Chapter 3: House of Thorns

Meila rolled around atop a blow-up mattress that had been set up for her the day after she had arrived at the Mysterium Library. She hated how the mattress felt; it seemed both hard and soft at the same time, smelled weird and made an annoying, loud crumpling noise when she moved about on it. The blanket she had been given, was pretty warm though and the pillow was also nice... Still, she oddly missed her own bedding and felt a want for her room, back at the sanctum.

The room that had been set up for her at the Mysterium Library was a small study room at the back of the building. In many ways, it was a vast change to the room she had come to know as hers, back at the sanctum, but somehow, it felt colder. To people used to comforts of modern living, the small study room would seem infinitely better than the dark and dingy confines of an aged stone room, deep beneath the earth... but to Meila, the room seemed lifeless and inorganic.

The floor looked nice enough, but the carpet was rough and scratchy to touch. White walls surrounded her on three sides of the room and were terribly bleak to look at, and the forth was entirely see-through, made of cold glass, held in place by sleek metal frames... and artificial white light illuminated the room from ugly rectangles on the ceiling. Her room at the sanctum was indeed dark and damp in comparison, but the stone slabs that gave form to the room, held a strange warmth and life that this place lacked... and her candle... It may not be as bright as these lights, but it held warmth and danced with life... and she missed it.

With a feeling of discontent, Meila finally found herself sitting up, sliding herself out of bed and stretching slightly, before leaving her room in search of Thorn and Anthony.
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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Thorn peeked around the corner of an aisle of books and noticed that Meila was awake this morning. The new day had just dawned and she was already awake. The mage, being curious, always wondered how she always seemed to wake up so early. Thorn herself was associated with the dawn, but that was more of a magical theme if anything, it wasn't anything but esoteric. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"Damn, I have to get Anthony now..."[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] She yawned and ducked back into the aisle, making a U-turn. She was under ordered to make sure that she wasn't awake without him being able to guard her. This wasn't unnatural considering she could burn down the library with just a thought if she had a severe enough tantrum. Thorn's job was supposed to be to translate her journal and teach the girl to control her natural abilities, but she felt like both jobs were nearly impossible. The journal seemed like mostly gibberish to her even after she had spent several days looking into it. The only thing she had come close to was uncovering the location of the sanctum where Meila had once lived, along with learning from her indirectly what sorts of things had happened there. In buying her clothes, she had gotten a good enough look at the girl's body that she became somewhat disturbed.  She had seen and heard stories of Changelings who had been similarly tortured, but the fact that humans did this rather than an immoral being like a Fae is what made her sick to her stomach. She resolved to try to help Meila because of her circumstances, but at this point she had already told the Council that she didn't have the heart for something like this. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Thorn knocked on the door of Anthony's room, which was another small research room that she had emptied out and styled similar to a Japanese dojo. There was even a training dummy and sword rack that she bought for him at his request. She had spent most of her time not translating the journal talking to him and helping him prepare his room. She had a clear favorite among the two. After all, the two of them both followed the Path of Acanthus and had attuned themselves to the same Watchtower, having visited Arcadia in their mystery plays. This similarity in their souls would be enough to bind them, but Thorn also found Anthony's strength admirable as well. She was a bit disappointed when she found out Anthony was gay, but she figured it would be irresponsible to try to flirt with someone she was supposed to be working with anyway. On the other hand, Thorn was never extremely responsible. She continued to tap at the glass, hoping that he wouldn't be too frustrated. He couldn't really shoot the messenger in this case, or rather, he couldn't slice the messenger.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"Hey, get up! Meila's awake..." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She had been worried about Anthony for a while, since he had been forced to divide his time between this farce of a job and filming a movie that had just begun production recently. He often left her alone in the afternoons, forcing Thorn to request another agent to fill in for him for that shift. She didn't hold it against him, at least his job wasn't as boring as being a diplomat to a bunch of tortured former slaves and organizing books. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Thorn was wearing a set of pink and black striped socks and black lace-boots. She also wore a fake-schoolgirl outfit colored in purple along with a red pencil skirt that was slightly on the long side. She also wore a set of red-rimmed glasses, though it was never clear if she needed them. On her right arm she wore a black and white checkered armband that she often wore for sentimental reasons. [/SIZE]




