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Realistic or Modern Character Recruitment for good psycho rpers


Sorry for that terrible title. My creative title skills just aren't coming out right now.

This is recruitment for my RP: The Monster in All of Us


If your really good at rping a psycho-killer personality, and really beautiful descriptive writing that can deliciously explain every inch of the murder your character is committing...well this is the RP for you.

This is an Advanced RP, so I expect at least a paragraph for each response.


This roleplay is sort of like a play. I am already writing a story based around this, however I am using this roleplay as a chance to grab some ideas.

Important Notes:

-The character Cacien is possibly the most important character in this story. He has an obsessive personality, but is suffocating himself with all of his inner emotions and thoughts that he was taught since he was young to keep to himself. This lack of displaying his true feelings has distorted him, making him overall different from a normal human being and forcing his darker side to turn into a different being. So basically, if you take his character you will be RPing two "characters". One is a loving, caring, and protective Cacien. While the other. The "Thing" is just a monster that wants to kill anything that angered or hurt Cacien. The "Thing" however is not some macho monster that runs around hitting people on the back of their heads. Just think of the most calm and collected psycho killer who has a way with words that could tangle your inner thoughts and emotions before they even touch a single hair on your head. Basically like Moriarty (for those Sherlock fans).

-Erika is likely the second most important character in the story. She like an "angel" that saved Cacien. Her personality and character is not so innocent however. She suffered through a hellish life that left behind only a shell which Cacien had saved. An abusive and perverted step-father, a cruel mother, and only seen as a thing that brings death...she believed that her existence was nothing but a curse to all of the people who was near her. She knows of Mika (from Cacien's unconscious sleep talking) and instinctively figured out that Mika was someone that Cacien loved dearly. Erika finds a picture one day, and notices how hauntingly similar they look alike, making her suspicious of why Cacien took her in. Erika is the first person to talk to "The Thing" in person, and also the first person to find out what exactly Cacien is. However, due to her loyalty to the man who saved her, she keeps the dark secret to herself.


Main Characters:

1. Cacien Kurosawa (Age: 23):



  • silver eyes
  • has a smirk most of the time
  • black hair
  • slender
  • likes to dress in black (especially after his girlfriend was killed)
  • has tiny holes scattered all over his arm where needles were repeatedly injected
  • pale
  • tall


  • kind
  • extremely intelligent
  • calm most of the time, and good at hiding true emotions and thoughts
  • caring
  • once his heart is set on something, it is hard to shake him away

Back Story:

As a child, the darkness of the world was hidden from his pure eyes. Born to a wealthy and powerful underground economy leader, and a beautiful European mother, he gained his father's intelligence and his mother's beautiful traits. A perfect child...the pride of the perfect Kurosawa family...at least until it was learned that his mother had had an affair with his father's brother. On his fifth birthday, his mother mysteriously disappeared and was later found dead in the bathroom. It was ruled a suicide...but everyone knew who the actual culprit was. As painful years passed, his father turned his greed for love over to the greed of more power and wealth. "He is possessed," people would whisper. Perverted nobles began to favor Cacien's beautiful traits. His twisted father saw this as a chance to use his son to gain more power and a higher status. When Cacien turned 15, he ran with the help of his best friend Mika who eventually became his first true love. His father saw the poor and useless Mika as nothing but an obstacle in his plan of using his son, the nobles' pet, as a boosted in social status. Finally a zealous noble woman, an extremely powerful politician's wife, an important figure in boosting the greedy man's status threatened to throw away all support...if Cacien was not completely hers. Three years later on a fateful Christmas Eve night...the night that Cacien had planned to propose to Mika to marry him and run away from the twisted society they were entrapped in...Mika was killed brutally in front Cacien's eyes. After her death, the remaining shell of Cacien was wore down through drugs and other methods of torture. A noble's pet was what he supposed to be until he died. When he turned 20, he once again ran away, secretly buying a hidden away apartment in a sketchy neighborhood, hoping to live the rest of his life out quietly. But on that night he found a stray girl...who reflected his hopeless image from 2 years ago. Little did he know that he had just trapped himself into a fate of sick obsession and never ending hole of darkness.


