthorne - Played by LadyNerdington

God's Hand - (Open)

Protector - (Taken) - Juliet Stein - Played by Potatota1

Solider - (Taken) - Marco Luisanne - Played by SteevieX1

Associate - (Open)

Rookie - (Open)

Xilos: (Highest ranking first, 2nd, etc.)

Master - (Reserved) - By Carrot~KING >:3

Devil's Hand - (Taken) - Emeransia Kaminski - Played by - Party Poison

Silencer - (Taken) - Alizé Ryder - Played by BW Red

Solider - (Taken) - Alexandre Roche - Played by LadyNerdington

Associate - (Open)

Rookie - (Open)

Others: (People who weren't listed but made themselves an interesting character)

Feel like there should be anyone else besides the main 13 people? submit them and I'll look it over and decide if i want it in. A guy that both sides are against? Maybe a love of someone? Someone who want's Rin for a different purpose? Maybe a whole different group who wants to use Rin to gain power? One of Rin's family members? i wont add them unless people submit people for that group so just because they aren't up here, doesn't mean you can't be that person.

(Edit: A question that came up was that if people in the group had a badge/ I.D and the answer to that is yes. Just letting you know in case if you come across a stubborn girl who happened to be named Rin)

(Edit: Someone was wondering if someone from one team knew the rest of the other team. That would be a yes if your person took time to actually listen and study the enemy but they DO NOT know each others powers.)

(Edit: Usually, groups will have to go on for a bit by themselves. I'm going to make a character for the Xilos because they are usually in need of some direction in the beginning but I'll take whatever is empty.)


"(quote. What would you say?)"[/center]

[center] [img=(picture)][/center]

[u][b]Nickname:[/b][/u] (Optional. Is your name too long?)
[u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] (I'd rather know if this is a female or male.)

[u][b]Height:[/b][/u] (How tall are you?)
[u][b]Weight:[/b] [/u](WAIT! What did you just say!?.... No, really. I didn't hear you.)
[u][b]Sexual Orientation:[/b][/u] (Your gay!? I never knew..... wait, your straight? then put that down.)

[u][b]Likes:[/b][/u] (What exactly do you like? At least 4)
[u][b]Dislikes:[/b][/u] (Remind me to never do that again... At least 4)

[u][b]Group:[/b][/u] (What group are they a part of and who are u trying to be? (Master of Nariil, Devil's right hand))
[u][b]Partner:[/b][/u] (Do you work with anyone? Have a pet with you that helps? No? Then skip this question and move on.)

[u][b]Race:[/b][/u] (Human, Vampire, Dwarf, Elves, Angel, or Demonic. They can be half of two but no more. (also, new thing that has been brought to mind. Since Demonics and Angels are rare, they can only be used by 3rd in command and up with the small exception of someone who is not on the list yet. ) (Also, description of the races are in the OOC))

[u][b]Magic:[/b][/u] (well shouldn't this one be fun explaining. Humans can have 4 spells. Vampires - 4. Dwarf - 2. Elves - 4. Demonics - 6. Angels - 6. keep with the description up there. I said Dwarves can only do beginner magic. Only light races and normal races can heal. (Human, Dwarves, Angels, and Elves). Demonics can't heal anyone else. Vampires can't either unless it hurts them in the process. The more magic you can use, the more stronger your magic. If your only half of one and half of the other, take half of each. (Dwarf and human - 3) also, light races have stronger magic in the morning and weaker at night where darker races have stronger magic at night and weaker magic in the morning. Humans and Dwarves are neutral though so there is no change of strength during the day. I will also check all the magic to make sure nothing is too strong. Do not let this discourage your creativeness though. I like creative people.) (only exception to the magic rule is Rin Hayashi and the 2 leaders. The leaders have one extra power and Rin Hayashii's powers are unknown)

[u][b]Weakness(es)[/b][/u] - (Everyone has one. Whats yours? (may be kept private. just pm me))
[u][b]Equipment [/b][/u]- (Weapons? a hat for you vampires? Maybe a staff for strengthening your magic? Please stray away from guns unless you're able to incorporate it into your magic.)

[u][b]Personal Description: [/b][/u](act like your explaining to a blind man.)
[u][b]Personality:[/b] [/u](Are you shy? Do you act like a jerk to everyone?)

[u][b]History:[/b][/u] (Did you go through a bad past? Any secrets you wanna keep hidden? Social status?)

[u][b]Extra:[/b][/u] (anything I left out? Your characters motivation? Plans for their life? Planning to overthrow your leader?)


Rin Hayashi

"Me? You're talking to me?! You must be insane man. I'm Rin Hayashi, the only one is Kuusou who it NOT gifted with magic. How could I be this "destroyer" you're talking about?!"


Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 110 lbs

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Likes: Sweets, Cherries, Music, Sword fighting, Strawberries, Being alone, Winning in fights, and Proving people wrong.

Dislikes: Bring confused, Vampires, Bitter stuff, Spicy things, Mysteries and Directions.

Fears: Fire, Death, Dead things, Vampires, Bandits, Loss of freedom, Death of friends and Destroying the world.

Group: Undecided

Partner: None

Race: Half Human, half Elf.

Magic: Classified/ Unknown

Weakness(es) - Her head is really weak so if she ever gets hit on the head, her powers could go out of control of she'll black out if it's hard enough. She also (currently) can't control her magic so she can easily tire out easily or accidentally hit her friends. She also can get easily angered so she may run into bad situations. As if that wasn't enough, she's deathly afraid of fire.

Equipment - Because Rin has never had magic before, she is highly trained with twin swords. She also has a spare medical kit in her bag so she can try and help someone who's injured.

Personal Description: Rin has long black hair and bright blue eyes. She usually wears a black zip up jacket and black pants so she's hard to detect at night. When her powers start to take her over, her eyes turn a bright golden yellow.

