Character Submission


That's rough, buddy.

[At Bottom]

NAME: Anastysia Ivanov


RACE: Human

GENDER: Female

AGE: 26



PLACE OF BIRTH: Priatt, Glaugos


HEIGHT: 5’7”

WEIGHT: 148 lbs.

APPEARANCE: Anastysia has a normal body structure but slightly thicker from the hips the down. The length of her hair reaches the end of her shoulder blades. She also has a few freckles across her nose and under her eyes.

IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS: She has a small scar on a tongue due to young curiosity and stupidity of sticking her tongue on an icicle when she was 8. Also possesses a green and brown scarf.


WEAPON/S: Magic, but also possesses a small dagger.

ARMOR: Light leather armor also thick fur coats due to the region she lives in.

KNOWN SPELLS: Knows how to create and control a small campfire

SKILLS: Cooking

GOALS: To actually figure out how to work this magic…thing.

LIKES: Anything involving silence or the sounds of music, or nature itself. Also sweets, sweets are nice.

DISLIKES: Hot, sandy regions, mainly anywhere hot.

STRENGTHS: Is able to compromise and communicate fairly well with others as well as use her magic to its potential after figuring out how to control it.

WEAKNESSES: Although she knows basic self-defense, she is definitely the weakest person she knows in up-close combat. Also, heat.

FEARS: Goats, obnoxiously loud places, drowning,

PERSONALITY: Anastysia is usually reserved, not saying much around people she doesn’t know very well. But once she gets to know someone she’s pretty relaxed. She also has a great memory and it is hard for her to forget something.

BACKGROUND: Grew up in the small nation of Priatt in the far Northeast that majorly profits from fishing, harvesting Tundra animal hides, and harvesting blubber from whales (which is very expensive due to its rare catch.) Her mother and father work, her father hunts animals in the tundra with a small party and her mother stays at home, skinning and cleaning the pelts, she also sells the meat. Magic in her town isn't shunned or unknown of, but it isn't common either. Her parents are aware of her magic abilities, but since Anastysia doesn't know the ropes to casting spells naturally, it doesn't particularly bother her parents. Until that is, when she accidentally froze their neighbor's cat and was threatened by the neighbor to leave or face consequences. So her parents rushed her off to find something outside of Priatt. When she made her way to Thalassa, she spotted a poster mentioning Xarles Killiam's small guild and decided to join in order to make some sort of income.

OTHER: She can’t read.

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NAME: Idoquir Michalis


RACE: Estogan


AGE: 30



PLACE OF BIRTH: Shangola (A sizeable city on Estoga)


HEIGHT: 6'0"

WEIGHT: 125 lbs

APPEARANCE: Tall. Long, pointy ears. Shoulder length, messy black hair. fair skin and bright, blue eyes. A crooked smile, missing a few teeth.

IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS: At the end of his ears, he has silver earrings with symbols engraved into them.

CLASS: Rogue


WEAPON/S: Twin daggers.

ARMOR: He wears a set of light leather armor. On top of it, he wears a navy blue cloak.

KNOWN SPELLS: Although he has the ability to use magic,he actually doesn't know any spells. The most he's ever done is make a puff of smoke come out of the palm of his hands

SKILLS: A skilled actor

GOALS: To see all there is to see (while also making a sizable sum)

LIKES: Meeting new people, making money (especially if it's at the expense of the people he just met), and acting

DISLIKES: Killing people (although he's killed more people than he'd like to admit), losing money.

STRENGTHS: Standard rogue stuff: Climbing, running, sneaking around, and stealing shit.

WEAKNESSES: Although skilled with fighting with his daggers, anyone with any semblance of skill with a sword can easily overpower him in a few minutes.

FEARS: Spiders. He hates them.

PERSONALITY: Idoquir is a jolly fellow, willing to sit down and share a drink with just about anyone. He likes to boast about things, but whether they are true is another matter entirely. He enjoys stealing things for the sport of it, although he doesn't steal from a fellow guild member. He quite likes to thrill of adventure.

