Character sheet - Flame


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Name: Flame

Birth Date: 27th of April

Age: 10-15

Flame is a young outlaw, but not to be misjudged. She had a bad life, that drove her to her present.

Does who take care of her encourage her to kill, and cause pain. She does as she's told under the fear of being alone again.

What exactly she is isn't well known. She can cast spells, turn into a phoenix and work with most elements.

She can communicate with all creatures.

She can also take the from of very many.

But she spends most of her time in the form of human, having grown up around them, and a phoenix, which she had learned to do while being abused in a lab, a very unwanted experience.

Her innocence is undeniable do. Even do she will kill and hurt people with no regret, she will trust people without doubts.

She will help does who ask her for it. Even if she will kill them if asked to also.

She laughs when she does something bad, but her eyes brighten and she smiles when she is praised for doing both good and bad.

With five years of her life lost due to tragic events and memory loss, she acts and looks like a ten years old. Even do her soul reaches the age of 15 her body like her memories are only 10.

She gets into trouble a lot but is also good at getting out, even do a lot of the time she needs help.

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