Character Creation [The Reclamation of Creation]


God of Storytellers
Create a Infernal using the by the book rules.

Also, create an akuma using the Quick and Dirty BP rules. However, you may only be invested by one of the five Yozi who rule over the Infernals.

Sidereal akuma use the rogue build, Dragonblood akuma use the outcaste.

All akuma have 'Serve the Althing Infernal as I am commanded.' as their Urge, so as to better serve the Infernals as their Yozi lords have commanded.

Post here with characters, or PM them to me. Either way.

Do not post in the characters forum until you've gotten the ok.

Bonus Points:

-WhiteKnight 12(3 pic, 3 backstory, 6 fanfic)

-Ligier 12(3 picture, 3 backstory, 6 fanfic)

-The Demented One 12(3 background, 3 pic, 6 fanfic)

-Elminster 4(3 background, 1 pic)

-Chucho108 3(3 pic,)

-Prescient Stranger 1(1 background because it's almost non-existant)

-Chaka 5(3 background, 2 pic)
Other Lunar rules looks good to me.

Please post in the OOC instead of in here. This is for character sheets. There is now a Houserule thread up as well, where you can ask about houserules.
It's such a nice format, I borrowed this directly from The Demented One. Here's what I've got so far, mainly the crunch. Background is being hammered out right now. Any suggestions on the crunchy bits are, of course, appreciated.





Name: Shai'tal, Darkly Radiant Prince of Infernal Caresses

Exalt Type and Caste: Infernal, Fiend Caste

(Note: Tell me if these are too vauge. They just seem to fit the character.)

Motivation: To reign as a dark lord over a corrupted creation, with a host of broken Exalted and lesser mortals as toys and slaves.

Urge: To seduce others into the same wanton lustfulness he embodies, and from thence the veneration of the Ebon Dragon (Ophidian Urge)

Background: Shai'tal's story is not an unfamiliar one. Its beginning has been told a thousand times. It is the end towards which it proceeds which makes it unique.

Shai'tal was born to a poor family in the Undercity of Nexus. There was little to distinguish his parents from the thousands upon thousands of others, and even less to distinguish Shai'tal himself. That was not even his name then - if he even cares to remember the name under which he was born, he does not share it with others.

Shai'tal, as had been said, was an ordinary boy. Or, at least, mostly ordinary. Certainly, there was a spark of darkling flame in his youthful heart, but it was buried so far beneath the surface that even he remained unaware of it. Only the occasional vague, portentous dream, always forgotten upon waking, held any intimation of the wonders and horrors that the future would hold for him.

Shai'tal worked his fingers to the bone, at first picking up whatever legitimate jobs he could to scrape together money to help by food, and later turning his hand to petty thievery and conning gullible visitors to Nexus. His life was simple, plain, unassuming. But occasionally, like all folk, he yearned for more. He dreamed of power, of splendor, of holding the world in his hands and wringing from it every last drop of pleasure. And, like so many in Nexus, he turned to the vast underworld of crime feed his desire for power.

Shai'tal was a clever young man, and with well placed coercion, blackmail, and bribery, it did not take him long before he'd built up a sizeable criminal empire. He traded mostly in vices - gambling, prostitution, and drugs, and talents flowed into his coffers. The more pleasing reward to him, however, was what the money bought - he enjoyed indulging in the very vices he trafficked in, particularly the pleasures of the flesh. Unlike many, however, Shai'tal was clever enough not to let his obsessions rule him. Flirting the edges of addiction actually made him a better bussinessman - he knew what the cravings of an addict felt like, he understood the deep yearnings that wormed their way into the easily-infiltrated hearts of humans, and so he knew exactly how to exploit them. Slowly the tendrils of his gang grew. And, unfortunately, that was what led to his destruction.

His questing tendrils eventually reached the wrong neighborhood: The one under the protection of Seven Devils Clever. When his drug traffickers began pushing their wares there, the Lunar quickly traced them back to their source. Shai'tal's organization was no match for the cunning lunar, who swiftly infiltrated and destroyed everything the young man had worked for years to build. Seven Devils beat Shai'tal near to death, and left him gurgling in a pool of his own blood, seething with impotent hatred for the young Exalted, knowing that he could never defeat such a potent being.

That, of course, was when the Ebon Dragon made his offer. The demon that came to him bearing the dark gift of exaltation didn't even need to coerce Shai'tal. The promise of power, and of revenge, sent him gleefully into the Chrysalis, and what emerged five days later was a being at once very similar and entirely different to the mortal he had once been. He took his new name, and swiftly found entrance into Malfeas. Once there, Shai'tal was presented to the Althing and quickly took to his new status - his humanity almost entirely burned away, and in its place, dark charisma and devlish charm. With his newfound power, and the backing of the Ebon Dragon, he was ready to begin his master's work in creation.

Shai'tal quickly rose in the Ebon Dragon's favor. His skill at coercion and trickery, combined with the unholy glee he takes in spreading corruption for its own sake, well suits the Dragon's personality. He has successfully completed a several significant tasks in the few years he's been active, and the one that most pleased the Ebon Dragon was the seduction of the Sidereal Exalt Silver Star Ascendant. While on assignment in the East, working to negotiate an "alliance" between two merchant companies, but which was really an excuse to corrupt high-level members of each and turn the resulting alliance from a benign group of tradesmen into an underground vice ring, he accidentally attracted the attention of Silver Star Ascendant, a young Sidereal exalt. However, rather than panicking or attempting to engage the far more formidiable Silver Star in outright combat, he used a combination of Charms and his natural ability to decieve to disguise himself as a mortal, and won the affection of the somewhat naive Silver Star. Eventually, that affection evolved to love, and Shai'tal quickly introduced Silver Star deeper and deeper into the depraved pleasures only Malfeas could offer. Eventually, Silver Star slipped over the precipice and fell into the dominion of Shai'tal's patron. Most delicious, Shai'tal found, was that she did not even care. Darkness had consumed her, and Shai'tal had accomplished not only the goal set by his Yozi patron, but a far more significant one as well.

Shai'tal does feel a twisted affection for his pupil-in-darkness, and her love for him remains unswerving, even if her will is now bound entirely to the Yozi. She currently dwells with him at the Resplendent Palace of Shattered Chains, when not on assignment for the Yozi.

The Palace itself is a sprawling construction, and is, in addition to being a luxurious combination of seraglio, gambling-house, and dwelling place, a potent Yozi-aspected manse. When not performing tasks for his master or spending his time at the Conclave, the Shai'tal resides here, enjoying all the delights Hell has to offer, and planning his next moves. One of his ultimate goals, beyond serving the Dragon and corrupting creation as a whole, is breaking Seven Devils Clever. He wants to do to her what he did to Silver Star: To destroy all traces of goodness within her, make her his concubine, and drag her down into hell. The only difference is that he wants her to realize what he's done and who he is, right before she gives herself eternally to darkness.

Shai'tal's plans, however, do not always go off without a hitch. On another occasion, he was ordered to replace a negotiator sent to broker a deal between the Realm and a small independent Scavenger Lands city. After murdering the diplomat and burying his body in a shallow grave, and having assumed his identity, Shai'tal proceeded onward to the city in high spirits. Arriving there, he found the king to be a troublingly scupulous man, and determined that it would take some time for him to get anywhere. However, the prospect did not particularly bother him, for he had also beheld the king's greatest treasure - his seven beautiful daughters.

Unfortunately, the young ladies also proved to be too much of a distraction to the salacious Shai'tal. He spent more time attempting to lure them into bed than he did speaking with the king, and even with all his skill and stealth, the king eventually caught onto him. Though he realized this and attempted to break off his various trysts, it was not long before the king formally brought the Green Sun Prince before him in chains, accusing him of all manner of foul crimes and perversities, many of which were, unbeknownst to the king, quite true, though not all of them applied in this instance. Throwin into the palace dungeon, he was rescued by two of the princesses who had grown especially infatuated with him. Enraged at the ignominy heaped upon him, Shai'tal plotted revenge.

It did not take him long to come up with a plan. Shai'tal lead the seven daughters of the king out of the palace in the dead of night, and directly into the hands of a local Yozi cult. Conferring with the cult's leader, Shai'tal made all the necessary arrangements. The next day, an anonymous informant told a grim tale of terrible rights being performed at a local villa. When the king's troops stormed the place, they were shocked to find the king's daughters among the drug-addled and bloodstained celebrants. When they were dragged before the king in chains, he wept openly, but the law of the land - and the monks of the Immaculate Order who had been investigating the cult - made sure that he could not shirk his duty, and he was forced to execute them. Shai'tal watched with an evil smile from the crowd, wearing a different face, and since then the king has sunk himself in drink and drug in an attempt to forget what he wrought on his own family. Shai'tal, however, was unsatisfied. Though he achieved a measure of success, he has never forgiven himself for being caught in the first place, and has vowed not to let it happen again.

Personality: Shai'tal is, first and foremost, a seducer. He enjoys not only the physical pleasures assosciated with it, but the sublime sensation of converting the most upright and holy of beings into willing slaves. He is a hedonist, but he is very much capable of putting aside fleeting immediate pleasure for long-term gain. Cunning and ruthless, he enjoys manipulating people, and is totally devoted to the ideals of the Ebon Dragon. He can be most spiteful when his will or whims are defied, but he's very skilled at masking his emotions. He does not forget a grudge, however, and is always most exacting in repaying slights against him. Often arrogant, the only superiors he acknowledges are the Yozi, and the only equals his fellow Green Sun Princes.

He does enjoy the company of others - in many senses of the word, and has a penchant for games, especially those of chance. He also indulges in recreation drug use, but only rarely - most of them dull his mind too much for regular consumption, as he needs his wits.

