Story Chapter 8: finding out what their planning


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 8: finding out what their planning

Blitz flipped the burgers focusing hard on making the meat done, Sam had just taken out another order for Blitz when the owner came in. Compared to Tetris; Joshua emeralds was a bear of a man: with long red hair, a big puffed-out chest, and a semi-shiny appearance, you would've thought he was a wrestler and not a former ex-army seals lieutenant-general if it wasn't for his war photos and military badge of honor he wears daily. It had been a week since the plan was in motion; his twin, bodyguard, and Joseph were stationed at the mine haven told the field marshal that the sorceress's right-hand man Gabriel, sent them to be extra muscle he trained himself. To which she believed and sent them to different sections of the mine to make the workers work faster.

“Doing a good job boy, to be honest, I thought you’d have a harder time adjusting to this type of fieldwork since you're a royal and all.” blitz absently nodded and plated the burger making it look like a 5-star burger. “You did a good job, your highness. There are a couple of those high-ranking officials out there. I already warned your friend too. just act normal and take your break too.” “Yes sir.” he grabbed his lunch and walked to an empty table. A few male guards cat-called and whistled at Blitz as he sat next to Sam with an aggravated expression “You look angry.” Blitz simply smiled. “I'm not.” He took his tone to whisper “I'm acting, remember we have to stay lowkey like you said a few days ago.”

The prince's innocence only made Sam start to chuckle, to which Blitz got closer to him “Are you laughing at me?” he smiled at him causing sampton to start cracking up “You are so meannn.” blitz playfully pushed him away “ahem Jubal, Houston this is head general Jubal.” the boys look up to see an older man looking down at the two with an odd smile “hello sir im Houston and this is my friend jubal.” blitz waved at him silent due to coronolian males unable to speak to an older man or woman without a representative to be there to monitor.

“Well hello Mr. Houston and Mr. Jubal.” he kissed Blitz’s hand and Blitz only gave a smile, Sam grew a bit jealous at the gesture and placed Blitz’s hand back down. “Where did you say they got recommended for Joshua again ?” The rockian gave the two a reassuring look “They got a recommendation from my friend in Coronolia, these two are the best of the best from his cooking school.” blitz could feel the man's eyes roaming him “I definitely can tell this beauty is a coronolian noble. Very regal energy and keeps up with himself, this one though.” his stare kinda hardened at sampton who by now was holding blitz’s hand to comfort him. “Is a human, don't look to-'' without thinking, sampton spoke interrupting the man “Olflakob se fluke corn labov/ am also from coronolia,” he said in a perfect hyberslokian speech which surprised both Josh and Blitz.

The man started to laugh lightly. “Ohhh you got a spunk kid, hey Why don't you boys participate in the upcoming festival for the new queen’s party? The party is in coronolia but we’re holding our own here as requested by Her Majesty herself id like for you boys to give us a lil’ performance on that day as a warm welcoming for you boys.” blitz looked at Sam, *Sampton, I don't think he wants to hear a no, so say yes. I can provide an answer because Roxana or Tetris is here to represent me.* Sam looked at him normally but in his mind, he realized that Blitz was limited with his speech when it came to following Cornolian male traditions for those that were small in stature *don't worry blitz I'll tell em yes* “Yes sir, we wouldn't mind that. I know how to sing and dance and my companion knows how as well.”

Blitz nodded in agreement, the general nodded and placed a hand on Blitz’s shoulder, “Well can't wait to see you Mr. Houston, and you Mr. Jubal.” the general headed out of the door with his group. All the customers were out by then so Joshua locked the door and used his special rock power to take out all the devices that the group planted and had his son and wife destroy them and take out the memory cards. The owner saw Blitz shaking and kneeling to his height level “Are you alright Your Majesty?” blitz nodded trying not to break down in front of everyone *hey it's okay he's not alexio I am fine... I am not fine right now* A tear dropped onto his hand and he got up. “i-i need to use the men's room. I just need a second and I'll be back.” He ran into the bathroom and locked his stall door. He knew his aunt and uncle would fuss at him for sitting on the floor because he was a prince, but Blitz didn't care at that point.

He started to cry and hyperventilate “Stop crying plz stop, it's fine, he's not here to hurt me, he doesn't control me or my life anymore.” he heard the door opening and he quickly hushed his whimpers and sobs and began to vibrate “blitz are you ok? You've been in here for an hour tetris, Roxy and my dad are back." Blitz didn't answer, feeling ashamed for allowing himself to show weakness in public. Sam peered under the stalls and found the prince huddled in a huddle in a corner of the biggest stall. He went to tell the others what he saw; Tetris and Joshua got the door unlocked and Roxana rushed in the comfort her brother, Roxana was used to staying up late at night comforting her twin after a nightly nightmare of alexio killing him brutally; even though she had recruitment training early, or when she had to pull him out of a party to get him to calm down and stop crying after alexio and their 5th break up. She scooped him up and hugged him tightly to his chest Tetris then followed hugging the two and Sam and Joseph sat on opposite sides of the prince rubbing his back.
*1hr later*

The group arrived back at the hotel thanks to Joshua dropping them back with his pickup truck due to the heroes arriving with him in town all week. “Thank you ogibosnee/brother.” “You welcome brother, see you tomorrow.” he sped off with gulia, his wife yelling at him for speeding in the distance.

Tetris opened the hotel door first and checked each room before allowing the others to freely roam. They went to unwind and soon enough gathered back together to inform each other of the day's events. “So let's do our news first and then blitz. We want to know calmly what caused your breakdown after work.” blitz nodded, biting his lip and avoiding all gazes. “Well, our news is, they're planning some type of festival honoring the witch that took my country as the new empress of it. Joseph found the blueprints to the mines and wards that are holding the disobedient miners and those who are being overworked to the bone. We also saw they have plans to move into the town and make it into an army town where all of the villagers host the army so they can train and gain an upper hand on the human president.”

Sam and Blitz both gasp at the same time at the revelation and Blitz grips the bottom of his pajama dress. “W-well today, Joshua introduced us to a different general and he was seemingly flirting with me while asking me and Sam to entertain the army for said festival. I-it reminded me how alexio would touch me after being on his last result of trying to get me back after our breakups." Joseph gave the boy a sympathetic look and kneeled so he could see his eyes ``listen, you shouldn't be going through that at 17.” blitz looked at him with teary eyes “this continually happened, ever since we were little he always had to have his way, or i would suffer the consequences of me not giving him what he wanted right then and there. So yes you are right Mr. ecklair I should've had to deal with a narcissistic, spoiled, sadistic elf-mage hybrid who only wanted more status and power over a country.”

Blitz stood up with a determined look “I refuse to have him torture me anymore with fear by the end of this fight against cellania I will face him myself and tell him im not afraid of him anymore.” Roxana placed a hand on him “And we’ll help you with that mission.” the other guys nodded and Blitz smiled his dimpled smile, “Thank you, everyone I have no words.” Joseph simply smiled “No need to thank us Your Majesty! I have to support, imma dad after all." They all chuckled and went to go get the hotel dinner. Afterwards they went back to the room and planned out how they were going to save the town. It's all going to happen at the celebration.

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