Story Chapter 9: party crashers/ rescuers (2 weeks later)

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a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 9: party crashers/ rescuers (2 weeks later)

The plan was in motion; sam and blitz would distract the guards and other the higher ups, while roxana tetris, and joseph goe into the ward and release and teleport the prisoners to the hotel for medical attention from the human medics and authorities. Roxana gave the signal to Joseph and tetris to move, when the last guard left the jail house they silently crept in undetected by those that were left behind. thanks to roxana’s magic they walked past the guards invisible and tetris and joseph took them each out with rope and an emerald rock that grows each time they move.

Soon they arrived at the chief wardens office and saw there were 4 guards in the hallway simply talking. They all got in a crouching position whispering ‘you're more than likely to get passed them using your invisibility and skinnier stature your majesty. Me and tetris will knock 'em out and you unlock that door so we can get in and release all of the prisoners.’ she nodded and turned back invisible and did as planned as the men took out the guards. She let them in and all started to rapidly search for the speakers. Joseph finally found it and smirked he cleared his throat and spoke into the microphone “ahem hey prisoners it me joseph E ecklair here to save you lot from the sorceress.” he opened all of the cells and they all came out; tetris found the weapon piece and put it in a bag that he carried for it just incase it was dangerous. “here's the thing my associate here is going to teleport you guys to my hotel that's 34 miles away and you all are going to get the medical attention that you may or may not need while we go kick some butt.”

Roxana teleported her group and the prisoners to the hotel to direct traffic and to wait for blitz to give the signal for the three to go back to the town.

(with blitz and sampton)

Blitz placed more makeup on him to draw out his face a bit to look more masculine, sampton waited outside patiently; deep down he was doubting whether or not the 2 would pull off the last of the plan. To be honest Sam isn't the best with telling a joke or landing it either. Him and blitz both decided along with the group to have the last performance to be a coronolian skit that blitz absolutely loves called 2 angry coronolians in an elevator. It took 2 weeks for him to get the facial expressions and lines down and even was applauded at Joshua's restaurant for the preview of it.

Sam was indeed nervous about doing it and finishing the plan, but he also knew that roxana, Tetris and his father would do fine with releasing the imprisoned miners. “Are you boys almost done?” the human looked up and saw a general jubal standing over him with a smile. “U-um yes s-s-sir just waiting on jubal to get finished, he's just touching up.” the general gently rubbed samptons cheek enjoying the face of discomfort sam produced, “well the sooner the better young one. We’ll be waiting.”

The boy waited till he left out of eyesight with a shaking breath and knocked on the door 8 times, a secret code they made to let the other know who it was “come in! I need help zipping up my turtleneck!” sampton came in and closed the door rather roughly, “hey,” blitz looked at sampton with a smile “don't worry, as soon as we finish the skit, the illusion will come on and that’ll give the others the signal to come.” sam zipped him up and blitz gave him a quick look *he sure looks handsome in a suit, no bad blitz focus on what needs to be done.* they both walked out on stage and blitz placed down a speaker for the elevator lady.

(the play begins) Sam acted like he was first arriving on the elevator and looked around as if trying to find buttons “where's the buttons?” blitz gave him a look and pointed up “there's no buttons its voice recognition.” “voice recognition in a lieseapa/ elevator in coronolia they dont do coronolian accents.” blitz followed with a nod and spoke “vilisu pok/20.'' Sam followed with the same number “could you please repeat that'' the speaker spoke and the crowd laughed “lieseapa! Lieseeapa!” “Could you please repeat that.” The crowd of military personnel laughed more when Sam turned around and turned back, becoming agitated “whose idea was this. You need to try a human accent.”

Sam cleared his voice doing a horrible impersonation of his fathers husky southern accent “20! 20!” blitz simply gave him a look “that sounds like mermesio not humany.'' Sam faked side-eyed him and looked back up “doesn't he? 20!.” blitz smirked almost causing sampton to smile *stay in character no matter how adorable he is* “what part of similia is dat, los angelfisha.” “could you please repeat that?” blitz looked over his way smiling “try a human accent now. 20! 20!” Sam looked down at him “oo you a part of the same himalayan mountain as ferda es golsh.” “Could you please repeat that.”

The laughter rose as the two went on towards the end. Soon enough it was blitz’s turn to react to the elevator “ lieseapa lieseapa lieseapa lieseapa.” “You're just sayin it da same way.” Blitz looked at him “I'm doing it till I understand hyberslokian ok! Lieseapa!” the speaker chimed in again “if you have not selected a floor plz say open the doors plz.” sampton looked directly at the sky “please please suck my wally.” the crowd roared with laughter “i think we should just say please.” sam got in blitz’s face “i am not beggin’ that thang for nuthin.” blitz sighed and went closer to the speaker to activate the illusion *in 3 minutes it's going to appear* Sam nodded as blitz frowned “open the doors please” “please, pathetic.” “Please remain calm.” The next thing Sam knew was he was being climbed on and now he needed to balance him and blitz “alright just wait for it to speak.”