Though he can control his vices, the pleasures of the flesh do have a certain hold over him. He goes out of his way to indulge himself when the opportunity presents itself, and this can sometimes endanger his other plans. For example, he might find himself unable to resist seducing the beautiful wife of an ambassador with whom he was supposed to be conducting negotiations. He is aware of this vice, and tries to mitigate it, fearing the wrath of his patron should he fail at his appointed tasks, but all the same he can often not help indulging it.

Appearance: The Prince of Infernal Caresses appears as a tall, lithe man with immaculately groomed dark hair and a close-cropped goatee of the same ebon hue. He dresses sumptuously for any occasion, favoring shades of black, dark blue or purple, often with a gold, silver, or red trim. His eyes are glittering emerald.

His shadow, owing to the Umbral Panalopy invested in it, constantly shifts and writhes. When he is not concerned with maintaining a human guise, it often shifts in concordance with his gestures, or wraps about him like a cloak of woven night.

Unwoven Coadjutator: Now just a quiescent creature that does little save the most basic duties that all Coadjutors perform, Shai'tal's Coadjutor was once a member of a species of first-circle demons of the Ebon Dragon called ophiramphoroi. Creatures without definite form, the ophiramphoroi, or shadow-kinder, as they're often known, are being of liquid shadow. They plan many roles in hell - jesters, assassins, spies, informants, and whatever else they're ordered to do by their masters. The ophiramphoroi are mischevious, clever, and often wicked beings, who enjoy malicious pranks for their own sake. They are adept at assuming the forms of others, and often do so in order to play some joke or trick.



Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—


Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—


Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—



Martial Arts

Melee â—â—â—



Integrity â—

Performance â—â—

Presence â—â—â— (Persuasion +1)





Lore â—â—


Occult â—â—



Dodge â—â—

Larceny â—â—â—

Stealth â—â—

Bureaucracy â—â—

Linguistics â—â—â—



Socialize â—â—â—â—â—*(Seduction +1)


Backing: (The Ebon Dragon): â—â—â— Shai'tal is a favored son of the Ebon Dragon. Despite his relative youth and inexperience, he has already achieved several potent victories, including turning the Sidereal Exalted Silver Star to the Ebon Dragon's service, giving him one of his more potent agents. In addition, his penchant for corruption and seduction amuses the Yozi, who has a... similar predilection for turning Creation's greatest heroes into its most powerful foes.

Influence: (Demons of the Ebon Dragon): â—

Artifact: (Corrupted Starmetal Daiklave) â—â— ("Dying Stars of Twilight") A starmetal blade taken from the cooling corpse of the Sidereal agent sent to investigate Silver Star after Shai'tal first brought her down into darkness, it is both a useful weapon and a glorious reminder of Shai'tal's greatest victory to date. It glitters with the guttering light of slowly dying stars, and shimmers a rainbow of dark purples, blues, and violets in its wake. Shai'tal's hearthstone is set in the pommel

Manse: (Yozi-Attuned, in Malfean dwelling): â—â—â— Shai'tal's Resplendent Palace of Shattered Chains is a sumptuous, decadent hall filled with surfaces of gilt, silver, and polished ebony, with rich hangings in Shai'tal's favorite colors. Neomah servitors, as well as some few mortals that Shai'tal has enslaved dwell in the opulent palace, awaiting their master's pleasure. Shai'tal spends much of his time between missions here, and often throws lavish parties for his fellow Infernal exalts.

In addition, however, the Palace is a potent Manse, and channels the energy of the Yozi into a lustrous black Hearthstone that resembles a sable pearl, flecked with tiny shards of emerald green that appear only in pitch blackness. This gem enhances Shai'tal's already potent manipulative abilities.

Cult: (The Ebon Dragon): â—

Artifact: â—â—â—â— (Compliant Umbral Panalopy)*

Artifacts and Equipment

Compliant Umbral Panalopy

Corrupted Starmetal Daiklave

Gem of Infernal Splendor (As Gem of Grace)


First Ebon Dragon Excellency (4)

Loom-Snarling Deception

Eldritch Secrets Mastery

Witness to Darkness

Nemesis Self Imagined Anew

Puissance Mimicry Exploitation (x3)* 5 BP

Join Combat:


Dodge DV: 4 (3 Dex + 2 Dodge + 3 Essence )/2

Parry DV 4 (6 in shadow) (3 Dex + 3 Melee + 2 Defense) / 2

Soak: B/L

Health: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 5 (6 Willpower + 1 Integrity + 3 Essence)

Parry MDV 4 (4 Manipulation + 3 Presence)


Compassion â—â—â—â—

Conviction â—

Temperance â—â—

Valor â—â—

Virtue Flaw Torment of the Ebon Dragon


Ebon Dragon (Automatic)

Seven Devils Clever (Negative)

Silver Star Ascendant

Criminals (Vice crimes - Prostitution, gambling, drugs, etcetera)

Willpower:â—â—â—â—â— â— (6)


Permanent: 4* (14 BP Spent)


Peripheral: 32/43

Committed: 11

Bonus Points (27/27

Essence: 14

Artifact: 5

Socialize: 2

Specialties: 1

Charms: 5


+3 Background

+6 Fanfics

+3 Pictures
Need a bit more specific urge than 'vice.' Preferably a single or set of vices that Shai'tal represents.
Here's the start of another GSP. I have a backstory in mind, but with all the new mechanics it's more fun to look through all the new charms and the like first so I haven't written it out yet.

Thanks to whiteknight for the sheet that I C+Ped!




Name: Xell, The Silent Dancer

Exalt Type and Caste: Infernal, Defiler

Motivation: To break the free will of everyone save himself

Urge: Utterly destroy any plan of the Fair Folk that might threaten Creation before the Yozis can reclaim it (Malfean urge)


Xell was born in Gem. The best thing you can say about the city is that it doesn't have the most despotic ruler in all of Creation and that most of the terrors that lurk the streets are of the mundane variety. Xell was an orphan, but that's not unusual in Gem. In a city as ruthlessly run as Gem, there were entire gangs of orphans roaming the streets. Like pack animals working together to take down larger prey, some of them would kill grown adults, stabbing them with homemade shivs and daggers.

That wasn't Xell's fate, because there are almost as many cults in Gem as there are orphans. There are the traditional cults which worship local gods of mining, riches, gems and the like. With the Wyld so close there are cults to the Fair Folk. First and Forsaken Lion's interest in the city has caused groups of secretive of Ancestor Cults to form. As a place far from the eyes of the Realm, occasional Anathema activity there has even resulted in small Anathema cults.

Then, of course, there are the Yozi cults. It was one of these that took Xell in. The Crystal Heirachy, as they were known, prayed to all the Yozies but favoured She Who Lives In Her Name. More than that, they had a rather unique way of summoning demons. Malfeas has an immense love of dance. Perhaps because the prison which binds all demons so loves this form of art, more first circle demons can be conjured by various forms of dance then any other method.

It was to this end that they took possession of Xell. The level of skill that most summonings required was such that only those trained from childhood were capable of acehiving it. For those that could not meet this level of excellence, they were not wasted. For instance there is a Second Circle demon that can briefly appear in Creation when a person dances across a bed of scorpions until he is stung to death, the poison stilling his heart even as he sways to a hypnotic beat.

Xell, thankfully, managed to aquire a higher level of skill and wasn't so disposed of. Brought up within the cult, Xell had no choice but to buy into their beliefs. Why shouldn't he accept that the Yozis will soon return into power and bestow power upon all their followers while smiting down their enemies? After all, everyone else he knows beleives it. It wasn't a bad life as such. He followed the orders of his masters, helped summon demons when he was told and when he was less busy he got to relax with his fellow cultists. He enjoyed it, as well as the certainty of knowing what he should do.

His chance at exaltation came when he helped the cult perform a difficult ritual. Although the cult specialised in opening holes in the prison of Malfeas using dance, they didn't focus on it to the inclusion of all else. The archdeacon of the Crystal Heirachy had found an old text speaking of a second circle demon. Apparently it has a chance to enter Creation if a silver haired woman is killed on her 28th birthday, which must fall during a full moon, using a priceless silver dagger. The text went on to explain how it gave our wisdom to those who summon it.

Sadly this was a slight mistranslation of a partial text. Juaver, the Warrior Consort, is a warrior demon realted to the Full Moon aspect of Luna. The text was in fact stating how Juaver gave information to those who summoned it once, the only time that has been known to happen. Usually he beats anyone in sight to within an inch of their lives, killing them if they display any resistance.

When he was summoned, Juaver instantly started attacking those around him, which was in fact the entire cult as everyone had been summoned to witness the glory of a Second Circle demon. People tried to instinctually defend themselves and they died for it. Xell, watching the quickly approaching demon, came to a fork in the roads. There were two ways he could react to this. He could deceide that as a Second Circle demon Juaver had the right to deal with mere human cultists in any way he wishes, or he could realise that the Yozis and their minions are inase evil beings that care nothing about the destruction of mankind. He chose the former and so the Solar Exaltation which would have joined him if he had discarded all he previous beliefs retreated from him, not willing to join with Xell if he didn't see the demon's innate evil and try to extinguish.

Instead while all his friends fought back and were killed, Xell knelt down on the floor and bowed in supplication to the demon. it was higher in the Heirachy. Who was he to judge it? After it has slaughtered the entire cult save Xell, the demon approached him and stared down at him. Then it beat him to within an inch of his life, leaving him on the cusp of death, and retreated back to Malfeas.

Dying in the gorey remains of his friends, teachers and masters, She Who Lives in Her Name chose him. He was one who well understood his place in the Heirachy. A Tomescu materialized in front of Xell and made his pitch. Already a dedicated servent of the Yozis and moments from possibly dying, Xell holds the current record for the Green Sun Prince who accepted his exaltation the fastest.