BACKGROUND: He was born into a middle-class family on the Island of Estoga. He ran away from home after a falling out he had with his parents, and stowed away on one of the rare ships that come and go to the island. He was caught exiting the ship in a port town in Thalassa and was thrown in prison. He shared his cell with a thief, who was in a group of thieves that proceeded to break the two of the out of the prison. They accepted Idoquir among their ranks. They were a traveling band of performers by day, and when the sun set, they would rob the people they had performed for. Idoquir was with them for several years, before leaving them to join  the death dealer's guild, lured by the rumors of fame and riches that awaited him there.

OTHER: Carries a sack of sand.
APPEARANCE: Black hair, purple eyes, a fox tail, fox ears, athleticly skinny
NAME: Kamira Nightshade
ALIAS: Optional
RACE: Kitsune (1/2 human - 1/2 fox)
GENDER: Female
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 6 foot 3 inches
WEIGHT: 162 lbs
IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS: extreamly faint tattoos all over her body
CLASS: Necromancers
WEAPON/S: Death magic and 2 obsidian shot swords
ARMOR: leather under a black robe
KNOWN SPELLS: Necromancy & Death flame (Blasts of purple fire) 
SKILLS: knows many poisons/toxins
GOALS: learn who her parnets are and where she if from
LIKES: Solitude
STRENGTHS: very good at fighting alone or in small groups
WEAKNESSES: not a people person, isn't very trusting
FEARS: snakes, she will instantly kill any snake she see's
PERSONALITY: closed off, wont talk to people unless she has to, very sensetive about her animal ears and tail
BACKGROUND: Kamira was raised by a orphanage in Thalassa because she was dropped there at a young age by her unknown parents. When Kamira was 16, she was on a hunting trip with her boyfriend when they were attacked by a group of feral wolves. As they were backed into a corner and about to be killed she had a vision. The god of the dead, Nergal, had apeared to her and gave her an option, she would be given the ability to sue necromancy and death magic, but in order to do that she would have to be infused with the power of Nergal. Kamira accepted this offer. But when she came out of her trance pain wracked her body as the power of Negral coursed through her body. But this power came with a price, her body was fused with Negral's patron animal, the fox. she grew a fox tail and fox ears. with this power she was able to kill the wolves, but in the proccess, she accidentaly killed her beloved lover. after this happened she stumbled back to the orphanage where she was cast out for what she had done. she has wandered learning and honing her powers ever since. 
OTHER: has the ability to summon the power of Nergal one once per month to increase her magical power. when she summons this power her scars start to glow a deep purple.
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NAME: Idoquir Michalis


RACE: Estogan


AGE: 30



PLACE OF BIRTH: Shangola (A sizeable city on Estoga)


HEIGHT: 6'0"

WEIGHT: 125 lbs

APPEARANCE: Tall. Long, pointy ears. Shoulder length, messy black hair. fair skin and bright, blue eyes. A crooked smile, missing a few teeth.

IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS: At the end of his ears, he has silver earrings with symbols engraved into them.

CLASS: Rogue


WEAPON/S: Twin daggers.

ARMOR: He wears a set of light leather armor. On top of it, he wears a navy blue cloak.

KNOWN SPELLS: Although he has the ability to use magic,he actually doesn't know any spells. The most he's ever done is make a puff of smoke come out of the palm of his hands

SKILLS: A skilled actor

GOALS: To see all there is to see (while also making a sizable sum)

LIKES: Meeting new people, making money (especially if it's at the expense of the people he just met), and acting

DISLIKES: Killing people (although he's killed more people than he'd like to admit), losing money.

STRENGTHS: Standard rogue stuff: Climbing, running, sneaking around, and stealing shit.

WEAKNESSES: Although skilled with fighting with his daggers, anyone with any semblance of skill with a sword can easily overpower him in a few minutes.

FEARS: Spiders. He hates them.

PERSONALITY: Idoquir is a jolly fellow, willing to sit down and share a drink with just about anyone. He likes to boast about things, but whether they are true is another matter entirely. He enjoys stealing things for the sport of it, although he doesn't steal from a fellow guild member. He quite likes to thrill of adventure.

