Story Chapter 4: the sorceress of the bashtinia/ prophecy


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 4: the sorceress of the bashtinia/ prophecy

“Oops! Guess I ruined the party, “she smiled crazily at Alejandra who had her wings in front of her grandchildren in a protective matter “Aww is the all mighty Alejandra afraid of a wee wittle sorceress tearing you and this pathetic world apart!” she started to laugh maniacally and paced back and forth in front of the armed bodyguards. Her features were one of a common mage though she was abnormally tall for one; granted papa's eldest sister and mother are tall. Blitz looked at the elf-man and realized that it was alexio wielding an ax, he looked at the other mage who was simply glaring at the crowd, next was someone that looked like Tetris but was in his base skin (where his whole body is made of diamonds) had a lot of lusters and shine in it but he was menacing-looking when he smiled at Tetris. The third one simply held her club, raising it when a person threatened to break out of the circle. The fifth person simply stood surveilling the scene seemingly unbothered by the whole ordeal.

Sampton kept moving till he accidentally bumped into Blitz, causing the two to stumble into Tetris; the bodyguard caught the two and put them two behind him slowly forming an obsidian dagger ready to defend anyone from him. Joseph looked around the room worriedly for sampton unsure of where his youngest went during the confusion. Roxana stood there in fear feeling like she was under a freeze spell. “Now~ I want the heroes of eitheria now! Or unless you want her!” The sorceress had Mrs.Tulnar “to be a pee-weed.” her company laughed *blitz! They got Tully, what should we do.``Roxana telepathically asked Blitz not to respond. The prince used his foresight to see the possibilities and motioned Tetris and his mom by pointing a small finger to the exit.

*go to the exit, don't look back, take your sister.* Blitz looked terrified at his mom but obeyed when Tetris quietly ushered the twins towards the secret door in the back of the meeting room. Joseph looked confused at the lady “The heroes of eitheria aren't here mam. Oh, wait sorry I meant the all-scary and destructive empress that came here on a wild goose chase, mind u destroying half of a capital for?'' The enraged look on her face made Joseph's tactics known to the audience. “The human is right Cellania, the heroes aren't supposed to be destined at this kind of meeting. They say it's supposed to be at a different meeting.” the sorceress rapidly paced and then pointed her staff to Blitz’s dad looking at him with wild eyes.

“Since the queen's lap dog spoke out of turn to me I'm going to make you, all-powerful and magical, the world's most powerful mage known to society, King. Figaro!!” she powered her staff; the glow from it surprised everyone when it began to shoot out frost. “NOOO!!” blitz didn't think and used his slip-off heel, that he wears to appear average height, and clocked the evil lady in the head with great precision. Before she could turn to the boy, Roxana used her powers to teleport everyone to the human president's blue house. The young lady almost collapsed due to the amount of magic she had to use to save anyone from the woman.

Joseph and his children hugged each other crying. “It's ok my love, you're safe, all of you are safe. Daddy’s here to protect you guys.'' Sampton looked at his aunt who was chewing on gum rapidly: something she does when she’s scared. Gambama hugged his wife happy that she was ok. The dictator of Himalaya angrily stomped over to Alejandra, only reaching her chin the two tall leaders stood there staring “You knew she’d come to attack us!! No wonder you and your unfitted husband took as long as you did. You-” when she put her finger in her face Alejandra grabbed it, yanking it up so that way the dictator could see her face. “First off, no need to yell, it's rude, second I did not lead her there. I intern had her captured when she and her minions tried fighting my guards and generals. Third, don't you talk about my husband like you don't have a failing marriage on your hands, and your poor way of running your mother country that she fought hard to make it into a flourishing empire. You just filled in her shoes because you think people with a few tails are under you.”

Alfred patted his godmother and she let the tiger drop her on her butt, knowing it wasn't worth fighting over when she had something of more importance that needed her mind on. Grushnielp dusted herself off and sat in a chair her servant brought for her. “My queen if I may, we need to discuss the situation at hand; your country is now at the mercy of a mad woman.'' The mage emperor spoke looking for something out of her but she remained calm “I know that the thing is we won't be able to take my kingdom by simple brute force. No, we need to unite the heroes that are with us in this mansion.”

While the adults talked, sampton went into a random room to gather his thoughts when he saw Blitz and Tetris discussing something hushed; he saw the prince hyperventilating which he assumed was because he just saved the world leaders association with the help of his sister. “My liege, hey hey, shh it's alright. He can't hurt you anymore, he’s gone” he saw the large bodyguard pull the tiny being closer to him kissing his forehead. It seemed to sampton that the 2 finally noticed him, tetris put Blitz behind him and turned to glass: a known warning sign in Terra to back off. Sam knew the warning from his rockian friend doing it to those that liked to mess with him, so he put his hands up as a peace sign.