The Tomescu swallowed Xell whole and formed a spiny razor sharp Crysallis Grotesque around him. For five days he stewed inside it, his body and mind changing and accepting the wonder of the Yozis. When he emerged, his period of readjustment was brief. One hurried flight away from gem, slaughtering the guardsmen who got in his way, and Xell had escaped. Entering the desert, he travelled for five days until he appeared in the desert surrounding Malfeas.

Since that time Xell has been trained and undertaken missions for She Who Lives In Her Name. He's well regarded by his patron for his acceptance of the cosmic order of things, as well as the few completed missions under his belt. Not even the Yozi knows that in the depths of his heart, Infernally Exalting has given Xell two revelations. Firstly, while before he was a mortal cultist barely worth mentioning he's now a powerful being and a leiutenant of the Yozis. So it is possible to change your position in the Heirachy. More specifically it's possible for Xell to change his position. Secondly, Xell has had his powers explained to him and understands what they represent. He is using the powers of the Yozis themselves. In time as he expands his ability to channel Essence, he could gain access to every ability She Who Lives in Her name possesses. He could even have the charms of Malfeas, the Ebon Dragon and all the other Yozis who have offered their power to the Infernals. In short, he could be stronger then any Primordial because he'd have the power of several Primordials combined.

With these two things in mind, Xell's way is clear. He must survive and prosper for the hundreds or thousand of years it will take for him to ascend to the apex of Heirachy, at which point he can rightfully take possession of the already Reclaimed Creation by deposing the Yozis with force if necessary. When he is ruler he plans to abolish free will in every being other than himself, so that they can serve him all the more faithfully as he plays the Games of Divinity. That other Green Sun Princes will have the power to rival him is worrying, but Xell is sure he will think of something.

Although Xell didn't need much help to learn to think in the alien abstract manner of She Who Lives In Her Name, he has needed training in his new abilities. This has taken up much of his time, so he has only gone on roughly a dozen missions, one of them especially difficult. He has however managed to pick up a fierce Outcaste Dragonblooded enemy called Fenam in this time. Fenam is a Jade Mountain and Earth Dragon Style martial artist, a Hill-Crushing Hero of the Earth Aspect.

They first encountered each other by chance, the Dragonblooded glimpsing something of Xell's nature and declaring him an Anathema as he tried to crush him with his giant Goremaul. Xell was victorious, but in a moment of irreverence deceided that he would spare Fenam's life and use him as a slave. To Xell it made perfect sense. He had just shown his superiority and is a Celestial. Fenam refused. Baffled at this, Xell let Fenam go.

He has not forgotten him though, just two weeks ago he tracked down Fenam's home village and burnt it to the ground while the Outcaste was busy on an adventure. In the ashes he left a message once again ordering the Dragonblooded to submit, to stop more tragedies like this from happening. Fenam did not comply and is not hunting down Xell, who he knows as an Anathema with strange powers and demonic connections.

Personality: Due to his desire to rule all of Creation and his achknowledgement of just how long this will take, Xell sometimes seems to be a little bit of a coward. He doesn't mind battle, but he doesn't want his life to be wasted by a stray Daiklave either and so tries to stay behind someone bigger and uglier. His Tomescu nature gets in the way of this a little, sometimes filling him with urges to valiantly fight his opponents.

It is in Xell's nature to be silent and watch until the tiem is perfect. He usually speaks little and those who have not been properly introduced often assume he's a Chosen of Adorjan. He is not prone to any outbursts of temper or indeed any other emotion. While he can be amazingly happy or terrified, he usually keeps these emotions hidden and under control.

Xell often takes a shine to things that belong to his lessers and will take them from them if he can, simply so that he can have them himself as is his right under the Principles of Heirachy. Two months ago while on a simple mission to kill a single Raksha involved in a complicated plot to drag a section of Deep Wyld into the heart of creation, Xell arranged for a local guide to take him through some treacherous terrain he needed to pass through. The Green Sun Prince is not much of a conversationailist and so the guide spent much of the time talking to himself in long rambling monologues.

Although it was mostly innane chatter, Xell was completely convinced that his guide loved his wife who was waiting for him back in the small village he hailed from. As it was inconceivable that a mortal should have something he valued so much which Xell completely lacked, once his mission was complete the Infernal returned to his former guide's home village, slew the man and kidnapped his wife, taking her back to Malfeas.

Back in Malfeas, the feelings and emotions that the guide had talked about failed to appear. Although Xell didn't harm the woman in any way, other than killing the love of her life and taking her to hell, she died soon after. Taken to Xell's estate, she dared not go outside for fear of being torn apart by demons. When the Defiler left on a mission, he forgot to leave instructions for food and water to be brought for her and so she had died of thirst before he returned. He was irked, but not sad.

Appearance: Lithe and bald, When he's not wearing his full body suit Xell has an appearence of being extremely stream-lined. He has taken to wearing a a suit of clawstrider leather underneath him Orichalcum Breastplate. The helm he wears has no eyeslits but allows Xell to look out regardless.



Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—


Charisma â—â—â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—


Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—â—â—

Wits â—â—



Martial Arts




Integrity â—â—

*Performance â—â—â— (Dance x2)

*Presence â—â—

Resistance â—



*Investigate â—

*Lore â—â—â—

*Medicine â—

*Occult â—â—â—â—â—

Athletics â—â—

*Awareness â—â—

*Dodge â—â—â—



Bureaucracy â—

*Linguistics â—â—

Ride â—


Socialize â—


Artefact (Corrupted Orichalcum Chain Shirt) â—

Artefact (Corrupted Orchamcum Hearthstone Bracers): â—â—

Backing (SWLIHN): â—â—

Influence (Demons of SWLIHN): â—

Cult (Yozi Cults): â—â—

Manse (Jewel of the Malfean Prince): â—â—

Spies (A Fair Folk Cult in Gem): â—

Artifacts and Equipment

Corrupted Orichalcum Chain Chirt

+8L/+6B, 3L/3L Hardness, 2 attune

Corrupted Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers

Jewel of the Malfean Prince

- Same powers as Jewel of the Celestial mandarin from Oadenol's Codex p.105. -2 difficulty to all social rolls with demons, gods and elementals.



Sorcerous Enlightenment of Malfeas

*SWLIHN Charms (Caste:

First SWLIHN Excellency (4)

Factual Determination Analysis

Essence-Dissecting Stare

Counter-Conceptual Imposition

Mind-Hand Manipulation

Unseen Force Application

#Cecelyne Charms (Favoured):


Flying Guillotine


Join Combat: 4


Dodge DV: 7 (4 Dex + 3 Dodge + 3 Essence +3 Bracers )/2

Parry DV 7 (8 Willpower + 5 occult) / 2

Soak: 7B/8L

Health: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 7 (8 Willpower + 2 Integrity + 3 Essence)

Parry MDV 8 (5 Manipulation + 3 Performance)


Compassion â—

Conviction â—â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—â—

Valor â—â—

Virtue Flaw Torment of Malfeas



Willpower:â—â—â—â—â— â—â—â— (8)


Permanent: 4


Peripheral: 40/46

Committed: 6

Bonus Points

Essence: 14

Speciality Dancex2: 1

Occult: 2

Conviction: 3

Willpower: 2

SHLIHN Excellency: 4

Backing SWLIHN: 1
Fiddling around with a Lunar Akuma. Again mechanics first because playing around with all these crazy charms and mutations is fun!


Name: Brass Eagle, The Thousand Cursed Traitor

Exalt Type and Caste: Full Moon Lunar, Akuma of Malfeas

Totem: Great Roc

Urge: To Serve the Althing

Background: Brass Eagle was once Jek Tarnell of Linowa, a moderatly talented martial artist in the Coiled Snake school of martial arts. He exalted while trying to initiate himself into Terrestrial Martial Arts, practicing a Kata available only to those who have awakened his essence. He kept at it for four days and three nights without break. On the fourth night he exalted as a Chosen of Luna. Realising what he was insomuch as he was an Anathema, he went on the run. He never did learn that kata.

Jek Tarnell might have been in trouble wandering alone through Creation, but luckily there were two groups of Lunars nearby who acted in concert to find Jek and induct him into the Silver Pact. There were the Elder Lunars of Halta, Rain Deathflyer and Silver Python, and the younger ones serving in Bull of the North's horde. Together they spirited Jek out of Linowa and inducted him into the Sliver Pact, giving him his tattoos.

From there the younger Lunars inducted him into his pack, drawing him into the Inner Circle of the Bull of the North's army. Jek couldn't take it. The principle enemy the Bull of the North was fighting was Linowa, Jek's countrymen. Betraying the his pack and the Bull of the North, Jek fled before a major battle was due and sent a message to the Linowan general laying out the Bull's entire strategy. The result was Bull of the North's only major defeat to date. Although he has since recovered and resumed the offensive, thousands of icewalkers and two Lunar exalts died in the bloodiest battle of the war. Knowing who was responsible, Yurgen himself gave Jek the name The Thousand Cursed Traitor.

Fearing the retribution that might come his way, Jek went on a maddened dash acros the east, always on the run. He knew that his treachery would not be forgotten and he constantly searched for a way to find enough power to protect himself. As he heard tales of silver-clad beastmen drawing nearer and nearer to him, an acolyte of the Yozis found him and offered him a deal. Jek accepted and was drawn down into Malfeas and remade in his image.

Jek is dead. Now there is only Brass Eagle, loyal servent of Malfeas. Some of his old personality remains, but only in so much as where before he wished to stop Bull of the North from destroying Linowa, now he merely wishes to see Kaneko, his inner circle and all his Icewalkers horribly slaughtered for it's own sake. His love of his homeland has been scoured from his soul.

