Chargin' mah lazor!


Four Thousand Club
Searing Divinity

Cost: 2m; Mins: Occult (Solar)/Charisma (Lunar) 3, Essence 3

Type: Simple

Keywords: Obvious, Holy

Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: None

The eyes of the unworthy cannot bear the brilliance of the Celestial Exalted. It is a simple matter of essence control for a Solar or Lunar to gather a fraction of essence into their Caste Mark and release it as a blinding flash.

Anyone looking directly at the Exalt's Caste Mark when they activate this Charm must roll [stamina + Resistance] at a difficulty equal to the character's Essence rating. If a mortal or Creature of Darkness fails this roll, they are blinded for the rest of the scene; more powerful creatures suffer a -2 penalty to vision-based awareness rolls.

Violent Sun/Moonlight Beam

Cost: 4m; Mins: Occult (Solar)/Charisma (Lunar) 5, Essence 4

Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Holy

Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Searing Divinity

The Celestial Exalted burn with the essence of their divine patrons. Their power is such that they cannot help revealing that brilliance if they use their full power; but with this Charm, they can make use of it. Gathering their anima's light into a single point (The Caste Mark, the eyes (for Solars), or the mouth (for Lunars)), they hold it tight for a brief, brilliant moment before unleashing its blistering radiance as an essence blast.

The character rolls [Perception + Archery/Thrown (player's choice)] to target the blast, with an Accuracy bonus equal to half their Essence rating, to make a ranged attack that deals [Essence x 2 + Occult/Charisma (Solar/Lunar)]L damage. This becomes Aggravated damage against Creatures of Darkness (if the Exalt is a Solar) or Creatures of the Wyld (if they're a Lunar). The beam has a maximum range of [50 x Essence] yards.
Not to mention that these are severely more powerful than the Terrestrial Charms, which, considering it's Terrestrial territory, is not good.
Tossing weaponized Essence is a Terrestrial thing. Generalizing that over other Exalts is a job for Sorcery' date=' not charms.[/quote']
Not adequately familiar with lunar charms but consider; immaculate golden bow, solar flair methodology, blazing solar bolt, glorious solar saber, spirit weapons.

Weaponized essence is not primarily reserved for terrestrials.

Blazing solar bolt (the most comparable charm available to solars) deals (strength + willpower) resulting in a maximum of 15 without going above essence 5, the suggested (2E+occult) gives max 15 at essence 5, but is likely to be lower than BSB for starting characters and higher than BSB in high essence characters.

In any case BSB deals more damage than elemental bolt attack unless several terrestrials cooperate to enhance it. 5 terrestrials of different aspects each with an elemental lenses can deal in excess of 100L

You're talking about weapon techniques. The Solar MO is highly oriented towards enhancing and perfecting human traits -- especially the use of tools and specifically weapons. Creating a magic weapon or using a weapon in a magic attack are very different from forming offensive Essence without such a focus.

Core book p.182 under the Theme header. Bolts of energy are explicitly excluded from the Solar theme.
Well, they dropped Crypt Bolt, so I guess they must mean it on this little rule.

Sorry, Juk, but it looks like those two are Canon breakers.
I could certainly see a Terrestrial spell that allows scene length uses of such a blast power for about half that mote cost, overhead cost in the 5-10m range. Not even close to Obsidian Butterfly while being cheap enough to throw around at will.
I don't see that making much sense at all.

I don't think a spell should be able to create an effect that is able to be turned off and on, but should be perfectly capable of doing a constant, short term searing light (you just have to be careful where you point that thing).

You could shut it off at will or after (X) time has passed, but turning it off and on shouldn't be allowed.

I'd suggest X as being (Essence+Occult) in minutes, so you can have up to 20 minutes of blasting power. Just make it unable to pass through some random material so you can block it, basically dampening it's power until you find a new target.

Say, Lethal versus outsiders and Bashing against creatures of Creation. [(Essence x 2) + Occult] in damage, as stated above.
You're talking about weapon techniques.

Core book p.182 under the Theme header. Bolts of energy are explicitly excluded from the Solar theme.
with the exception of blazing solar bolt i accept your first, the other charms i mentioned all summon weapons of essence.

as to your book reference, the charm blazing solar bolt (and the picture on p180/181) would seem to put lie to that.

in attempting to rationalize these disparate interpretations i note that page 182 specifically mentions "they don't really"..."fire icy bolts out of there hands", it isn't energy bolts that are out of theme for solars, it is bolts of elemental energy, bolts of sunlight would thus be within theme for solars, bolts of moonlight would be within theme for lunars but i don't really see it doing damage or blinding people (moonlight is soft/comfortable).

"Bolts of Icy Energy" is out of theme for Solars, but "Breathe Solar Flames" is definately in. Solars are champions of the blazing Unconquered Sun. If fireballs don't go with the Sun, I don't know what is.
This is Creation. The sun is not a mass of incandescent gas. It is a guy with four arms who is really really really shiny.

