Story Chapter 7: preparing for the mission


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 7: preparing for the mission

Tetris stood in a living room window that was closest to the view of the town. The group had found out that the town was 20 miles away from where they were, so they took a group vote to who would watch the town and observe for the first night; tetris took the first watch since he was military trained to stay up all night watching and observing everything. Blitz came out of his room still kinda sleepy “T-tet-tet?” The bodyguard only made a grunt letting Blitz know he was still awake. “Did you sleep at all?” The prince hugged his friend, enjoying the fact that he was in his human form and was squishy. “No, Your Majesty. I took note of: all entrances, and exits, what Cellania’s guard uniforms look like, how they treat the villagers, and all of their bases and I located that mine that the president mentioned.”

Blitz looked at him surprised and moved to see his eyes *hm his eyes don't look tired, he looked handsome with that str- omg not again blitz. Snap out of it! He's 25. He is properly thinking of another army person for his wife.* Tetris by now, studied his face, taking in the beauty of the coronolian-born prince, or how his rainbow hair resembled that of a vibrant crystal rainbow after a crystal storm. Or how his eyes got bigger when he fully looked at a being. *he reminds me of Jade, she was almost the* The lieutenant got pulled out of his thoughts when Joseph sipped loudly on a freshly made vanilla/chocolate macchiato with chocolate shavings and whip cream “Sorry didn't realize when I came in I'd see you guys ready to make out.” They both turned towards the middle aged-man “n-no we weren't I was greeting tet-tet since he stayed up all night protecting us and surveying the town.”

Joseph nodded, unwrapping the hotel breakfast. “Alright, love birds need you to wake up the other 2 so we can eat and plan these few weeks out. Once we do that, we can get what we need to do during this time.” they both nodded and went to wake them up. Tetris opened Sampton's room door slowly walked to the bed and stared at Sam *He looks very peaceful when he's not blushing at everything Blitz says.* Sam woke up to see Tetris standing above him reaching towards his arm “AHHHHH!!” Tetris jumped back with surprise and furrowed his emerald eyebrows since he was in his rockian form “Why are you in my room you weirdo!!” he threw a pillow at Tetris who caught it and tossed it on the bed “Sorry to startle you sampton, I was going to gently shake you awake, but your eyes popped open.” the young human’s chest heaved up and down as Joseph came to see what happened with one of his swords.

He looked between the two and sheathed his sword back and sighed “he scared you son.” he quickly nodded and Joseph turned to Tetris with a smile “Nothing like a big scary rockian to scare ya in the morning get your butt up and lets get our day started.”
*2 hours later*

Blitz and Tetris stood by the window spying on the town; Joseph and Roxana went to a nearby mall to get disguises for their new guard duty and Sam and Blitz's new 'job'. The group decided for Roxana Tetris and Joseph to go pretend to be guards new in town, while Blitz and sampton would go to Tetris’s army buddy’s restaurant to pretend to be busboys and waiters. Blitz peeked back into the telescope seeing a miner being harassed by a couple of drunken guards and ended up being beaten by one of them when he defended himself; he moved from it and looked at the bodyguard who was always so stoic and serious to the point where it intimidated blitz just staring at him “your majesty are you ok?”

The question startled Blitz out of his thoughts and nervously chuckled at Tetris “im sorry im just worried about this, “what if it doesn't go according to plan? What if I mess something up and cost us this mission and the world.” Tetris placed a hand on his cheek and rubbed it “You're going to do great, my part is more dangerous and requires the utmost precision and concentration on our part. Joshua will look out for you and sampton so you have nothing to worry about my prince.” blitz started a bit more at the stoic being blushing *He's so cute. Teris is right, I have nothing to worry about! I got this!* Sam cleared his throat and awkwardly placed a drawing of Blitz’s staff next to him. “I drew you something that I think you’d like.” blitz grabbed it and expected it.

His foresight showed him how Sam sat and sketched out his staff while he was modeling clothes for Roxana holding it. He came back from it with a gasp and placed his fan over his face with a small blush. Thank you for taking your time to hand draw this personal portrait of my staff. I could tell you put a lot of effort into making this exquisite piece of art. Thank you sampton ecklair.” the prince smiled at him which made the boy blush against his dark skin *He is so adorable when he smiles. Get it together Sam, he's a prince and I'm a future chairman.*

Roxana and Joseph came back from their shopping trip with big bags. “We’re back, you degenerate.” Blitz went up to his sister trying to see what she had in the bag, “Oo! Lemme see.” “no blitz wait till I put it down.” They both stared at each other with glares till Joseph somehow wiggled the bag out of their grasp and placed it down so Tetris and sampton could look into the bag. *blitz, I wanted to put the bag down first!* blitz cocked his head to her *well you know I like looking into bags as soon as it's in my presence* They both smiled finally and joined the rest.

“Now blitz and Roxana. You both are going to wear these types of wigs.” shows them pixie cut wigs that have a red streak in them with one on the left and the other on the right. “To hide your rainbow hair to avoid detection from the guards.” They both nodded and grabbed each wig and tried it on, “hey rox look.” he did a pose and Roxana laughed and smiled. “We look killer in these wigs,” they stared at the mirror in the living room as Joseph gave his son and the guard their separate uniforms. “Your buddy was good on his promise with the guard and waiter uniforms for everyone. The uniforms are the exact sizes for us so thank you for having someone that was here.”

Tetris gave a smile that looked like a scowl to Joseph “I'm glad to help and I'm hoping this plan works, I want to be able to secure this piece and the lives of these people, especially Joshua and his family.” Joseph patted his back “Don't worry we’ll save this place in a flash.” he snapped his fingers to prove his point. Tetris let out a small chuckle and nodded. “ pops, why does this say extra large im in a.” Joseph placed a hand on his son. “Well my son, he didn't have any more small ones.” Blitz used his magic to make the waiter outfit too the same size “there you go now it’ll fit you!” blitz smiled causing sam to smile too “thank you your majesty.” blitz walked over to him in a pout “I mean b-blitz.” Blitz then smiled again and went to his room to try on his new outfit. Everyone went into their rooms to get ready for the next day

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