Personality: Becoming an Akuma has made Brass Eagle zealous to the extreme, making him think of himself as a kind of priest of Malfeas. The only thing that can sometimes shake his duty to his patron is the temptation of being able to hurt Bull of the North somehow, which he can rarely resist indulging in.

He delights in carnage and destruction, just as Malfeas would wish him to.

Appearance: Spending most of his time in his war form, Brass Eagle is hideously muscular. To be fair, he look almost as bad in his human form. His skin is covered in weeping sores which emit a foul smell. His Lunar healing will quickly regenerate them into healthy flesh, but just as fast they will reappear elsehwhere, giving his skin a chaotic and mutable quality as it constantly shifts.

Two massive wings sprout from his back while he's in his war form. His old pack, his old enemies, would probably not regonise him now.

In his human form, there is a patch of frown feathers running from the nape of his neck down across his shoulders. When in animal form, this takes the sape of feather pattened fur, scales or whatever is suitable for the form he's in.



#Strength â—â—â—â—â— â—(â—)(â—)(â—â— â—â—)

#Dexterity â—â—â—â—â— â—(â—)(â—)

(Martial Arts x3)

#Stamina â—â—â—â—â— â—(â—)(â—)(â—â— â—â—)


Charisma â—

Manipulation â—â—â—â—â—



#Perception â—â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—

Wits â—â—â—â—



*Martial Arts â—â—â—â—â—â— (Natural Weapons x3)




Integrity â—â—(â—â—) (Resisting External temptation x1)


Presence â—â— (Inhuman Features x1)

Resistance â—â—

*Survival â—â— (Hunting for food x1)



Lore â—


Occult â—

Athletics â—â—â—(â—)

Awareness â—â—â—

Dodge â—â—â—(â—)


Stealth â—â—â—


Linguistics â—â—

Ride â—(â—) (Riding Agatae x1)




Demonic Inheritance: â—â—â—â—â—

Demonic Patron: â—â—â—â—â—

Heart's Blood: â—

(Siaka, Ape, Horse)

Artefact (Fourfold Demon Hand): â—â—â—

Tattoo Artefact (Moonsilver Breastplate): â—

Artefact (Demon Ink Tattoo): â—â—â—

Artefact (Green Iron Heart) :â—â—â—â—

Cult: â—

Artifacts and Equipment

Fourfold Demon hand

First form - Normal Hand

Second Form - Slashing Sword - A large jagged bone in the shape of a sycth

Third Form - Mace - Massive blood ape fist

Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +10B/2, Defense +2, Rate 2

Fourth Form - Clinch - Tentacles

Speed 6, Accuracy +2, Damage 1, Defense 1, Rate 1

Lunar Tattoo – Breastplate

6L/4B, 1 attune

Demonic Tattoo - Agatae, The Beautieous Wap, the insect features of the demon overlaying Eagle's own face

Specialties: Ride (Riding Agatae), Integrity (Resisting External Temptation), Presence (Inhuman Features)

Abilities: Atheletics, Ride, Dodge

Attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina

Green Iron Heart



Claws of the Silver Moon


Stamina Excellency

Ox Body Technique

Flawless Dexterity Focus: 4

Bruise Relief Method

Halting the Scarlet Flow

Armor-Forming Technique


First Malfeas Excellency x3

Malfeas Mythos Exultant

By Pain Reforged

Nightmare Fugue Vigilance

Scar Writ Saga shield


Deadly Beastman Transformation

Towering Beast Form

Quicksilver Second Face


Wings (War Form)


Plaguer Carrier


Diet (Raw Flesh)

Delusion (Debility level)

- If he is zealous enough to the desires of Malfeas, he can never lose. It is actually impossible for him to lose if he's doing what Malfeas would want, or so he believes.

Aura of Power

Eyes of Wiked Madess

Creature of Darkness

Obesssion (Deficiancy Level)

- Bull of the North.

Join Combat: 7


Dodge DV: 8 (8 Dex + 3 Dodge + 3 Essence +3 Bracers )/2

Parry DV ? (Varies a lot depending on weapon form, etc)

Soak: 16B/18L

Health: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 8 (8 Willpower + 4 Integrity + 3 Essence)

Parry MDV 4 (5 Manipulation + 2 Presence)



Conviction â—â—â—(â—)

Temperance â—

Valour â—â—â—â—â—

Virtue Flaw Torment of Malfeas



Willpower:â—â—â—â—â— â—â—â—


Permanent: 3


Peripheral: 33/48

Committed: 15

Lunar Bonus Points

Valour: 6

Cult: 1

Artefact 0 to 1: 1

Artefact 0 to 4: 5

Martial arts: 2

Akuma Bonus Points

-1 Lore: -1

-2 Appearence: -6

-1 Compassion: -3

Essence: 10

First Malfeas Excellency x3: 12

Malfeas Mythos Exultant: 4

By Pain Reforged: 4

2 Strength: 6

1 Stamina: 3

Martial Arts: 1

Mutation Bonus Points

Decomposing: -4

Plaguer Carrier: -4

Hungry: -1

Diet (Raw Flesh): -2

Delusion (Debility level) -2

- If he is zealous enough to the desires of Malfeas, he can never lose. It is actually impossible for him to lose if he's doing what malfeas would want.

Aura of Power -4

Eyes of Wiked Madess -2

Creature of Darkness: 0

Obesssion (Deficiancy Level) -1

- Bull of the North.

Stamina: 3

Dexterity: 3

Speciality: 3

Nightmare Fugue Vigilance: 4

Scar Writ Saga shield: 4
List out what Abilties and Attributes you degenerated for bonus points.

It's not Yozi Mythos Exultant, it's that specific Yozi, Malfeas in your case.

You cannot get backgrounds higher than 3 without spending bonus points. Please list what specific backgrounds you spent your bonus points on.
Yeah, it's a bit of a mess at the moment! I'll clean it up and make all of those changes as I go through and add more detail.
I edited in the background. I can substitute the Exalt he's after for a different one, if you like. I just used her because she's a convenient target, and she fit perfectly with the rest of his background. If there's anything you'd like more detail on or would like changed, let me know.
Oh very nice. so very nice.

I take it Silver Star is your akuma? You'll need to stat her out.

Although do remember, your akuma character is not specifically tied to your Infernal. I can and probably will deny you too many specific demands you make of your akuma character for training, etc.

Mostly because, while one is in play, the other isn't. You won't be able to get SMA training from her because you won't have them both in the same place long enough to learn them.
Lochar said:
Oh very nice. so very nice.
I take it Silver Star is your akuma? You'll need to stat her out.

Although do remember, your akuma character is not specifically tied to your Infernal. I can and probably will deny you too many specific demands you make of your akuma character for training, etc.

Mostly because, while one is in play, the other isn't. You won't be able to get SMA training from her because you won't have them both in the same place long enough to learn them.
I will, of course, stat her out just as soon as I'm done with Shai'tal. The background is just by way of introduction.

Oh, I understand that. She belongs to the Ebon Dragon now... it's just that she resides with Shai'tal during downtime. He doesn't own her or anything, it's purely for fluff and flavor. It's also where he got his taste for corrupting Exalts. It's the biggest high of them all - to break the greatest servants of the gods, bring them down to Hell, have them become the willing servants of first himself, and then his master...

Oh so very sweet.
Grinning Mishka, the Dharma of New Worlds

Infernal Slayer (Malfeas/She Who Lives In Her Name)




Motivation: Perfect the Infernal Bodhisattva Style and in doing so enlighten Malfeas.

Urge: Purge Creation of the vile cults of the Anathema and small gods, either killing them or forcing them to conform to the greater truths of the Yozi.




Strength â—â—â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—


Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—

Appearance â—â—â—


Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—

Wits â—â—â—â—



Martial Arts* â—â—â—â— (Gauntlets â—â—â—)



War* â—â—â—

Integrity â—â—


Presence* â—â—â—

Resistance â—â—â—




Lore â—


Occult* â—â—â—

Athletics* â—â—â—

Awareness* â—â—â— (Initiative â—)

Dodge* â—â—â—




Linguistics â—





Artifact â—: Grinning Mishka wears the vitriol-tainted remains of the god Sylviana, a minor deity of brooding poetry. Mishka infiltrated Sylviana’s cult, turning them either to the worship of herself or to corpses, and then killed the worship-starved god with her bare hands. After being doused in vitriol, the god’s corpse yielded tainted starmetal, a strangely-hued ore that was forged into powerful artifact gauntlets that Mishka now wears ceaselessly, the God-Forged Maulers.

Artifact â—â—: While Malfeas has never been a kind or caring patron to Mishka, he has been far from negligent. Upon her assumption into the Demon City, he gifted her with twin hearthstone bracers of vitriol-defiled orichalcum, forged of acrid, verdigris metal. These Bracers of Malfean Gold adorn her constantly, and bear her Infernal Manse’s hearthstone. Every time she strikes down a foe with the superhuman strength the bracers grant her, or dodges an otherwise lethal blow, she utters a small prayer of gratitude to Malfeas.

Backing (Malfeas) â—: While Malfeas trusts Grinning Mishka fully, her campaign of destruction, limited as it is to dealing out fairly proportional violence has done her little to earn much acclaim from her patron.

Cult â—â—â—: Mishka’s Urge has led her to subvert many cults devoted to Anathema or small gods to her own worship, which gifts her with a steady stream of prayer-essence.

Influence â—: While Grinning Mishka has proven herself excessively loyal, her deeds of wanton evil and malevolence have been, for the most part, unimpressive. Her failure to cultivate a proper spirit of overkill has left her fellows somewhat disappointed, and she commands no great sway in Malfean society.