Ligier, however, does fire.
Brickwall said:
This is Creation. The sun is not a mass of incandescent gas. It is a guy with four arms who is really really really shiny.
Ligier, however, does fire.
US is a ball of floating light and warmth floating in the sky, he is also a 4 armed man usually found in the jade pleasure dome. Like most gods he has many forms, like 3rd circle demons he can be in several places at once. i would even go so far as to suggest that a young boy with a magnifying glass can still burn ants on a sunny day (the least god of the magnifying glass gathers the sunbeams into a tight point where they are concentrated enough to do damage)

whether solar flames would be appropriate could be debated, what i was thinking would be shooting super powerful sun beams (lazers), thematically different from fire only in that it is a smooth stable stream of energy where fire implies greater instability.

Blazing solar bolt takes a melee weapon and makes it effective over range. The weapon is still an integral part of the equation. If you want to take it out, make a Solar Hero expansion charm with a similar effect.

Seriously, almost every Solar charm has a distict flavor of adding magic to an otherwise mortal activity (eg, swinging a sword). A big beam of magic shooting out their eyes, not a mundane activity.

For Lunars, the charm makes even less sense. You could get some mileage by branching it off Claws of the Silver Moon as a kind of throwing quill effect. Think Manticore, not Dragon.
Shooting a laser involves melee how? Other then it being a melee charm (which s odd) is has NOTHING to do with the weapon. IT A LASER! With its OWN damage formula that does not involve the weapon at all. Also they have an archery charm that lest them shot lasers, even if they don't have a bow.
Then just friggin' use that one instead of a custom Charm made because you don't want to buy up the Archery Tree... :roll:
jeriausx said:
Shooting a laser involves melee how? Other then it being a melee charm (which s odd) is has NOTHING to do with the weapon. IT A LASER! With its OWN damage formula that does not involve the weapon at all. Also they have an archery charm that lest them shot lasers, even if they don't have a bow.
Because it still requires the weapon. Stop looking at end result and start looking at theme. It's not an uncommon sight in high fantasy for a skilled swordsman to be able to throw some kind of energy with a swing, giving them ranged capacity in a melee weapon. Even in cases where the ability can be used with any weapon, like this, it still actually requires the weapon, the motions, and the focus. Remove the weapon, same individual isn't going to shoot the energy from his fingertips.
Except that it does not even fire from the weapon or require you to move it. It shoots out from between your weapon and your cast mark. Also you explain it as involving melee because it uses melee. Not really a good explanation. Also there's Torrent of Inner Light (which is Thrown not Archery my bad) which is basically a Kamehameha.

Its also COMPLETELY in theme for Occult the let you throw/shoot blasts of essence. Whats NOT in theme is for DBs doing the same thing with Lore.
Well, it is an Occult Charm for Solars. Wouldn't direct essence control of this type fall under the range of superhuman skills for a setting like Exalted?
Well, I just think it makes more sense for the skill that teaches sorcery to allow you to throw essence lasers as opposed to the skill that lets But I also think half of the Solar's Lore charms should have been occult too.
Well IMHO, this is part of the reason why it was raised that it could fall under sorcery instead of charm.

I'd go with it if the effects only applied to spiritual beings and CoD, because that's the focus for Solar Occult (fighting Primordials and their sub souls i.e. spirits / maintaing order in Creation). Applying both SD & VB to all types of creatures doesn't quite fit.

On the other hand, for the material creatures, Survival seems more appropriate (see Solar Flare Methodology in DotFA).
whether solar flames would be appropriate could be debated, what i was thinking would be shooting super powerful sun beams (lazers), thematically different from fire only in that it is a smooth stable stream of energy where fire implies greater instability.
The core book would disagree with you on the subject of solar flames.

[QUOTE="Exalted Second Edition P. 182]

A Solar might shout loudly enough to shatter bones or call down solar flames

Because it still requires the weapon. Stop looking at end result and start looking at theme. It's not an uncommon sight in high fantasy for a skilled swordsman to be able to throw some kind of energy with a swing, giving them ranged capacity in a melee weapon. Even in cases where the ability can be used with any weapon, like this, it still actually requires the weapon, the motions, and the focus. Remove the weapon, same individual isn't going to shoot the energy from his fingertips.
Last I checked, you could use Melee with unarmed attacks if you wanted (as long as you arn't using Martial Arts Charms), so you could actually remove the weapon and shoot energy from your fingertips.
Kyeudo said:
Last I checked, you could use Melee with unarmed attacks if you wanted (as long as you arn't using Martial Arts Charms), so you could actually remove the weapon and shoot energy from your fingertips.
The M tag allows you to choose the ability. The N tag forces Martial Arts. Unarmed attacks have the N tag.
Well' date=' I just think it makes more sense for the skill that teaches sorcery to allow you to throw essence lasers as opposed to the skill that lets But I also think half of the Solar's Lore charms should have been occult too.[/quote']
I think what we have here is the case of a man who's played too much DND.

Except that it does not even fire from the weapon or require you to move it. It shoots out from between your weapon and your cast mark. Also you explain it as involving melee because it uses melee. Not really a good explanation. Also there's Torrent of Inner Light (which is Thrown not Archery my bad) which is basically a Kamehameha.
How do you figure that it doesn't require you to move it? Because it doesn't say "the solar swings his sword and..." in the description? Going on that logic, you can have people jump without moving their legs, because the jumping description doesn't say leg movement is required.

There is a parallel between the unconquered Sun and fire, of course. Oricalcum naturally forms in the mouth of a sun-baked volcano, blending fire and sunlight together to make this magical materiel.

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