Charm cards ... do you use them?

Solfi said:
Concerning this thread on the WW Exalted forums...
So ... charm cards, yay or nay?
As a Storyteller, I would very much like a set of official Charm cards that I could use for NPCs.
"Meh", as in "I couldn't care less, and would never consider using them myself, but you're free to do what you want", or "meh", as in "doesn't seem so important, but I could use that. I guess..."   :D
Either charm cards or a condensed write-up of charm effects and where to find them listed is usually a must-have for me. I never found the space given on the character sheet adequate for charm listing.
I don't use them, and never have, but for some charms/exalt types I could probably use them.  I mean, I know largely all the solar charms I'd use for NPCs, and a lot of DB ones, but the other exalts I'm a little hazy on, so I guess some charm cards for them would be good.
I use them when I'm not home or I don't have the book at hand.

 I wouldn't pay for them, however, nor print them. They're not THAT useful to me.

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