Blitz placed a hand on Tetris’s bicep and gave a kind smile to the human. Tetris went back beside Blitz turning into limestone *dang it, they're both hot kinda want the bodyguard to- .* sampton thought the rest but buried it deep reprimanding himself over thinking like that about the prince and bodyguard like that “H-hello again for the third time today your-” blitz stopped him “please my dear call me blitz, we seem like the same age and to me, it's awkward for someone to call me royalty type names when your either the same age or a couple of years older.” he giggled and placed his fan in front of his face.

Sam could tell Blitz was smiling behind the fan due to his eyes slightly raising and his big magenta eyes shining bright, Sam became mesmerized by the color and his hidden beauty. “Ahem!” their attention diverted back to Tetris who seemed to have a question; “your majesty who is the hero of eitheria.'' The audible gasp of both told the man that whatever the sorceress was speaking of was very important. “Tetris, nobody in your village or family spoke about the legend of eitheria’s future heroes.” the man shrugged a known gesture of no in terra.

Blitz sighed and grabbed a chair, he used his powers to duplicate the objects. “Plz, my friends sit.” Sam and Tetris sat down with Tetris slightly facing the door to see who would come in. Once the two fully settled, blitz used a mage mist to form figures “ 457 or however so years ago eitheria was at war. One side including Coronolia wanted peace, freedom, and to be freed of discrimination.'' The two saw the 12 country leaders of good. “Though the other twelve still wanted control over those small and weak nations to milk them of their resources and to have them under control.” he showed the other 12. “The war cost them all resources, lives, and hope, in the end, they all realized it was a deadlock across the nations, so a meeting was scheduled.” Sampton's eyes widened upon seeing the very first human president, his eyes wandered to the then queen of Coronolia and saw how she looked a lot like Roxana and the first queen's brother like Blitz. *no wonder why they always say coronolians have really good genes. Heck, the looks have been passed upon since the first king and queen!*

Tetris’s eyes immediately noticed the mysterious fellow arriving, one of Blitz’s nieces and nephews came into the room to see what he was doing and sat to listen to their uncle. “Whose this man.” he poked the image which earned a hand smack from Blitz who immediately regretted it “Oo oww!!, Tetris you're making me lose focus.” the Rockman smiled, and the younger ones and sampton chuckled a bit at their antics “dont u smile, hmph! Anyway, this fellow is rumored to be a timeweaver." Before Sam and Tetris could ask, blitz quickly answered the unspoken question. “A time weaver is a supernatural person who is over a few people's timelines. The prophecy spoke as ‘“5 initial heroes will rise out of the earth at an event that will determine the world's fate. At that event an evil force will arrive wanting to destroy the world's leaders” he showed a vision of the witch arriving and a crowd of people; within the crowd, five were colored green: a blocky-looking man who had been in front of a shorter male with a crown, next to them was a boy with glasses and curly hair. A few ways away a grown man was looking around with a terrified look on his face. Next, he showed someone else with a crown though instead of being short with long hair; she was tall and had cheek-length hair. “These are of the first of the heroes, the other five will be revealed with trials as the first journey and meeting them along the way.'' The man tried to leave but was stopped by my 476th great-grandmother.”

They saw the coronolian queen holding her newly forged queen's sword to the stranger's throat. “Next he simply deflected her accusations by saying “‘“believe me, my love; why would I be a spy? I would have already revealed who sent me, which darlins would have sent this world back into chaos. Believe it or not; the ones you saw, my queen, are going to be in your bloodline."He lifted the sword, “ and this beauty will be passed down to the tall female. Pass the story around or suffer the consequence of not doing that.’’ He also said “‘I may not be who I was during that time, reincarnation is soon going to be one of them. Pay close attention to details it may be someone you may never suspect hehe.”’ he disappeared with those words and it was passed down through some countries not all of the leaders took it to heart.”

All of them heard clapping coming from the door, Sam and Blitz looked at the 7’'5ft queen of Coronolia who was smiling proudly at Blitz, “Very good job with the storytelling my son though all of what you said matched perfectly with what happened tonight.” The 3 looked confused at one another and then Blitz rose to walk to his mother. He always felt small when next to her, when he was little he would climb her well-fitted throne and jump, kick, and dived all the kinds of child shenanigans he did as a child on top of his mother and above her once he learned how to use his wings. Facing her he looked down not wanting to meet her gaze, feeling bad that he didn't obey his mother's command, but another part was happy he saved his father. Alejandra hugged her son with tightness, he felt her hands roaming his hair in rapid succession. “I have no words for you.” the words made Blitz feel guiltier though what came next made him shocked.

“My love, son, child, you and Roxana are the destined twins of eitheria.

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