Personality: Rin is very stubborn. She doesn't like to do anything that she doesn't understand. She also has some trust issues. She can be a bit insulting at times but really does try her best to be nice. In the middle of danger, she sort of gets out of it and her powers may go out of control if she starts getting over emotional or is angry/taunted. You always want to stay on her good side or you just may get injured because she isn't afraid to slap someone.

History: All through Rin's life, she had to go without something common to everyone else. Magic. Her whole family excelled at everything having to do with magic and all her friends did too. Magic was thought of as a necessity to keep away vampires who often attacked their town. One even killed her sister. Rin's parents were often the one's that sent the vampires away with their powerful magic and she soon grew distant from them because she felt she was a disappointment to them. Rin knew that she'd need something to keep herself safe so she started practicing with her twin swords since she was 6. Every birthday, she wished at least a tiny bit of magic would come to her. When she was 18, her wish came true.

Extra: She absolutely LOVES sweets.


Rin with her powers taking her over.

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Emeransia Kaminski

"Don't you dare let me hear my name fall from your lips."


[it is suggested that you open image in a new tab]

Nickname: She absolutely loathes it, but most just call her Emma

Gender: Female

Age: Appears to be about 24 human years; otherwise disclosed

Height: 5'5

Weight: 132

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Likes: Emeransia loves being in control and having people look up to her. She also prefers elf blood to any other, because it tastes the most fresh, almost regardless of the age. The girl also prefers to be called by her last name rather than her first, oddly enough, and to be awake at sunset. Though she doesn't seem to be one that pays attention to the details, she enjoys seeing the colors blend together in some sort of lovely blur.

Dislikes: Her first and nickname. Definitely at the top of the list. Emeransia also dislikes when people don't listen to her, or underestimate her in the slightest. When she's working (be it reading, trying to find information, etc.), she will snap on whoever interrupts her, unless they're higher in power.

Fears: She fears power being taken from her, and being humiliated. Very vain, yes, but that's the best word to describe her. She fears lack of control, chaos erupting, etc.

Group: Xilos; Devil's Hand

Partner: N/A [subject to change; feel free to ask!]

Race: Unlike many of her kind, Emeransia was born into Vampirism.

Magic: Keahi ` Possessing pyrokinetic abilities, Emeransia can conjure bursts of flames. This, however, wears her out quickly, depending on how strong the fire is. Skymt ` She often uses darkness to heal herself, and Skymt lets her do this even when there isn't darkness surrounding her. Of course, the healing process is sped up just a little and much more successful when there's a plethora of darkness around, and it's much slower and less successful when there is little. She can only heal herself, and she can only heal non-fatal wounds. Tempramaden ` This is a metal-workings spell. She uses it to fix weapons broken in battle. She can also create small weapons with it, though it drains her energy to do this. Seishintekina ` She can create a weak psionic bond with someone if she touches the back of their neck, about where their brain-stem is. With this, she can create small bursts of headaches, which can be very distracting. The bond can last anywhere from a few days to a week, but it diminishes as time passes, being strongest a few minutes after it's made.

Weakness(es): If anyone happens to know about her past, she usually does what they ask. She's tried to cut off all ties with her history, and for someone to know that, they must have done some extensive searching. She is also weaker in the day time, and will not heal as quickly, even when night sets in. Wounds during the day time can be especially fatal to her, but she usually has a better guard than to let that happen. She is also very poor and long-range battle, and prefers to be on the front-lines, or one on one. If one has a higher social status than she does, it's most likely that she'll treat them with the utmost respect.

Equipment: She is fond of using battle axes, such as this one.

Personal Description: She stands at an average five feet and five inches, her body possessing all the curves of a woman and then some. Her flesh is exactly white, and her hair is an auburn in color. Her eyes are black with red irises, and she has dark eyelashes that aren't quite as long as she'd like. Her face is more of an oval shape, and her lips aren't too full, and are usually painted the color of her hair. Her hands are slender and her fingers are thin, with black nails at the end, usually filed down (a sort of requirement, as she used to use her nails to harm others). Her voice is modulated, silvery, and slightly honeyed, only getting loud when she gets angry and shouts (which, regrettably, happens often).

Personality: Having a superiority complex, Emeransia thinks she's better than everyone else, of course. She is confident, though, and she knows she's worked hard to be where she is, so her believing she's great isn't in vain. She shows little sympathy and mercy, almost coming off as emotionless, aside from vanity and lust. She takes advantage of people all of the time, and isn't afraid of smooth-talking people to get what she wants. She is very obstinate and will hold her ground on anything she deems important to her. Unfortunately, she has a short temper that she doesn't control very well.

History: Born into a family of high status, and being born a pure-blood nonetheless, she was raised with the utmost care. And by 'utmost care,' one can safely assume this means hostility and brutality, to ensure she'd be able to make it in the world. After all, it's better to weed out the fragile while they're young. Which is what had happened to Emeransia's older sister, Mirabella. All while growing up, Emma was constantly one-upped by her sister, who was older by four years. In fact, she faced being killed several times, all the while Mirabella would just smirk and take credit for being the 'good' child. In a fit of rage, Emeransia lashed out, causing collateral damage on her sister, who had then fallen sick. Though their family could do everything to cure her, they did not. "A strong vampire can overcome anything without help from her family," their parents had said. As it so happened to be, Mirabella had passed. She was not strong. Her family did not grieve, and Emeransia was rather happy. Attention would be focused on her, and she could become the rightful heir to her family's fortune. Once she turned 16, her harsh treatment was lifted. She had proven herself to her family, and would finally be treated like the princess she kept telling herself she was. Except she wasn't. She was sent off. Forgotten. "Make your way in the world," her father told her, "and then return to us." After that, she turned into a rage and spite filled being, deciding that she wouldn't return. She wouldn't return home and flaunt her accomplishments, just to be accepted back into her family. And so, she set out to become the best. To make a life for herself. Because of the events that happened during her childhood, she believes that every being is terrible, evil. She accepts that this applies to her own self as well, and every person she meets, regardless of how they seem.

