Story *Chapter one: worrying news. *10 years later*


a happy traveling fox
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*Chapter one: worrying news. *10 years later*

An alarm was coming from a brand new freldphone, and 16-year-old Roxanna Evergreen realized what the alarm meant. “Oh crap I'm late!!.” The crown princess quickly grabbed her phone and headed straight into the closet to grab her newly made castle guard uniform and struggled to take her pajamas, began to army on her pants, and sped out the door. The princess couldn't afford to miss the cadet briefing the head of army and guards, 20-star general Anneliese Quzerpa: a half-breed between elf and kitsune, she’s the most powerful person in all of Coronolia having been in 24 wars, led helping forces in 5 proxy wars, and daily promotes peace and has sworn to protect the royal coronolians with her life till she dies. "Good morning Mrs. Tulnar." handed her head maid her pajama shirt.

She turned a corner and was relieved to see that the older general still waiting outside, Roxanna fixed her short hair into a tiny ponytail and saluted “Cadet Roxanna Evergreen reporting for duty general mam” The older lady gave a soft smile and saluted back to show respect due too roxanna skill being a crown princess “ my liege glad you made it early lookin sharp though” the shorter one motioned the princess the bend down. Roxy did and she allowed her mentor to fix her ponytail and armor; “better now go on and get in there” Roxana saluted again with a smile pleased to not be late. As she walked in; whispers were heard in surprise due to them not expecting the now 100-year-old queen Alejandra to allow one of her last children to join the guard as she had in her youth.

The whispers pleased Roxana who couldn't care less about the stereotypes of princesses. If she were to be the oh-so-helpless princess waiting for her prince or princess to be her rescuer then she would rather die trying first and then look for help. She sat down at a seat named ‘Cadet Princess Roxana Evergreen’. The young princess noticed a couple of cadets not rudely staring but with the kind of stare you give someone attractive. She showed them a smile and what soon followed was a couple of blushes and smiles “Ahem. Good morning cadets, my name is General Anneliese Quzerpa. I am the head general of all: army, guard, border control, navy, and air. You are here not because of your parents, family, or how well you know the royal and nobles 'round-dis place." The lady stood in her; chair even though she was an average-height woman. She liked to stand in chairs to make her statement clear; “you're here because your skills, smarts, physical and magical abilities are above those you were with in boot and recruitment camp. You're here because you've sworn your life to the royal family of Coronolia and to defend Coronolia with all of your life. You are here bc you impressed us with yourself as to why you wanted to be a part of the Coronolian guard, and today all of you; young and old, have accomplished that”

Anneliese smiled and clapped for them to which the other high-ranking officers clapped and praised the new cadet guards. *ten minutes later* they all got their assignments, Roxana went to leave so she could grab her guard pack her father and 4th eldest sister made her as a way to help her get settled into her new position, but the head general patted the princess to gain the thinking princess, “your majesty may i talk to you as you walk to your room?” “yes mam.” as they walked Roxy was wondering if she’d be able to get the guardian of the 675th treasure cave to cooperate with the young princess “Alaguraja didn't eat this morning, she scared away her caretaker due to her, Tossing the poor human in the air and catching her in the toothless part of her mouth and flying with him out of the cave.”

Roxy ohh’d as she quietly into her room to grab her kit and went back out, “I must be going now my dear, your mother is having a meeting’ with all gener/ ‘noble leaders and knights’ and army leaders, about what, I don't know.'' Roxana nodded at her mentor as she used her elven magic to teleport away. ‘Guess I'm alone right now lemme go to the cave and deal with her then I can teleport sum grub when I'm in the checkstand." The princess used her mage magic to teleport to the treasure cave breathing in the dusty air with calmness; knowing her worriedness would excite the adolescent ice dragon. Roxana noticed ala-ala, a nickname for her and Blitz made up when seeing her hatch; she iced up the cave entrance in a pattern Roxana recognized as her welcoming someone. “Ala-ala, I know you're hiding; come out or no hibilonia leg for youuu.” the princess stepped to the center of the ever-large hand-made cave filled to the brim with shiny treasure and mysterious, powerful artifacts rumored to be of mass-destruction; or whatever her oglabachta always said, the former qupao/coronolian queen was always cryptic never making sense.