  • After his girlfriend's death, he developed insomnia, for each time he tried to fall asleep the horrifying images of her corpse flashed before his eyes.
  • His father used this disorder, by forcing him to take newly developed "sleeping pills", hoping to be able to control Cacien even if he was out of his hand.
  • The "sleeping pills" were part of a large plan in the underground fraction his father directed...a drug that exposed the darkest side of humanity at its weakest point
  • "Fixation" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixation_(psychology) developed after he found Erika, for she resembled his deceased girlfriend. His life slowly began center around making a "sanctuary" for only the two of them
  • He is the "Surgeon". 

2. Erika Hashimoto (Age: 18):


  • Long black hair
  • hazel eyes
  • barely smiles, unless she's with Cacien
  • frail looking
  • slender
  • small


  • cold
  • awkward
  • anti-social
  • doesn't trust people easily
  • "Like a stray cat" - Cacien
  • has scars all over her back from abuse from her sadistic step father; one stab wound on her stomach

Back story:

The beginning of her was normal. A happy family: a doting mother, a hardworking father, and an adorable daughter. The happiness shattered when her father abandoned the two, dying in a car crash Her mother succumbed to drinking and having short flings with other men in order to forget her sadness. Meanwhile, Erika tried her best to support the two by working multiple jobs and getting good grades at school. Her mother began to call her the "Death God" as one by one, all of their relatives and her friends began to die due to mysterious reasons. The name continued into her school life, and she was isolated. Her mother remarried to a strange man, claiming that they could "start over" as a happy family. Whenever her mother left the house, the man forced her to take off her shirt so that he could observe her "beautiful back". Not wanting to destroy her mother's happiness, she allowed the man to shred apart her back with a knife while he claimed that it looked like "wings". One day, her mother caught them together in the middle of the "act" and out of rage, the woman she had once lovingly called her "mother" stabbed her in the stomach. Unable to handle the world that had all of a sudden collapsed, she ran out into the dark streets, hoping to find a quiet corner where she could die in silence. That was until that man picked her up, and promised to protect her.


  • extremely dislikes sweets
  • her classmates often teased her with names like "Demon", "Trash", and "Death God", even going as far as placing a vase of flowers on the desk of whoever sat next to her (a sign of respecting the dead )
  • likes cooking

3. Shinji Tsukino (Age: 25):



  • usually wears glasses
  • has an auricle piercing on his right ear
  • tall
  • slender yet muscular
  • eyes are an icy blue


  • extreme workaholic
  • ambitious
  • cold, other than to his younger brother
  • gets annoyed easily
  • hates talkative people more than anything
  • protective and caring over his younger brother

Back Story:

His father was the Head Investigator of the Tokyo Metropolitan Investigation Department, which influenced Shinji's career choice in the future. When he was 20, his family was taking a trip to Hokkaido, when all of a sudden a truck crashed into their car, instantly killing his parents. All of a sudden, as the killer stepped towards the destroyed car, Shinji felt as if someone had taken over his body, and when he came back to conscious he had a blood stained knife in his hand, and crumpled body before him. He immediately took over the job of Head investigator to help support his younger brother's medical needs and eventually came to take over the "Surgeon Case" the case that remained unsolved even after 3 years.


  • prescribed the same sleeping pills as Cacien to help him with insomnia (which developed from the car accident trauma, and overworking) [He is one of the components in the "little game" that Cacien's father had developed]
  • obsessed with the "Surgeon Case", claiming that he wouldn't dare close his eyes until he came face to face with the serial killer
  • has an extreme hatred for people who kill or harm for no reason, which caused him to become banned from the interrogation room due to his violent reactions during the questioning

Rinko (Hiro-san) (Age: 24)[Last name is unknown]:



  • long black hair which she usually ties up
  • usually smirks
  • extremely pale
  • usually wears glasses
  • wears comfortable clothes like sweats and hoodies
  • brown eyes


  • hates talking to people in real life
  • barely goes out of the house other than for her daily coffee trip, or weekly shopping at the convenience store
  • psycho (the only word I probably need to describe this character)


