Story Chapter 6: Getting a tour of the ecklair family business! (a day later with many bathroom and food break


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 6: Getting a tour of the ecklair family business! (a day later with many bathroom and food breaks)

The road was filled with different cars; to blitz, he thought it was a mysterious pleasure and marvel to see common people driving normal-looking cars without 40 escorts behind each car. To Roxana, it was strange to see humans living their daily lives without problems on their commute. Sam was indifferent, though he enjoyed explaining simple things the twins asked about even though some were personal, some even strange. “So sampton, how do you humans get dressed?'' Blitz asked, looking at the boy with curious eyes. Sam stifled a chuckle and passed it off as a cough “Well I um Dad how do I answer his question.” Joseph laughed and looked into the front mirror so Blitz could see his eyes. “Well Your Majesty, we dress and get our clothes ourselves most of the time. I don't like people dressing me or bathing me for that matter.” blitz nodded and moved the staff around “I’m starvinggg, blitzy-poo cant you poof a really big juicy burger in this vehicle for me extra onions tomatoes, and steak Subaru with that staff.” blitz giggled “maybe butt this small limo is a very nice looking I rather not have you make a mess.” she peered over the seat.

Even though she was in the back of the car she was a whopping 6 '7 at 17 she was the twin that inherited their mother's height blitz looked back at her. Sam looked between the two confused, “they're having a twin telepathy session; their majesties usually do it when they're discussing something or having an unhearable argument. So it's best to simply not interrupt unless you want their glares." Tetris told sampton without looking back to see his face knowing the question he was gonna ask. “Ah, so that explains during the brunch the twins were silent for most of the event too.” Joseph added, looking at the car screens map, and finally sighing “35 minutes till Joseph Ecklairs family luxury hotel!.”

The twins snapped out of their argument and Blitz moved a bit up “whats a hotel?” the two asked, causing the human to gasp dramatically” You never stayed in a hotel when all went to all those countries for the resignage each year and never been to a hotel?” they both said no at the same time, “good thing for you guys, mr joseph is gonna give you guys a proper tour of one of my very hotels to give y'all the true experience.” they cheered as Tetris leaned against the door staring off in space, till he fell asleep.

He was in the ruins of his village "What w-w-why am I in- wait no not again!” The man rushed to a burning house, rushing to take the debris free, and saw his toddler son lying motionless and a large stab wound in the center of the little boy's chest. When he reached him his ex-rock came rushing towards him in anger and blood dripping from her beheaded head.“Only if you didn't listen to your mother and joined that stupid makeshift army! We wouldn't have died furutan/Tetris if you wou-” she got stabbed in the chest by an obsidian arm only allowing the finally dead woman to fall to the ground; Tetris fell to his knees and saw the man who did the massacre of his village and family. “Y-you bastard!” he ran at him and got stabbed by the same knife he looked up and saw Gabriel: the very man that was with Cellania. “Furutan it is all your fault, too bad you blitz can't get this man out of this van.”

Tetris awoke with a jolt and used his arms to shoot Hermafton obsidian daggers which caused Joseph and the teens to hit the deck. The ex-military man panted heavily, realized the situation and slowed his breath and heartbeat checking everything off that wasn't from the dream. Blitz arose, stomping over to Tetris, and placed a healing hand on the large rockin’s chest. “Breath it's ok tet-tet, whatever you dreamed wasn't real.” blitz and Joseph helped Tetris out who looked at Blitz solemnly *it was real I did watch my wife and child get murdered with my village *sighs* at least my parents and siblings are still alive.” he looked up and saw that they were at the ecklair luxury hotel. *This is a clear noble getaway from their families to escape from. Plus have some new people as sides.* Tetris thought.

“Welcome to Joseph Ecklairs family luxury hotel, where everything you need is at your fingertips! Good day my dear can me and my company have a room or 2 plz.” the new hire gasped when she saw it was the owner of the hotel, “oh um mr. ecklair it's a pleasure to meet you, sir, yes you can do you want-” her manager came out with a cigar in mouth and talking on the phone, “tell the customer to come downstairs and talk to me about the complaint.” He took a puff “And if I find out that she was lying about you, You of all people who have a whole husband which I am sitting right here Peter; I will kick her out bc that is a federal offense of slander and defamation. I know I love you too, see you when you both get down here.” he hung up with a sigh and looked at his employee without missing a beat “Oaka show these fine gentlemen and gentlewoman the palace deluxe rooms and see which one is best suitable for the owner. Good to see you, Joseph. I'll chat with you for a bit. I had to deal with a situation that occurred between my mate and Karen. We’ll have a business update afterwards sir” The man walked to greet his husband, and the twins noticed the manager had a wolf tail and ears *a real-life werewolf tail and ears!!* they both exclaimed in their twin bond, happy to see a werewolf show his tail and ears. Normally wolves are very secluded and little is known about them.

“As you wish sir, come with me you all.” She showed them 5 rooms. “We'll take number 2, it has the biggest amount of rooms.” she nodded and left to register them into the hotel. Joseph gathered all of the company together to give a pep talk; “All alrighty, you all go gather yall selves go refresh, and meet back here in an hour.” they all nodded and went to their rooms: the twins to one room, Tetris went to one right by them, sampton to one right next to his fathers.”

