Character Sheet Placement


Gender // Female


Age // 16


Gijinka // Darkrai


Hair Color // Snow White


Eye Color // Turquoise


Height // 4'10"


Weight // 102


Orientation // Pansexual


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Name: Fae.

Age: 17.

Gijinka: Furret.



I used this image as a reference but I imagine her to have a few more animalistic features such as short claws and actual Furret ears (as on the image they appear to be a headband).

Personality: Fae is a very bouncy and upbeat person who always tries to look on the optimistic side of life. Despite this she is often disillusioned by the way her kind is treated by humanity, especially having been raised away from them for the early part of her life. Her nature is to try and help others, and this is reflected through her attitude all the way down to her abilities. She's often cynical in regard to humanity but this is merely a reflection of her previous experiences and not truly who she is or what she believes.

Biography: Fae was raised in the wilderness and as such still prefers to be out in open spaces rather than trapped in an urban location. Despite this she agreed to be a part of the academy as she understood the massive importance of trying to broker some kind of peace between the two races (she is unaware of humanity's true intentions). Most of her early interactions with humanity were less than ideal, to the point that she originally had given up on trying to be around them and retreated into the woodlands. It was a fateful encounter with a young human that changed all of this for Fae. She had avoided humanity successfuly for about half a year when she was discovered by a young girl about her age on her walk home through the nearby woods. This girl would bring her food and stay around as company whenever she would visit and the two became fast friends.

Sadly the girl's father wasn't as open to the idea of his daughter befriending a Gijinka and when he found out he immediately banned the girl from walking through the woods from thereafter and Fae returned to her isolated ways. It was this isolation and sadness at the breakdown of her relationship however, that drove her to seek out other Gijinka-sympathisers who informed her about the academy. On the surface she may seem quite disillusioned and cynical about the idea of humanity & gijinka living as one, but deep down she's truly optimistic that places like this can actually make a difference to the situation.

Likes: Open areas, wilderness, pokemon, friendship, snacks (most food).

Dislikes: Feeling trapped, prejudice, fire (she has quite a fear of out-of-control fires but at the same time can be around a fire-type without feeling nervous).

Skills: Fae is incredibly athletic and can run (often on all fours) at a great speed. She is agile and can climb most surfaces and jump a decent distance (think someone who is adept at parkour). She has heightened senses with her smell, hearing and vision being well above that of a normal human and some degree of night-vision.

Flaws: Fae is quite fragile, being very thin and built for speed she doesn't have a large amount of strength or endurance.

Moveset: Quick Attack, Defense Curl, Fury Swipes, Helping Hand, Rest.
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"HIYA! Boy, this is exciting! My Name's Simon Black! And this is my super duper big sis, TABITHA! ...PSST! Say Hi!"



"..." *Blushes*



Fifteen "I just turned Fifteen a month ago! YAY!"

Seventeen "..."

Human or Gijinka:

"We're both human, ya silly billy! Although people say I look like a pikachu...or an Electabuzz. TABITHA! Which one do I look like?!"


"DAWW!" *hugs* "Thanks, Sis!"









*Glares* "Have you been eating those cookies again, miss sneaky pants?"

*Hangs Heads* "...Y-Yes."




Pansexual (Although she doesn't tell)  "..."


Simon Black

Tabitha Black

One look at Simon and you would think that he wasn't even a Black in the first. He's an easily excitable, Hyperactive, and kind boy who is known to be severely clumsy. He has a positive outlook on life and although he lacks in the brain department a bit, making him quite Naive and Gullible, He tries his best at every task thrown at him. He's the caretaker of his Sister and the house, making sure his sister eats and sleeps well while doing the chores and making sure everything's in place while their parents are away. Don't think that just because he's happy all the time means he won't tolerate people bullying others, especially his Sister! Sometimes, though, he's known to get scared at times when things get Violent and might even cry if things become chaotic.