[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]At the freehold, the morning air was chill and tense, at least for Johnny. The winter queen stood near him, radiating cold air. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"Don't talk to her, no matter what she says. In fact, don't talk to any of them until I get a chance to look them over."[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]the mermaid reminded Johnny, making sure to guard him from the incoming visitors. It was the promised day, assuming Princess wasn't a complete disgrace to the Fae, she would have to keep her word and return Caeda and Selene. The princess herself stepped out from thin air first, the two other girls nearby at her side. Realizing she was surrounded by many Changelings, including some of her former victims, she quickly shoved Caeda and Selene into the small village hidden within the mountains and lakes of Lyre. She gave a sly parting wave and a knowing wink at Johnny, who she spied from behind the queen. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"B[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]y[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]e!" [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The three colors that represented the three of them in a cosmic sense seemed to wisp from her mouth as she spoke. She slid back through to her home as quickly as possible, leaving the two girls on the ground. Caeda was wearing her old uniform and in her hand she held Johnny's cross and revolver.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"J-johnny?"[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She looked up at him with fearful eyes. The cross proved she was human, if she was a changeling her hand would be burning at this point. She had to be real. She looked just how he remembered. Same long brown hair, same eyes, and if she was a fake, it was a perfect imitation. Even false paintings were a work of art in their own way.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"You're not real, I know it, so don't try to trick us here."[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] the queen stepped forward. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"Johnny, who is she...where are we....I want to go home."[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Her voice sounded the same too, with a slight pitch containing more fear and worry. She had been imprisoned for days that could've been was no wonder she sounded broken. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Selene had basically been left on the rocks on the shore of the lake until two mermaids lifted her upward and guided her towards the village. The maid could see them for who they were, watching their fins transform into feet as they moved unto land. This wasn't strange to her since Princess had kept several different mermaids captive, having one or two settled at her lakeside teahouse during Selene's durance.[/SIZE]
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Selene quietly followed the mermaids towards the Village. her current attire was the Blue Alice Liddel Cosplay Dress and Black pair of Stockings she wore when working at the Wonderland Casino. she was a bit nauseous and disoriented from working against her own fears. in fact, her fears were kind of shoved into her face in a sense, in fact, her hands were still burnt from the cold iron, which would take a while to properly heal. as far as she was concerned, she didn't want to be forced to touch another cold iron object. but by the time she entered the Village, a Broken Doll could be what was seen. a Broken Doll that struggled harder to maintain a cheerful smiling persona than normal. fine porcelain fresh from the kiln, only to be shattered with a hammer and remade in a perpetual cycle. her emotional strings left to fray as something appeared different, the smile she put up to hide her former mistresses abuse, didn't appear so cheerful. What was supposed to be a Week felt like years to her, and well, she had to spin tales on Princesses behalf. literally damaging her essence as she knew she helped secure a deal with one of the biggest sadists she knew.

her blonde hair, had taken a bit of a silver hue at the moment to represent the Intense Stress she had gone through, something that would mend itself once she has some time to recover. her delicate hands were burnt from where she had to carry that cross, and pretty badly burnt at that. and the pupils of her blue eyes were dilated from the lack of light. plenty of new scars accompanied her body, not merely of flesh and bone alone, it felt as if she had survived a fate worse than death. but her will continued to carry on anyway. she desired true freedom, but gaining true freedom required two things. first, she had to develop an assertive bone somewhere in her body, no matter how hard for her that was, and second, she needed somebody who could truly free her of princess. only after she could gain those two specific things, could she recover and begin to repair her life, or so she believed. But what is Assertion? to A Broken Doll in tattered Clothes, held by Strings left to Fray!. what could it be? she quietly contemplated both her reason for existing, and the meaning of the Concept of Assertion to herself as she walked, unable to come up with a clear answer for either one.
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Anthony was asleep perched up on the wall with his sword in his arms. He opened his eyes and looked around, seeing Thorn he figured that it was not a huge emergency. He got up using the sword to help him as he heard her say Melia's awake. The girl probably got bored in her room as good as they made their rooms it was no place for a girl her age. Though she was not much younger than Anthony, he walked up to the glass door and open it while tying his sheathes to his belts. You never know when someone or something would attack and he was better at relying on his skills more than magic.

