Charecter Sheets Here Please [Indiana Jones and the Book of Three Circles]


Stats and Stories Alike

Edit I just realized we can each make our own threads for our characters. ^_^
Name: Defies-the-Darkness

Gender: Female

Caste: Twilight

Motivation: To ruin the schemes of the Deathlords by reclaiming Rathess.

Intimacies: Rathess; Hating the Deathlords

Anima: Massive crimson clouds edged with brilliant golden light where shadows are cast.

Archetype: Savant

- ATTRIBUTES - (4 Bonus, 8 XP)

Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4

Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3

Perception 3, Intelligence 5, Wits 3

- ABILITIES – (* denotes Caste or Favoured Ability) (5 Bonus, 10 XP)

Athletics 1

Awareness 1

*Craft (Air) 2

Dodge 1

*Integrity 2

*Investigation 2

Linguistics 2 (Native: Skytongue, Old Realm, Flametongue)

*Lore 4

*Martial Arts 5

*Medicine 1

Performance 2

*Presence 2

*Occult 5

*Resistance 3

Ride 2

*Socialise 2

Survival 1



Allies 1 (God-Blooded Slave Girl)

Artefact (Orichalcum Dire Chain) 1

Artefact (Orichalcum Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light) 1

Artefact (Silken Armour) 2

Artefact (Fire and Water Pearls) 2

Artefact (Horn of the Ways) 2

Artefact (Orichalcum Skin-Mount) 2

Artefact (Jade Blood Seed) 3

Manse (Stone of Healing) 1

Resources 1

Charms: (24 XP)

Athletics: Graceful Crane Stance

Martial Arts: Sensuous Torment, Kiss of the Whip, Laughing Wounds Form, Insatiable Slave Stamina, Ecstatic Tenacity

Occult: Spirit-Detecting Glance, Spirit-Cutting Attack, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Presence: Second Presence Excellency, Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgment

Resistance: Ox-Body Technique x1

Socialise: Mastery of Small Manners

Spells: (8 XP)

Emerald Countermagic

Combos: (5 Bonus)

The Sun's Cruel Touch (Kiss of the Whip, Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgment) (4m, 1w): adds -1 to target's wound penalty on successful attack; may add up to (MA) wound penalties to one target; makes physical attacks Holy.

Sun Sears the Damned's Flesh (Kiss of the Whip, Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgment, Spirit-Cutting Attack) (6m, 1w): adds -1 to target's wound penalty on successful attack; may add up to (MA) wound penalties to one target; makes physical attacks Holy; can attack immaterial spirits/demons/ghosts/elementals, does aggravated damage.

Thaumaturgy +2: (16 XP)

The Art of the Dead: Blood Magic, Pierce Shadowland, Summon Ghost, Body Preservation Technique, Deathsight, Speak with Corpse, Raise Corpse, Three Days of Hun and Po, Lesser Ward (Undead)


Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valour 2

Virtue Flaw: Heart of Flint

Willpower 5


Permanent 3 (7 Bonus)

Personal 14

Peripheral 36 (Hearthstone in skin-mount amulet)

Attuned 11

Soak: 4B/2L +3B/5L, -1 Mob (if unattuned) Health: -0x2/-1x3/-2x4/-4x1/Incap.

Combat Stats:

Clinch: Spd 6, Acc 9, Dmg 2B, Def-, Rate 1

Kick: Spd 5, Acc 9, Dmg 5B, Def 5, Rate 2

Punch: Spd 5, Acc 10, Dmg 2B, Def 11, Rate 3

Orichalcum Dire Chain (Sun's Whip):

Spd 5, Acc 10, Dmg 10B, Def 12, Rate 3

Clinch: Spd 6, Acc 11, Dmg 9B, Def -, Rate 2, Tags P, R


Enemy - 3 (The Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears)

Past Lives +3 (Pleasant Clouds)


Pleasant Clouds, a Twilight of the First Age, died alongside her Circlemate Albaio in the great city of Rathess during the Usurpation; as one of the few Solars uncaught by the Sidereals' arcane methods of trapping them, she reincarnated several times over the next fifteen hundred years, only to die constantly at the hands of Dragon-Blooded or Sidereal assassins. Finally, with the return of the rest, her current incarnation has managed to survive for more than a few months.