Tabitha is...different from other girls. With her towering height, surprisingly muscular physique, and piercing eyes, she's definitely a force to be reckoned with. She is quiet, choosing only to use one worded replies in conversations. She's also very smart, easily knocking through whatever subject that's in her way. She is also rather negative, managing to find the worst out of even the best of situations. Yet as you look at Tabitha more and more, you start to notice she is rather...dependent on Simon. The girl is known to follow her little brother wherever he goes, sometimes waiting outside the bathroom and even walking into classes with him that aren't even her own. She allows him to do all the talking for her, he does chores she herself could never do, and she eats whatever he feeds her and listens to his advice. She's very protective of her brother, as well, so don't mess with him or you'll answer to her. If he's hurt, she's also known to literally panic and sometimes even cry, but those things seem small compared to her fury if that ever happened.


The Blacks, a family of Hex maniacs known for their obsession with anything dark and gloomy...until one opened up to a cheery woman in a sunflower dress, changing everything. Soon enough, after the the two had gotten married and moved in together...but as Time grew on, they felt something was...missing. After a few conversations, they finally figured it it out...they were missing a family. After some convincing, they both finally had decided it was time to start, and soon, Tabitha Black was born. The parents were overjoyed at their newest addition, but a few years later, a couple days after a rather heated night, the woman revealed to her husband that she was pregnant again. After the man fainted and a few months after that, Simon Black was born, bringing the parents back to that feeling of happiness and true bliss.

And so, as the years piled on, the parents watched their children flourish and develop. Although the younger Tabitha was annoyed and irritated by her brother's happy attitude and his constant following, she eventually realized that she actually like having her brother reading books next to her. She liked it when he would cling to her whenever they visited the cemetery. And she liked the thought that no matter what, he'd always be by her side. Growing older, Tabitha and Simon grew closer and closer, yet ironically, their roles began to switch as Simon became more adventurous and outgoing and Tabitha grew more distant and anti-social. Soon enough, however, Simon's world was soon tainted as he had read a book on Gijinka history, causing him to become immensely saddened by the stories of war and cruelty, and if he was sad, then Tabitha would be sad as well. Seeing their children's emotional states, the two parents decided something must be done. And so, they decided to enroll them in the academy, increasing Simon's Happiness and therefore, Tabitha's happiness.


Puppies, Kittens, Flowers, Sweets, Tabitha, Helping People, Making friends, Adventure, Gijinka, Trying his best, Sunny days, Music, Hanging out with friends or his sister

Reading, Being Alone (/w Simion), Darkness, Ghosts, Simon, Sour things, Simon's cooking, Working out, Getting Good Grades, Music, Rain

Negativity, Violence, His sister not taking proper care of herself, Messing something up, Death, The Dark

People who mess with Simon, People who try to take Simon away from her, Clowns, Slackers, Bullies, Ruined books, Socializing, Going Outside


Can cook, clean, negotiate, befriend, and is a God at anything that involves arts and crafts

Is an excellent fighter (With or without weapons), Straight-A Student, Is great with technology, Can tell fortunes, has photographic memory

Can't fight very well, Is allergic to Pollen, and Is afraid of losing his sister

Isn't good in social situations, Quick to Violence should problems arise, is perhaps a bit TOO dependent on Simon, Deathly afraid of clowns

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(Might need to make some edits and clean things up, but here we go)

Name: Zack, some people call him "Sparky" but he's not a big fan of that.
Age: 16
Human or Gijinka: Gijinka
Pokemon: Luxray
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115 lbs
Orientation: Heterosexual


View attachment 151007

(He does have a tail, it looks like a normal Luxray's)



The earliest memories Zack has are of being caged up in a lab. There were other young gijinka there too but they were all kept isolated from one another; the only reason he knew about them was because of his species' vision. While many others suffered in similar facilities, few had to endure as much as Zack and the other children there. They were given the bare minimum amount of food and water they needed to live in order to keep them weak. Any slight amount of resistance or disobedience was punished with severe beatings. *  Over time Zack changed. Going in he had been a sweet child. His fear of the humans was slowly replaced with a seething hatred towards them. And as he grew older and stronger it turned into violence. It started small, the occasional bite on someone who got too close. Incident reports began to pile up as things escalated. As injuries became more severe it was decided that he simply wasn't worth the trouble, he had to be put down. Zack only realized what was coming when they came for him. What came next was mostly a blur for him. While trying to fight his way out he overloaded the security system. All the doors in the facility opened and and moments later the generators failed and all hell broke loose. Zack managed to get free in the confusion. He was too weak to fight anymore, and as much as he wanted to he knew that his might be his only chance to escape. The boy had no trouble using his enhanced sight to find his way out amidst the chaos.  With no idea where to go he just went forward, walking until his body gave in to hunger and exhaustion and he passed out. Hours later he was found by another gijinka who brought back to their home. He was given plenty to eat and drink, before sleeping for days. He stayed there for a few weeks, but after being told about the academy and that there might be more who went through what he did, he decided that he wanted to go there. Of course, until he arrived he was under the impression that it was only gijinka there. 