BACKGROUND: He was born into a middle-class family on the Island of Estoga. He ran away from home after a falling out he had with his parents, and stowed away on one of the rare ships that come and go to the island. He was caught exiting the ship in a port town in Thalassa and was thrown in prison. He shared his cell with a thief, who was in a group of thieves that proceeded to break the two of the out of the prison. They accepted Idoquir among their ranks. They were a traveling band of performers by day, and when the sun set, they would rob the people they had performed for. Idoquir was with them for several years, before leaving them to join  the death dealer's guild, lured by the rumors of fame and riches that awaited him there.

OTHER: Carries a sack of sand.

sounds great! Although it's not really required, do you mind adding a pic of your character? Doesn't have to be spot on, but relatively close, thanks!
APPEARANCE: Black hair, purple eyes, a fox tail, fox ears, athleticly skinny
NAME: Kamira Nightshade
ALIAS: Optional
RACE: Kitsune (1/2 human - 1/2 fox)
GENDER: Female
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 6 foot 3 inches
WEIGHT: 162 lbs
IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS: extreamly faint tattoos all over her body
CLASS: Necromancers
WEAPON/S: Death magic and 2 obsidian shot swords
ARMOR: leather under a black robe
KNOWN SPELLS: Necromancy & Death flame (Blasts of purple fire) 
SKILLS: knows many poisons/toxins
GOALS: learn who her parnets are and where she if from
LIKES: Solitude
STRENGTHS: very good at fighting alone or in small groups
WEAKNESSES: not a people person, isn't very trusting
FEARS: snakes, she will instantly kill any snake she see's
PERSONALITY: closed off, wont talk to people unless she has to, very sensetive about her animal ears and tail
BACKGROUND: Kamira was raised by a orphanage in Thalassa because she was dropped there at a young age by her unknown parents. When Kamira was 16, she was on a hunting trip with her boyfriend when they were attacked by a group of feral wolves. As they were backed into a corner and about to be killed she had a vision. The god of the dead, Nergal, had apeared to her and gave her an option, she would be given the ability to sue necromancy and death magic, but in order to do that she would have to be infused with the power of Nergal. Kamira accepted this offer. But when she came out of her trance pain wracked her body as the power of Negral coursed through her body. But this power came with a price, her body was fused with Negral's patron animal, the fox. she grew a fox tail and fox ears. with this power she was able to kill the wolves, but in the proccess, she accidentaly killed her beloved lover. after this happened she stumbled back to the orphanage where she was cast out for what she had done. she has wandered learning and honing her powers ever since. 
OTHER: has the ability to summon the power of Nergal one once per month to increase her magical power. when she summons this power her scars start to glow a deep purple.

Please read the rules.

Kitsune is not a playable race, among a few other issues.
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NAME: Pavel Marek

ALIAS: "The Winged Exile"

RACE: Human


AGE: 28



PLACE OF BIRTH: Rezslaw, The Polask Oblast, The Steppes' Border Region


HEIGHT: 6'2 Ft.

WEIGHT: 178 Lbs.

APPEARANCE: Pavel is a more Brawny-Lean built body, as hence his childhood training & Genetics. He bears rather fair skin, abit on the darker, more tanned side. His hair is light brown n' is very short, no more than three inches. He has a eye condition known as "Heterochromia" or the mutation of the eye color. 

IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS: He has a Mis-shapen scar upon his upper-right corner of his helmet, from a blow to the helmet during his last battle. OTher than his Out-landish armor to many, he is rather easily identified by his Duty-rose choice of cloth. 

CLASS: Warrior

GUILD RANK: Officer [Senior Memeber] 

WEAPON/S: He has a Hussar's Cavalry Lance he uses in instances of anti-cavalry, anti-large manners. He has a Hussar's Estoc upon his right-side, meant for quick thrust into the chainmail/gaps into armored foes. He bears his family-heirloom. A Saber passed down for three-Generations. 