Defies-the-Darkness is a long way from home. Born in the snowy wastes of the North, this young woman came from Living Gradafes, the kingdom under the direct sway of the Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears. Her father was a living Tear Eater, her mother a Gradafesi who was summoned to the Tower of Crimson Ice and never returned. She grew up adoring the Lover from afar as was proper, tending to the needs of the Great Dead whenever they came through, and studying the Art of the Dead to become a shaman when she came of age. Once she entered an appropriate shadowland and encountered her Greater Dead ancestor, she was declared displeasing because she was too civilised... But this young thaumaturge knew a little more than the younger lich expected, casting illegal salt into his face and chanting an equally illegal prayer to the Sun in Creation. It drove the lich away, but she was in a difficult position, unable to return to where the Tear Eaters roamed.

The Lover saw a use for the reasonably presentable and well-mannered young woman, inducting her into service under a master Gradafesi thaumaturge and setting her to work on producing talismans for her servants when not travelling in Creation, especially in Whitewall and the Haslanti League, to discover useful information. Her Exaltation came about six months after the vanishing of the Scarlet Empress when she was detained by Haslanti agents who'd discovered her true nature from an Ydrossian ghostly ally. One of the Lover's Abyssals managed to rescue the young Solar and bring her back to the Tower of Crimson Ice.

For three years, she served well, becoming inducted into Laughing Wounds Style by the Lover. But something held her back from making the ultimate commitment to death that the Lover wanted - memories of her life in the First Age. But still devoted to the Lover, she ignored the call to return to Rathess... Until she discovered that the Deathlords had caused the Great Contagion. She severed her affection for the Lover - unknowingly gaining the power of sorcery - and with the use of Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgment managed to blind the Lover long enough to escape.

Ever since, she's been trying to gather artefacts and allies to plump Rathess for its secrets. She has also earnt a new name.


Defies-the-Darkness is cold and hard, much like the Northern wastes and shadowlands she hails from, a young woman so unused to life that she cannot quite comprehend the everyday of Creation. She's more used to hurting and being hurt, embracing pain and lashing out at others... Now she is trying to turn her innate conviction to serving Creation and reclaiming Rathess.

Part of her wants to find Albaio and see what he has become.


Defies-the-Darkness is a slender woman, ghost-pale and almost albino in appearance, who is pretty enough in a cold way. She swathes herself in silk veils under the hot Southeastern sun, concealing her dire chain and other artefacts.



Defies-the-Darkness has somehow acquired a slave girl she has no idea what to do with.

Artefacts and Manse:

Defies-the-Darkness has used her thaumaturgical talents well, summoning ghosts and plundering whatever First Age tombs she has come across. She has thus far gained two orichalcum items; her skin-mount was a gift from the Lover. She gained her Manse through similar means.

Resources: She ekes out a living.
Name: Steel Avalanche

Type: Solar

Caste: Dawn

Strength 6 Perception 4 Charisma 2

Dexterity 2 Intelegence 2 Manipulation 1

Stamina 6 Wits 4 Appearence 4

Archery 0

Martial Arts 1

*Melee 5 Axes, 2 Handed

Thrown 1

War 5

Integrity 1

Performance 1

*Pressence 4

Resistence 5

Survival 1

Craft: 0

Investigation 0

Lore 1

Medicine 1

Occult 0

*Athletics 5 Feats of Strength X2

Awareness 3

Dodge 1

Larceny 0

Stealth 1

Bureaucracy 1

Linguistics 3

Ride 1

Sail 0

Socialize 0


Compassion 2 (Delilah, Steel Dragons)