Zack can be a bit difficult to deal with. He never developed any social skills, he's often very blunt and ill tempered. But none of it's really his fault. He's spent most of his life in isolation, so he never even had the chance to learn how to deal with people, and the ones he did have contact with were constantly cruel. All the boy could do was learn to protect himself by keeping everyone out. If he never lets anyone get close they can't hurt him, right? But this approach hardened him, once he actually met people who had no intention of treating him like others had before he didn't know how to let them in, and fearing that if they found that out or knew how broken he was they wouldn't want him around. So he rejected them before they ever had the chance. He tries to keep up a tough and cold exterior, but it's just a shell, an attempt to keep the damaged frightened young boy inside from feeling any more pain.

Likes: Rain/storms, meat, being outside, electronics, candy.
Dislikes: Humans, small spaces, glasses, people yelling.

Skills: Like all Luxray, he has powerful eyesight that is capable of seeing through most objects and walls, like x-ray vision. Despite his appearance he is surprisingly strong, far more than a human his size would be. He has above average intelligence, but most notably is very gifted in mathematics.
Flaws: Having spent the vast majority of his life locked up in a lab he never actually learned to read (He knows numbers and symbols used in math from what he saw around the lab though). He is selectively mute and can't/won't speak to or around humans.
Moveset: Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Crunch, Discharge.

* I probably won't be getting very specific on that stuff unless it becomes necessary for character development.
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Name: Selena
Age: (14-18): 18
Human or Gijinka: Gijinka
Pokemon: Suicune
Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 5'11"


Personality: Overall Selena has a very calm and collected personality most of the time. However, she tends to be shy and elusive around others, especially humans. When arguments arise, she is usually one who tries to end it, and usually is able to do so with her calm nature and deadly seriousness. Once Selena warms up to you, she's rather friendly and caring, and enjoys the company of her friends. She doesn't mind a little bit of pressure amidst tense situation or fights, but struggles to keep her cool when things rise to a point where even she can't handle them. Often times, she holds in her emotions in so she won't worry anyone around her, but occasionally she has one of those days where she develops a nasty temper and goes off on almost anyone. 

Biography: Selena can't remember much from her childhood. She had no family, no parents to call her own, she was just alone. Someone had to raise her, yes, but who, she didn't remember. Most of her memories consisted of water. She was naturally drawn to lakes and rivers, but she never knew why. She lived around one lake in particular for her early teen years, enjoying the most of her solitude. 

After a few years of her time in solitude, she had her first human encounter. A boy, about her age had appeared near her lake for a drink. She was too afraid to speak to him, but he quickly noticed her. At first they didn't talk, even though he attempted small talk to the best of his abilities. But he continued to return to her lake, and over time, she opened up to him. They became friends quickly after, and she showed him some of her moves while he in return taught her how to read and write. Their relationship together was advancing, and he showed up at her lake every single day of the week, until he didn't. One day, he just stopped showing up. She waited for days, almost a full week until she heard from the boy again. But this time he didn't come alone. He had brought almost a town of people to her lake in hopes to take it over and build cities, as well as capture the pokemon that lived inside of it. Not to mention, a few of those humans were hell-bent on capturing her and experimenting on her. Her 'friend' was in fact, one of the ones who wanted to test on her, and had attempte to captured her upon their arrival. But she wouldn't go down without a fight, and managed to overcome him, fleeing off into the night. Since then, she has felt a hatred for humans deep in her heart, which is why she decided to go to the academy, in hopes that it would be a human-free zone. 
Likes: Water, the outdoors, occasional solitude, people who don't have alternative motives
Dislikes: Humans, lightning storms, crowds, technology