Roxy had gotten a chill, as a cold wind wrapped around her revealing the playful and bright-eyed dragon who licked her rider with the utmost excitement “Alaguraja!! You naughty gal. why did you do that to Mr. Forest, shame on you.” the dragon's ice blue eyes made it harder for Roxana to scold and discipline the young one, “I'm serious, you better apologize to him at lunch” the dragon pouted and spoke telepathically *I was greeting him though. I missed him when he went on vacation and wanted to show my gradibude* Roxana couldn't help but chuckle at the 10mth old trying to pronounce the big words “Not all of us know the ancient way of our kind, my beautiful baby girl.” the 17-year-old allowed the baby dragon to put her nuzzle on her chest, patting it gently.
11 months prior, as they were walking in the country's capital park, they stumbled upon a dying ice dragon father, who was stabbed by poachers. Was protecting an ice egg; once he realized the twins weren't there to harm him, he allowed Blitz to heal his wounds while Roxana calmed him. Once responsive, the old dragon explained his predicament revealing the poachers stole 25 eggs from him and his mate; another ice dragon; who was back at their ice mountain helping their kind and having searchers go and find the king of ice and their eggs. The dragon flew the two to the nest, explained the situation when he went after the egg stealers, and how he met the royal twins of Coronolia. In return, the dragons escorted them home, and were rewarded with the highest dragon reward for safely returning the crowned prince and princess. The ice queen requested the coronolian queen to go out and search for their village's eggs.

To which Queen Alejandra agreed, angry that a band of poachers disobeyed a known law in the region: it is illegal to poach dragons native to Coronolia, penalty: 45yrs in Gurbulak/coronolian jail; Alejandra sent 3 guard units to search out the land having a search warrant for the group. The dragons gave a clear description of each party member, with the coronolian guards' magic and ice dragons' photographic memory they found the fugitives within 3 weeks and got all eggs before it was sold onto the worldwide market named the goldpuoso-belek. As a reward the queen gave the very egg the twins found to reward them for their bravery, so it could be a protector of the twins and be of servantship to the family for his or her lifetime, and entrusted the dragon's life into mainly Roxana, knowing she’d take care of his child. During those months, ala-ala’s mother helped to nurse her and keep her company as a way to keep the mischievous baby out of trouble.

Though she wasn't there to monitor her heir’s mischief today, Alaguraja had free reign to terrorize anyone who came to the cave. “Alright baby girl, I'm gonna be in there.” she pointed to the guard station “And guard the cave.” alaguraja nodded and went to her nest. Roxana sighed, finally sure that the baby dragon wouldn't do anything else; she walked around, and outside the cave before heading to the station to guard.
In the palace~

Crown Prince Blitz Evergreen slowly arose stretching and yawning. He got out of bed with a smile *I got this, I am amazing, I am smart, I am crown prince blitz, Alexio is not a part of my life anymore, I am not afraid of him anymore, he doesn't get to dictate my life, I am crown prince blitz evergreen!!* satisfied with his morning pep talk the prince opened his curtains and window; gazing with great admiration and love for the vast country of Coronolia ``good morning coronolia, looking amazing as always” A few native birds came to the window tweeting to him “why hello mrs and mr howard how are you today.” the birds tweeted their greetings. blitz peered down and saw a familiar rockian talking to two air force lieutenants. He blushed and hid when the man looked up *I didn't expect him to be down there, get it together blitz, tetris is just your guard. But he’s so musc- gah!!* the prince’s face turned a deep rose color, he flusteredly stomped to the shower to enjoy the bubble bath that was prepared for him.

Tetris pressed his ear to the door to hear for any sign of the person he saw staring at him from the window, so he heard the bath running and splashing *his majesty is bathing, let me go inside and stay by the door till he’s ready to come out* The bodyguard took a deep breath and opened the door looking around the room picking up whatever was on the floor and went into the closet and gathered his clothes for the day and folded it on the bed grabbing the towel he finally knocked on the bathroom door, upon hearing the shower turn off.

“Who is it!!” he said fearfully, unsure whether it was Alexio to kill him or a servant here to do something for the prince. “Your majesty, are you done; do you want me to come in and help you dry-” In a blink of an eye blitz opened the door a little with his long soaking rainbow hair “P-please, did y-you get my clothes?” “yes, and your *sighs* aunt gave me a list of your duties for the day. He stifled a chuckle when the drying prince groaned and huffed “What are our now warranted duties todayyy.” The now half-dressed prince sat at the twins' shared vanity to begin his daily skincare routine. As Tetris went through the list, the rockin male noticed the absolute disdain the prince had on his face as he placed coronolian powder on his face

“Your aunt has scheduled a small courting party with jr lord garbam higlesom. N- “Blitz stood up slamming his hands on the vanity “Are. You. SERIOUS!!” he yelled out his hair and started to flow rapidly in anger both Tetris and Blitz know that his relationship with alexio was only 2 months ago and his aunt was worried about him not having a conlinks at 18, Tetris gave the prince a sympathetic look and placed down the list; the taller male slowly walked to his charge as blitz gave him a big hug crying. Tetris hugged back saying comforting things the him “Hey he’s not here to hurt you anymore blitz, I-” *sigh I want to say I'm here to protect him and that I love him. No Tetris get your jabonntook/ head out of the loins, You are a simple 8-star lieutenant and he's the future ruler of an entire country forget about it, it won't work out.* “I will keep you as safe and sound as possible, it is my life duty and sworn word to protect you with my life.”

