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Fantasy Character Sheets



your local ditch witch
(insert image here)

Name: Nickname(s): (optional)
Title(s): (optional)
Age: Location:
Occupation: (give a brief description)

Appearance: (image with a written description)


Other: (optional)
(reminder to remove all the comments in parentheses as well as optional information that is N/A before submitting. thank u)​

Name: Nickname(s): Ezra Thale
Title(s): Barber, Surgeon, Hedge Surgeon, Bramble Wizard.
Age: Mid twenties, possibly thirties.
Location: Road to no where! Getting there fast.
Occupation: Ezra is a surgeon, healer, and barber, serving small rural communities that would otherwise have limited access to any kind of medicinal care. Skilled in wild-craft, herbology, and the mystic arts, he is able to channel healing energies and conduct lesser and higher healing magics. He relies heavily on the assistance of gods and claims no one religion or faith. All gods are his and he is of all gods. Similarly, Ezra cannot recall ever having a home. He has never known a life off his feet.

Appearance: This wandering Tiefling in disguise sawed off his own horns and wears a hat to hide the nubs. He cant help much else, like his strangely sharp teeth, black fingernails, or black freckles. While he would like to chop off his tail, it remains safely coiled up the back of his shirt or beneath his cloak. Fortunately his skin color is very ordinary, although strikingly pale for someone who spends so much time walking through the country. His eyes would be flat white, however glass lenses have given him eerily lifeless, inky black peepers. Hair is black, wavy, unkempt and in desperate need of a cut or commitment to growing it out. His build is slender, athletic, and spry. He can scramble onto a roof in a pinch or easily hop a fence, however he is no acrobat or warrior.

Personality: Cooler than shit and wrong as f*uck! This emotionally confused and standoffish weirdo is desperate for connection and community, but doesnt know how to do anything other than spout botanical nonsense and chain smoke from a corncob pipe.

Backstory: Born and raised on a wagon, his father was a barber surgeon, blacksmith, and peddler for small villages. His mother was a fortune teller and Seer, divining the yearly weather forecast, planting, and harvest dates for farmers.
Abilities: Healing, minor illusion, minor combative spells focused on the body and mind. Minor elemental defensive spells.

Other: He carries a surgeons kit, rations, extra clothes, and a bed roll. His weapons include a wand that fires electric bolts, and two daggers. Ezra has several books detailing medicinal plants and their uses, and a list of practical medicinal spells.

Very good boy.
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Name: Lilac Reed

Nickname(s): N/A

Title(s): The Flower Mage, Oracle’s Flower

Age: 21

Location: She lives in Redview in the country Aromia.

Occupation: She is classified as a Mage, though she has a little Oracle magic available to her.



She has black, almost dark blue hair. Golden eyes, sun kissed and darker skin with dark freckles peppering her cheeks and nose. She has plump, naturally red lips. She is rather short, standing at 5’2, and is pretty skinny.

Personality: She is a very strong, persistent woman, considering Redview is a very matriarchal kingdom. She isn’t afraid to voice her opinion, though she is very kind and generous, often helping those in need.

Backstory: She grew up very privileged and regarded highly, due to being the heir of Redview and one of the children of Queen Everbloom. The kingdom she was raised in is also very woman oriented, considering they worshiped the gods of fertility and the moon. When she was 13 she started training in the hands of the court’s Mage, though she also showed promise in becoming a low-level Oracle. Ever since then she has been training and traveling under the greatest mages and oracles the country of Aromia had to offer.

Abilities: She is a earth-oriented and divine Mage, easily manipulating things such as plants and her powers are better at night, due to the worship of the moon Goddess. She was also blessed with slight foresight, though it is only an hour ahead and she isn’t able to control her visions.

Other: She’s demisexual, She also carries a charm that has an encased moon rock that hangs around her neck.

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