Skills: Like the actual Suicune, she can purify water, but not as much as she'd like to. She is much, much stronger than she looks, and has mildly heightened senses compared to humans. 
Flaws: Incredibly socially awkward, often underestimates the power of her opponents, isn't as great as a leader as she likes to believe.
Moveset: Hydro Pump, Ice Fang, Aurora Beam, Mirror Coat, Bite

 Like this
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Human or Gijinka:




130 lbs



Joy is a happy-go-lucky girl who tries her best to do the right thing. She doesn't get angry much but when she does, no one really fears her because of her cute face. They do however, began to fear her when she Double Slaps em right in the face. Alas, this is not something to worry about because it takes a lot to push her to this point. Joy is a bit klutzy and oblivious to many inappropriate jokes or if someone likes her. Although she is very smart in the arts of nursing/healing and other school subjects. 

Joy was a healer in the forest she lived in and cared for all the Pokémon and gijinkas there. She had a happy life, until humans came in and built some lab thingy on her home. This lead to her being homeless with a bunch of others mons and looking for a new home. Soon, she met Bobby in the streets and he was kind enough to let her stay at his house until she can find some other forest to live. This made the two good friends and her temporary stay became a permanent. 

Due to her permanent stay, Joy began her nursing job again and started sneaking Pokémon into the house. Bobby was okay with it but his neighbors started getting suspicious so they had to stop, but this didn't stop them trying to find a spot where Joy could taking care of the Pokémon.

It wasn't long that Bobby heard about an academy holding both humans and gijinkas. Joy thought it was perfect spot to learn and to help her old Pokémon friends. So the friends applied and ready to get their business started again. 






-Being made fun of



-Serious people

-Tight clothes


Joy is an expert healer, able to heal both Gijinkas and Humans very well. She's not much of a fighter but still can give a good punch, enough to keep her protected. Joy also has great adorable looks which can be us in some instances. 


Joy is a bit of a klutz and will trip up eaisly. She's not very street smart either and things will go over her head. Also, if a Pokémon is involved she can be easily manipulated. 

Heal Pulse

Double Slap

Disarming Voice





Human or Gijinka:



125 lbs



Bobby is a calm soul and doesn't really get worked up about anything. He likes to just go with the flow and enjoy life around him. Bobby can be considered a hippie to some but he's not all about flowers and sunshine. He can become very serious and mature if the situation is needed. Also, Bobby is loyal to the end and will listen to anyone if they need it. 

Bobby was born into a wealthy household, his father is a scientist curing gijinkas and his mother unfortunately died when he was born. Bobby never knew what his father's work was and he was never around for Bobby to find out. So he along with the maids learned to take care of himself, which was fine with Bobby and he grew up to become a good man. 

Bobby fell in love with the concept of gijinkas and always wanted to meet one. His wish came true when he ran into Joy and he learned she needed a home. Bobby was happy to lend his home despite knowing how gijinkas are frowned upon. Him and Joy became great friends and he encouraged her to continue her nursing work. Until, it was shut down thanks to suspicious neighbors. But that didn't matter because not too long after he found out about the academy. 








-His father


-No caffine


Bobby is a very good listener and with his photographic memory it helps with retaining the information. He is no weakling and can fend for himself whenever it's necessary.

Bobby isn't much of a fighter, he rather hug things out before putting up his fist which is really annoying to some when in violent situations. 

Haruka RS.jpg

Name: Haruka Marks

Age: Sixteen

Height: Five foot

Weight: One-hundred fifteen

Orientation: Pansexual

Personality: Generally, Haruka is a nice person, cheery and generous to those around her. She is often seen as a nerd thanks to her noticeable intelligence and her lack of style as she is mostly seen wearing old baggy clothing.  She can be a bit clumsy at times, but is relatively chipper person with a like for organization. However, this becomes more like acting when it comes to Gijinkas. To put it frankly, she hates them. All of them. When confronted by one she continues a charade of kindness and friendliness towards to the latter, but truthfully could want nothing more than for them to die. Haruka can be considered a wonderful actor as her ability to pretend is on another level entirely. When she's not being goofy or acting she can become quite the monster herself. She finds it easily to manipulate those around her to follow her plans without them ever knowing their involvement in it. When angry she can be quite abrasive and fly off the handle which is why she tends to keep her emotion in check which can prove difficult at times. On a side note, she is quite the runner, making her a bit athletic despite her minuscule appearance.