Extra: Her voice has a thick Russian-sounding accent. ~Destroyer~ ((Sorry, I totally forgot about adding in that part!))

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Alexandre (ah lek SOHN druh) Roche

I've been told that I was born to fight and defend. Basically, I was born to die for the one I was to fight for. Pretty deep, oui?"


Nickname: He prefers you call him by his given name, but he responds to Alex, Aleck, or Sander.

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Height: 7'0

Weight: 200 lb

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual "Love 'as no boundaries!"

Likes: Alexandre likes many thing. He loves children the most, their happy attitudes are very contagious for him. The next, being a role model, being someone people can look up to. Sleeping in also seems to be one of his next loves. After all, staying awake very late can take its toll on the poor fella. Finally, he enjoys painting to its fullest. The way colors can blend and bear new colors excites him every time.

Dislikes: Alexandre is a man of few dislikes, but there are four, only four, things that get under his skin. One, people who prey on the injured, elderly, or children. They are defenseless on his eyes. However, there are many times he has to obey and cannot protect them. Liars and scum. To him these to are alike in many ways. It makes him angry, which is very rare. He'll pound them into a fine dust, not literally of course. Those who take advantage of his kindness in a bad way can make him depressed or even revengeful. Never do it, you could end up feeling bad or finding yourself in a ditch, far away from civilization, bleeding. Finally, the people who are so ignorant of everything. People who see themselves so high and mighty get on his nerves when they become too insufferable.

Fears: Alexandre is scared the most of getting people killed because of himself. Sadly, this happened once or twice and he ended up becoming quite depressed. Flying or floating absolutely horrifies him. He can climb tall mountains but flying or even hovering a few inches gives him the willies. This is all a result of a childhood incident including a very large bird and a shiny object. He'll never go through that again. Finally, he's afraid of loosing his loved ones. There's never a day where he doesn't worry about his six sisters and five brothers, all younger than him. With his father's passing, Alex also worries about his mother. Watching eleven kids, even when some are sixteen, is hard on an older lady.

Group: Xilos; Soldier

Partner: N/A {OPEN}

Race: Always been, undoubtedly, a Human.


Enhanced Strength} Alexandre is able to focus his energy to have enhanced strength. With this, he can lift things that are much bigger and heavier than himself. This is his main magic he uses and has gotten quite good at it. However, if used too often, too fast he can pass out, mortally wound himself, or even die.

Body Armor} With this magic, Alexandre is able to focus his magic on one of his body parts, making it like armor. The tougher he makes his skin, the more energy he uses. He only uses this in defense because it drains so much of his energy. If overused, he could faint, get injured, or even die.

Shield Cast} As from its name, Alexandre is able to conjure a large shield. However, the larger the shield, the more chance of it being broken. This requires immense energy and is usually a last resort. This can kill him if overused, no fainting, no injury, just death. Last resort, does it make sense?

Sommeil Mélodique} In English it means, Melodic Sleep. With this magic, Alexandre is able to make music from nothing. A few ideas and magic, poof! You have a symphony of musicians. This magic is only used at celebrations or just for fun. However, he can use the magic to make one fall asleep at will. As in a deep sleep where they cannot be awakened until the user's specified time. The longest a person can be asleep for is a few days. Any longer would be too much for Alexsandre.

Weakness(es) - Alexandre fears that someone dear to him were to die. He lives in its constant shadow, worrying everyday. He was always very sickly as a child and is prone to long boughts of sickness. His sickness hasn't flared up in the past five years but it can come back anytime.

Equipment - Alexandre prefers to use heavy battle axes, like these, or his family sword, this. (Pretend the inscription says Famille Roche)

Personal Description: Alexandre is abnormal in height, being seven feet tall. He is quite muscular, working as a solider and on the farm as a child. Being out and about in the sun, he has tan skin always getting deeper in the summer and paler in the winter. His eyes are a deep and bright forest green. They are very expressive, growing darker when enraged and lighter when feeling elated. Alexandre's hair is a dark blond, mixed with brown and the occasional red strand. His hands ares very calloused, working with weapons and animals takes it's toll on a man's hands. They are large enough too, being able to hold a least two pairs of children's hands. He is long legged in a way with a long torso. His feet are another thing that's abnormally large. Normal clothes consist of a long sleeved dress shirt and dark gray trousers. A brown vest and a green and brown belt add to his accessories. Next, his gloves. They are a deep bark brown, made of tough dragon hide, with a gold-yellow band around the top. Alexandre's father was the owner of these family treasured gloves. Finally, his shoes consist of tough green-black riding boots that are way beyond normal size. They're quite old and he's never once outgrown them, having his mother cast a spell upon it.

Personality: Alexandre is in short a gentle giant. He is a very caring person who tries their best to protect their dear ones. Despite his intimidating height, he's actually a person that tries to seem small and cause no amount of trouble. That attempt fails miserably, being that he's clumsy when not fighting. He can probably trip and cause a small earthquake while walking on flat land. That's how bad it is. Alex is very outgoing, loving to meet new people everyday. He's shy when things start to get awkward, however. As said before, he loves children and is probably the ideal husband for those who want a BIG family. He can never get angry around them, never. Speaking of angry, Alexandre is prone to violent outbursts (again, not around children). He isn't really sure of the cause but, many suspect he keeps it all bottled up and eventually needs to let it out. Speaking of which, he always keeps a smiling face and keeps a patient air around him. Don't be fooled by that innocent smile. Though he means no real harm, he can probably think of a dozen ways to bring you down to your knees. Finally, he has unmeasurable kindness and mercy deep down. If absolutely necessary, he will forget his duties and step in to defend the defenseless. This, however, has never happened so far. But could that change?

