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Character Creation Guide V1.1!


Kaerri's Man. =)
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Step 1. Roll 4d6 7 times (keep the 3 highest of the 4).
Notes: Distribute these among your PC's Attributes (all except Physical Prowess).
Willpower is determined by Mental Endurance / 3 (see Shop Talk - Willpower and Archetypes).
The Speed Attribute (Spd) adds Initiative bonuses when they are 18 or higher. To determine, compare your Spd Attribute to the Physical Prowess table and divide by 2, rounding down (i.e. Spd of 18 provides a +1 Initiative bonus, Spd of 22 equals +2, Spd of 26 equals +3, and the maximum bonus is +4 at Spd of 30 or above).

Step 2. Roll 1d6/2. Add 16. This reflects your PC's starting Physical Prowess Attribute (17, 18, or 19).

Step 3. Select an Archetype: Nature & Demeanor. This is how your PC regains Willpower.

Step 4. Select a Species.
Human, Mutanimal, Yokai. What are the traits of playing each?

Human - No data from After the Bomb is necessary for human characters.
1. Human appearance. Is part of human society. Generally knows what kind of behavior to expect when among most human beings.
2. No Mutant Animal Form or BIO-E Powers (starting S.D.C. is 0).
3. 5 Skill Programs and 7 Secondary Skills when making selections from Ninjas & Superspies, page 26.
4. Eligible for Elemental Martial Arts (which, if desired, cost 1 Skill Program for each element).
5. Little (if any) understanding of the animal or spirit world unless provided by the character's background. May or may not believe in Mutanimals, Yokai, or anything supernatural at all!
6. Cannot innately communicate with animals or spirits (but perhaps can be taught?).

Mutanimal - Select an animal from After the Bomb from page 76 and BIO-E Powers from page 68.
1. Inhuman appearance (unless Full Looks is chosen). Is not part of human society. Has only a basic understanding of human society.
2. Possesses a Mutant Animal Form and BIO-E Powers.
3. 4 Skill Programs and 6 Secondary Skills when making selections from Ninjas & Superspies, page 26.
4. Not eligible for Elemental Martial Arts.
5. Strong understanding of the animal world and regional animals. Generally knows what kind of behavior to expect when among most animals, domestic and wild.
6. Strong ability to communicate with animals (note: I don't know if this means "speak" yet as animals don't use spoken language).

Yokai - Select an animal from After the Bomb from page 76 and BIO-E Powers from page 68.
1. Inhuman appearance (unless Full Looks is chosen). Is not part of human society. Has only a basic understanding of human society.
2. Possesses a Mutant Animal Form and BIO-E Powers.
3. 4 Skill Programs and 6 Secondary Skills when making selections from Ninjas & Superspies, page 26.
4. Not eligible for Elemental Martial Arts.
5. Strong understanding of Spirit World and regional spirits. Generally knows what kind of behavior to expect when among most spirits (ghosts, demons, other yokai, and supernatural creatures not born on Earth).
6. Strong ability to communicate with spirits.

5. Select Skill Programs and Secondary Skills.
Select 4 Skill Programs/6 Secondary Skills for Mutanimals and Yokai or 5 Skill Programs and 7 Secondary Skills for Humans. Any Skill Program can be taken including Basic Skill Programs. See below for new Skill Program and Skills.

Please keep in mind that these Skill Programs are simply collections of Skills - you don't have to be a bodyguard or an assassin to select the Bodyguard/Assassin Skill Program. Also, with any Skill Program that offers Modern W.P.s, you have the option of instead selecting Ancient W.P.s for each Modern Weapon W.P..

New Skill Program!
Technical Skill Program
(Basic, based off of the Science Skill Program in Ninjas & Superspies.)
Research with a +10% bonus.
Any Four Technical Skills each with a +5% bonus.

New Skills!
Adds +1 to Perception Rolls when taken and +1 every 3 levels afterward.
Board Games: 30% (+5%) (Cultural, replaces Go.) Learn how to play board games of all kinds from Chess to Monopoly to Go.
Lore: Martial Arts: 40% (+5%) (Technical, add a +15% bonus to any Hand to Hand: Martial Art System practiced by the character.) Identify martial arts when studied for 1 minute. Understand the philosophy, history, and usage of martial arts the world over.

As in Psychie and Sherwood's games, having a percentage-based Skill selected twice (or more) provides a +5% bonus each time the Skill is selected after the first time. Does not apply to Weapon Proficiencies.

1a. A Martial Art System is free to your character, unless you don't want one! If you don't, you receive a number of "Other" Skills instead. (See Shop Talk - Martial Art Systems.)