*2hrs later brought to you by Blitz’s singing*

Almost everyone was in the living room laying on the couches and talking. Joseph looked at his watch and smiled awkwardly at Tetris, *I've never met a rockian this tall or muscular. Can see why Her Majesty has him as a personal bodyguard for her child, but he seemed distraught when he woke up after 30 minutes. Eh maybe a nightmare, big fella acts tough, is tough but gets nightmares too.* Roxana sighed for the 13th time and went to get up but Tetris stopped her. “I got this, Your Majesty,” the bodyguard pressed his ears up to the door, listening carefully. He could tell that Blitz was listening and singing to a coronolian song; he turned back to the group “he's in there singing and listening to music, it'll take a few more moments before the prince will be out shortly.”

Sampton looked up at the bodyguard *god he's like one of those Greek statues that's overly tall and muscular.* “How can you tell?” Tetris looked down at the boy, stepping back some, “I've been in the military for a few years now and a bodyguard, so I can tell simple sound cews from a few yards away. And now he's walking out.” he stepped out of the way and saluted when blitz came out dressed in some baggy jeans and a t-shirt his 8th eldest brother gave him “I am ready to pretend I am a common person.” everyone looked at him with shock and amusement “your majesty?” Blitz turned to sampton with a smile, “What are we waiting for then, I want a full tour of this wonderful hotel!” his wings popped out and accidentally smacked Tetris right in his nose which caught the bodyguard to stumble backward and held the wall and touched his nose and saw that he was bleeding *Dammit I'm bleeding, I don't know why his wings look hollow but heavy and hit hard as hell.*

Blitz immediately went to his side concerned for his friend’s injury, “Oo I'm so sorry Tetris is sitting on this servant's chair so I can heal it please this time.” they stared hard at each other till Tetris finally sighed and sat down with a frown as the prince healed his nose. Roxy gently smacked blitz “on this mission you must be careful about your wings. Your wings are very recognizable and noticeable due to them being bigger than your body.” *well I can't help but express my feelings especially if I haven't before seen and toured a real-life commoner motel.* Roxy's glare only made Blitz smile. “They're all done tet-tet, how are you feeling?” Tetris blushed a bit of light blue when he saw the prince’s face and turned his head to the side, “I'm fine thank you.” Blitz's wings flapped in happiness, Sam noticed their stares for each other and sighed.

The heroes went downstairs to the lobby, “this is the lobby the start of a hotel, this was the first hotel I built as the newly appointed forechairman of our company; with the help of Gambina’s construction company and hisom the guy you saw earlier; the hotel was up and successful in a few months and has been for the last 30 yrs.” The twins took a few pictures of it and followed the group to their indoor swimming pool, “this is our indoor swimming pool that was recently renovated to be more of a beach setting.” They saw a few humans sitting by the pool talking and enjoying each other's company. “This pool is smaller than our mom’s 10 pools together!” Joseph's mouth hung open at the amount of pools, the twins used their hands to play in the water which Tetris had to stop because they were drawing unnecessary attention to themselves and ushered them back to Joseph.

Next, they went to the gym which was impressive, “woah I've never seen a guard/ army gym so big before.'' Roxana said, “Well it's a gym not just made for those in mili- woah!” Tetris took off his top shirt showing off an impeccable 14-pack and lifted an entire weight machine “This is light, you should look for 1 mill. ton weights for rockian or they’ll purposely give you bad reviews for non-good equipment and complain about that specific thing.” Tetris advised as they watched Blitz Sam and Roxana playing jump rope.

“Look I bite, neither do your daughters look like you, do they resemble your partner in any way.” Joseph spat out his water coughing, tetris gently patted him to help “Ahem! Nope! I have no wife, husband, or partner.``Tetris gave him a confused look to which Joseph sighed looking at his son now being picked up by Roxana, and towering over blitz, “ever since I was young I've never loved anybody in my life romantically, plus when my ma n dad I was told my father cheated on her while I was an infant and had a secret family to which they own his other company. It made me definitely not wanna go through marriage and then eventually divorce. So I adopted my children together because they were siblings who were not separated yet and I gladly adopted them cause now I have 4 heirs to represent me in this world and beyond. So Mr. man, where's yours?”
Tetris frowned and and furrowed his eyebrows, “My wife and child got killed durin’ the rockian civil war.'' Joseph felt like it was a sensitive topic for him and left it alone. “Come on y'all we’re going to the next and last floor.'' They went to the gaming room, and Joseph taught the twins, and Tetris how to play pool and a bit of tricks that were easy to catch onto. “Aye blitz,” Blitz looked at her “What,” Roxy smirked and Blitz knew she was up to something. “Wanna plays a game of pool and whoever wins wins 600 jerabloop/ 1,000$” “Yes' ' they started to play which eventually led to Blitz losing and giving Roxana the money.

They all arrived back at their hotel even more famished and Joseph looked at the UberEats app. “Now everyone, we need to decide what you all wanna eat. My first suggestion is cheesecake factory.” Roxana and blitz looked at each other and back at the adult and said simultaneously “whats cheesecake factory.” Joseph gasped dramatically clingy to the wall causing everyone to laugh.

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