Story Chapter 5: the heroes of eitheria revealed atlas! (please comment on what you think of the series)


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 5: the heroes of eitheria revealed atlas!

Blitz stumbled back at the words and quickly shook his head, “Mama that cannot be true, they had-” she playfully poked his crown prince crown with a smirk “Got the crown.” “but mom-” she ran her fingers through her youngest boy’s hair “rainbow hair, short. Heck Tetris is also a prophesied hero, he put u behind him and that cuteeee human boy.” blitz’s face went red when his mother was calling sampton over “mama shhh, o my god you're embarrassing. But you're not here to joke, you're here to do something.” the mom smiled yet again, “I am here to pass the yorfoctosia/ the coronolian staff of wonders down to you, my son.”

Blitz again gasped and looked around “But mother that staff is for Papa, i-i” the queen narrowed her eyes in an amused manner “Your father isn't the holder anymore, on Monday; me and your father were curious as to who the staff would go to out of all of your siblings including Roxana, during that time it glowed to no one but when he laid the staff down, it glowed and went to where you were but it was out of sight.” she kneeled and placed a loving hand on her youngest son’s cheek. “You are a destined hero of eitheria; you will save this world from her and if you don't then I'll still be on your side no matter what.'' She hugged him when she removed herself and blitz finally noticed one big detail. Normally his mother's queen’s armor helmet would've been formed into a glittering diamond headdress but it wasn't there. Neither was her breastplate which would have been in the form of a bracelet.

The prince gasped, reaching out to touch his mom’s hand, “I gave the armor to your sister Roxana. It was time she inherited the armor and helped to protect this world and herself.” she peered inside seeing Tetris and Sam having a conversation, “bring your friends and i'll bring the adult human.” “yes, mam.”

*4 minutes later*

Everyone regathered and was waiting for Blitz to come out. Once he did everyone saw that he had changed out of his royal apparel and was now in a shirt and jeans sampton loaned him. He stepped into the center of leaders and bowed with the staff in hand, sampton and Tetris both bowed too. “My leaders, we will serve and honor you all and protect each country from Cellania or we’ll die trying.” The human president went in front of them with a serious look on her face, “I'm pleased to see Her Majesty choose amazing candidates for this situation.” Adriana looked at her older brother who was talking with Gamba and the king of jackals. “And my brother is extremely skilled, so he would be a helpful guide and support for this journey.“ Joseph looked at her and nodded.
“If I didn't go with you boy, your sisters wouldn't talk to me till you guys came back safely.” he ruffled his hair. His sisters hugged him, “Be a good little brother, and you will do well, and even get a smokin' prince to boot.” sampton glared at Salina “Ignore her Sammy, we’re serious though, you got this plus all that hand to hand combat and sword training pops and uncle gamba’s taught you will come in handy.” Everyone heard a loud clunk and turned to see Roxana almost falling again trying to get the queens' armor to resize on her, Tetris and Joseph helped her back up and it resized her body structure. “Phew! Who knew having a giant for a mother would make the armor difficult to fit.” Roxy could tell that everyone was in a bad mood and made the room lighter in the air once her joke landed. “Oh haha, lemme see you both.” Alejandra pulled her twins closer to her, rubbing their cheeks.

“My beautiful twins, you and your company are our hope, you must save eitheria. Within the castle she wants something that can destroy this world and remake it, you all cannot allow her to find it. The pieces of this weapon were scattered all over the globe. Once she finds out she has to resemble the artifact she will send those that are with her cause to find it.” they both nodded. She then walked towards a stationary Tetris placing a firm hand on his shoulder, she looked directly into his sapphire blue eyes ``please protect my twins with your life; as your queen, ruler, and friend I trust you with all my soul and life; ik you will do great, heroic acts during this time alongside my babies.'' To everyone's surprise, she bowed to him which means she respects him a lot more than anyone since she only bowed to the elf president, Alfred, and the human president. Honor swelled inside of Tetris as he saluted to his queen everyone said goodbye to the group and the president began to walk them somewhere. “Now that we’re all squared away, there’s a town on the western side of Syamila. Yes, that is the name of my country; we just renamed it brother to deal with it." Joseph copied what she said as they walked to the carport they saw a normal “SUV” waiting on them. “This, boys' and lady is the grashnulpa/ ultimate war tank,'' Joseph raised a finger which got lowered by sampton “True it may not look like a tank it can take damage like one, but it has multiple different forms; though I'll let- don't you touch that button unless you want to be launched into the air joseph.”

Her brother moved himself into the front seat, to which the front seat was immediately fitted into his size. “Alright, I am ready to blow this popsicle stand, where to?” Tetris got into the front, as the teenagers got in the back talking excitedly to each other; “To Hisbina: it's a small town that was tactically taken over by the sorceress as our reports said they’ve been making the villagers mine something in an old mine; that mine is why that town formed originally so there might be that sword piece there buried underground that she got her minions looking for. One problem though;” Tetris raised an eyebrow at what she said “What the issue mam.” “Well big rock man, they’ve gotten that town. This means the lady took it over and none of us knew till a distress call came hastily and explained to our FBI that Cellania’s forces fully moved into it forcing old and young miners to reopen that mine to dig. It'll take you at least a day and a half to get there so I suggest you get going and check into a hotel by the town instead of in the town.

She went to the driver's side and opened the door. “ bye big brother,” she hugged him “plz get the pieces before that evil wretch,” Joseph nodded and hugged back, “Good luck heroes of eitheria, you are our only hope in this war.” with that they opened the car garage door and the heroes sped off “Mrs. president are you sure this is a mission mam.” one of her vice presidents asked, “yes yes it is, if this mission is a success then that means their the true prophesied heroes.'' They walked back upstairs to see some of the leaders off and to show the royal cornolians where they'd be staying for now.

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