In other words, the character receives 1 "Other" Skill if Hand to Hand: Martial Arts/Assassin is selected, 2 "Other" Skills for Hand to Hand: Expert, 3 "Other" Skills for Hand to Hand: Basic, or 4 "Other" Skills for having NO Hand to Hand Skills (not recommended!). "Other" Skills means any Skill your character qualifies for after having selected your Skill Programs (these are not Secondary Skills. Each "Other" Skill received this way has a +10% bonus).

6. See your Game Master for starting gear and money (in 1980s United States dollars).
Cash is easy. Start with $2,000 in 198X money (almost $8,000 in 2024 money).

As for weapons and gear, it's pretty much what you can reasonably carry or items you get my approval with (like Toby's gear here. Notice he has a lot of things he can carry on his person, but also a personal computer and printer too. Your character begins with one Ancient weapon for each Ancient Weapon Proficiency (or two if W.P. Paired Weapons is taken) up to what can be reasonably worn or hauled around. No Modern Weapons or body armor at start (as personal body armor, for civilian use, was unheard of in 198X).

Example! Toby's starting weapons and gear.


Two shiny steel sai (2d8 damage) with thigh sheaths.
Two pairs of red and brown hardwood nunchaku sticks bound with reinforced silk (2d8 damage) with belt sheaths.
Small modern crossbow with 20 bolts (2d8 damage, 700 foot range). Kept on right hip with bolt case on left hip.

Two sets of clothing (one casual/traveling outfit, one golden-brown silk Kung Fu martial arts uniform).
Hardbound portable notebook.
4 pens and 4 markers.
Large quality satchel with shoulder strap.
First Aid Kit (with 10/10 uses remaining).
Silver Timex wristwatch.
Folding utility tool with pouch (includes two knives, file, can-opener, screwdrivers, etc.).
Personal computer (PC) with a huge library of electronic reference books (pick two specialty Skill-related topics - Medical Doctor and Lore: Magic) and printer.

Player Character information. =)

1. Archetype: Nature & Demeanor?
2. Personality (is your PC shy? Dedicated? Loyal? Compassionate? Fearful? Brave? Etc.)?
3. Alignment (as always, no Evil aligned characters)?
4. Species (Human, Mutant Animal, other)?
5. Ethnic heritage (Asian, African-American, Mexican, Mixed race, etc.)?
6. Desired Education Level (I think I would like the dice to play a part here)?
7. Martial Art System (or lack thereof)?
8. Polyhedrons or RP Nation dice roller?

Kaerri - Kiseko.
1 - Chameleon/Conformist
2 - Cautious, quiet, observant, resolute
3 - Unprincipled with Scrupulous leanings
4 - Other (Fox)
5 - Japanese
6 - Maybe the equivalent of high school? I don't want her terribly far behind, but at present I don't know how she'd have gotten much formal schooling.
7 - Ninjitsu
8 - Polyhedrons!

Psychie - Khan Haoyu - yokai shoki Khan clan/Tiger Claw Kung Fu.
1. My Nature will be Survivor, and his Demeanor is Rebel.
2. more aggressive than our elephant, perhaps relying upon him to be his voice of reason and not let him go running off gung-ho?
3. Scrupulous
4. Tiger
5. Chinese
6. More martial in his education, with the elite militia background
7. Fu-Chiao Pai/Tiger Claw Kung Fu
8. Polyhedrons!

Sherwood - Moyo - Elephant Mutant Animal/Tai Chi.
1. Nature is Penitent, Demeanor is Guru.
2. A very loyal, almost set in stone determined character. Slow to respond, but once I've decided on a course of action, I'm unstoppable.
3. Principled
4. Elephant, African.
5. Born as a pachyderm, then mutated into a humanoid form
6. If I were to pick, he'd go with the Artesian background. Almost a pacifist, when he was younger, he lost his temper with another member of his 'family' and her hurt them badly with his great strength. After that, he is very slow to use force, schooling himself to not get someone hurt through his actions.
7. I am thinking either Akidio or Tai-Chi for a martial art style.
8. Polyhedrons!

Silanon - Name? - Falcon -Choy-Li-Fut
1. Nature: anarchist? Demeanor: Nihilist. At least for the time being!
2. Some say that she lost her passion. That she's detached herself from the world. But they'll also recall the anger, the unrest, the unhappiness below. The rage. The best and the worst of her. Perhaps with the change of environment, it will surface more often again?
3. unprincipled (the chaotic-good one) with careless-neutral tendencies every now and then.
4. Mutant animal - hawk, likely. Bird of prey, certainly.
5. north-to-middle European. Details may follow.
6. little education - she's not the most brilliant mind, and her dedication goes elsewhere.
7. in the works!
8. Polyhedrons!

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