Manse â—: Grinning Mishka’s Vitriol Manse yields a hearthstone she calls the Serene Demon Sapphire, a counterpart to the terrestrial Memorial Iron.

Past Lives â—: In her First Age incarnation, Grinning Mishka was the Dawn Caste martial artist renowned as Radiant Mirth, who was the first to create many of the precepts that are now core to the martial arts world–the dojo, where one master trained many students (before, all martial arts training had been done in the Sidereal style, with one sifu training one student), the concept of face, and the set of spiritual metaphors describing martial arts as the perfected lotus. Radiant Mirth’s motivation was to become the greatest martial artist in Creation, but in the wake of her betrayal and death at the hands of her own Sidereal teacher, it has now become to uncover the cause of the Usurpation, to know why the Sidereals turned on their masters. Radiant Mirth retains an intimacy towards the students she trained in her dojo (in modern times, this would extend to any martial artist capable of using one of the dozens of styles she taught), and an intimacy of hatred towards the Sidereal Exalted.

Resources â—: Grinning Mishka asks little of her hellish masters, needing little more than the bare essentials. Her upbringing has left her used to an ascetic lifestyle, and as a martial artist, she needs little in the ways of arms or armor. While she would not like to admit it, the half-hearted patronage of Malfeas would leave her hard-pressed if she tried to live beyond her familiar humble means.

Artifacts and Equipment

God-Forged Mauler: Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +12B, Defense +2, Rate 2, Piercing (Dice Pool 12/Base Damage 16B)

Bracers of Malfean Gold set with a Serene Demon Sapphire



By Pain Reforged

Hardened Devil Body

Scar-Writ Shield Saga

Viridian Legend Exoskeleton

She Who Lives In Her Name

1st Pyrian Excellency (x3)

Counter-Conceptual Interposition

Essence-Dissecting Stare

Factual Determination Analysis

Martial Arts

Infernal Monster Style

God-Smashing Blow

Infernal Monster Form

Raging Behemoth Charge

Retribution Will Follow

Join Combat: 8


Dodge DV 6

Parry DV 7

Soak: 3B/3L (13B/13L with Viridian Legend Exoskeleton)

Hardness: 3B/0L (10B/10L against attacks made without Charms with Viridian Legend Exoskeleton)


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-4 [ ][ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 5

Parry MDV 3


Compassion â—â—â—

Conviction â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—â—â—â—



She Who Lives In Her Name

The Greater Good

Willpower: 7


Permanent: 3

Personal: 16/16

Peripheral: 27/37

Committed: 10

Bonus Points

7 points to increase Essence to 3.

4 points to learn 1st Pyrian Excellency (x3)

4 points to learn Essence-Dissecting Stare

4 points to learn Counter-Conceptual Interposition

4 points to learn God-Smashing Blow

1 points to buy one dot of Martial Arts

2 point to buy a three-dot Martial Arts specialty in Gauntlets and a one-dot Awareness specialty in Initiative

1 points to buy one dot of Past Lives
Lochar said:
You've overspent bonus points, you've got a Permanent Essence of 3.
Mistake on my part; he was originally at Essence 3 so he could get Infernal Monster Form, but I decided against that. Just forgot to change his permanent essence on the sheet.
And here's what I have so far on my Sidereal Akuma.

Rimmon Thrice-Betrayer

Sidereal Chosen of Serenity, Akuma of the Ebon Dragon

Urge: Serve the Infernal Althing




Strength â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—


Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—â—â— â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—


Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—

Wits â—â—â—


Archery* â—â—â—

Martial Arts




Integrity* â—â—â—â—â—

Performance* â—â—â—â—â—

Presence* â—â—â—â—â—





Lore â—




Awareness* â—â—

Dodge* â—â—â—â—

Larceny* â—â—



Linguistics* â—



Socialize* â—â—â—


Artifact â—â—â—: Rimmon’s prize is a long powerbow of starmetal called Seraphic Cast, a gift bestowed upon him by the Ebon Dragon. Rimmon has yet to learn how his patron came into possession of the bow, nor can he read the Old Realm inscription along its shaft.

Artifact â—â—â—: Rimmon is clad in a reinforced breastplate of starmetal, a veritable graveyard of gods. This Apostate Ossuary Aegis was pried from the corpse of a fellow Sidereal almost immediately after his demonic metamorphosis, a desperate act committed to preserve his secrecy.

Demonic Inheritance â—â—â—â—â—:

Demonic Patron â—â—â—â—â—:

Resources â—: Rimmon forsakes wealth, fearing that accruing a vast sum of material wealth would draw undue attention to him from the Realm, ruining the secrecy of his state. He takes no comfort in material luxury, preferring the succor of the Ebon Dragon.

Artifacts and Equipment

Starmetal Long Powerbow: Speed 6, Accuracy +2, Damage +5L, Rate 3, Range 350

Starmetal Reinforced Breastplate: +10L/9B, Hardness 9L/9B, Mobility -1, Fatigue 1, -1 penalty on damage rolls

Sidereal Charms


Generalized Ammunition Technique

Opportune Shot


Heroic Essence Replenishment


Avoiding the Truth Technique


Fateful Performance Excellency

Defense of Shining Joy

Heart-Brightening Presentation Style

Perfection in Life


Force Decision


Cash and Murder Games

Shun the Smiling Maiden

Ebon Dragon Charms

1st Ebon Dragon Excellency (x3)

Shadow Spite Curse

Bloodless Murk Evasion

Cracked Cell Circumvention

Inner Demons Unchained

Life-Blighting Emptiness Attack

Loom-Snarling Deception

Nemesis Self Imagined Anew

Seeing is Blindness

Soul Crack Exploitation

Witness to Darkness


Ebon Dragon’s Slithering Tongues: 1st Ebon Dragon Excellency, Auspicious Performance Excellency, Soul Crack Exploitation

Hail to the Scarlet Bride: 1st Ebon Dragon Excellency, Bloodless Murk Evasion, Generalized Ammunition Technique, Life-Blighting Emptiness Technique, Opportune Shot, Seeing is Blindness

Join Combat: 5


Dodge DV 5

Parry DV X

Soak: 11B/11L

Hardness: 9B/9L

Health: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 8

Parry MDV 7


Compassion â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—â—â—

Willpower: 8 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


Permanent: 3

Personal: 14/14

Peripheral: 26/34

Committed: 8

Bonus Points

3/77 bonus points

10 points to raise Essence to 3

4 points to buy two dots of Willpower

4 points to buy one dot of Manipulation

4 points to buy one dot of Appearance

2 points to buy 2 dots of Performance

2 points to buy 2 dots of Integrity

1 points to buy 1 dots of Presence

1 point to buy one dot of Dodge

12 points to buy 1st Ebon Dragon Excellency (x3)

4 points to buy Witness to Darkness

4 points to buy Nemesis Self Imagined Anew

4 points to buy Soul Crack Exploitation

4 points to buy Loom-Snarling Deception

4 points to buy Inner Demons Unchained

4 points to buy Life-Blighting Emptiness Attack

4 points to buy Cracked Cell Circumvention

4 points to buy Bloodless Murk Evasion

4 points to buy Seeing is Blindness

6 points to create the combo Hail to the Scarlet Bride (1st Ebon Dragon Excellency, Bloodless Murk Evasion, Generalized Ammunition Technique, Life-Blighting Emptiness Technique, Opportune Shot, Seeing is Blindness)

3 points to create the combo Ebon Dragon’s Slithering Tongues (1st Ebon Dragon Excellency, Auspicious Performance Excellency, Soul Crack Exploitation)

4 points to buy Shadow Spite Curse

30 extra points from Demonic Inheritance 5

Sacrifice two dots of Strength for 6 bonus points

Sacrifice one dot of Intelligence for 3 bonus points

Sacrifice one virtue dot for 3 bonus points

Sacrifice one ability dot for 1 bonus point

Sacrifice a charm for 4 bonus points

Take Aura of Power deformity for four bonus points

Take Short Life deformity for four bonus points

Take Diet debility for two bonus points

Take Delusion debility for two bonus points

Take Lame debility for two bonus points

Take Allergy deficiency for one bonus point

Take Hungry deficiency for one bonus point
Here's what I've got so far. Still very much a work in progress, but as always, comments and questions are appreciated.

Name: Green Star Darkly Gleaming (Formerly Silver Star Ascendant)

Exalt Type and Caste: Sidereal Akuma, Chosen of the Maiden of Battle

Urge: To serve the Althing Infernal

Background Silver Star Ascendant grew up on the Blessed Isle. Her family were not possessed of the Blood of the Dragons, of course, but they did well enough. The young silver star was the last daughter in the family, and her beauty, grace, and serenity were wondrous to behold. From a young age she was a kind, if somewhat serious young lady, and she showed a remarkable physical aptitude - her speed of hand and eye were incredible to behold. She seemed destined for great things, or so her family said. If only they had known how high she was to rise, and how far she was to fall.

Receiving the gift of Exaltation at a young age, Silver Star was quickly found by the Sidereal agents. Brought to heaven, her aptitude for both social and martial pursuits was nothing sort of extraordinary. Her prodigal skills quickly became legend, and she was one of the youngest students ever to attain mastery of her preferred style, the Obsidian Shards of Infinity. Many of her superiors, however, were worried about so much power in hands so inexperienced. Or perhaps they merely worried about it in any hands but theirs. It was difficult to say.

In any case, when she had completed her initial training, Silver Star was sent on her first mission. There were some... unusual patterns in the Loom, and the pattern spiders were agitated. Something was disturbing their work, and it had a foul and bitter taint to it. Silver Star descended to Creation to find the source of the problem. Potent, but still relatively inexperienced and somewhat naive, she was completely unprepared for what she encountered.

