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Fantasy Character-Based Interest Thread


New Member
Hello there. So, the way my mind works, I don't so much have ideas for RPs as much as I have ideas for characters. Most of them are inspired by me finding a piece of fantasy art, usually on Pinterest, and thinking up a personality and backstory for the person. So, here are a few characters I'd like to RP. Please message me if you'd be interested in playing with one of them.

Princess Yennenga.
This one is actually based on a real, historical person. Princess Yennenga was the founder of the Mossi kingdom in northern Ghana in the 13th century. She was renowned for both her beauty and her prowess as a warrior. Her story's an interesting one that I'd recommend looking up some time.

This guy doesn't have a real name yet. For the time being, I just call him "The Conqueror." The basic premise that I have for him so far is that he leads a wandering band of mercenaries and has come to a land that's fallen to chaos. He intends to conquer the land, establish a just and strong ruler, and put an end to the anarchy that has cost the lives of so many. He's heroic, but with an iron fist.

A vampire lord in a setting where all the noble houses are vampires, and they compete with one another. As far as vampire lords go, he's relatively benevolent to the humans under his charge, though he does still feed on them for his own survival. If he is to be part of a vampire/human romance, I would like the story to be FAR from JUST a romance. The romance should be a secondary or even tertiary aspect.

Basically, the same as Adrian, but gender-swapped.

A classic upstart youth who's seeking to become a hero. He's a peasant who has inherited the family sword, and hopes to use it to make his way in the world, because he's grown up on tales of adventure. He imagines himself as some sort of Hero of Destiny or Chosen One, and is likely to receive a rude awakening.

That's all for now. I may post more soon.
Adding a few more

A half orc who was raised as the son of his tribe's chief, and always treated as if he were full-blooded. It could be fun to play with him and your character both being members of the tribe and living daily life. Or I have a story in mind where the tribe was scattered during a raid, and Batu seeks to reunite them under his own banner. He could also go on any number of adventures with one of your characters. In DnD terms, I often picture him as a cleric.

Benjamin Strato
A former circus strongman turned barkeep. Strato works in medieval fantasy settings or old west settings. He's a true gentleman through and through, struggling to keep people safe. Roleplaying out running a tavern, saloon, or bar could be great fun.
Sir Garrett
A middle-aged, experienced knight. I could see him in an RP protecting a member of a royal family, leading younger knights in battle, training a squire, or being a mentor to a young hero. He's grizzled, a little grumpy, but also honorable and fair.
A wicked, scheming sorceress who is always trying to find ways to get ahead. She is manipulative, cruel, and selfish to the core. The most interesting partner for her would be someone virtuous.
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Obviously, Briscoe is a dog, but he's no normal dog. Briscoe doesn't entirely understand it, but somehow he's been around for hundreds of years. Often, he ends up helping some heroic person in some grand quest. He's capable of understanding human speech, though he himself cannot speak. He's constantly traveling, looking for a new person to help.

Young King
Currently, I don't know much about the character, other than he is a young king who has just inherited the throne. He will have to deal with underhanded plots, foreign threats, and even other-worldly threats. I'm open to a number of other plots as well.

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The Young Queen.
Basically, a gender-swapped version of the Young King, though I imagine this will make her challenges a little different.
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Father Serell
A scheming, corrupt priest who seeks to use his position and connections to further his family's ends. While he takes his vows seriously and is sincere in his beliefs, he also hopes to further the ends of his wicked family. Depending on the setting and time period, he may be linked to a crime family or a sinister noble house. I do not intend for him to be in any sort of romance, but I would be open to the idea of him forming a true, deep, and intimate friendship with someone.

A young, single woman who just inherited a mansion from a relative she didn't know she had. Her third night in the mansion, she started hearing voices in the halls and went out to investigate. Is the mansion haunted? Or are there other people in her home? Beatrice will have to be brave and find out.

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Lady Daphne
A noble lady who seeks after the forbidden knowledge hidden in heretical books. Lady Daphne hopes to practice magic, but in her setting it is considered a dark art in all its forms (and, maybe, rightfully so). Her curiosity for the mystical arts is sure to get her into all sorts of trouble, but it may also save the land.

