Character Sheet Templates; feel free to use them and edit with no need for credit.


A Slice of Colour:

Character Name

Most Frequently-used Alias, or A Title Known To Others

Attribute #1

Details, schmetails.

Attribute #2

Some more details.

Duck Soup for the Eyes:

Character Overview


Berry Creamia von Meringue


Enchantress Shortcake


Power of temptation and gluttony.

Place of Birth

Gustavo's kitchen, somewhere in the suburban uptown Cigam.

Date of Birth

19th May, 2015 - Taurus.


Single(-sliced) and just starting to mould.
Invitation for Plus One:

  • Personal Information


    Tachibana Makoto

    Date of Birth

    November 17th






    Cats, green curry, chocolate, physical activity, manual labour.




    Second In Command


    Father, mother, Ren - younger brother, Ran - younger sister.

    Class Type

    Melee - Infantry

    Trump Card

    Dynamic charge.


    Strength: 4

    Constitution: 3

    Agility: 5

    Intellect: 3

    Charisma: 3

    Luck: 3

Wikia Style:

Insert a witty or inspiring catchphrase here.
Character Name

Personal Info
Birth Name Name given during babyhood.
Nickname Pet names given by other characters.
Species Are they human? If not, state clearly their breed.
Gender Male, female, or a third gender?
Date of Birth When do they blow the candle?
Height How tall do they stand?
Weight Put them on the weighing scale, and...
Class Type Mighty Glacier, Glass Cannon, Squishy Wizard?
Weapon State, if any, trademark weapon.
Signature Move An attack that represents the character.

Character Name

Summary of character's heritage, personality and current role in the storyline. If their names are unusual or non-English, be sure to specify their pronunciation here as well.

You may also include a brief description of their aspiration and ambition here if they still play an active role in the story. If they have deceased but played a major role prior to their death, state their biggest impact conclusively here.



How the character looks like, and their regular apparel.


Former personality, if any, as well as current personality. If they have any obsessions or pet peeves, this column is also suitable for that sort of details.


Backstory of the character, as well as their origins and previous accomplishments or failures. Examples of implementable data include childhood, or events prior to the debut of the character in the story. If certain information were revealed very later on in the story as fuel for the surprise element, remember to use inline spoiler tag like this.

Previous Role(s) in the Storyline and Current Position

How they contributed to the plot, and their current status (deceased, alive).


Interpersonal connections with other characters.
Now I just need more ideas for other templates. Maybe I should even take customised "commissions" - payment in the form of privilege for me to stalk them, being the Mugger that I am. (:3)

Greek Yoghurt:





Zeus' flirtatious endeavours and his subsequent tanking from Hera's passive aggressive jabs, Poseidon being a jelly mofo and doing whatever he does under the sea, and Hades still pining pitifully for Persephone's love. What else is new to talk about in Mount Olympus today?



Slice of life with godly shenanigans.



Don't end up like Orion.

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Hi, these look great! I can't put my finger on why, but something about the placements of the objects/text give it a clean and charming presentation of the characters.
Lexielai said:
Hi, these look great! I can't put my finger on why, but something about the placements of the objects/text give it a clean and charming presentation of the characters.
( :o ) ...



Lexielai-senpai noticed me! (.A.) (I've been stalking your Fairy Tail thread for some time now, wow.) T-Thank you! (> :D )(<3)
LOL Haha, I never thought people would pay attention to it. Our door's always open if you'd like >.>

I had an idea though, if what I recall from reading an earlier post in this thread is correct. You were going to possibly do commissions? Well, I was looking for a new way to format things, so it would be fantastic to have an artistic person help me out with that :P
Lexielai said:
LOL Haha, I never thought people would pay attention to it. Our door's always open if you'd like >.>
I had an idea though, if what I recall from reading an earlier post in this thread is correct. You were going to possibly do commissions? Well, I was looking for a new way to format things, so it would be fantastic to have an artistic person help me out with that :P
I did want to, but I'm not very confident with my roleplay skills for something that grandiose. It looks so thought-out I didn't want to tarnish the efforts with my inaptitude, namsayin? And work behind the scenes with you guys? Colour me excited! (music)
It's true that we're more demanding than most roleplays on the site, but we've also got one of the more helpful communities ;)

In any case, your writing seems to fit in the level that we expect (albeit I haven't rummaged through your posts other than in this thread). Give it a shot, and I'll be helping you out to make you better.

As for the formatting thing, I'll send you a private message with a sample work for you to do whatever you want with.
[QUOTE="Matsuo Risa]So basically, you use code to create a good Character presentation sheet. Right?

Yes. If you have any requests, and if I'm not busy, I can help out with 'em. (OuO)

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