Chapter 3: Mongoose Mangroves [Indiana Jones and the Book of Three Circles]


Around noon on the third day, the river began to widen into a flood plain. Mangroves, bananons, and bizare crops most did not know grew all around, and in the distance they could see an elaborate set of docks and a banner, a golden mongoose on a red field.
With little better to do on so small a boat, Cho spent most of her time trying to wrap a blanket around Defies the Darkness so that the two of them might sunggle together under it. The fire elemental born girl was particularly warm...
Perched on Steel Avalanche's lap, snuggled under his cloak, with her hair doing intresting things to every part of his body she could reach, Delilah looked up lazily at the change of scenery. "A pantation on the river," she spoke softly, "And I'll wager the feret-like cretaure on that banner is a Mongoose. Are we here, my lord?"
Liquid pools of night stared at the merchandise, while long, slender, fingers tattooed with delicate curls of gleaming silver brushed against the weapons' cold metal. Each of them had received the same treatment, studious glances and delicate touches.

At a safe distance many eyes watched the one who was browsing the goods, soft whispers exchanged among them, for even though she was not much to look at, she most definitely made an impression. One day each season the same woman would walk forward from the jungle and barter all day for things she required.

A skinny woman, taller than most men, her skin patterned with delicate curls of gleaming silver all the way up from her feet to her skull and face. Muscles moving beneath her skin as she moved, which she hardly didn't. Her ribcage visible, slowing moving with each breath. High on her back, a long angular shape, sheathed with only the handle visible. On the small of her back, a quiver holding fierce javelins adorned with bright feathers and a blowpipe. Wrapped around her waist rope with fine metal balls on the ends, dangling against her bare thighs on each side. A belt holding up a loincloth, the only thing that truly covered part of her body, with several knives in sheaths on it.

Her front bare, but then she did not have much to hide. Her breasts small, even less than a handful and hips that that showed bone.

But they were not staring at her for how she looked, for most of them did not know that she was one of Luna's mighty Chosen. Nor were they staring at her for her lack of civilized dress, for she was obviously a barbarian from the depths of the jungle.

They stared at her for the wonders she carried with her to barter, hoping she would grace their stall, their shop. When she came to the trading post, she always brought wonders from the jungle to trade for and like most barbarians had no clue what it was she bartered. Precious gems and valuable metals. Rare skins and rare feathers. Plants and drugs.


Kifara smiled pleased as she completed the transaction with the merchant. A necklace made of silver and sparkling stones for dozen pointed needles of finely crafted steel. The merchant was smiling pleased as he had made an excellent bargain. Another ignorant barbarian buying for many times the price he paid for it.

She then turned around slowly and her dark eyes studied the surroundings as she was trying to make up her mind what to buy next.
Khadavla said:
With little better to do on so small a boat, Cho spent most of her time trying to wrap a blanket around Defies the Darkness so that the two of them might sunggle together under it. The fire elemental born girl was particularly warm...
Defies looks at Cho oddly.

"I don't see why you do this stuff for me," he tells her while he sits on the floor trying his best to not accept the offer of the blanket.
Idej said:
Khadavla said:
With little better to do on so small a boat, Cho spent most of her time trying to wrap a blanket around Defies the Darkness so that the two of them might sunggle together under it. The fire elemental born girl was particularly warm...
Defies looks at Cho oddly.

"I don't see why you do this stuff for me," he tells her while he sits on the floor trying his best to not accept the offer of the blanket.
The redhead giggled softly. "Because it makes me happy." She tried to glomph Defies back and throw the blanket over them.
"I doubt it's much longer." he said, drowning in her gaze. He called over one of his men, "How much longer?" He might as well get to know how much time he would retain this moment.
Khadavla said:
Idej said:
Khadavla said:
With little better to do on so small a boat, Cho spent most of her time trying to wrap a blanket around Defies the Darkness so that the two of them might sunggle together under it. The fire elemental born girl was particularly warm...
Defies looks at Cho oddly.

"I don't see why you do this stuff for me," he tells her while he sits on the floor trying his best to not accept the offer of the blanket.
The redhead giggled softly. "Because it makes me happy." She tried to glomph Defies back and throw the blanket over them.
Defies chuckles at her as he moves to the right as Cho attempts again to the throw the blanket on them both.
Peteman said:
"I doubt it's much longer." he said, drowning in her gaze. He called over one of his men, "How much longer?" He might as well get to know how much time he would retain this moment.
Gesturing too the pier with the banner, one of the oarsmen said, "I'd say that's the northmost pier right there, sir. They can surely tell us how far too the bazar."

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