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Shirley Holmes
In short, the great detective Sherlock Holmes, but reimagined as a woman. Other than changing the gender of the character, I intend to make this character as close to the Sherlock Holmes in the book as possible.
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The nineteen-year-old son of a fruit merchant, often assigned to deliveries. Rog is a simple young man. Strong as an ox, friendly, and eager to please.

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Woodson Fulk
A murderer on the run. Fulk has been a hard laborer for most of his adult life, but when he was 40 his sister came to him saying that her husband beat her. In a fit of rage, he based the man's head in. Now he's a fugitive, fleeing the law.

An adventurer and great warrior who is totally full of himself, and has every right to be! He has slain dragons, liches, and demon lords. He has won the love of fair maidens, tavern wenches, princesses, fairy queens, and even goddesses. He has done it all, and is always seeking a new challenge.
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A mask of a deity called "The One." Salvation has two forms, one is the human form you see, clad in white armor. The other is a glowing, white unicorn. She saves mortals from the brink of death, and helps those destined for heroism to seek their true purpose in life.

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Princess Valindra
The crown princess of an elvish kingdom that has just fallen to a coup. She has fled her kingdom, hoping to use her skills in diplomacy as well as her family ties to gather allies and return to reclaim her kingdom.
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La Bestia
A princess cursed by a witch with a monstrous form. The curse will only be lifted if she can win a young man's true love by her 21st birthday. If she fails, she will be doomed to remain a beast, body, mind, and soul, for all time. She has fallen into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?

The abused young woman forced into servitude in her own home who hopes to escape her life as a servant for something greater. The fairy tale speaks of a ball that she attended and a prince who loved her, but could this be a hint at courtly intrigue? Might she have found ways to insert herself into court politics, or gathered resources and allies of her own?
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Daniel Blake
A high-ranking member of the Illuminati, who secretly control the world. For as much power as he has, rigging elections and manipulating politicians, he still wants more, and seeks ways to get ahead of his rivals. Cold and calculating, He does what it takes to get what he wants. "You can. And you will."
Love this thread. Pinterest has some amazing fcs
Mother Yra
A skilled exorcist sent to cast out demons. Often, the Church sends knights or other bodyguards to accompany her.

The avatar of the sun god. Helios stands for goodness and righteousness against the forces of darkness. In his mortal form his powers are limited, but he can still burn as bright as the sun.

A version of Frankenstein's monster who is a woman rather than a man. Unlike Frankenstein's monster in the book, Eve was paraded around as evidence of Victor Frankenstein's genius rather than hated by her creator. Being new to humanity and life, she does not yet understand the potential for wickedness mankind has.

Years ago, a woman who knew how to lucid dream lost her daughter in a car accident. That woman fell into a coma from her injuries, and in her coma she dreamt of her daughter, creating a version of her that existed in her dreams. After her husband left her, blaming her for their daughter's death, the old woman continued to lucid dream about their daughter, and as the years passed, the girl grew up in the dream world, until she became a woman. When her mother passed away, the Dream Woman, much to even her own surprise, continued to exist. She now walks the dreamscape, appearing in the dreams of countless strangers. But she has found that nightmares walk this plane as well, and she is never safe.
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The Patient
A woman with a mysterious illness that neither she nor the doctors treating her understand. As treatment continues, the symptoms grow more and more bizarre, and may lead to all manner of horrifying outcomes.
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The Princess of Lumano
Lumano is a kingdom across the galaxy where they learned how to manipulate light in such a way as to transform it into matter. The Princess of Lumano acts as a protector of and voice for the people while her mother and father rule from the Starlit Palace.

Head of a royal family's spy network. Nefestro is an underhanded fellow with fierce loyalty to whatever lord, lady, king, or queen he serves. He will do whatever it takes to see his liege succeed and their enemies defeated.

Only Us
Inspired by the song "Only Us" by Miracle of Sound (which was in turn inspired by Jaime and Cersei from Game of Thrones. I recommend looking it up). One of these two would be my character, and the other would be yours. This would not be so much of a romantic RP as much as it would explore the potential actions, sins, and motivations of a couple who, in order to be together, will cause the rest of the world to fall into ruin. Their love is forbidden for some reason. Maybe they are from different worlds. Maybe one is a mortal and the other immortal. Maybe they are brother and sister. Whatever the case, their union is bound to bring about the destruction of the world, but they have selfishly decided that they are fine with this.
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