ARMOR: [BOTTOM] He has different variations of his armor, usually adjusted to his current situation. Either nothing but his Cloth tunic n' Gambesome on a relaxing horse-ride, or fully-plated & in Battle-Dress, charging into a pitch battle.


SKILLS: Horsemanship

GOALS: To Prove to himself that he pertains his self-identity & confidence as a "Hussar" through the means of battle.

LIKES: Nature & Scenic views, tranquility of silence, Horse-riding, & Polask Folk Songs of the steppes.

DISLIKES: War-Mongering [ Constant Aggressiveness to situations ], Pro-longed social interactions. 

STRENGTHS: He is rather one of the more combat-seasoned Members of the Guild, being on many past war campaigns. 

WEAKNESSES: When fully-dressed in Armor, he is rather slow n' cumbersome, which is why he his mounted. He is also very socially-lacking, resulting in poor diplomacy due to his social-awkwardness. 

FEARS:Personal Lost, Lost of his Homeland. 

PERSONALITY: Pavel is a very reserved, social-withdrawn, blunt, Straight-Forward man whom is paragon with his sense of humble stature. Though he is rather strong-willed, he is rather characterized for his bravery aswell. 



Pavel grew up in a rather abusive, Attention-withdrawn, very toxic household. A Son of a Wealthy, Greedy, And Sociopath Father whom was a minor noble, and a once king, gentle noble woman whom was arranged married to him. His father rather paid no attention until Pavel started growing up into a young adolescence. There, his father finally took notice, and groomed his son for a Life of a Winged Hussar, a Noble's privilege to have. He held a close circle of friends with his retinue, educators, n' family.  And so, at 16. Pavel set off from i Family's estate, to never return. 

He'd gotten his Hussar Wings by his regional Hetman, and was assigned to a section of his fellow winged hussars. Though throughout his years as a soldier, he was rather the "Odd-Ball" of his unit, being socially-withdrawn, more reserved, the only praise he gotten was his well-known if not excellent prowess in battle, which earned him a reputation. Though, his rather prospering career was cut short after a devastating defeat of his army at the Battle of the Hegoglash Heights, where Pavel, taking command of his Section after their commander flew dead after a fatal cavalry clash, he'd fabricated a way to save what was left. Making a fake horn that sounded like the signal horn for retreat, Pavle had a man blow it, causing his army to flee in a frenzy. Shortly behind them, his enemy broke ranks, and chased. With his enemy disorganized, against rations of 1 to 25, Pavel and his 254 Winged Hussars charged against a very loose formation of thousands. Though many died, he saved the army. 

But, afterwards, the hetman found out of Pavel's fake horn, and branded Pavel the reason they lost. And with that, the hetman had set for him to be stripped of everything, and sent bare nude, alone, stripped of his titles. Rather facing that, Pavel fled that hetman's camp at night, to never return. It is widely speculated he wandered for a year, before finding himself without any coins, nor food, nor a energized horse to carry on, and signed onto the Guild. 

Yet Pavel has yet to truly tell anyone of his miss-fortune. Only bits have been said. . . 


OTHER:He owns a Horse named "Argo", a horse nearly unmatched in its breed. 



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[SIZE=10.5pt]APPEARANCE: Black hair, red eyes, a fox tail, fox ears, athletically skinny[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]NAME: Kamira Nightshade[/SIZE]ALIAS: N/ARACE: KitsuneGENDER: FemaleAGE: 46SEXUAL ORIENTATION: BisexualNATIONALITY: unknownPLACE OF BIRTH: unknownMAGICALLY GIFTED: YesHEIGHT: 6 foot 3 inchesWEIGHT: 162 lbs.
IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS: CLASS: pyromancerGUILD RANK: memberWEAPON/S: Death magic and 2 obsidian shot swordsARMOR: leather under a black robeKNOWN SPELLS: Fireball SKILLS: knows many herbs and what they are used for.GOALS: learn who her parents are and where she comes fromLIKES: SolitudeDISLIKES: EgoistsSTRENGTHS: very good at fighting alone or in small groupsWEAKNESSES: not a people person, isn't very trustingFEARS: snakes, she will instantly kill any snake she see'sPERSONALITY: closed off, won’t talk to people unless she has to, very sensitive about her ears and tailBACKGROUND: Kamira was dropped by her parents at an orphanage just outside the capital of the Kingdome of Leswyl. At this orphanage she was bullied because she was difference. At the age of 16 she got fed up with all of the bullying and, ignoring what she had been told, tried to use her pyromancy to intimidate her bullies, but the fire got out of hand and burned the orphanage to the ground. After this she ran away and joined the local Kitsune community. She lived with them until the age of 45 where she left to adventure the world.OTHER: because her power originated in a demon, her flames are not the normal color, they are purple, and have an increased chance to get out of control.