Conviction 3

Temprence 1

Valor 4

Willpower 8

Essence 3

Motivation: Kill the things that threaten Creation

Ally 1 Denilah

Artifact 2 Behemoth Jaw Bone

Artifact 2 Hearstone Bracers

Artifact 5 Orichalcum Ultraheavy plate

Contacts 1

Followers 3 The Steel Dragons

Manse 1

Resources 4


1 Oath: never cut his hair. (If he does so, he looses 2 points of specialty in Feats of Strength.)

2 Vice: Will do stupid stuff if asked by the woman he loves.

3 (Frequency 1, power 5) Enemy: Lord Abscion

4 Wanted: (By the Terestrial Courts, for the Crime of Diefic Patricide.)


4 Brutal Attack

5 Legendary Ability: Athletics

1 'Mutation': Large


Second Melee Excelency: Essence Triumphant

Dipping Swallow Defense

Bulwark Stance

Fivefold Bulwark Stance

One Weapon, Two Blows

Hungry Tiger Technique

Body Mending Meditation

Increasing Strenght Exercise

Second War Excellency

Route Stemming Gesture

Mob Dispersing Rebuke

Fury Inciting Presence

Heroism Encouraging Presence

Tiger Warrior Training Technique

Commanding the Ideal Celestial Army


Steel Avalanche was captured at a young age by the Guild and sold to a Fair Folk noble. The man who would become Steel Avalanche was lucky because Lord Abscion had a twisted sense of humor, preferring to use slave troops to capture his victims rather than just buying them from the Guild.

One fateful day while fighting Lord Abscion's enemies, the man who would become Steel Avalanche and his troop was outflanked by his enemies. Realizing he was facing a hopeless battle, he engaged in a rearguard action to save the majority of his troops. Unfortunately, it was likely to be a futile effort, as the enemy army was too strong.

While covering his soldiers escape, he noticed a hole in the enemy's defenses and ordered a suicidal run at the enemy commander, hoping to break the enemy's ranks, thereby giving the rest of his troops the chance to escape. However, during the charge, a change overcame him. Blessed with the power of the Unconquered Sun, he personally struck down the enemy commander and scattered the enemy forces. The army

That day, he returned to his lord and told him to release his fellow soldiers from their bondage or die. The arrogant Fey Lord laughed at Steel Avalanche, until Steel Avalanche charged him. Only his speed and the timely intervention of his bodyguards kept Abscion from dying ignobly on an iron spike. With Abscion having fled Steel Avalanche rallied his troops and set out, their own men for once. Now, they were the Steel Dragons.

During Steel Avalanche's time as commander, they hunted down many Fair Folk strongholds, destroying them to try and free their human slaves. They hunted down Lord Abscion's holdings in particular. During this time, Steel Avalanche grew to become quite the commander, with supremely disciplined and trained troops.

However, eventually, his eye fell upon a young godblooded woman named Denilah. He saved her from the jaws of a rampaging behemoth then used its jaw to slaughter an army of zombies. The two became infatuated with each other. However, her father Riversire was less enthused about the prospect, as he recognized Steel Avalanche as a Solar Exalted, and feared for his daughter's safety. So he demanded a bride price of increasingly dangerous and demanding actions to prove his worth.

Steel Avalanche fulfilled these tasks until one day assassins in her father's court tried to kill Steel Avalanche. Enraged at this betrayal, he evacuated Denilah with much of the wealth he acquired for her father, then returned to confront Riversire for this betrayal, but Riversire struck him. Steel Avalanche does not remember the details after that, only that he had slaughtered Riversire's entire court. Frightened by the turn of events, he left his army with Lieutenant Yular so he can figure things out.

More recently, he has returned to his duties, given the increasing need.


Steel Avalanche tries to be a good person, but he is somewhat impulsive and detests being disrespected. He cares deeply for his wife and the people under him. He is also terrified of his capability for destruction.


Steel Avalanche is a mountain of muscle nearly seven and a half feet tall, with long red hair and a beard. He has green eyes.
Name: White Iris

Concept: Wandering Outcast

Apparent Age: 22

Actual Age: 26

Caste: Full Moon

Anima: A blazing, fire-like aura of silver light, resembling a howling wolf

Spirit Shape: A large, sleek wolf with bright blue eyes and white fur

Tell: Wolf-like tail and ears; in other forms, an unusual grey/white pattern on her fur or hair

Motivation: Defend those that cannot defend themselves

Intimacies: Nature, the innocent, her Solar mate

Archetype: Courier

Bonus points spent: 21/21

(Melee +2 [2]; Melee (Daiklaves + 3) [2]; Dodge +1 [2]; Resistance +1 [2]; Athletics +1 [2]; Awareness +1 [2]; Conviction +1 [3]; Valor +1 [3]; Awareness +1 [2]; Merit: Internal Compass [1])