History: Alexandre was born to Isabelle and Jaques Roche, a loving farming couple living in the rural area of Kuusou. He was their little bundle of joy, always being sweet. Their family began to expand when he was seven, his sister being born along with her own twin sister. Alex was a good big brother taking care of them while at the same time taking care of the farm with his father. Even by this young age, he was already almost as tall as an average ten year old boy. As he grew, his family expanded but not only taking on more farm work, he took over his father's. The poor man had just been diagnosed with a horrible disease and began to grow desperate. In a last attempt, he managed to sell his son off in return for treatment. Alexandre hadn't known, yet still continued with his work. He thought it was a miracle when his father recovered almost immediately. Life went on as he shifted between farmwork and housework, taking care of his siblings. Being 21 finally, he now towered over his father, the man was 6'2! He was 6'11 by now and still growing. Jaques had long forgotten his deal with the mysterious man/woman, later known as the leader of the Xilos. His father also began to grow weak, being stuck in his sickbed. In his worst time of need, the Xilos leader came for Alexandre. At first the poor gentle giant was confused, but then he grew a little hurt now knowing of his father's trade. He merely shook it off though and offered the Xilos leader a place to stay. During the short time they stayed, his father managed to pass away in his sleep. The family was horror stricken and Isabelle, fell into a depressed state. You would think that Alexandre stayed, yet he couldn't. The stranger wanted him to join him/her as they had just heard of a mysterious young girl who destroyed urban Kuusou. Alexandre knew he had no choice but accepted. His siblings were plenty old enough to take care of his mother and the farm. He went. The leader of the Xilos took him with him and trained him to master his magic, taught to him by his parents. In that little time of two years, Alexandre became a master at his magic and one of the most powerful people in the Xilos. He'd also managed to grow another two inches and put on some more muscle. Now, the young man performs his duties and never disobeys. His story continues here on out.

Extra: Alexandre's collar around his neck is a symbol of being owned by the leader of the Xilos. He must never take it off unless let out of his duty. Also, his siblings's names are Aimeè, Arielle (the twins), Blaise (second oldest boy), Simeon (third oldest boy), Renee (third oldest girl), Estelle (fourth oldest girl), Wyatt (fourth oldest boy), Gabrielle, Genevieve, and Gauge (youngest; triplets). Being French, he has a slight French accent and sometimes he tends to speak in French. In his free time, painting, singing, and playing the guitar worm their way in.


@BW Red

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Marco Luisanne

"Don't worry I have your back no matter what"


Nickname: he sometimes accepts going by Mark

Gender: male

Age: 19

Height: short, standing at 5'5

Weight: He weighs a mere 97 lbs.

Sexual Orientation: he's straight

Likes: girls, dark/deadly things, salty foods, animals and fruit juices

Dislikes: Judgemental people, awkward moments, loosing, being made a fool of.

Fears: Death, small spaces, blood, heights.

Group: He is a resident of Nariil, which he serves as a soldier.

Partner: None, but is able to summon them.

Race: He's a human

Magic: He bases his magic on summonings and cannot fight very well on his own.

Corvus Redemptio: A move that summons a flock of ravens that attack opponents and can teleport him, are easy to kill but can overwhelm opponents, the ravens have magic prowess (which teleports others) but are connected to Marco's stamina. Have a mind of their own but can understand marco and accept orders.

Dark thunder: Takes a massive amount of concentration and stamina but can hit down very large enemies but is also highly inaccurate.

Wyvern transformation: Transforms into a armoured Wyvern for around 10 minutes, takes a massive amount of stamina, usually ends up with him serving serious injuries and is usually only used as a last ditch move. Cannot be used when Marco is wounded. Has to charge up for 1 minute. Wyvern can shoot fire and it's power varies on the time of day, in morning it is strongest, night it is weakest, Has sharp claws. Is controlled by Marco and can move awkwardly at times. The wyvern is 6'3 high and 7'4 wide.

Eagles eye: Improves sight immensely and allows him to see in the dark and big distances and can see things moving at the speed of sound clearly. does not take a lot of stamina. After long use his eyes can begin to bleed which can lead to infection.

Weakness(es) - Has poor physical physique and cannot fight 1 on 1, low stamina and can only fire off so many moves before tiring. Wears no armour and can easily be killed with a sword, or other magic.

Equipment - He carries a wooden staff that allows him to cast his magic a little faster but is extremely heavy. Has a small bronze dagger, dull and ineffective but can kill.

Personal Description: A short, skinny, white haired male. Wears a purple and beige cloak, that comes down to the tip of his knees and underneath he wears baggy pants and a ripped under shirt. His eyes are usually closed to make him look friendlier but has silver moon eyes.

Personality: Marco always means well, but does not always make the right choses. He has a friendly aura about him and is willing to help even the sketchiest of strangers. He is often oblivious to peoples feelings and sometimes treats them inappropriately, not due to poor intentions rather through ignorance. He loves hitting on girls, but does not do so well and most think him as a freak. He is also very curious about everything, sometimes also goes very fan girlish.

History: As a kid Marco had an abusive father and no mother and only found solitude in a talking Wyvern he brought back to health. Every day he would visit the Wyvern, often coming with burn wounds and bruises but still found ways to bring fruit to the 'still recovering being'. The Wyvern envied the boys diligence and offered him his knowledge and power. Marco agreed to it without a second thought, he wanted to prove to everyone he was not weak and that he was able to hold his own in a fight. His training begun when he was at the age of 8, although he had to run away from home, which he swore never to return to. His training was harsh and he almost died multiple times but at the age of 14 he mastered the teachings of the dragon, right before he passed away. Although before he passed Marco sealed the Wyvern within a gem that would go onto Marco's staff allowing him to turn into a Wyvern himself, with the Wyverns consent of course. With his new powers he wants to do the right things and protect those that he cares for.