She was a mistake from the moment she was born. Her mother had been a prostitute in order to get by, and had gotten pregnant by accident. Just when her mother was about to abandon her, a mysterious man came over and pledged to her mother to protect her mother and her. Eventually, the mother found out the man was her childhood best friend who she had promised to marry in the future (one of those kid things). Rinko's life grew happier, and she was brought up by a warm and happy family. Until one day, a classmate found out about her mother's past and threatened to use it against her, if she didn't do "certain favors" for him. She managed to keep her school life a secret from her family...until that classmate dropped the bomb right before graduation. All her secrets...and her mother's past was thrown into people's faces. That was the first time she ever truly wanted to kill somebody. Almost as if someone was listening to her wishes...the classmate was murdered by a serial killer called the "Surgeon". That was the beginning of her long term idolization of the serial killer that everyone else bitterly hated.

"A surgeon is a savior to the patient."-Rinko


  • famous blogger who idolizes the "Surgeon" killer, even to the point where she stalks him to his killing sites, and snaps photos of the victims
  • she only managed to take one picture of the back side of the killer
  • addicted to coffee and sweets
  • eventually begins to work with Shinji the Head Investigator in order to track the killer down, with her own secret motives

Extra Characters (More to come):

1. Riku Tsukino (Age: 17):



  • bleached hair (originally black hair)
  • has a tattoo on his wrist "still I rise"
  • has piercing blue eyes
  • usually smirking
  • tall
  • slender (frail looking even though he is actually pretty strong)


  • playful
  • laughs and smiles a lot
  • caring
  • loving
  • intelligent
  • dislikes overworking (opposite of his older brother)


As the spoiled child of a happy family, he never had to worry about a thing. That was at least until the day of the car accident, and the first time he had a cardiac arrest. After being surrounded by tubes, pale figures, needles, and white walls for over three years, he is freed to live his remaining two years outside as a normal high school student. He only has three goals for the remaining two years:

  1. get a girlfriend
  2. make friends
  3. help find the criminal that his brother is throwing away a life for so that his brother could live peacefully after Riku dies

Unable to forgive the killer that his brother was getting ill over...he had intended to use any method in tracking down and killing the killer...until he found out that it was his unrequited lover's love.


  • really likes sweets, and mangas
  • has heart disease
  • playboy type

2. Mika Takeshima (Only for flashback purposes Age: 9-18 [the time she spent with Cacien])



  • long black hair
  • hazel eyes
  • always smiling
  • pale complexion
  • slender
  • short


  • cheerful
  • secretive
  • laughs at everything
  • able to get along with everyone easily


One recess, during the last year of elementary school, she met Cacien. A black haired boy with an arrogant expression his face that she just wanted to wipe off. "A spoiled brat" was all she thought of him, until she found him sitting alone away from the group of boys that were playing soccer. He was possibly the loneliest child she had ever seen...maybe it was pity that had drawn her to him. But soon she found herself falling for his rare smile and laughter. His happiness had become her happiness. As they graduated from middle school, his smile once again disappeared and his laughter became hallow. One day after school, she followed him to see him forced into a luxurious looking black car. A beautiful woman sat in the car kissing Cacien. His eyes were again filled with loneliness that she had seen in elementary school. The day he came to her and begged her to "Save him" was the beginning of her entrance to a dark world that she never knew of.

She should have never been involved.

She shouldn't have talked to him.

She should have just have gone along with her own life.

She shouldn't have cared.

Maybe then she would still be living.

But she loved him too much.
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Such lovely writing, I will applaud for the writing but I feel if I attempt to play a character I would fail to meet the expectations already placed upon them. I wish you the best of luck for your writing! :3
Oh no. Please don't feel pressured o3o hehe. This is just a chance for me to see how other people develope the character. There is no need to go by the story ^^~ But thank u! @LifeNovel
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Well...I will wait and see if more people join. If there is one spot left perhaps I will join, but I will probably just follow along this story for sure.
Thesquaidsy said:
This sounds awesome!! Are there any spots left?
Riku Tsukino is still available. All the main characters are sadly taken. I will be adding more extra characters soon, but I've been kind of procrastinating lol.
Thesquaidsy said:
I'll take it!
Great! The roleplay has kind of started now. Just start with a monologue introduction after reading the character description carefully ^^. Yay welcome~

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