The thing that broke his heart was Blitz looking up at him with teary eyes and hugging him more. He quickly put blitz behind him when he heard the door opening, forming his hand into a dagger only to realize it was queen Alejandra who only smirked with her arms folded, her older sister came in with an opposite look; and natural scowl which allowed her to look like she despised everything good. When they were younger, Roxana and Blitz thought she was one of the golems that guarded the vampire king’s castle dutifully, but was somehow adopted into the most powerful family in the world. “ Good to see you blitz and rockian.” Tetris instinctively saluted to the authority figures “Your Majesty, and Your Highness” he ignored the queen's sister. “What a sight, my love, are you good? You seemed to have been crying.” Blitz looked at his mother smiling, “I'm fine gebbie/mother, I just needed a hug from my favorite guard.” he dreamily gazed up at the stoic- Rockman who simply stood at ease not looking at the adorable prince.

The frown grew deeper upon seeing Tetris protectively hold Blitz’s hand, being steady on guard. “So is the bodyguard going to stay next to our dear Blitz the whole time he's on this important event.” Alejandra simply looked down at her sister, seemingly unbothered by the comment. “Well of course, I hired him specifically to protect Blitz from these types of people, my dear friend is nearly indestructible; getting past him is like getting past an angry full-grown jobi tawan/mother ox.”

Her oldest sister gave her a grumbled response. Soon enough the family arrived at the garden party parasols, the lords of Heselbulth were waiting to talk amongst themselves, their rockian and sharpulats/humanoid shark bodyguards were around and bowed to the royals ``Your majesties!! How are you?” the lord kissed almost everyone's hand. Blitz instinctively opened his fan as a sign of submissiveness when the junior lord kissed his hand as a sign of respect. “We’ll leave you two alone so you guys can get to know each other.” blitz’s eyes widened when his aunty spoke, Queen Alejandra walked up to Tetris placing a gentle hand on the servant “I trust you with my life, make sure blitz is safe during this.” he saluted again, the nobles’ bodyguards mocked him and snickering.
The royalty and nobles went somewhere else as the teenagers sat down.
*2hrs later*

The adults came back and saw Blitz throw red wine on Garbam's white dress suit. "First off Mr. Misogyny, I am more than someone you can just throw away, second how dare you assume I only want some man! To talk down and abuse me! Third, I am worth way more and refuse to be with someone like you and Alexio. I don't care what my aunt has to say, she does not rule over my choices and decisions on who I choose and who I see and hang around with!! I choose my destiny!!.'' Tetris quickly grabbed Blitz before he could throw a croissant and the boy's bodyguards put garbam behind them just in case it got dangerous. Grabam's mother ran to her son making sure he wasn't hurt by “the unruly '' prince “How dare you throw wine on this shirt. He wanted to” The fury in Alejandra's eyes was evident. Figaro gently grabbed her hand to get her to calm down “Wanted to do what? Wear it to a non-existent date! I refuse to date a self-centered, egotistical nobel again!!”

The mother gasped at the words Blitz spoke, and looked furiously at Alejandra “Your majesty you allow your son to talk to an author-” Alejandra put one single finger to silence her, “In fact I do, I teach her. And. every." There was an emphasis on every one of my children. To speak their mind regardless of gender. So Mrs. higlesom, I would kindly suggest you immediately leave my castle and out of my presence before I have you forcibly removed.” the way the monarch said it sent chills down Blitz’s spine, *did I make her angry, I've barely seen her this mad.* “I do apologize for my mouthing off Your Majesty. I would love another chance with you-.” Happy to finally get to do this since the start tetris moved in front of the jr noble with his muscular arms folded.

“That you cannot do, you’ve made his highness very upset with your upsetting comments about his lifestyle, the way he does things, and that he should and I quote lose weight.” having been caught, the noble started to stammer and stutter over his words ``i-i-i have no clue on what you are talking about you rock” he tried to punch tetris but Tetris simply caught the fist and took him down in a simple move to keep him down “hey!! Let go of my son!” Figaro called the guards and they escorted the well-known nobles.