A young, handsome man, a diplomat who called himself Shai'tal. He seemed earnest, and, he said, he had been contracted to bring an end to a feud between two merchant companies and achieve an alliance that would help trade throughout the East prosper. He was, so she thought, unaware of his nature, and to her senses he seemed entirely mortal. Shai'tal was emminently charming, however, and even though there seemed to be no immediate problem, he seemed willing to help her in her endeavors. She claimed to be a member of the Immaculate order, working to expose corruption in the region, and Shai'tal eagerly pledged his assistance.

Even when her investigations turned up nothing, Silver Star lingered on in the East. Shai'tal doted on her, and they spent a great deal of time together. Making excuses about continuing invesigations to her superiors in heaven, the two grew close. Silver Star had been formerly somewhat shy and reserved, and Shai'tal's affections were strange but welcome. As their intimacy grew, the young man had her hopelessly wrapped about his finger. As time wore on, they became inseperable, and slowly Shai'tal introduced her to different pleasures. Innocent enough at first, and nothing that men and women had not done since the dawn of time. But with each passing week, he would introduce some new innovation or decadence. But still Star stayed, trusting her new lover, though something told her this was, perhaps, unwise.

Things came to a head when an agent from the Bureau, coming to check on Silver Star after a gap in her communications, found her involved in one of Shai'tal's sordid games. Recognizing something dark in the man's spirit, the agent attacked - only to be felled by a single blow from Silver Star, defending her lover without even thinking of it. Shai'tal kissed her, and whispered sweet reassurances into the ears of the horrified girl as she stared at the body of a man who had once been a friend. Drawing her to his arms, Shai'tal told her that she could never go back. Never be what she was. And so, drawing the broken, trusting girl in his arms, Shai'tal led her to her new master.

After the change, the newly renamed Green Star Darkly Gleaming was... different. Wholly loyal to the Ebon Dragon and the willing concubine to her erstwhile paramour, she dwells in Shai'tal's infernal palace when not on assignment. Her attitude varies between cool, ascetic detachment and frenzied desire. Shai'tal is most pleased with the debaucheries his pupil has come to revel in, and the corruption of her soul is a sweet bouqet, both to him and to her new master. She serves Malfeas with all her heart, and she longs for nothing more than to shatter the dark mirror of Creation and walk among the broken shards.



Strength â—â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—â— (â—) (Demon Tattoo +1)

Stamina â—â—â—


Charisma â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â— (â—) (Demon Tatoo +1)

Appearance â—â—â—â— (â—) (Demon Tattoo +1)


Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—

Wits â—â—



Martial Arts â—â—â—â—â— â— (â—)* (3 Bonus Points Spent) (Demon Tattoo +1) (Demon Tattoo Single Opponents +1)


Thrown * (Burned â—â— for 2 BP)


Integrity â—â—


Presence â—â—â—

Resistance â—â—




Lore â—â—* (Burned â— for 1 BP)


Occult â—â—


Awareness â—â—â—

Dodge â—â—â— (â—) (Demon Tattoo +1)

Larceny â— * (Burned â—â— for 2 Points)

Stealth â—â—â—â—â—* (2 bonus points)(Demon Tattoo Hiding In Shadows +1)

Bureaucracy* (Burned â—â— For 2 Points)

Linguistics â— (Old Realm)



Socialize â—â—â— (â—) * (Demon Tattoo +1) (Demon Tattoo Seduction +1)


Artifact â—â— (Corrupted Starmetal Baneclaws (Pair))

Demonic Inheritance â—â—â—â—â— (Free)

Demonic Patron â—â—â—â—â— (Free)

Resources â—â—â—

Savant â—â—â—

Influence (Ebon Dragon) â—â—â—

Artifact â—â—â— (Demon Tattoo) (+1 Dexterity, Manipulation, Appearance) (+1 Martial Arts, Dodge, Socialize) (Specialties in Seduction, Hiding in Shadows, Martial Arts (Single Opponent)

Artifacts and Equipment

Corrupted Starmetal Baneclaws (Pair)

Demon Tattoo (+1 Dexterity, Manipulation, Appearance) (+1 Martial Arts, Dodge, Socialize) (Specialties in Seduction, Hiding in Shadows, Martial Arts (Single Opponent)

Charms (Burned 6 for 24 BP)



First Martial Arts Excellency

Fateful Martial Arts Excellency


Martial Arts Charms

Obsidian Shards of Infinity Style (Scroll of the Monk)

Ripple in the Silvered Glass

Black Shards Fall Like Ice

Reaching Through the Mirror

Shattering the Balance* (5 BP)

Obsidian Shards of Infinity Form* (5 BP)

Draw Forth One Shard* (5 BP)

Draw Forth Every Shard* (5 BP)

The Mirror Does Not Lie* (5 BP)

Vanished Within the Glass* (5 BP)

Resistance Charms

Ox-Body Technique (1)

Ebon Dragon Charms

Loom-Snarling Deception (5 BP)

Eldritch Secrets Mastery (5 BP)

Join Combat:


Dodge DV:8 (6 Dexterity + 4 Dodge + 6 Essence)/2

Parry DV:9 (6 Dexterity + 7 Martial Arts +4 Defense)/2

Soak: B/L

Health: -0/-0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV:7 (6 Willpower + 2 Integrity + 6 Essence)/2

Parry MDV:4 (4 Manipulation + 3 Presence)/2


Compassion â—

Conviction â—â—

Temperance â—â—â—

Valor â—â—â—

Virtue Flaw

Temperance (Ascetic Drive)


Willpower:â—â—â—â—â— â—


Permanent: 6 (40 Bonus Points)

Personal: 18

Peripheral: 57


Bonus Points


(85/85, 48+37 from Burns)

+4 Essence (40)

Charms (40)

+3 Martial Arts (3)

+2 Stealth (2)


Sexual Addiction (Debility) +2 BP

Aura of Power (Deformity) +4 BP

Burn 6 Charms for 24 BP

Burn 7 Abilities for 7 BP
Exalted Akuma still suffer from the Great Curse and Limit Break. Please note your limit break.
Lochar said:
Exalted Akuma still suffer from the Great Curse and Limit Break. Please note your limit break.
Yep, I know. Like I said, it's still very much WIP. I was just posting it so anyone who's of a mind can make comments on how the build's going so far.

I'm also trying to formulate just how much free will and desire an Akuma has. reading some of the samples in the book, it looks like, unless they've been directly ordered to take up a certain task, they have a good bit of leeway - they can even indulge in their own private pursuits, so long as they continue to work towards the completion of their Urge.
Which is why your Urge is to serve the Althing Infernal.

So long as you follow all the orders given by an Infernal, you're ok to do otherwise.
Sargath was born human, in the Blessed Island: as his father before, he was a history teacher at the eptagram; unlike him, he use that work only as a cover.

Finding a hole in the library security (nominally, some secondary entrance are warded against essence-user, but people without an awakened essence could easily slip in), he find hint of long-lost manses, bases, and similar locations.

He then contacted some good scavenger lords, selling them his informations in exchange of a good percentage of whatever they find.

His base of operations was a small town on the coast where he buyed a house, officially for relax when he was not teaching, but with a wast underground complex when he set a little workshop to study some of the strange wonders his associated bring to him, a sort of museum containing strange, broken devices nobody wanted, and his even growing stash of illegal gains.

A couple of month ago, he was in the workshop trying to understand how to open a strange puzzle-box and daydreaming about his future life as a wealthy gentleman, when his security system warn him of an intrusion: 10 dragon blood where caught broke and entering in his refuge. He immediately activated his contingency plan: he activated the perimetral mine at the entrance of his refuge, and goes taking his money: according to the plan, he will then enter a secret tunnel and exit it 5 miles south, where he will take a boat and disappear in some satrapie.

Sadly, the past uses of the sword of creation had weakened the structure, and when the mines explodes killing the DB (according to the plan), the weakened structure simply collapsed. 3600 citizen die, and a rubble-Filled hole stand where a living town used to be.

Sargath manage to run into an inoperative vehicle, thus exchanging a swift death by crushing rock with a slow one, by asphyxia.

When he was there, sitting in quiet desperation in the cockpit, he hear a soft voice behind him, offering him life, and a lot more: he slowly turn...

Sargath the dark creator

Infernal Defiler (She Who Lives in Her Name)

Motivation: govern a mighty kingdom.

Urge: cancel the aberration of freewill from creation.




Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—


Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—


Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—



Martial Arts





(f)Performance â—â—â—


(f)Resistance â—â—



fire â—â—

Air â—â—

Magitech â—

Vitriol â—â—â—

Investigate â—â—â—

Lore â—â—â—


Occult â—â—â—â—â—




(f) Larceny â—


(f)Bureaucracy â—â—

(f)Linguistics â—â—â—





Backing â—

Cult â—

influence â—

Contacts (scavenger lords) â—â—

past life â—â—â—

savant â—â—â—â—


Compassion â—

Convinction â—â—â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—â—

Valor â—

Willpower â—â—â—â—â—â—â—â—

Essence â—â—â—

Personal essence 17

periphal essence 39


She who Lives in Her Name

first SWLiHN excellency (X3)

SWLiHN inevitable tecnique

Factual determination analisys

Cosmic trascendence of convinction

Essence Dissecting Stare

Mind-Hand manipulation

Principle – invoking onslaught

costructive convergence principle

freebie expenditure

occult +2 (2)

Savant +2 (3)

convinction +1 (3)

essence +1 (7)
You don't put 3 points into Craft, you put the points directly into the type of Craft. So you don't have Craft 3, and then 3 of Craft (Vitriol) for a total of 6.