Biography: It was always them. No matter what she did or what she accomplished to those people, they would always be their number one. Haruka was born to a family of researchers, both of her parents dabbling in chemistry with her father branching out to pharmaceuticals. For the most part her parents were acceptable. They fed her, nurtured her, played with her, everything that was needed to properly raise a child. However, even when she was given all this, she was alone. Always, always alone. One could refill a dog's bowl all they wanted, but that didn't mean that they loved them. It only meant the dog was fed, nothing more and nothing less. Haruka was cared for, but other than that she was just another person to deal with. If one would ask her if her parent ever loved her she would honestly be at a lost to what to say. They appeared to, but never once had they saw her as their own. Instead they looked through her as if she were glass to something of value, something that garnered their interest more than their own flesh and blood. They were Gijinkas, a human/pokemon hybrid that had begun sprouting like the plague across all regions. The reason for this occurrence is an enigma to all, leaving most researcher interested in researching these unusual happenings, her parents being no exception. With developing a cure on their mind, they had no time to waste on a little girl. Her lack of self worth became more prevalent when she was at an age to care for herself. Their periodical visits becoming seldom with home cooked meals devolving into refrigerated foods, leftovers meals, and soon the eventual take out. From that point on she was indeed, alone.

Growing up, she began developing an inferiority complex to the gijinka's around her feeling as if she would always be seen as second place to the monstrosities.  Wanting to avoid that at all costs she decided to find something she was good at, something she could become number one in. First it had been paper tests in math and science, Haruka quickly becoming the top scorer of her class. She attempted to show her parents, but what good were paper grades if they weren't ever there to see them. Calling had been an option, but she didn't care to tell them of her success, she wanted to show them of it. Wanted them to see tangible evidence that she was just as good as the monsters they tried to cure. It happened one day, when the two of them were on a short break from the lab and Haruka was on holiday from school. She showed them her test scores that had stretched from math and science to all subjects, hundreds across the board. They patted her head and congratulated her, and even then she still lost to them. They didn't even do anything but be born weird and sit around in cages all day yet they still defeated her who tried her best. If this wasn't enough then she would do something better. Something that everyone would recognize her for. 

She tried out for the track team and became a regular, won her school's science fair, tamed a wild Mightyena, became the national chess champion, scored all marks on her exams, saved an old woman from falling down stairs, got her essay published in the local newspaper, and so much more. She did so much, but yet she still couldn't beat them. Regardless of whatever magnificent deed she accomplished they'd pat her on her head and give her a good job. They rarely gave a genuine smile, her accomplishments only earning her meager smirks and soft nods. Her parents only ever truly smiled when they were talking about those beast locked in cages, or their progress on the cure for it. Fine. If that's what made them look at her, she'd become a researcher just like them. Having decided on that, her parents opened up to her a bit more, but the love she thought she'd gain were quickly dashed by the realization that she'd never amount to anything but second best to inhumane monsters. Her inferiority complex grew into an excruciating hate for Gijinka's to the point of wanting to rid the world of the creatures completely. However, she instead kept it to herself, feigning concern for those of the Gijinka race, steadily finding a cure for them to rid the Earth of them once and for all. A few years later she found herself transferring to a school designated for both Gijinka and Humans to attend alike. An irritating notion, but due to her parents insistence for her to gain study material on the free monsters she decided to enroll.


  • Science
  • Track
  • Pokemon (General)
  • Coffee
  • The occasional cigarette
  • Light Jazz
  • Sweaters


  • Gijinkas
  • Both mother & father
  • Heavy metal
  • Miscalculations
  • Head strong idiots
  • Cauliflowers

Skills: Great at studying and is capable applying science and other subjects to real life situations. Has a hard grip over her emotional state and is great at deceiving those around her when necessary. 

Flaws: She has grown an inferiority complex towards the Gijinka race which at time causes her to make rash decision when one of their kind is involved. When angry tends, to throw logic out the window and can be rather offensive and even violent when her rage reaches its peak.