Extra: nope :3
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Juliet Stein

"You see these fangs right here? They'll go through your neck if you say one more bad thing about my leader."


Nickname: None

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 106 lbs

Sexual Orientation: She's not entirely sure yet.


Blood, Jelly Filled Donuts, Orchids, Animals, People (Most of the time), Sweets, Noodles, Alcohol, tea, Mixing poisons.


Idiots, Rude people, Too much fighting, Annoying bugs, Bitter foods


Losing her friends, Dying, Running out of jelly Donuts, Failing at life.


Group: Nariil Protector

Partner: Shadow, her familiar.

Race: Half Vampire Half Elf


Zeus' Fury - Juliet can control Lightening to create electricity bolts and uses whips of Lightening to protect herself from her enemies or to attack if necessary.

Copy Cat - Using Copy Cat, Juliet can make herself into any human, animal, or inanimate object. As long as she can keep herself calm, she can stay like this for a very long time. Although, if there was someone cut or if there was blood nearby, she will slowly lose her concentration and start to go back to her regular self.

Omni Hunter - Juliet can track anyone by the taste of their blood. Although, if she were to taste someone else's blood, Which she usually has to to feed, then she will lose the track of that person.

Midnight Sentinel - Juliet is able to summon a shadow wolf to send ahead to scout the area, fight, or to ride on so she can get out of the area quickly. If this shadow wolf was to die, she could re-summon it after awhile.

Weakness(es) -

Juliet is not that good of a close combat fighter. She's better at ranged combat and at gathering information for the Nariil

Equipment -

Her whip, her daggers and her throwing knives. She also has a short sword in case anyone gets close but isn't as skilled in that as her knives or lightning.

Personal Description:

Juliet wears a brown hat with goggles over it. She has long, silky blonde hair under it and bright yellow or scarlet red eyes depending if she's hungry. She wears a pure white dress with long white gloves and a black string tied into a bow in the front under her bust. She also has black bandages going down her left leg to cover her scars.


Juliet is a bit of a tomboy with a devious or sneaky side to her due to her job. She's nice to people who she knows but if she doesn't know you, she'll be a bit defensive. If she sees an enemy from a distance, she'll stalk them silently to see if they're up to no good. If so, she'll send Shadow off to warn the others as she continues to gain all the intel she can. If she becomes hungry, her eyes will start to turn red and she'll become more vicious. She may be a bit of a jerk to her friends and if it gets worse enough, she may even try to bite them. She will also become better at combat if she hasn't eaten in awhile, allowing her vampiric side to take her over.


Being born from both a Vampire and an Elf, Juliet has always been a bit out of the group, seeing as she's two sides of a coin. Juliet is often shunned from groups because of this and her mom and dad had to move from place to place, keeping at least one of their races a secret. Once day when she was thirteen, she was in one of the towns alone, she was cornered by a group of elven kids. Being picked out for being a vampire halfling, they beat her up while calling her things like "Trash" and being "A disgrace to the elves. Her left leg was broken and in pain, she scratched one of the kids cheeks. As soon as the scent of blood filled the air, she pounced. Pinning the kid to the ground, she sunk her fangs in and didn't stop until he was cold and dead on the ground. Her eyes widened as she quickly got off. Coming back to her senses, she heard screaming. A rock was thrown and then multiples followed. She yelped in pain as she tried to get away, but she could barely move due to her leg.

Suddenly, a [Man/Woman] stepped in front of her, guarding her. Picking her up, [he/she] ran her out of there. She later found out that the villagers went after her parents and had killed them. She grew angry and wanted revenge, but the [man/woman] stopped her. This [man/woman] was the leader of the Nariil [He/She] bandaged her up and cared for her. She would always be loyal to [him/her] after this.


Juliet want's to find out who killed her parents and kill them. Other than that, she wants to protect the Nariil leader and help [him/her] as much as possible.
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Alizé Ryder

"If you're not for me, you're all against me..."


Nickname: None

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 113

Sexual Orientation: Unknown

Likes: Cupcakes, Smoking, Alcohol, People she can trust, Getting her way, Coffee, Knowing whats going to happen, Getting the upper hand over people, Spicy foods, Revenge, Holding a grudge, Bringing her version of justice to the world, Making her Master proud, and most recently, blood.

Dislikes: Anyone against her, Strangers, Tea, Chocolate, Owing favors, Being in a situation that's out of control, Someone attacking her leader, Getting confused, Flowers, Her past, People in general, Hand to hand combat.

Fears:Being alone again with no one to trust.

Group: The Xilos Silencer

Partner: None

Race: Human


Sleep Manipulation - Can make someone drowsy by touching their forehead. If done again, the person faints. Once done, she can manipulate that dream without touching them. By doing this, she can mentally attack you, making you think your dying so when you get up, you'll be worn out. She can even use this on herself or her allies if they need to heal but won't rest.

Neuro Assault - Alizé attacks the nervous system causing an unbearable pain, inability to heal, and sometimes even paralysis and control if it lasts to long. These effects will slowly fade away once she stops using it.

Induced Empathy
- Can make people feel different emotions. If she wanted to, she could make someone feel intimidated or friendly. She can not, however, completely override an emotion. If you hate her deeply, you will still feel a bit of that hate. People with mental abilities have a better immunity to this.

