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Fantasy Characters: V & Sunny unnamed RP


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Xiang Tao

Hot Hot Mess

Age: 26 years old
Ethnicity: Chinese
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Unemployed, but has a degree in Language and Literature

Physical appearance
Xiang Tao is talk and lanky, with lean muscle but the undeniable thinness only malnutrition can bring about. Since being kicked out of his family’s home, he doesn’t have a lot of money to take care of himself, and he would much rather go a little hungry than not have a place to sleep. It’s not like the gang he rolls with would offer help : they are not that kind of gang.

His skin is golden and tanned by the sun, from being outside most days. He’s got sharp, mono lid brown eyes that appear almost black, and wears his hair long, often tied up to avoid having it in his face. He’s got a homemade not-so-good ombre dye job, and the bottom half of his face his teal. He’s got one hell of a smile and is almost always showing it off in a mocking grin.

In terms of fashion, he’s on the edgy streetwear style. He wears almost exclusively black and dark colours because he thinks it makes him look cool and mysterious. This effect unfortunately fades once he starts speaking.

He has one tattoo from when he joined the gang he is in, their symbol on the back of his neck. It is a snake looping on itself, with its tail between Xiang Tao’s shoulder blades.

Optimistic, or so it seems. From an outside perspective, Xiang Tao is the perfect happy go lucky guy. Always smiling, always seeing the positive in life. Of course, this is a mask he puts on. He’s of the impression that anything other than this happy face would be too much for anyone to handle. He needs to stay cheerful so as to not embarrass or annoy others.

Fun, you’ll never get bored with him. He’s the type to always try to crack a joke, and he’s a fantastic storyteller. If he decides he wants to tell you about his last weekend adventure, he’ll make it sound absolutely enthralling even if he’s just explaining how he got some break from the grocery store.

Clever. He’s not going to say it because honestly he probably does not know it himself, but he’s a pretty smart guy. Once does not go through his upbringing and subsequent semi exile without gaining a significant amount of book and street smarts. He’s got a quick wit and is able to think on his feet to get out of bad situations.

Conflicted, due to his current predicament as a Triad member. He does not particularly enjoys committing petty crimes and giving beatings to people, but what can a man do? The Triad is the only home he knows at the moment, and though one part of him longs to live this life behind, it’s not like he can go back to his family or has anywhere else to go.

Insecure, from a life of being told he’s annoying and unwanted. His family tossed him aside when he refused to conform to the perfect little mould his father wanted from him, and he figures there most be a reason for that. He does not think of himself as someone particularly clever or interesting, and is pretty sure that his relationship with anyone is always on the brink of being broken by him saying the wrong thing. But hey, at least he’s cute.

Promiscuous, because the only thing he’s confident about are his looks. Because he desperately craves human contact, and wants to feel loved and cared for, he will pretty much sleep with anyone who’ll show him some kindness. And even. He’s not above bedding someone he has no interest in if that gets him a free meal at the end of the day. Plus, it’s not like sex isn’t fun.







Xiang Tao

Hot Hot Mess

Age: 26 years old
Ethnicity: Chinese
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Unemployed, but has a degree in Language and Literature

Physical appearance
Xiang Tao is talk and lanky, with lean muscle but the undeniable thinness only malnutrition can bring about. Since being kicked out of his family’s home, he doesn’t have a lot of money to take care of himself, and he would much rather go a little hungry than not have a place to sleep. It’s not like the gang he rolls with would offer help : they are not that kind of gang.

His skin is golden and tanned by the sun, from being outside most days. He’s got sharp, mono lid brown eyes that appear almost black, and wears his hair long, often tied up to avoid having it in his face. He’s got a homemade not-so-good ombre dye job, and the bottom half of his face his teal. He’s got one hell of a smile and is almost always showing it off in a mocking grin.

In terms of fashion, he’s on the edgy streetwear style. He wears almost exclusively black and dark colours because he thinks it makes him look cool and mysterious. This effect unfortunately fades once he starts speaking.

He has one tattoo from when he joined the gang he is in, their symbol on the back of his neck. It is a snake looping on itself, with its tail between Xiang Tao’s shoulder blades.

Optimistic, or so it seems. From an outside perspective, Xiang Tao is the perfect happy go lucky guy. Always smiling, always seeing the positive in life. Of course, this is a mask he puts on. He’s of the impression that anything other than this happy face would be too much for anyone to handle. He needs to stay cheerful so as to not embarrass or annoy others.

Fun, you’ll never get bored with him. He’s the type to always try to crack a joke, and he’s a fantastic storyteller. If he decides he wants to tell you about his last weekend adventure, he’ll make it sound absolutely enthralling even if he’s just explaining how he got some breakfast from the grocery store.

Clever. He’s not going to say it because honestly he probably does not know it himself, but he’s a pretty smart guy. Once does not go through his upbringing and subsequent semi exile without gaining a significant amount of book and street smarts. He’s got a quick wit and is able to think on his feet to get out of bad situations.

Conflicted, due to his current predicament as a Triad member. He does not particularly enjoys committing petty crimes and giving beatings to people, but what can a man do? The Triad is the only home he knows at the moment, and though one part of him longs to live this life behind, it’s not like he can go back to his family or has anywhere else to go.

Insecure, from a life of being told he’s annoying and unwanted. His family tossed him aside when he refused to conform to the perfect little mould his father wanted from him, and he figures there most be a reason for that. He does not think of himself as someone particularly clever or interesting, and is pretty sure that his relationship with anyone is always on the brink of being broken by him saying the wrong thing. But hey, at least he’s cute.

Promiscuous, because the only thing he’s confident about are his looks. Because he desperately craves human contact, and wants to feel loved and cared for, he will pretty much sleep with anyone who’ll show him some kindness. And even. He’s not above bedding someone he has no interest in if that gets him a free meal at the end of the day. Plus, it’s not like sex isn’t fun.







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