As they were walking to the throne room, blitz nervously played with his fingers avoiding his mother's gaze; abruptly, the queen stopped causing her lover to bump into her. “ow! Why did you stop my love?'' Alejandra gave him a comforting smile and turned behind her. She smiled proudly at Blitz “I am so proud of-. '' Blitz's aunt made the mistake of interrupting the mother “How dare you! Throwing away the chance to have a conlinx you ungrateful, spoiled boy!” blitz flinched at the yell “sister, id advise you to kindly shut your trap hole, I and allow me to finish unhappy twat.” Figaro looked surprised that the normally kind and long-suffering queen was now insulting her oldest sister.

“Excuse me? Did you not see your spoiled brat throw that wine at jr lord Grabam and proceeded to yell at the dutchess of a city of you-” Alejandra simply smiled and bent over to look into her shorter sister's eyes ``my fela/ elder sister, my son did something right. Instead of having you, a miserable witch who can't keep a marriage to save your life, he chose to keep his sanity and his happiness instead of being in an unhappy ruling relationship. We both know how mother and father’s marriage turned out, our mother executed him in front of our eyes when he had a lover for himself while she had 20 of them. Don't you even try to dictate what my Son does, he has a right to choose his conlinx. Edculba we tried the whole arranged marriage thing, alexio has countlessly abused, embarrassed, and publicly called him a spoiled, useless, and bratish prince who can't do anything for him. Him. SElf. So I suggest dear Fela you apologize to Blitz for setting him up with a Nobel that is known to have tantrums over people not complimenting him enough. Do you think your nephew deserves someone like that? ``

Blitz looked at his father nervously, figaro slowly grabbed Alejandra “My love I think thi-” When he looked at his sister-in-law she was livid “I'm sorry baby sister have tried with your youngest to get a suitor best for him, and in fact, he's too stupid to realize the importance of producing heirs for the kingdom, and little sister I am fed up with your stupidity as well. The only competent one is me, yet Mother chose. You.” The stare-down between the 2 sisters was so intense that Tetris had put an Itacolumite hand in the middle of them to avoid any fighting. To everyone's surprise, Alejandra simply smiled; “yes, in fact, Mother did choose me; to rule this country the way she wanted me too. If you or any of our 100 and counting siblings ruled; coronolia would not be as prosperous as we are now, we would've been at war with the way you think of the world, the peace would have been broken under you." The unbotheredness of the queen made her oldest sister angrier, before she could say anything else, the queen's royal advisor hurriedly came to the queen's side in a panic.

“Your majesty! Your majesty! There are very important matters that need your attention.” Alejandra breathed in deep and breathed out “What's the matter revelia” She fully turned towards the elf/werewolf hybrid “There's been an attack on Elvington! The reports are of a sorceress destroying their capital city buildings and 6 others attacking and brutally killing many residents, the elvian president is asking all nations to be prepared for war on the terrorist. It's being reported that the sorceress and her band are heading southeast toward Coronolia as we speak. Your generals are waiting for the word to order the army and air force to attack on your behalf, your majesty.”
Blitz and his father both audibly gasped in shock and horror at the horrifying, and shocking news, Alejandra stood to her full height and glowered at her eldest sister “We’ll finish this later.” she was upset at both her sister and the situation at hand and begun to walk, soon the others caught up with her stride “tell the border patrol to enact grenab 56: order them to search each person minus children, have them thoroughly check the person's clothing have them use the disguised meter to uncloak disguises if the sorceress knows how to do so.” the royal advisor took note “also send aid to the elf country so that way they know the coronolians stand true to their treaties with the magical land and money, food and pop up shelters for the refugees and to bring them over to coronal for further treatment and to do the same thing to them by checking them for the sorceresses. Figaro added backing the queen up “Go deliver it to the other scribes and generals so they can get things started, go warn the other staff and guards to beware of any suspicious activities they notice from anyone in the castles, we cannot risk this upcoming red moon and the resigning of the treaties of years before and to come. We will handle this worldly threat with precaution and with strength.” Everyone nodded and the royal advisor went to alert the staff and guards and generals.

Alejandra finally turned to look at Blitz directly; eyes filled with motherly love, “do you wanna go to the training ground to test the skills you're oh so handsome,” she grabbed figaro's hand to rub it against her cheek, in turn, Figaro pretended to pout, though a blush was creeping along his dark skin “you know what you said this morning so im sti-” she picked her 5”0 husband up twirling him around, “though the thing is I am so sorry my beautiful, sweet majestic wizard that I love oh so much and want to take on a beautiful dragon ride to our dinner date~.” the sudden action caused the smaller one to playfully swat her getting more and more flustered at her advances ``I know you are trying to get to the cake I made the 1yr olds no, that cake is for Claudia's twins.” she pretended to pout and kissed him.

Blitz covered his face “Really you 2! Come on, I wanna try out my staff. Jiboni crafted me. The group left laughing and went to go to the training grounds to mess around.

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