Health Manipulation - Alizé can manipulate the body's (Hers or other's) healing process to make it go faster. This can be used to the point of regenerating (Which she doesn't know how to do yet and when she can, it'll basically knock her out every time. She can also sense diseases and possibly weaken or strengthen them. Once trained, she can also open up old wounds or cause old poisons to come back into the system.

Weakness(es) - If Alizé gets hit in the head, she loses concentration and her powers will stop or even turn on her if she's not careful. She also doesn't trust many so if you gain her trust, she'll most likely be on your side. She also is not physically fit so she is not good with hand to hand combat so she's screwed if someone gets too close.

Equipment - A black cloak to stay hidden in shadows, a knife, and a short sword to defend herself in the worst case scenario.

Personal Description: Alizé has long reddish-brown hair that goes past her shoulders and icy grey eyes. She always has a long coat on, worn under her shoulders so it drapes behind her. Whenever outside though, she'll put on a black cloak without the hood up. She will only put the hood up if she needs to blend into the shadows or if she recognizes someone in the distance.

Personality: Alizé is a cold girl. She rarely lets anyone see her softer side and prefers solitude because of her mistrust in people. If you get on her wrong side though, she will find any way to make your days miserable. She often holds a grudge and when she lets her anger go, there's no controlling it. When she's angry, she will often make dumb choices to attack her enemy. Anyone she trusts though is held in higher esteem. She will be less likely to get angry at them and will help them in any way she can. These people will also see her Innocent and impressionable side.


When Alizé was younger, she lived a normal life with her parents and her younger sister, Enya. It was a good life for a short while... until it all started to unravel. You see, it didn't unravel in a normal way. Her younger sister was extremely smart for her age and was a known child prodigy at her village. Her parents and the villagers would always compare her to her younger sister, destroying her confidence and her love in her little sister that she'd grown to trust. On top of that, her sister randomly became cruel to her.

One night when it was almost the end of the demonic war, Enya and Alizé were on the front lines. Her little sister was chosen to carry the demonic inside of her. At first, nothing seemed wrong. She seemed perfectly fine, better even... But they were wrong. Enya suddenly cracked. She badly injured Alizé to the brink of death and murdered their parents in front of her, laughing all the while. She soon blacked out.

Once she woke up, her body had already healed itself with her powers. She soon saw her parents bloodied corpses and the corpses of the whole town outside. She vowed to get stronger and brutally murder her sister for destroying what she cared about most and betraying her trust.

While traveling, she became an apprentice to a master of magic. During their travels, he taught her magic as well as getting her addicted to smoking and drinking as well as finding the joy in killing. Right when their time together was almost done, he attempted to use her as "Payment" for what he taught her, breaking her trust in mankind again. She kicked and screamed as she tried to get free but he was too strong. Just then, the leader of The Xilos came by and killed him, saving her. She would then grow to trust and be loyal to her new leader.

Extra: She wished to find and kill her sister in the worst way possible and will follow the leader of The Xilos to the end of the earth as long as [he/she] never betrays her trust.
Name:Nicole Douglass

Gender: female





Likes:plants,wildlife,the outdoors,water,social acctivitys,cabbage

Dislikes:factory's or enviroment damaging things in general, lazy people, the smell of burning incense,when people interrupt,candy




Plant manipulation

Can control a plants shape , property's, or even make the plant move as if it were a sapient being, the plat reverts once she stops using it

Plant based healing

Can channel a plants life force into another being to heal it

Weaknesses: if there no plants around her powers are pretty much useless , she is also sort of physically weak

Equipment:a bag of dried fruit and a trowel kept inside a small-ish bag that is tied around her front

Personnel description: Nicole has short, poorly kept, dirty blonde hair which she keeps tucked away under her straw hat. She has a white tshirt along with a tattered coat. Lastly she has a knee length skirt with tall Wellington boots

Personality: Nicole , at her best is a loud, outgoing, and adventurous person, however she can be rude ,pushy and narrow minded at her worst.

Backstory: she was raised by a plant-witch and wizard on the border of a small town the town was big on gender roles so she was often rejected by her peers for her loud personality ,so she spent most of her days gardening and plant magic practicing, she grew a fondness of plants and decided to become a plant mancer just like her parents, however a grand fire struck years later, leaving few survivors and the town ruined

Extra: her arms shake a bit when she gets angry
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Rosemarie Cecelia Hawthorne

"I will never, ever leave the defenseless undefended, the hurt without healing, the lonely without companionship."


Nickname: Rosemarie Cecelia loves to be called anything nice really. Celia, Rose, Marie, Thorne, Ce Ce, Rosy, Mar, and Thorny are just some of her nicknames.

Gender: Female

Age: "Huh! How rude to ask a woman's age!" She is actually way older than you can imagine but appears a little under thirty.

Height: 6'4

Weight: "Rude!" Around 160 pounds, more or less depending on the day.

Sexual Orientation: Unknown

Likes: Any kind of flower, Children, helping the in need, sweets, keeping the peace, archery

Dislikes: Violence, the Xilos, smoking in the house/building/etc., being late, watching people do bad things, not being able to step in and stop a fight.

Fears: Above all, Rose fears that she might not be able to protect all the people in the Nariil, if fate let happen, they were to get stuck in a bad situation. She knows her powers have drastically declined since her descent to Earth. Which leads to her next fear, she's afraid that she will loose her powers. Nothing scares her more than not being able to defend than not being able to use her powers. It would just feel like a key part of her is missing.

Group: Nariil; Master of Nariil

Partner: Rose works with her kitten/tiger-angel hybrid, Eirwyn. Do not be fooled by Eirwyn's kitten appearance. When Rose is in need, his fluffy white fur will turn silver and he will grow bigger. Everything changes, his eyes start to glow a bright teal and armored wings sprout from his back. He summons the armor he was made and everything floats into place. Eirwyn will be unrecognizable, with large fangs and a huge body (standing at a whopping 6'11). He now has the power to run great distance, fly, shoot enormous blasts of cold air (enough to freeze a small building), and pretty much intimidate you into falling on your bottom and calling for mommy. Eirwyn will only reconvert when entirely out of energy, extreme tiredness, injured badly, or when he is not needed.

