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Fantasy Charred Phoenix roster


More toxic less flow
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Heyo thanks for coming. What I need to accept a cs is below but add more if you like. Like the check said this party are somewhat familiar with each other so maybe leave backstory open to collaboration. Could be as simple as they met and travelled together to Swallguud, might be as intricate as a sibling relationship with inside jokes goals. It's up to y'all. If you have questions please ask in a pm or on the ooc page.
Rank/title: (the bard, the archer etc)

(Picture and small description please, things others might notice like height or hair colour)

Race: (most fantasy races allowed, half elves dwarfs gnomes humanoid animalfolk etc... no Goblins, Orks or anything else that's usually deemed as a monster)

Race/Inherent talents:
(Whats special/unique about this character thanks to their race? You can list a few things here. For example while Gnomes are typically weak, short, they are naturally stealthy.
Most half elves are capable of some magic without studying it.
Beastkin have various strengths depending on race.)

(Talents learned over time... Swordplay, cooking, dealing cards, if they are able to do it well and you think its relevant list it here)

(No one's perfect, be it a phobia a injury a or even a problem regarding hygiene or attitude... put something here that other characters might grumble about. "Bob's good but he always gambols, loses more than he makes" "Sally is a hotheaded bitch" doesn't have to be heaps)

(What they typically take on a job/adventure.)

(Be vague or detailed, you can also expect me to adapt the backstory in some way if I can fit it anywhere into upcoming arcs and plots... we can discuss things if you like or you can be random with it.

Maybe your a royal in hiding from far away lands, most your family killed in a assassination...
Maybe you escaped a ruthless band of criminals you hope to never see again...
Maybe you have no memory whatsoever and are willing for me to make up your backstory and maybe you discover it in game who knows)
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Title: (like the last kid picked for sports ima make what wasn't chosen first)

Name: Wada
Age: 32
(More info coming once I find a picture)

Race: Human/Nari.
Nari are descendants of what can best be described as "Spirit Elves" though the Nari are essentially human with a affinity for spirits but are incapable of magic, unless they have a Guardian spirit inside their body as a conduit.

Inherent talents: Like any Nari Wada has a Guardian spirit. a Guardian spirit works as a familiar and a conduit for magic though not at the same time.
Wada's spirit is a toxic plant creature of some kind. When summoned it would look like a ivysaurs ghost. Able to whip and grasp with thorny vines aswell as spray a poison mist. When inside of Wada he is able to summon the same toxic vines.


Wada is excessive with his vices, whatever disposable income and sometimes budgeted income goes into enjoying his downtime in a attempt to blur the bad memories that plague him.
Wada has a biased prejudice against sorcery, believing any born with power become corrupted by it. At the least becoming smug bullies, at worst sociopath monsters.
Wada hates and fears Pixies, fairies and any tiny flying creature capable of magic. A bad experience with some as a child...


(Im open to collaborate with yall if you want to. Depending on what role i take will determine alot o my cs in regards to name, race etc. Goldsplode would be a gnome or dwarf name but Wada can be anything at this point. Will finish the sheet shortly after some others are posted. Don't want to make a magical blacksmith or ninja then change halfway because two more people join hoping to fill that spot)
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The Cleric
Melian Selene


Without her mermaid traits, Melian looks very ordinary. Dark, shoulder length hair and matching coloured eyes with a mole just under her right ear.

Age: 25

Race: Merfolk

Race/Inherent talents:
Swimming, Shapeshifted from his seal and human form(and the other way around), cure light wounds, controlling weather(only in desprate times)

(Talents learned over time... Swordplay, cooking, dealing cards, if they are able to do it well and you think its relevant list it here)




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