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Fantasy Character Page for TESA


The Born Again Novice

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The Guidelines for the Characters are as Follows:

1)Cannot be god-like in any way. Its pretty straightforward.

2)You may be extremely gifted in something if you want, but not more than that. If you wanted to add a two gifts at the cost of a very hindering quality, then that is fine as well, but two is the limit.

3)The character must have personality, depth, put some thought into them! 

4)Falls within the many races of Tamriel, but cannot be a creature. You may have a pet or a friend if you so choose.(not a dragon or daedra because obviously thats impossible.)

5)They must start off 'greenhorn', they can have ventures they are good at of course but nothing too extreme. I don't want any incredibly already famous warriors. 

6)You may start off with more than one character if you so choose, but two is the limit, at the very least for now.  (To expand on this, if you make a second character, they don't have to follow rule 5. They can be seasoned, but not god-like.) 

Now lets get to the character sheet:




Class/Specialization/Role/Ect: (Example: A herbalist or warrior.)



Appearance: (This can be descriptive,with words a picture or both!)

Personality:(Give a small run down of how they act.)




Qualities:(Good and or bad traits of the character.)

Feel Free to add more if you'd like ;3
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(Has a a slender figure; brilliant golden eyes; a tan skin tone; dark bluish black hair that falls past her collarbones; tends to wear a dark blue mage's robe with blue feathers decorating the area around her shoulders, back, and chest; wears two golden necklaces around her neck.)


Maeryn Inaris


24 years old


High Elf


Destruction Mage/Alchemist




115 lbs


Maeryn is described as a strong and sensible young woman; one who chooses her actions wisely. However at first, she tends to give off the impression of coldness; her face twisted into a serious frown and eyes studying you from head to toe at first sight. Of course, intimidation is by no means what she intends. To their surprise, most people who spend enough time with her find that Maeryn is actually far from being cold-hearted. If anything, they find she is very welcoming and considerate. She tends to warm up to others rather quickly and doesn't have a problem befriending anyone unless they have a problem with her (and vice versa). 

To those she deems an enemy, Maeryn is harsh and unforgiving. She makes it very clear that she is not someone you want to mess with, even if she always chooses violence as a last resort. It is rare to see her come to a breaking point since she manages to keep her temper under control.


Maeryn was born on the Summerset Isles into a family of wealth, nobility, and fame. They were a part of the Aldmeri Dominion, where her father stood as a loyal knight of the guard, and her mother as a royal advisor. After Maeryn was born, her father decided she would learn to become a warrior, just like himself. However as she grew older, it appeared that was not the path she wanted to follow. Her passion was alchemy and magic, not sword fighting and knighthood. Despite his disappointment, Maeryn's father learned to accept her desires, along with her mother. 

Maeryn became involved with schooling, and as expected, she became the most skilled and blew through her classes with absolutely no issues. She was destined to become the court mage for the Aldmeri Dominion itself, and as soon as she graduated, that became her goal. She excelled in Restoration and Destruction magic throughout schooling, as well as creating potions and mixtures. Her family were loyal followers of Auri-El, as was she. An Amulet of Auriel can be seen hung around her neck at all times.

Even to this day, Maeryn continues to work inside the Dominion, practicing and studying as much as she can. However she occasionally takes trips to Valenwood and Elsywer. 


  • Collecting ingredients and creating mixtures
  • Meeting new people
  • Adventuring


  • Racists
  • Unnecessary threats or acts of violence
  • Arrogance


Extremely intelligent, quick to react, but holds grudges and is difficult to gain her trust back.

Her staff

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Name: Azriel Ivkur

Age: 26

Race: Breton

Class/Specialization/Role/Ect: Necromancer/ Alteration-enhancer

Height: 5'11



Wearing black attire from head to toe, usually folks tend to stray away from him simply based on his strange appearance. He dons a black top hat, a black fur coat, and scarlet pants, all laced with a black trim. He only wears the finest of clothes of course, its just how he sees himself. The best. Azriel has two steel gauntlets on his hands and steel padding on his arms. His pants are armored fitted with steel plating for use when his...abilities aren't cutting it through enough. He wears tons of jewelry, ranging from rings, to piercing, but his defining feature is the gold pendant for which he uses to channel some of his darker arts. Strange tribal tattoos are seen on several parts of his body, some for strengthening his magic, others for remembering someone from his past. He has long black strands of hair, bright green eyes with a sharp piercing gaze and a pale skin compared to his brothers. 


His Gauntlets:



Cold disposition, calm and ill-mannered. He's rather quiet sometimes while others he speaks in slang, confusing statements or simply starting speaking gibberish or a totally different language. He is both stern and stubborn, but can also have a playful and comical side to him. If there were anyone who was both sides of the same coin, it would be him. You never know what mood he's in, a literal frenzy of emotions. Denying the fact he suffers from MPD, and simply explains that he likes to experience EVERY emotion all at once, giving him a thrill. Chaotic good in nature, he loves chaos or disorder, but he does not believe in the senseless killing of anyone of anything. "By killing something you are taking away an experience, what if that person could have told the best joke in the world and you damned the rest of us to never live it!?" Of course this is entirely contradictory, since his very power stems from necromancer and the dead. But, its pointless to try and explain that to him. 