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NAME: Harland Moughan


RACE: Human


AGE: 22


NATIONALITY: Idoran City States




WEIGHT: 124 lb.

APPEARANCE: Picture is just about what I want

IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS: One eye is completely black, though still useable

CLASS: Scientist


WEAPON/S: A greatwood wand

ARMOR: Void Thaumaturgist Robes

KNOWN SPELLS: Wand foci include: Frost, Fire, Shock, Excavation, Portable Hole, Grappler

SKILLS: Thaumaturgy

GOALS: Become an elite Thaumaturgist

LIKES: Reading, making things, silence

DISLIKES: Loud noises, disruptions, being away from home too long

STRENGTHS: Intelligent, Disciplined, Honest, Optimistic

WEAKNESSES: Warped, Passive, Cynical, Moody

FEARS: Death, love, giant beasts, normality

PERSONALITY: Kept to self while being open to those who he believes deserve his time, will usually open up about matters when they are questioned to him

BACKGROUND: Born in a home of little importance, Harland always had problems with the people around him. No one truthfully understood how to answer the majority of his questions nor how to talk to him about anything before he raged off. At the age of 15, he ran off, never to see home again before he came upon an empty house in the woods. This is where he developed his fear of beasts. He stayed in the house for many a months, barely living on what he could find in it. He made sure the day before he left that nothing was around anymore, not having saw sunlight in days. He slowly walked his way home, only seeing destruction along the way through means not known and not told about to the people. He spent a few more months looking around for a new place to stay, deciding home isn't a good idea after all of this time. He stayed with a new family, who he calls his family, until about the age of 19. He then went searching for a guild, like many have done before him. He quickly found ways to impress the people around him, trying to rise through the ranks quickly to a position of power to find out what happened to his native lands. Only a few months ago did he earn the title of Officer in this guild.

OTHER: He will be invested in his work, trying to find ways to make it work and to break barriers I have set that he won't be able to.

Rp nation human.jpg


NAME: Kara Shadowtail

ALIAS: Eventide

RACE: Kitsune

GENDER: Female

AGE: 18



PLACE OF BIRTH: Realm of Fae, Faurae


HEIGHT: 5.11

WEIGHT: 145 lbs

APPEARANCE: Does not use fire magic, longer hair, and a longer tail

IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS: has a burn on her left ear running from the tip to the base

CLASS: Stereotypical RPG shit. Rouge


WEAPON/S: 2 conjured daggers (magic was used to conjure them)

ARMOR: Armor is conjured like the daggers

KNOWN SPELLS: Conjure Armor, Conjure daggers, Shadow walk

SKILLS: Stealth

GOALS: To gain access to a dragons library

LIKES: Darkness and information


STRENGTHS: Staying hidden and moving nearly silently

WEAKNESSES: Loves shiny objects

FEARS: Locusts

PERSONALITY: Low energy but loves to get to know everyone, doesn’t seem interested in somethings but in reality loves to know anything and everything (very soft spoken)

BACKGROUND:  Had her parents killed at a young age by a swarm of giant locusts and fled to the Realm of Fae. She found a library with thousands of books and learned to love knowledge. After learning enough to survive the wild (I.e. Shadow walk, and other magics) she set out to find and learn as much as she could

OTHER: Cannot shadow walk in direct sunlight (Demonic Twist)
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