Pokemon on Hand:

Nickname: Beethoven 

Gender: Male 
Species: Abra 
Ability: Synchronize 
Nature: Adamant 
Moves: Teleport

Name: Wollstonecraft 
Gender: Female 
Species: Milotic 
Ability: Marvel Scale 
Nature: Bold 
Moves: Recover || Hidden Power (Steel) || Scald || Surf

Name: Michelangelo 
Gender: Male 
Species: Salamence 
Ability: Intimidate 
Nature: Rash 
Moves: Dragon Dance || Earthquake || Dragon Rush || Steel Wing
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Kaito’s generally shown as an easy-going and composed individual. The most outward emotion he showcases is one of thoughtfulness and a tone giving impressions of perpetual tiredness. In the most common of interactions such as conversations or assisting one in need, most feel as if his mind isn’t exactly “there” 100% of the time. Even if he were listening, Kaito’s mannerisms would point otherwise. He often finds himself at a point of constant justification whenever this occurs - most of the time it escalates negatively as most would interpret Kaito’s words as a lie.

He can be initially seen as a shy individual when encountering strangers. The first five minutes of striking a conversation with Kaito are generally uncomfortable. He speaks in a way as if he’s intimidated by the person and it leaves them wondering if they did anything wrong. In the heat of the moment, these thoughts could potentially arise, though breaking Kaito out of his shell is quite easy.

Gaining Kaito’s friendship is as easy as any analogy relating to easiness. It can be by bribing him with a simple piece of candy, peaking his easily peaked interest, or simply sticking around for a little while. Most cases, the only noticeable differences are a couple smiles and a much more cheery tone. On rarer occasions, it would be a much different story.

Kaito would begin to behave like an eight year-old on a sugar rush if something immensely interests him. Whether it be a new travel destination, a training tip or the location of a new aquarium, Kaito lives for these knowledge like this. That being said, Kaito is a self-proclaimed travel expert. He may not be the most intelligent or the strongest of the bunch, though his navigational skills are unrivalled...compared to anyone he’s met.


Kaito’s a person naive of tragedy. Despite his species, his general weak physique and a knack for getting lost by his parents, there were scarcely any moments he felt in danger.

Kaito was born from unknown parents. He never knew who they were, nor did he look into the matter with great care. Kaito indeed does have “look for biological parents” as a side-mission in the sea of other things he has in planned for the future, though he’s quite content with his foster parents and siblings to completely abandon them.

As implied earlier, Kaito lived with a foster family. Two normal parents, a normal sister and a normal brother. For most of his life, everyone believed Kaito to be normal child as well - even he himself believed the fact. He didn’t exactly have any abnormal traits to display. No tail, no magical flying ability, and not even some sort of anime-like blue water aura surrounding himself at all times. This gave him fair treatment, and a relatively normal life.

Kaito and his siblings would often take any school break as an opportunity to venture the various regions, catching a few Pokemon based solely on their “coolness”. To this day, Kaito’s collection of Pokemon is nothing but unimpressive. A lazy Bulbasaur, a Pidgey, two Magikarp and a Caterpie display Kaitos inadequacy with being a trainer. Kaito didn’t mind much, only traveling for the journey much rather than the reward. By the age of twelve Kaito quit training, venturing with his siblings as a guide of sorts. He organized various routes they would take and he showed them only the most pristine of tall grasses.

“Woah! It’s a Shinx! C’mon I bet we can catch it one our own!” Looking back to this specific moment, it had to be the worst and best moment to come out of Kaito’s life. The three began to frantically chase after the small animal, almost certain they needed no assistance from Pokemon. They wanted something to brag about, and catching a pokemon with their bare hands filled the quota.

They spent roughly the entire day chasing after the creature. While Kaito’s siblings were still full of energy, he himself felt as if he was on the verge of dying of exhaustion. “C’mon guys! W-Wait up for me!” Kaito shouted in desperation. The sun was beginning the set, and the orange tint to his surroundings gave no help to catching up with his siblings. He felt as if he was alone, with no help coming. All his Pokemon were knocked out hours earlier and even if Kaito bumped into the Shinx there wasn’t any chance he could catch it.