"Huh? You want to know about....Azriel? Azriel Ivkur? That's...Fine, I'll tell you. But I wouldn't talk about him too much if I were you... Now then, his background is as dark as the clothes he wears. Or so they says. Not much is known about Azriel's past, seems the man barely remembers it himself. He came from a Breton mother and High Elven father, born in the Capital, Daggerfall, and of noble blood. Can you believe it? They say he took to schooling well, and was a perfect student excelling in all forms of tutelage. Eventually, he was tested on his use of magic and was found to have a strong innate grasp of all basic forms. A genius he was called, or at least expected to become. Upon discovery he began to study different tomes his father had in his personal library. By chance, its said Azriel had found a dark tome hidden between the shelves. With this, he grew a dark grin across his face. The book he had found was a hidden book on Necromancy and the dark arts. He found this school to be the strongest and most entertaining, and practiced in secret. Of course, he was found out, and was reprimanded. His families' title tarnished, his father was furious. Terrifyingly, his father and mother were found dead the next day. Their family manor burnt to nothing but ashes upon the ground. Azriel was found days later outside a cave, covered in blood and unconscious. Its said he doesn't remember what happened at the time, since he was 7 years old. Mans been a terror since his childhood..."  


Food, The Dark, Jokes, The dead. Wealth.


Kind of Anything honestly, spiders, doing something he doesn't want to. Poverty.


Is a lunatic. Analytic. Might be a necrophiliac...can't prove anything. Extremely Intelligent, when focused.

 Personal Abilities:

  • Alteration- Steel Body: Covers Azriel in a thick layer of his mana, strong as steel and 25% resistant to destructive magics, he can manage his whole body at a reduced strength or a single part for increased effect.                                                                                                                                                   
  • Conjuration- Body Controller: He focuses his will into an undead corpse, effectively reanimating it as his puppet. Whatever is revived is affected by his Steel Body spell, at about 10% Potency, and can be strengthened by harvesting soul gems. 
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Spiderman's web is actually jizz

Name: Myr "Elfbane" Bloodmane

Age: 29

Race: Nord

Class/Specialization/Role/Ect: Two-Handed Swords. (Think the swords Seigfreid uses in Soul Calibur. Yea, that's his toothpick.)

Height: 6'09''

Weight: 310 lbs.

Appearance: Myr, herein referred to as Elfbane, is a giant of a man, even for a Nord. His mother died during childbirth due to his size as an infant. His hair is shoulder-blade length and naturally dark-blonde, but appears to be red. He says it's been spattered in blood so many times it's taken on the color, but in truth his mother was a Breton with deep red hair. That's probably why the pussy ass bitch died, CUZ SHE WASN'T A STRONG NORD. He has a gigantic frame, covered from head to toe in muscles harder than a cinder-block wall, and covered in armor that's even harder. He has a large scar across his cheek, and a long streak of warpaint down his eye. His eyes are a crystal blue. He wears Witchplate armor.


Personality: Frequent alcoholic, capable of drinking a giant under the table. He loves to revel in the stories of glory in battle, and loves camaraderie; making him loyal to a fault. Unfortunately, he's extremely racist towards every elven race. A strong believer that Skyrim is solely the home of the Nords, he's done more than his fair share of harassment of the local elves. He also has a disposition towards magic, and heavily distrusts it, believing only in the power of fists and cold, hard steel; he does however understand its merits, and is not against using enchanted armor and weapons. He has a strong sense of justice, and will not stand for crime.

Background: Born to a nordic father and breton mother on a poor farm, Elfbane's family had very little to their name. As mentioned before, Elfbane's mother died during childbirth due to the sheer stress of size during delivery. His father was distraught and fell into a deep depression that lasted for almost a decade until he finally killed himself. Elfbane was left alone on a barren farm at the young age of 9 1/2 years until he was found half dead by an elven adventurer woman. Rather than helping the poor human child, she took advantage of him in disgusting, perverse ways. Elfbane endured brutal beatings and rape for several days until the local guards finally found the pair. After arresting the woman, Elfbane was taken in by the Falkreath guard and raised as one of their own. His recovery wasn't without its bumps in the road. Elfbane suffered immense mental scarring, having experienced things no 9 year old should have ever experienced. Over time, these scars developed into the immense hatred for elves that he has today. After being taken in, he was trained daily by the guards to become one of them. He was trained in traditional swordplay, but the moment he picked up his first greatsword, he knew there could be nothing else. He loved to frequent the in, and talk to the scholars. One day, he met a particularly kind and bright professor, who offered to take Elfbane under his wing. He gladly accepted, and spent the next near decade learning all there was to learn. He was known as an excellent student, able to fly through classes with flying colors. Reaching 20 years of age, he returned to Falkreath and joined the guard, reuniting with the friends who had raised him, but quit the force after only a few years to wander as a mercenary. It didn't take long for his berzerker fighting style became known all throughout Skyrim. The man with the sword not even a giant could wield...


Likes: Cold, hard steel.

Dislikes: Elves, magic, pussy ass bitch mage robes,

Qualities: Exceedingly strong, loyal to a fault, surprisingly smart, though you wouldn't guess it by looking at him.
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