“You have not selected a floor.” blitz began yelling which was heard by roxana and tetris which was the cew to teleport into the building. “Up youse you himbiloinia imma come over to similia find whatever desperate actress gave you a voice and go to the gallows for you!” sam pipped in “coronolia you whale.” “coronoliaaaa!!” “coronoliaaaa” “freedommmm.” “freedommmm!!!” Soon the speaker dinged and they looked embarrassed with blitz carefully getting down from sampton. “Goin up.” They got a standing ovation as the illusion of cellania with her new crown towering over the generals table caused a few to stumble back in fear the two head generals stood at attention both shaking from the surprise and the ‘presence of her.’

“What are you fools doing!! You are supposed to be celebrating me!!” Jubal slowly went to her, bowing immediately “my queen, we are celebrating your momentous victory over the entitled royal coronolians. We are simply en-” the illusion faded as tetris falcon punched him in the face for what he’s been doing to blitz and sampton. as roxana and Joseph came into the ballroom with weapons out. Sam smiled as the guard bumbled about and landed in multiple traps setted up by the townies and the heroes and being flung into the air precisely landing into the mini portable jails the human police setted up for the event.

Jubal and tetris started to grapple as blitz and roxana fended off and beaten up the guards; the second head general tried to go after the pedestrians but if it wasn't for josephs quick thinking skill and sam listening to his stupid idea they stopped her by wrapping her up in luminal foil worked and stopped her dragon roar.

Soon enough the heroes won and helped to put all of Cellania's goons in the police cars. The president walked to them with the presence of a supermodel “brother
! and fellow heroes of eitheria.” she chuckled “your mother was right your majesties it has a ring to it.” alejandra and figaro got out of an limo and ran to their children hugging each of them “ohh my sweet babies.'' Alejandra looked at roxana cupping her cheek checking for any injuries on both. “We are so proud of both of youuu. You did a good job with saving this town and recovering the weapon piece. Where is the weapon piece?” as if on cew tetris gave her the piece. She examined it thoroughly and handed it off to the human president who confirmed the same thing and put it in a blast/magic proof briefcase holding it with her guard up. “We appreciate your efforts heroes, though more pressing matters need to be addressed.” blitz spoke up which surprised his parents who were worried about him being hurt. “Glad you asked little blitz, king alfred; a well known friend of both of you and an already powerful presence in this world is asking for you guys to save his kingdom.” she patted joseph who simply looked at her “their law building is having their national golden scroll day in 3 weeks. The problem is whenever someone writes a law that law stays as a lifetime until someone else either in power, politician, or an activist wins a chance to write in a golden scroll to correct a past mistake.”

Joseph glared at his sister “get on with the chase im sure all of us know. About.. Tetris why are you looking like that man.” tetris was looking very confused at the whole golden scroll thing “i don't know what mrs. president is talking about.”

(23 minutes of explaining, their back in their hotel room with the president and the twins parents)

“So he wants you guys to head to los fishica to protect and at least try to capture her 2 head generals that will be there to take the scroll and attempt to take over another country by force. You will be flying out in a week.” figaro added as he was handing his queen her plate of a chinese dish he made for everyone “So we suggest you guys pack starting tomorrow so that way you all are prepared.” They all nodded at the same time and continued to eat their food.

(in the coronolian palace, throne room)

A slam was heard and almost all the servants jumped except for Mr and mrs. tulnar. Celliana slammed her sorceress staff against the floor, “what do you mean the extraction failed.” The yell made alexio flinch a bit but he kept his smile that was on the screen, Gabriel simply glared at the 2-faced little Wiesel giving his report. “Apparently what the news said and that qwen said was surprised attacked and deceived by the heroes of eitheria and the villagers of that peasant lesser town. They captured Hera and Jubal and the others as part of the mission by the human authorities. Rest assured my majesty with me and swelia we’ll complete the golden scroll mission with ease and success.-” she raised a hand and motioned towards gabriel who was still in an at ease position.

“Swelia isn't joining you on this my general, gabriel is.'' The revelation made Alex break his character. “W-w-what why! I- ahem mean your majesty, why is swelia being replaced for gabriel. Isn't he your personal bodyguard.” alexio squirmed in his office chair more focused on getting these monster guns functioning before going to los fishica. “True that he is my right hand man, though seeing that jasmine and swelia is currently traveling to jomagei to set up camp for the excavation for the 2nd piece. I'm sending him with you to test how you’ll do on field and to prove your loyalty.”

Her calm demeanor unsettled gabriel; normally she’d snap at alexio for his mouth. Then his thoughts lingered to a certain rival. Futuan rockmishnip. Just seeing him protect those stupid spoiled brats made him simply smile. *guess you found new rocks to claim you bastard. I can't wait to beat his face into a pulp and make him beg for a swift death.* he smiled sadistically smiling “dismissed both of you my chocolate ice cream pudding is here!” alexio hung up and Gabriel walked out. Alexio growled and threw everything off of his desk “how dare she ruin a perfectly full proof plan!!” He quickly calmed down and used his magic to fix everything.

Sense she wants me to show and prove my loyalty."He picked a picture he saved of his blitz when they were at a ball in elvington. Blitz looked so gorgeous that night though he was unable to take him that night due to those horrendous brothers stopping him. “Don't worry my lil puppy, i will get you back with and without force.” he tossed the photo on blitz’s vanity and went into blitz’s closet to do plotting.

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