Story Character Portrait - The Beauty of Pain & Agony


Two Thousand Club
So I decided to dust off my old tablet and get into drawing again, this is a bit of a warmup before I do some other portraits for the characters I have made for the games here in the forums, so I'll begin with my Abyssal character for TDW's game The End is Nigh.

She is the Beauty of Pain & Agony, a courtesan from Great Forks that was burnt alive for seducing many nobles away from their families and spouses. You can see her full sheet here.

Looks fucking sweet. Have you checked out the character art commission/request thread? I mean with great ability comes great responsibility.

Also, I always want to point out something I like in particular when art is posted. But I constantly realize I don't know shit about art, all I know is that it looks awesome.
Thanks for your comment, I did get a glimpse of the art commission thread, I might put in my two cents and offer my services in case anyone is interested, we'll see.

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