Experience spent: 58/66

(Intelligence 1->2 [4]; Charisma 1->2 [4]; Temperance 1->2 [3]; Essence 2->3 [9]; Flowing Body Evasion [10]; Bruise Relief Method [10]; Strength 3->4 [9]; Stamina 3->4[9])

Virtues: Compassion: 2 | Conviction: 4 | Temperance: 2 | Valor: 4

Virtue Flaw: Curse of the Lone Wolf

Willpower: 8/8

Essence: 3

Essence Pools: Personal - 19/19 | Peripheral - 33/44 (11 Attuned)

-Combat Stats-

Moonsilver Daiklave: Speed 5 | Accuracy 5 | Damage 6L | Defense 4 | Rate 3 | Attune 5

Dodge DV: 8

Parry DV: 8

Soak: 10L/8B/3A

Hardness: 2L/2B

Dodge MDV: 7

Parry MDV: 1 (Charisma); 0 (Manipulation)

-Health Levels-

[-0] [-1] [-1] [-2] [-2] [-2] [-2] [-2] [-2] [incapacitated] [Dying x6]


Moonsilver Daiklave

Moonsilver Hearthsone Bracers

Gemstone of Surface Thoughts (set in bracers)



Internal Compass


Strength: 4 | Dexterity: 5 | Stamina: 4

Perception: 4 | Intelligence: 3 | Wits: 4

Charisma: 2 | Manipulation: 1 | Appearance: 5



Dodge - 5

Melee - 5 (+3 Daiklaves)

Survival - 4



Athletics - 4

Awareness - 5



Integrity - 3



Linguistics - 2 (Skytongue (native), Woodtongue, Claw-speak)

Lore - 1

Martial Arts





Resistance - 3

Ride - 2



Stealth - 3




Mentor - 3

Heart's Blood - 2

Reputation - 1

Solar Bond - 3

Manse - 2 (Gemstone of Surface Thoughts)

Artifact - 2 (Moonsilver Daiklive)

Tattoo Artifact - 1 (Moonsilver Breastplate)

Artifact - 2 (Moonsilver Hearthstone Bracers)


Deadly Beastman Transformation (Fur (+2 Soak), Low Light Vision, Keen Senses (all 3), Wolf's Pace)


-Strength Charms-

-Dexterity Charms-

Second Dexterity Excellency

Golden Tiger Stance

Wary Swallow Method

Wind-Dancing Method

Flowing Body Evasion (Conviction Flaw)

-Stamina Charms-

Second Stamina Excellency

Bruise Relief Method

Ox-Body Technique x1 (+4 [-2], +2 [Dying])

East Mastery Technique



A reasonably close image made with the avatar generator.

Just... pretend she has hearthstone bracers, and clothes a bit more like the description. And the flower. ... 9622e5.jpg

A somewhat less Lunar-ish image of Iris, possibly before her Exaltation?


White Iris is a tall, attractively build woman with pale skin and waist-length, silver-white hair, adorned with a single white flower. Though one can see well-toned muscles beneath her feminine curves and graceful posture, her appearance belies both her strength and the time she has spent in the wild. Her bright, blood-red eyes are a particularly striking feature of her appearance, as they have been since birth - perhaps merely a quirk of genetics, or possibly a faint sign of some distant bloodline best left forgotten. For those of strong enough mind to see, she has the ears and tail of a wolf, sleek-furred and of a silver color not unlike her hair.

The moonsilver tattoos of the Stewards cross Iris' pale skin, most noticeably on her upper body and arms. In addition to protecting her from the chaotic energies of the Wyld, these tattoos also serve as a form of magical armor - and, to Iris, as a reminder of what she is. She prefers to dress lightly so as to not hide these markings, usually preferring to wear a simple loincloth around her waist and a strip of cloth across her chest. Though these primitive clothes contrast with her graceful figure, they do nothing to detract from her striking figure, her unusual appearance being equally intimidating and breathtakingly beautiful. She keeps her daiklave stored in a sheath on her back, attached to a leather sling kept bound over her shoulder and chest.