{Kitten Form}


{Tiger-Angel Hybrid}


Race: Angel


{Sound Spirit} With this power, Rose is able to clam anything down, no matter the species. However, if they were to be a dark species, it wouldn't work as long as it usually does. If she's lucky, she could keep a demonic subdued for an hour or so. A vampire, two hours tops. With the normal and light species, she can keep them calm for a few days. However, like all magic there is a limit. Rose can only keep one person at a time under her power. If she holds more than one person, her power is greatly weakened and her energy saps. She only uses this power to imprison someone or help calm them down.

God's Voice} Rose is able to sing beautifully and gently woo people to do her bidding. Her voice feels like a soft urging, slowly getting stronger and stronger to do as she asks. As long as Rose keeps singing, her power goes on and on. Well, almost. Her powers grow weaker the longer she uses it. She can keep singing for a day at the most, but everyone needs to rest. The order must be exact though. If not, it could end with disastrous results.

Every Rose Has Its Thorns} With this magic, Rose is able to grow enormous roses at will. They are a spectacular array of colors including, red, white, and pink. However, with their beauty also comes great danger. Like the title, the rose's thorns are very sharp and deadly to others. They also contain a lethal poison able to kill an average sized dwarf on site. Otherwise if you are, luckily, not a dwarf, you will immediately fall weak to the poison. In most cases, the person will not die but merely be very sick for months, maybe a few days. But, like every great power, comes a weakness. Rosemarie is only able to grow five at a time, over the limit and she will pass out. The flowers also wither and die after ten minutes or so, resulting as this magic being used sparingly.

Heavenly Touch} Rosemarie is able to heal, like most members of her species. Although, hers is relatively strengthened. When in use, her hands glow a bright white-turquoise color. With a single touch, she can heal all small wounds almost instantly. However, if the wound were even worse, she would have to tend to the person over the course of every thirty minutes or so. It also requires other real materials, such as bandaging tape, water, and other necessaries. She is absolutely unable to heal wounds that are enough to cause death. She can possibly numb the pain but cannot stop it. This magic also requires vast amounts of time to charge up if used over two days. This is Rosemarie's final solution if she is unable to treat wounds with normal supplies.

Voice Mimicry} As suggested by its name, Rosemarie is able to copy any person/creature's voice. This works by simple hearing at least three sentences of words flow from a person's mouth. From there, she can take on the personality, flaws, accent, way of speaking, or anything really of the voice. However, this power only works on one person at a time. She has to have absolute concentration to copy the voice. If her concentration is broken, she cannot copy another person's voice for thirty minutes.

Angel's Feather} This power enables Rosemarie to summon an array of swords, all fashioned in the same shape as this sword. With the swords she can aim for one target, sending them raining down like feathers falling from an angel's wings. These swords may miss but at least one will scrape an enemy, depending on how quick they are. You may think that she looses the swords, but they disappear into a magic pocket in space when out of use. This power is a last resort. It requires a long time to charge, three to five days. She will only ever use this power on more powerful enemies,

A Widow's Cry} This is indeed a haunting power, even for a demon if it was. Rosemarie was married in the past but that changed when her husband was murdered. She remembers the pain, anguish, revenge, all those terrible emotions to power this magic. You know the magic is in use when you hear a terrible cry. Her voice. It would sound similar to a dying cat and an out of tune guitar, except, ten times as worse. It echoes through the room as her eyes turn a deep turquoise, glowing bright. Her hands are clasped close to her bosom, in a praying fashion. Her voice would get louder and louder, being overwhelming. In this moment she targets her enemies and they are the only ones who could hear the terrible cry. A white tear-like substance would leak from her eyes as she directed her voice deep inside your head. It would make you fall to your knees, trying to get it out. If used on one person, her power could kill, sometimes, or make a person deaf. If there are many people, the power would be weakened and the only effect is the group passing out. This power is very limited, once used she herself would pass out. If it were used very long to bring an enemy to their knees, she would probably pass out first and break the spell. This is only a last resort. This power has also been shown to bring a group of fifty soldiers to their knees.

Weakness(es) - For one, Rosemarie's wings are her vital points. If badly injured, she would never be able to fly again. She could even die if they were completely ripped off. Next, she's absolutely terrified to loose the members of Her fellow Nariil. They are like family for her and she has lost enough family members to last her until her death comes. Talking about how she couldn't save her husband, is one of her weak points. If you mention a single bit of it, she will freeze up and stop all of her magic.

Equipment - When using Angel's Feathers, Rosemarie uses her signature swords, this. Other times, in hand-to-hand combat, she uses a whip, this. Her most favorite weapon is her bow, this.

Personal Description: Rosemarie has a flawless, pale complexion with light rose cheeks. She also has long white hair, reaching to her knees. Usually she keeps it down, but occasionally she'll put it up in a bun or pony tail of some sort. She has a womanly figure with curves in all the right places. She has long legs and a long torso, slender and agile. She has a slightly flatter, than most, chest. Her eyes are a dark violet with occasionally flecks of silver and turquoise. Her lips are a pale rose color that are in between chapped and perfection. Rosemarie's face is heart-shaped, yet still similar to an oval. Her noise is slightly on the big side as well. Rose's wings are very beautiful and stretch about three feet from her body. They are white, silver, and turquoise in color, all blended in in perfect harmony. Her outfit consists of body armor made from iron and small snips of gold. Her chest plate is heart shaped with an intricate swirling design, connecting to make a pair of angel wings. She has two shoulder plates, mirror images of her chest plate. Down her arms are two strips of silky fabric the color of her eyes. On her hands are a pair of gauntlets, fashioned by her late husband. They are a beautiful silver color swirled with gold, yet tough as they come. She usually wears white pants and a teal shirt underneath the armor.