Could you please run this through a spell/grammar checker? 3 extra bonus points for the backstory once you do.
I was Red Talon, Chosen of Luna. I suppose I still am—that, and more.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. I was born a humble creature, as all mortals are. I grew in the harsh seas of the West, bearing constant witness to the difficulty of life there. The land gave so little, and when the sea was not crashing against us like a fist, it was our only source of sustenance. A small and petty god—petty, now, but still quite a fearsome thing to one as spiritually small as I was—ruled over us. He called himself Glass-in-the-Basalt, and he was just hot enough to burn me with each touch. Me, because I had been born under the auspices of time, his fifth mortal bride in only ten years.

I was wed before I was old enough to know what a wife did. He liked it that way. Said he liked teaching. I could hide the scars, then. Pretend to be the good little queen. How many times did I convince my mother of the wondrous love of Glass-in-the-Basalt? How many times did I call the village into prayer? How many times did I lie, and how many times did he repay my lies with more scars, more marks of his affection?

I grew older and wiser and less tolerant and more foolish and one night, when he reached out to touch me, I drove a shard of obsidian into his heart, and he laughed. Loudly, endlessly. He laughed at my presumption and reached out to strike me—and I caught his hand in midflight, transformed. Silver. Protean. Moon-maddened.

I slaughtered Glass-in-the-Basalt, and he couldn’t stop laughing. And a woman in silver looked over the corpse for just a second, and smiled at me like I was to be grateful for what she gave.

Where was Luna when an eleven-year old girl learned about sex in the worst possible way? Where was her infinite grace then? I’ve never felt grateful. She gave me a lion’s shape and a lion’s hair: I couldn’t escape it, the length of that mane. Couldn’t cut it. Couldn’t dye it away. She had tried to define me. Tried to make me hers just like Glass had tried to make me his.

Her Chosen found me before long, gave me the tattoos. Chose again, for me. Tattooed me into a Changing Moon. Defining me. Everyone was defining me. And all I wanted was a definition from within.

It took long enough to earn their trust, convince them I was worthy. Took even longer to believe the promises of demons. I did the Silver Pact’s work to keep them off my back, and slowly, surely, my curiosity and wisdom grew.

There was—possibly still is—a copy of the Broken-Winged Crane just southwest of Skullstone. Hell was a respite: the demons scraped as I walked past. The deal was simple enough: my freedom for the power to define myself. Change myself.

I took it.

Cecelyne proved herself to be a patient patron, and for my part the little Lunar survivalist left in me enjoyed—enjoyed!—rushing across her cold silver sands. I took the shapes of demonkind, and then, under her tutelage, I began to mangle the shape Luna gave me—forced upon me! I grasped it, molded it like hot glass. I took Glass’ shape. His shape. Took a demon, the pahoi, one of the geothermal monsters of Cecelyne’s warm underbelly, into my soul and my being. And now, I’m the one who burns.

And soon, Creation will burn away, until the only thing left is infinite sand. There will always be life. Even if it only clings to the fringes, to the horizons. And what life remains? It will be worthy. Self-defining. Willing to dare anything for the sublime pleasure of survival.

Carmine Lotus

Changing Moon Exalt, Akuma to Cecelyne

Spirit Shape: A serpentine lavaflow, otherwise known as the pahoi demon

Urge: Serve the Althing Infernal


Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—â—

Charisma â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—

Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—â—â— â—


Survival â—â—

Occult â—â—â—â— (Demonlore +2)

Performance â—â—

Presence â—â—â—

Melee â—â—â—

Investigation â—

Lore â—â—

Linguistics â—â—â—

Integrity â—â—â—

Awareness â—

Larceny â—â—

Athletics â—

Resistance â—â—

Essence 5

Personal: 23/23

Peripheral: 58/58

Willpower 9/9

Compassion â—

Conviction â—â—â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—

Valor â—â—â—


Heart's Blood â—â—â—â—

Cult â—â—

Artifact â—â—â—

Demonic Patron â—â—â—â—â—

Demonic Inheritance â—â—â—â—â—


Towering Beast Form

Green-Sun Child

Deadly Beastman Transformation

Shape-Twisting Practice


First Stamina Excellency

First Wits Excellency

Ox-Body Technqiue (-2 x 4)

Bruise-Relief Method

Halting the Scarlet Flow

Wasp Sting Blur

Many-Armed Monkey Style

Bonus Point Expenditure:

30: Essence 2 to 5

6: Conviction 3 to 5

2: Willpower 8 to 9

2: Heart's Blood 3 to 4

6: Knack (Shape-Twisting Practice)

1: Specialty (Occult: Demonlore +2)

1: Occult 3 to 4

1: Artifact 2 to 3

Total: 49/49

Akuma Schenanigans:

Drained 1 Perception to give to Wits.

Hallucinations Debility--she suffers illusions of Glass-in-the-Basalt when stressed (+2 BP)

Allergy--Carmine can not abide contact with either gold or orichalcum (+1 BP)

Lost Sense--Carmine can neither smell nor taste; all is as brimstone (+1 BP)

Heart's Blood Library

Lion, Eagle, Strix, River Dragon, Tabby Cat, Black Dog, Wolf, Warhorse, Peacock, Salmon, Siaka, Giant Squid, Giant Viper, Tyrant Lizard, Yeddim, Elephant, Giant Spider, Boar

Agatae, Gilmyne, Metody, Teodozjia, Tomescu, Blood Ape, Neomah, Perroneles, Noresores, Angyalkae



Carmine Lotus

Tattoos like lava

Demonic Warform
Name: Adachi, He Who Was Cast into the Scarlet Flames

Exalt Type and Caste: Defiler Caste, Green Sun Prince

Motivation: To seek his vengeance upon those who marked him, the Immaculate Order.

Urge: To spread the blood of the Yozi throughout House Mnemon. (Ophidian)

Background:The beginning of what would be the story of my life needs a little explanation. You see, unlike the majority of humanity I was not born from a mother per se, I was born from the union of my father, several of his lovers, and the aid of my ‘mother’ a Neomah. Now though it is not unknown for a Dynast or even a mortal capable of summoning them to enjoy the pleasure of flesh with a Neomah, it is far rarer for them to use the Neomah’s…unique ability. I was one such ‘creation’, but unlike the various others I was not born from love or respect or the need for an heir, I was born because of an intellectual curiosity. You see my father, as that is what I knew him as and what he instructed me to call him, was a member of House Mnemon and of no small talent in the art of Thaumaturgy and his skill in the Art was matched only by his ambition. Now ambition, by itself, is not a bad thing. Many great things have arisen because of a single person’s ambition, but when unchecked it can lead to a great many problems. My father’s ambition was to take control of House Mnemon and while his ambition was praiseworthy, his common sense was lacking. Mnemon has held onto her matriarchal status this long because there have been none better then her, his belief that he was any different compared to those who had tested her before not only foolish but deadly. However my father was not a stupid man, at least not past ambition, and he understood that the attempt would require both backing and support from other members of the House as well as alliances to the other Houses, but as he went about trying to gather this support the truth of the matter dawned on him, though he was by no means a weak Exalt, he did not have the favor of other members of the House and others outside the House rightfully decided that my father was a loon who would get himself killed. So with his desire and ambition ruling his mind, he began his search for power, with me as his lab assistant, sounding board, and test subject.

Now to ensure that his work was secure and his secrets safe, he bound my will to his, turning me into little more then a puppet, a passenger along for the ride as it were. Now this existence wasn’t truly terrible, after I was never responsible for my needs or desires, but there is little joy in watching yourself perform acts that you have no control over. At first they were minor tasks, helping him with rituals, performing the manual labor around the lab, translating, so on and so forth, but as the years past and my father became more desperate so did my tasks. You see as he became more desperate he started to branch out his efforts, looking for a way to increase his power. These efforts originally started with necromancy, which, as can be expected, neither resulted in the outcomes my father expected, but also led to much grimier work for myself. At first it was grave-robbing, looking for corpses for my father to experiment with, but as those resources ran thin and others began to notice something was amiss in the graveyard he turned to the still living for the needed materials, which led to kidnapping, at first just one or two orphans a month, but as even the orphans and street urchins began to run thin after several years of this. With nearly seven years of almost no results my father began to despair that necromancy would not bring him the power he needed. He decided before long that there must be another route towards the power he needed, that necromancy would not suffice. It was during this period that we left, or more correctly he left and I was compelled to follow. He travelled from Greyfalls, his heading left unexplained to me as I acted as his porter. He was silent for the entirety of that month, something I came to resent at the time, as much as I could at least, though now I look back on those times fondly, as it was a short respite from the hell that serving my father had become. It was not until we reached Nexus that I was made aware of what my father was searching for, a copy of the Broken-Winged Crane. He told me it was a book with which he would be able to contact those who could grant him the power he needed. While he originally intended to stay in Nexus while studying the scripture, events there took a turn for the worse, or at least that is what he said, and we made our way back to Greyfalls where my father began whole-heartedly his research into all things Yozi, believing that this was the route with which he could take control of House Mnemon. Before he willed himself to summon one of the beings described within the book, my father practiced by summoning all manner of minor demons, whether to barter with them, force them to do his bidding, or more…crude acts. It was not long before I became a bargaining tool to him, he would not let them kill me or take me for long, he said it was because I was his son, who had become far more involved then any of his real children, but I knew the truth, just like I knew he had no real children, or at least not any more, it was because he knew there was something about me, something that spoke of my true nature, and such was my life for five full years. Five full years in my own living hell, five full years of being used and abused, five full years of a waking nightmare, and what scared me the most? Near the end I began to enjoy it, I began to like it so much that my father no longer needed to bind my mind with his spells, no longer needed to keep me under his control.

