Charm Idea: Rouse the solar host.


Ten Thousand Club
not sure what ability and essence level it should be.

this charm would allow the solar who executes it to go into a deep sleep, in it he can craft a dream environment of his choosing.

Most Solars choose something remininescent of the chambers of the deliberative or a temple of the unconquered sun, though some have preferred woodland environments, etc.

I ALSO sends out a call to every other solar in the world.

They wil be able to put off answering it, but will generally, unless in immediate dire combat, try to answer as soon as possible, after all, a solar of great power, has appearantly called forth a meeting of the entire host.

solars in this environment can alter their appearance to a limited degree, with a simple act of will.

however they will always be recoqnizable as THEMSEVES

they tend to use this only to style and or lenghen or shorten their hair, apply makeup, and to change their clothing to something more suitable.

some enjoy changing their gender, or even appearing utterly inhuman.

I know its a megapowerful charm but please tell me how it looks.
Eeeh... your concept seems a bit... haphazardly described.

Have I understood this correctly: You are thinking of a Charm, that would allow you to summon the entire Solar host to a meeting in a dream-realm?

What happens when a Solar receives such a call? He instinctively knows what to do? He can then just go into some kind of meditative trance, and participate?

There is a somewhat similar effect available. Check out the Sapphire Circle Spell 'Unity of Dreams' (Savant & Sorcerer p.137, Book of 3 Circles, p.65-66). Although it only affects a number of individuals that participates in the ritual, it is greater in scope in other areas...
Solfi said:
Eeeh... your concept seems a bit... haphazardly described.
Have I understood this correctly: You are thinking of a Charm, that would allow you to summon the entire Solar host to a meeting in a dream-realm?
Yes I think it would be a nice advanced charm as it would allow the host to communicate truly vital info (as well as keep it truly secret)

Solfi said:
What happens when a Solar receives such a call? He instinctively knows what to do? He can then just go into some kind of meditative trance, and participate?
essentialy yes.
The solars are not about secrecy in their leadership. They are the rightful leaders and about everything about them screams this (yes I know of the night caste).

I can see the dream conference being something siderial... or autochtonian (using the makers body as matrix of some sort, insert techno blabla here), but not solar.
secrecys only one of the things it affords them.

if some old solar who had that charm was to come out of hiding now, for example, the aid it would give the entire host would be limitless.
Solars are about pretty much everything Safim. Diversity and excellence in one shiny package. Anywho, seems to me this Charm would be even more useful as a tool for communication, even though it's applications might be more clandestine as well...

... but then again, what great ideas can't?
Ormseitr said:
It seems to me to have more the feel of a spell than a charm. But otherwise I like it.
Solfi said:
There is a somewhat similar effect available. Check out the Sapphire Circle Spell 'Unity of Dreams' (Savant & Sorcerer p.137, Book of 3 Circles, p.65-66). Although it only affects a number of individuals that participates in the ritual, it is greater in scope in other areas...
I think that if the magic allows all Solars to enter a trance and meet with the initiator, then it would be EXTREMELY powerful.  But I don't know why it couldn't be done with Adamant level sorcery.  I would set the cost upwards of 80 motes, though.

I also think that a Solar would be able to decide not to attend, even if there is no good reason other than "I don't understand what's going on."  The spells effects would therefore actually be to create the space for the meeting, and the essence channels extending to all other Solars so that they may join if they wish.  It may even tug at their essence, but would not be able to force them to join.

It would also be possible to dispel the area, since the essence channels would extend to every Solar.  If a Solar decided that it didn't trust the source and casted Adamant counter-magic upon it, the sorceror would be SOL.

And lastly, if it's a spell from the first age, it would probably have the side effect of offerering invitations to the 13 Deathlords as well.  Talk about "oops!"
Balathustrius said:
And lastly, if it's a spell from the first age, it would probably have the side effect of offerering invitations to the 13 Deathlords as well.  Talk about "oops!"
Not a chance in hell. First of all, they're dead. That makes a difference. And if that's not enough to convince you; they don't have their Solar shards anymore, remember?

... whether or not the Abyssals would hear the call though, that's more interesting. I'd still say no though. I'd rule the corruption that severed their shards from the power of US would also have severed the possibility of using that kind of sympathetic magic involving them.
I don't see this as being all that powerful, actually. It really doesn't take much to summon people; all you need is some Occult, even mortals can do it. Exalted don't have to answer, but they still feel it.

With this, all it is is making a dreamscape (which spirits can do already, so it shouldn't be hard to make a Solar charm for it), and then summoning Solars to it. It shouldn't take that much for a Solar to power up the Art of Summoning's "come to this place" to "go to sleep and come to this dream". I'd say a charm or spell to make a dreamscape, and a spell to summon Solars there. Terrestrial, since it's little more than conveying a simple instruction.

You could probably make the spell a little broader, capable of summoning a targeted individual or group. Get some Wheel of Time stuff happening.
If this Charm can locate all Solars everywhere, why can't another Charm?  Say, a Terrestrial Air Charm?

Do dreams form an arcane link?  Most existing spells that use dreams in some fashion talk about this.  How about frying every living Solar at once with some neato Bronze Celestial spell, via such a link?

There are very big potential problems here that you want to address.
It wouldn't locate tham, any more than a summoning or Infalliable Messenger locates their target.

As for frying every Solar in existance, I doubt dreams are enough of a medium. Most dream-related powers are only about communication, and you can't wipe out a group of people just by talking to them. Well, unless you're an Abyssal.

As for those powers that do more, they're generally used by fae and spirits, who are more deeply connected with dreams; indeed, possibly capable of actually entering them. In any case, a Solar charm would be able to locate all Solars because, as it often works out that way with that sort of thing, Solar shards are probably innately connected to other Solar shards. One or two hundred Solars out of millions of humans in Creation, and they almost always gang up with each other not long after Exaltation? There's something there.

A Terrestrial Air Charm wouldn't be able to do it, since 1) they don't have a link to use as solars do and 2) dreams are connected to the Wyld, not to Air as thoughts are.
well I probaly need to refineone or two more things before I publish it.

I know this is a broadly applicable charm or spell, but it could be VERY useful as it could , if discovered today, allow one solar to rouse the host.

(good luck on getting them to agree on much more then "smash the realm, smash the deathlords, rebuild first age" though.
Solfi said:
Balathustrius said:
And lastly, if it's a spell from the first age, it would probably have the side effect of offerering invitations to the 13 Deathlords as well.  Talk about "oops!"
Not a chance in hell. First of all, they're dead. That makes a difference. And if that's not enough to convince you; they don't have their Solar shards anymore, remember?

... whether or not the Abyssals would hear the call though, that's more interesting. I'd still say no though. I'd rule the corruption that severed their shards from the power of US would also have severed the possibility of using that kind of sympathetic magic involving them.
something I just realized

it WOULD also convey invitations to the handful of rogue solars, like Moray DArktide, or Elias, Maybe even Solar Akuma.

You'd have to hope that the exalt chairing the meeting would recognize them and expel them.
Balathustrius said:
I also think that a Solar would be able to decide not to attend, even if there is no good reason other than "I don't understand what's going on."  The spells effects would therefore actually be to create the space for the meeting, and the essence channels extending to all other Solars so that they may join if they wish.  It may even tug at their essence, but would not be able to force them to join.
Wait I need to ask this WHERE Did I suggest it COULD Force someone to come?

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