Personality: (Are you shy? Do you act like a jerk to everyone?)

History: (Did you go through a bad past? Any secrets you wanna keep hidden? Social status?)

Extra: (anything I left out? Your characters motivation? Plans for their life? Planning to overthrow your leader?)
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Name: Alerick Dumont

"There's those who dwell in the spotlight, then theres me; the back stage crew, the root of the mission."


Nickname: Al

Gender: male

Age: 21

Height: 5'8

Weight: Purposely starves himself so his foot steps are silenter, 78 lbs.

Sexual Orientation: he's straight

Likes: The peace and quiet, blood on his knife, a quiet read under a tree, tactics, high carbohydrate foods ex. potatoes and noodles and smooth jazzzzz,

Dislikes: Loud noises, obnoxious people, sweets, people disturbing his peace.

Fears: Loosing a fight, spiders, the sun.

Group: he is a mercenary who works for Xilos (associate pretty much)

Partner: None, he hunts alone

Race: He's a human

Magic: <Scrambler> Takes intense focus but when succeeded it can scramble opponents auditory senses and make them into his demise. Either making intensely loud noises that cause opponents to go insane, or his favorite misleading noises ex. foot step noises coming from the opposite direction than they are actually coming from. Can only be used on non moving targets or very slow moving ones. Can be used like a phone but it does take a little stamina.

<Ghostly evasion> Allows Al to avoid attacks which just pass right through him as if it was nothing. Has a very short duration at 3 seconds and can only be used every 5 minutes.

<Shadow lurker> Al merges with the shadows, unseeable to the average eye. Can only be used in the shade or at night, cannot attack when in the state and makes a noise when he is coming out of it, (quiet and subtle). Mostly used as a means of escape. Takes a mild amount of stamina to pull off for 5 minutes

<Mosquito> Al sticks a knife in the opponent and saps their stamina giving half of it to Al. Extremely painful and knife cannot be thrown to be able to use the ability. If an opponent is killed with it he receives it all at once. Does the opposite effect to demonic's and does nothing on vampires.

Weakness(es) - Is able to fight close range but only for a short amount of time due to poor physical health, has no offensive magic just support, has very low stamina thus the mosquito technique (can only use around 5 bursts of his magic, then collapses), heals at a very slow pace and severe injuries usually kill him.

Equipment - Carries a blue sword which he uses to cast his magic, looks dull but it is obsidian tipped making it so sharp that even bones don't crack when hit. This is his main weapon because it does not shine when exposed to the sun, although must always be cleaned, blood is very potent to the sharpness. His last weapon is a pair of steel army knives with a second blade coming just above the tip which he uses to cast 'Mosquito', rather dull and in poor shape except for the second blades.

Personal Description: A long blue haired man, wears light clothing which includes a: blue tank top shirt, a large wrist band that covers his entire arms, tight pants with bandages around his upper leg. Wears a burgundy scarf with the same color cape that comes down to the top of his knees. Wears light feminine boots with a steel sole efficient for kicking or disciplining with. His eyes, which are scared are yellowish-gold and are sometimes covered up by his hair. Is extremely skinny, to the point where some would call him anorexic. Has a very responsible tone in his deep voice that people often mistake for a older man's.

Personality: Always focused and reserved, Al takes matters very serious always doing what he is told unless gold has a say in it. He doesn't easily trust people, but is not one to hold grudges and despite being an associate of Xilos he doesn't particularly hate Nariil. Although he isn't shy rather intentionally introverted and if someone is pissing him off he'll give em' a mental beating. He is rather sophisticated about mostly everything especially his fighting style. Which he believes is far superior to all others because rather than getting dirty he stabs people in the back. He is rarely happy and has a weak heart but is completely sane.

History: Al was born to be an assassin, ever since he was born his fate was guided. He was immediately sent off to a skilled assassin at birth to continue his families legacy. Mastering the sword faster than most Al was very respected amongst his pupils and admired by the girls. At the age of 14 he challenged his master to a duel, he would be the youngest to do so. His mastered accepted, something he rarely did, but the flare in Alerick's eyes shined with determination and fire, he couldn't deny. Him and his master were sent to a forest where they would aimlessly look for each other and try to back stab the opponent. Al's master was old and broken, so he said "kill me to win, my wife is dead and my child has been murdered I have nothing to live for, but I will not kill you." The battle raged on for four days, food was not a problem for Al as he would starve himself quite often and water was scattered about the forest like bees in a bee hive. It would finally be Alerick who would take victory but at the cost of a scar on his left eye, although what he gained was much better than what he lost. He gained his masters obsidian tipped sword and his cape Al would decide to wear to honour his Master. From there on Alerick did mercenary jobs as a living, killing people was just a regular chore for him. Although on one of his missions he ran across a enemy far greater than what he faced before, quickly over powered by the run away soldier Alerick had finally faced his reaping, though he was wrong. Another person, swift in movement came slicing up the soldier and letting Al be, he would soon find out the soldier was from Xilos and was still a member, his name Alexandre. From that point on Al dedicated himself to earning a spot as a Xilos member.
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Nickname: Nivlo Hayazuki Is my name too long? Char. limit?

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height:5'8 (How tall are you?)

Weight:167 lbs.

Sexual Orientation:Straight

Likes:Video games, Candy, Hugs, Having fun

Dislikes: Rude people, The dreaded "V" food, Power, Books

Fears: Darkness, the dark is the worst thing. Shed some light in this world!

To be cont...

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