Story Chapter 3: the red moon celebration


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 3: the red moon celebration

Blitz and Roxana waited by the entrance of the palace to greet all of the leaders of the world and generals. Guards and Tetris stood by in case of something, first came the Himalayan dictator: Grushnielp, and her mate and children. “My hastenklak/ my elder I see you. It's a pleasure to see-.” the dictator cut Roxana off “Yeah yea see you too princess.'' They showed themselves without a guide. The twins looked at each other and shook both of their heads at the same time “Just as awful as always.” Blitz gently smacked her arm “Remember what Papa said, no mouthing off and making the guest upset.” Roxy looked at her look-alike “Not everyone can look and act so goody-goody like you.” blitz folded his arms and gave her the twin look “Fine I'll try harder bro.” he finally smiled his doubled dimpled cheek smile that could make anyone in a bad mood

Next, was the elf president; it was clear that the elvian woman was stressed out but she pulled it together and greeted her godchildren with open arms ``Ohh, blitzy, and Roxy! Oh my look how big you’ve both gotten over the 2 yrs. You roxy looking exactly like your mother, blitzferd you've gotten so beautiful. Also sorry to hear about your disengagement with alexio I'm here if you need to talk.” her bodyguards picked her up and carried her into the palace. “Well, at least one person is happy about today.”

Out of the water came the new king of Alentia, King Alfredo Angelfish. “Blitzy! Roxana! Oh, I've missed you both.'' He hugged both of his childhood friends: Alfred was 17, like the twins; his uncle had adopted him when he was 5 after his parents were assassinated while at the mall. With the help of the other king of the fishes, Alfred was raised into a lovely and fair ruler who ruled over his kingdom with involvement and an iron hand. His uncle died not too long ago due to an inherited illness that causes a mermans' scales to fall off painfully and slowly drain their hair color. His uncle’s fernap/mate for life died three months later after a concubine drowned the man in an attempt to usurp the throne for himself. Which allowed him the power to banish Alfred for falsely killing the late king, But later got found out by an exiled Alfredo who had some castle men go digging into the concubine's misdeeds and got overthrown by the fed-up castle servants and crowned Alfred king of the underwater kingdom

“Good to see you skinny fish self too Ally.” he and Roxana shared a chuckle, and his bodyguards stood nearby greeting Tetris with curt nods. After Alfredo was the human president and her family “Hello mam we are crown prince and princess Blitz and Roxana it is a pure pleasure to meet you.” the twins said in unison, sampton gazed over at Blitz in amazement; there were rumors that the future ruler was good-looking for royalty, but no one told him that he was the picture of perfection. Blitz noticed his staring and whipped out his fan to cover only the lower part of his face. *he’s adorable, aww he has freckles. Wait no blitz remember no relationships bad.*

Tetris protectively moved in front of Blitz; Joseph also stepped in front of Sam and bowed in an apology “Ahem! Sorry about my son, he’s never traveled to your country so-” Blitz giggled and patted Tetris. “It's fine Mr. Ecklair, I'm used to men and women staring at me. I don't mind him, he's very pleasing to the eye.'' The statement caused sampton the blush as he was being hustled inside by Serena.
*2hrs later*
The twins were getting ready to head to the banquet hall for the resignation. Their nanny tightened Blitz’s gurasnoop/a gown designed for noblemen in Coronolia for important events, which covers them from head to toe with his face in a face covering. “Is this tight enough my liege?” the older woman asked, adjusting the corset part by sticking a hairpin in Roxana's pulled-back hair, giving her a small bun. “Yes mam, Mrs. Tulnar.” the maid fixed his sister's shirt making sure it looked good on her “What is the matter my love, you are bluer than a coronolian bluejay.'' Roxana chuckled at the merman's reference to the country's bird.

“Do you think I'll be able to have a conlinx before the age of 18?” the boy looked at his matron with big magenta eyes that seemed to be searching for the answer, the elderly woman turned back to the prince with a large brush to start brushing and styling his long flowing hair, “let me ask this now mon, why do you think you need a conlinx’s at such a young age my son. You choose your path, not your auntie, not even your mota.” the words rung in blitz’s ears like a bell. The twins’s handmaid was always honest with the two and gave advice when it was needed, and Blitz realized that the raw truth she just said was a realizing factor that it was his choice whether or not to marry at 18.

“Thank you junda/my friend.” The maid kissed his forehead with a smile and finished getting the twins ready. Tetris opened the door in his royal sergeant of staff uniform. “Are they almost ready, mam?” The elderly merwoman looked at the rockian “Yes,” she picked lint off of his suit. “How come such a fine, handsome young man still doesn't have a boulder for an eternal partner.” she patted a peck, the handmaid loved to mess with the rockian lieutenant due to him looking scary, big, and mean, always telling blitz how she’d want him to just take his muscle shirts off so she could feel his abs. “I don't know mam, the right person hasn't arrived for me.'' He helped the prince and princess to gather their things and headed to the treaty room.

“Hey you know you were checking that boy out during lunch, whatcha think, conlinx or concubine.” blitz abruptly stopped glaring at his sister “Neither.” They continued to walk until they reached the meeting room. The two nodded at each other and sat in their designated seats at the table of leaders who were conversing amongst themselves. The twins looked around the room trying to find their parents, the 2 monarchs were absent which was unusual for the couple to be late to an extremely important night. The twins and their 12 siblings all shared one singular thought *where is our parents*

*23 minutes later*
The coronolian queen and king finally arrived into the room, disheveled and distraught, “welcome welcome everyone sorry we were late, we had to deal with a situation that needed our acute attention. But now that it was dealt with, let's commence the resigning of the treaties!” the other leaders shared worried looks but allowed it to subside to for the resigning, *something happened and they are not telling us what happened.* roxana said telepathically to Blitz who agreed with her. “Focus on the meeting, this is very important, it's our first year sitting up here with our parents.” Roxy pouted and tried her best to concentrate on the resignage.

*4 hours later of the peacekeeper of coronolia reading and getting the leaders to sign the new forms*

The peacekeeper gathered all of the treaty papers, packing each of them into each country's coordinated color and handing it to each secretary of state, royal advisor, and commanders. “Now that we’ve concluded this meeting, do we have any interjections?” as if on cue a wall was blasted creating smoke, everyone in the room stumbled over each other getting to the front of the room quickly. “ I have an interjection!” They all heard crackling coming from the midst as a very tall woman emerged from the smoke twirling a wizard's staff causing the wind from it to push the leaders back some more. 5 more people emerged, one being another sorceress, one a familiar elf, one rockin, and what appeared to be a female ogre. Blitz then made sense of all the years of the elders telling the two about the heroes of eitheria prophecy.

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