However these times were not to last, I would later learn how these events had unfolded, but at the time I was dumbfounded. You see three years ago a contingent of the Wyld Hunt, almost entirely made of monks from the Immaculate Order were found entering my father’s estate as dawn broke the sky. Now as I said, I did not know at the time as to how they found out how corrupted my father had become, but as I later learned it was because of the Sidereals, who had sensed constant traffic from Malfeas inside my father’s estate. They responded by informing the Immaculate Order, who organized this Hunt. Now as dawn broke the sky they called my father out, intending on giving him a merciful and quick death, instead my father responded much like his patron would and struck out at his hunters. The fight was fierce, but short lived and soon my father lay dead before me. When the members of the hunt turned towards me, I knew that they had a similar fate in mind for me, that somehow they knew that I was had been tainted by my father’s work. It was at this time that I had a decision to make, I could take my fathers weapons, draw upon the knowledge I possessed and strike out at those who would kill me, those who had destroyed my only family. Or I could flee, I could hope that I could out run them, hope that they would not find me. I was a survivor, I had given up on my morals, my self worth, became nothing more then a basic beast, as such I fled. My mistake was fleeing back into the house. Rather than hunt me down, my pursuers boarded up the entrances and set fire to the building. It was marvelous and terrifying, wonderful and horrifying; it caused both delight and despair. As the flames consumed the villa, they caught the various experiments, the vats of precious oils, the rare materials, the bound demons, and they gave the fire a new life, a new color. Born from my father’s laboratory, the scarlet flame cast about, seeking my flesh. When it caught me, it was both glorious, sweeter then the touch of any Neomah, and terrifying, worse then any of the crueler demons who had had their way with me. Like I said, I am a survivor, I lived. Somehow I had survived, though barely so, as I was covered in massive burns, lying in the ashes and ruins of the villa, it was a torturous experience. I lay there for what seemed an eternity when I first saw it. It was a Luminata, I knew of its kind because of my father, he had summoned one before when he needed to hunt down a villager who had seen to much. At first I thought it was one of the bound demons, set free by the damage come to take its vengeance on me, but as fate, oh the irony, would have it, it had come for much worse a reason then my death. As it drew near, as I could see just how disgusting it truly looked, I hurled insult after insult, wishing in abject terror for a quick death, but it stopped once I could stare it in the eyes. I could see its formless features, its true desire, the wishe to feast on my flesh, however such was not what fate had in store for me. It spoke, a quiet voice filled with desire underlined with determination. It filled my head with visions of what I could be, a world where others would not control me, but where I was in control. It showed me a world where I was not alone, a world where I had a family. In this world I was perfect, I was whole, and I was at peace. In this world, forged by my hand and the hand of my masters I had my revenge. As it spoke I silently wept, as it drank my tears I silently laughed, as its tongue was fire on my ruined form I dreamed. It was in those sweet and terrifying dreams that I knew perfection, that I knew peace, that I knew my answer. I agreed. I accepted the power it offered and I damned my soul for it. I heard a silent laugh as its form melted onto my own. As it shaped a cocoon around me, as the darkness enveloped me, I felt its thoughts become my own, as its memories became mine, as its form shaped my own. As I lay in that all encompassing darkness, my mind flashed and my senses were driven wild. I saw the green light, smelled the vitriol on the wind, tasted the sands of Cecelyne, heard the words of my mistress, and felt the biting wind. As I lay dreaming, the words of my mistress filled my mind, felt as she laid the truth of Malfeas upon my soul, felt as she told me her name. Admist this all I saw the shadow of another, as his hand aided in the change, filled my heart with his whispers, reformed my mind.

After those five days of being reforged, after my soul was given a second chance at greatness, I awoke. When I woke, I was no longer alone nor was I in the charred ruins of my father’s villa. I was underground, in a cavern of unworked stone surrounded by the prostrated forms of naked flesh. It was several minutes before one of the prostrate forms rose, and until she did I did not recognize any of them. However, once they began to rise I began to assign names to familiar faces, they had been those who had gathered themselves around my father. For some reason they had returned to my father’s villa after the Hunt had left, perhaps to loot whatever had not been lost to the fire, perhaps hoping my father had lived, whatever the reason they had found my chrysalis and somehow had managed to move it to their haven. There they had spent the last five days praying to my new masters, believing that I would become something better, a tool for them to use once again. The fools seemed to have forgotten what they had done to me, what their pursuit of power had wrecked upon my body, I had not. Driven by the voice of Kalish, the Luminata who had empowered me, I made sure they understood their new position as they had done to me. I gave them pain and pleasure, hope and despair, valor and fear. I gave them perfection. Those who survived were changed, made better, one step closer to the perfection I now stood for. Furthermore they were made obedient, though they possessed their own free will still, as unlike my mistress I prefer my tools and toys to keep that vital flaw, as it leads to surprising and delightful turn of events. A perfect example of this is how they came to worship me, praising me, begging for both forgiveness and my touch of perfection. They worshiped me as an aspect of my mistress, something more then mortal, something perfect. As I left that day, the woman who led them, who I had made sure understood her position, stated that they would leave Greyfalls, that they would spread the word of perfection, the truth behind my words. The irony of the cult and my nature still makes me laugh, even though several years have passed. Soon after I began my travels, heading towards my new home, the sound of my mistress’ voice a gentle respite within my mind.


Messy Work

Adachi and his Newest Creation

All Work and No Play…


Physical (Tertiary)

Strength: â—â—

Dexterity: â—â—â—

Stamina: â—â—

Social (Secondary)

Charisma: â—â—â—

Manipulation: â—â—â—

Appearance: â—â—â—

Mental (Primary)

Perception: â—â—â—

Intelligence: â—â—â—â—

Wits: â—â—â—â—


Archery: â—â—â— [bP 1]

Martial Arts:




Integrity: â—



Resistance: â—


Craft: Air: â—â—â—, Fire: â—â—â—, Vitriol: â—â—â—, Genesis: â—â—â— [bP 3]

Investigate: â—

Lore: â—â—â—

Medicine: â—â—â—

Occult: â—â—â—â—â— [bP 2]



Dodge: â—â—â— [bP 1]




Linguistics: â—â—â— [Low Realm (Greyfalls), Old Realm, High Realm, Forest-Tongue]



Socialize: â— [bP 2]


Backing (SWLHN): â—â—â— [bP 2] – Adachi is one of SWHLN more favored GSPs, both his work in creation and his work in Malfeas tend to bring results and he is responsible for several new innovations in the field of biotech.

Cult: â—â—◠– The Cult of Perfection. Born from the remnants of his father’s followers, the Cult of Perfection worships Adachi not only has an aspect of SWLHN but as a being of true perfection. Rather then located in any one single region, the Cult has spread throughout creation both as a measure of self protection, but also at the will of Adachi. They believe it is so they can spread the word of his coming, but in truth it is to minimize any potential damage were a sect to be subverted.

Influence (SWLHN): â—â—â— [bP 2] – Amongst those who follow or were born of SWLHN, Adachi is known and spoken of frequently. Those who fall below him in rank are numerous, with only a few Second Circle and the Third Circle souls able to speak with him as an equal. His fame, or infamy rather, has spread to the servants of other Yozi as well, who give him wide berth or end up on his operating table or vitriol laboratory.

Familiar (Demonic): â—â—◠– Nashil. Nashil was gifted to Adachi by SWLHN when he first came to Malfeas. Nashil is a Metody of exceptional quality, who besides serving as Adachi’s bodyguard is also his intellectual companion and consort.

Resources: â—â—â—â—â— [bP 5] –
Though SWLHN provides for his every need in Malfeas, in creation things are tighter for one of the Green Sun Princes. Adachi has found a way around this by selling his creations, only those that he has managed to put into mass-production in Malfeas, at high prices throughout creation. It is a lucrative business and Adachi’s personal wealth exceeds all but the wealthiest of the dynasts.

Artifact: â—â— (Very Small Infernal Cannon) [bP 2] –

Artifacts and Equipment:

Magatsu - Very Small Infernal Cannon [spd 4, Acc +2, Dmg 6L p, Rate 1, Rng 50, 5/day] Adachi’s very first creation since his exaltation, forged from materials he took with his own hands, blessed in vitriol drawn from Nashil, and covered in the scriptures of Perfection.

Hellwand (x4) [spd 5, Acc +1, Dmg 12L, Rate 1, Rng 10] Adachi disdains combat, especially melee combat, but as his nature leads him to conflict every so often he designed these Hellwands as a back up source of protection.



Hardened Devil Body

She Who Lives in Her Name

First She Who Lives in Her Name Excellency – Essence Overwhelming (x3)

Sorcerous Enlightenment of She Who Lives in Her Name

Factual Determination Analysis

Essence-Dissecting Stare

Mind-Hand Manipulation


Slave-Spawn Summons

Will of She Who Lives in Her Name (Sorcerer’s Irresistible Puppetry)

Join Combat: 4d10


Dodge DV: 5 [(Dex 3 + Dodge 3 + Essence 3)/2

Parry DV:

Soak: B/L


-0: [ ]

-1: [ ] [ ]

-2: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

-4: [ ] [ ]

In: [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV: 6 [(Willpower 7 + Integrity 1 + Essence 3)/2]

Parry MDV:


Compassion: â—â—â—

Conviction: â—â—â—â—

Temperance: â—

Valor: â—

Virtue Flaw: The Torment of the Ebon Dragon (Ophidian Urge)

Intimacies: Immaculate Order (negative), SWLHN (positive), (positive)

Willpower: â—â—â—â—â— â—â—


Permanent: 3 [bP 7]

Personal: 16/16 [Essence x 3 (3x3) + Willpower (7)]

Peripheral: 37/37 [Essence x 7 (3x7) + Willpower (7) + Virtues (9)]


Bonus Points: 15 + 3 (Pictures) + 3 (Background) + 6 (2 anecdotes)

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