“Are you guys there!? Hello-”


Kaito remembered what occurred next quite vividly. He heard the sudden screech of electricity behind him, and a sudden force knocking him to the ground before he could react. Kaito spun around, to be met with an extremely pissed and fed-up Shinx. The next movements were out of pure instinct. Kaito tried to scramble away from his current position, creating as much distance between the two as he could. “G-Get away! Pokemon aren’t s-supposed to attack humans!” The Shinx ignored Kaito’s words, blinded by annoyance. It kept its slow walk towards him, intimidating Kaito further. He felt as if this was it, that he’d wake up in a hospital bed the next day from his injuries. Kaito violently shook these thoughts away, and in an act of desperation, he fought back.

“Hargh!” Kaito waved his arms in front of the Shinx, and a jet of water came spiraling towards it. In a matter of seconds, the Shinx was knocked out cold. Bewilderment followed soon, and Kaito  heard his siblings in the distance. He never noticed, more focused on what he had just done. The implications meant he was one of...them.

“You’re really one of them, aren’t you?” his brother questioned, brows furrowed. Kaito gave a slow nod, unsure of whether his relationships with everyone he knew would change. “Well, you’re still my sibling. I guess I’ll have to live with my vulnerable little brother being stronger than me in at least one way!” Kaito’s sister soon agreed, and the three ended up talking until nighttime. In the end, Kaito kept the Shinx. He never actually used the creature in battle before...its purpose in Kaito’s life was a reminder of the event that unfolded.

Three years passed since the event took place, and Kaito was alone in New Future Academy. His siblings moved to different schools, pursuing their postsecondary educations and giving up the trainer dream. For a few good months prior, Kaito had no idea how he could operate alone. Though now, he seems to have everything sorted.


Navigational Prowess - the only noticeable skill Kaito has is is knack for navigation. He has no specific reason that has led to this skill, though the closest would be his frequency in traveling.


Physical Ineptitude - Kaito, to put it bluntly, is hopeless when it comes to his physical shape. Low durability, low stamina and low strength are a few of the things that plague this physique.

Extreme Sensitivity - not only is Kaito weak, he’s sensitive to most words as well. “Pushing it too far” with him is quite easy, especially for one who’s at least an inch taller than himself.

Gullibility - Kaito is immensely gullible to say the least. Unless he’s given a blatantly obvious lie, he takes most words as truth.


- Water Gun

- Water Pulse

- Mist

- Quick Attack

- Growl
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Age (14-18)


Human or Gijinka





106 lbs


5'3" (1.3m)








She's soft-spoken and often withdrawn, she will often run from anything that moves... or rather hide. Given you can get her out of her shell, she is very loyal and sacrifice her life for her friends. Unless forced to, she will avoid fighting, but if you ever happen to get into battle with her... well I just hope your Special Defense is good, she is a very powerful girl. Although being shy, she is very easily impressed, so if you can show her something cool your in the blue with her, her friendship is almost easily obtained.


Athena was a small gijinka when she was just a Ralts, about 0.25 times smaller, she was considered a runt and was teased about it. However what she lacked in the physical prowess, she made up for in intellect, she was very smart and considered very powerful, her Special Attack was higher than most of her brothers and sisters' and unlike alot of them, she knew a powerful Psychic-type move called Psyshock, given that her Special Attack was far higher this also trained her Special Defense. She quickly grew to be adored and many others wanted to aspire to her status and she quickly become much happier. After she evolved into a Kirlia, her intellect only grew and she become a bit more powerful she learned three new moves, Thunderbolt, Moonblast and Calm mind. Now she comes to her Gardevoir stages, she only continues to grow, she know lives in the woods, in seclusion.


- Sitrus Berries

- Sour tasting stuff

- Aspear Berries

- Relaxing


- Sweet tasting stuff

- Cheri Berries

- Fighting

- Pecha Berries



Intellectual Prowess - Increased Offensive and Defensive skills.



Human Curiousity - Due to an overwhelming curiosity to Humans, she can often be found vulnerable when interacting with one.

Physical prowess - Her body is fragile, anything type of physical attack will devastate her.

Moveset (Gijinka only; max 5 moves)

- Thunderbolt

- Psyshock

- Moonblast

- Calm Mind

- Safeguard

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