The first thing one would notice about Iris is that she acts distant, even towards those close to her: she rarely speaks unless spoken to, and even then tends to keep her voice soft and her answers short and to the point. Iris prefers to avoid people in general, and particularly stays away from crowded settlements and cities unless some great need draws her there. For the most part, she lives in the wild; while Iris is uncomfortable around people, she loves nature, and would prefer sleeping beneath the stars to a night in even the most comfortable beds in The Realm.

Which isn't to say that she never has contact with others, of course. Iris sees it as her duty to defend the helpless from violence and suffering, and as such she often finds herself in the middle of civilization. When this happens, she does her best to stay out of sight, as her appearance, as well as the peculiar manner her years in the wild have given her, tend to draw attention at best and fear and hatred at worst. Though she often leaves as soon as her goals have been achieved, her loneliness sometimes drives her to seek out the company of others; she occasionally spends some time among towns or groups of people that she has aided, though she always leaves before long, out of fear of losing this acceptance.

To those that know her, Iris is almost as reserved as she first appears. She has difficulty expressing her thoughts and emotions, preferring to handle them herself, giving her the appearance of being serene and distant, and, occasionally, shy. This serenity carries over into her dealings with enemies, as well; Iris never shows fear, no matter how strong the foe or dangerous the situation, and the calm fury she displays in battle can be almost as terrifying as the screaming rage of a barbarian.


Iris' earliest memories are of a life in the North, among a small group of traveling traders. While they were not her true family, this did not bother her; they were kind, and treated her as one of their own. From what she learned as she grew older, she was found in the arms of a dying woman, lying alone in the snow in the middle of a blizzard. Her identity was never discovered, nor was that of her father.

Christening her White Iris after the flower in her mother's hair, the travelers took the child into their care.

Even from a young age, it was clear that Iris was not quite an ordinary child. She was always quiet for her age, rarely speaking much unless spoken too, and displayed little of the energy and enthusiasm often seen in children, though as she grew she seemed glad to do what she could to help the others with their work. Possibly as a result of her upbringing, mostly spent on the road with no contact with others beyond her adopted family, she was also particularly shy in dealing with those she did not know. As she grew, her reserved nature only deepened; uncomfortable with the attention her blossoming beauty and maturing figure drew from strangers, she kept to herself as much as she could, only dealing with those outside her family when circumstances required it. Even when she grew to adulthood, even as her family began to split up, Iris chose to remain among them and do what she could to help, as she had done her whole life.

And so she would have remained, if fate had not had other plans.

One night, en route with the rest to the city of Whitewall, Iris awoke to find herself alone in the caravan, surrounded by a raging blizzard; even the pack animals were gone, and she could find no trace of a struggle or any sign of what had happened. Uncertain of what to do with the blizzard showing no sign of relenting, even after days, and beginning to run low on food, Iris gathered what supplies and equipment she could carry and struck out for Whitewall on foot, hoping that, somehow, the others were there.

It wasn't long before the distance and weather began to prove themselves too much for her. Though she pushed herself onward, she was unused to traveling long distances on her own, and the exhaustion and cold sapped her strength and slowed her progress. In time, the last of her strength left her, and she collapsed, unable to continue.

As her last hopes of survival began to fade, Iris' thoughts turned to her family. Those that had raised her, for she had never known any other. They had always been so kind, and if not for them, she wouldn't even possess what life she had left... and she might never see them again. She had never even thanked them.

In that moment, something within her snapped. Her mind and body numb from the cold, Iris mustered the last bit of her strength that she did not even know she had left, and pushed herself up, determined to survive. Her mind delirious from the cold, Iris thought she saw a shining figure standing before her - a beautiful, silver-haired woman, offering a hand to help her up. As she took the woman's hand, something changed. The numbing cold faded from her body, the raging snow now feeling like a mere tickle on her skin, and newfound strength flowing through her limbs.

As she stood up, the vision faded. Iris found herself looking into the thin, pale face of a middle-aged man, framed with raven-black hair. Though there was no warmth in his expression, Iris knew that her life was saved, but from now on, it would not be the same life she was used to. For it was here that she met her mentor and began her initiation into the Silver Pact.

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