The mage yawned feeling tired from two jobs, and keeping up his training. He was thankful he was not likely to be a father as well, the attention he needed to put on Meila would have been ten times worse if she was a newborn. "Well, she's probably bored. She has nothing to do all day." He said as he walking out of his room rolling his shoulder getting the kink out of it. "Maybe I should take her out training, let her blow something up and get that pent up aggression out?" He mused out loud, to Thorn to see her reaction to the idea. He also needed to get out of the library, he was not one for looking at books all day and for how good the training dummy was it was not as good as sparring with someone.

Johnny nodded a bit when the winter queen told him not to talk to them though it hurt to sit by and do nothing. He had been waiting for this day for all week and now that he finally can see Caeda again it was hard to let others handle it. But this would not be the first time that Alice had deceived him so he was glad he did not need to face her alone. "Alright, I'll let you handle things..." He said as felt like a child being told to let the adults handle things. Though he guessed that to them and their ages he was one. He looked up to see the clown like woman step out of thin air with the two girls on either side of her. When she saw that she was outnumbered by others who would be rather pissed off at her she just ran leaving the two behind.

Johnny took a step forward looking at Caeda, wanting to rush at her but holding himself back. She looked at her she looked alright from first glance no changes. He looked at Selene with his enchanted eyes she had pale skin and her eyes were purple like he saw her before, so his eyes was confirming she was real as well. Princess could not know he was changed so she would have looked human to him here in this world. She looked back at Caeda who knows what she would have been put though and for how many years. The Queen stepped up and said she was a fake. No it could not be. He looked at the mermaid. "How can you tell?" He asked looking at her back to Caeda not sure weather to believe the queen or not.
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"I've learned not to trust anything she does." The blue haired mermaid said, her voice seething with rage that must have been tempered over time. Kana, the pink-haired guardian of the freehold, took Caeda and forced her to her feet. Displaying strength clearly out of possibility for a girl her size, she dragged Caeda away from Johnny and into one of the empty homes within the village. She didn't scream or resist, besides a slight tension that gave way once Kana started to pull. She gave a forlorn look towards Johnny as their eyes met, dropping the weapons at his feet while the nearby changelings could be seen visibly dispersing away from the scene. The Winter Queen left him alone, and Terrance was the only one who stayed by his side.

"She has a point. That fake me looked exactly like me! Don't start thinking she's real...It's just fool's gold." He pointed towards the the area where Caeda was now imprisoned. "That loony bitch is probably trying to mess with your head." His tone of voice sounded very similar to the Queen, since he had also been kidnapped by Princess for a period. Terrance was wearing a simple white shirt and slacks, whatever leftover clothes they had for him to wear.


The two women escorted Selene into a simple building made of brick and stone. The bedroom was lined with raggedy clothes that were thrown all over the floor. It looked somewhat lived in, with a undone bed and a lamp with a tilted shade. There was a window carved in the left side of the structure through which Selene could see the morning sun peeking over the copper-brown colored mountaintops from underneath the shade of the mountain. The village hidden in the mountains was rather simple, but seemed full of life. "Are you feeling alright? Maybe you should rest." One of them suggested, noticing the changeling seemed to be deep in thought. 

"You'll have to stay with one of our other guests, his name is Terrance, I hope that won't bother you too much..." She patted down the clean bed next to Terrance's gingerly. She wasn't aware that they had known each other from years of working together at Wonderland. This time, it was actually the real Terrance rather than the fetch who replaced him for a few weeks without her noticing. 



"Please don't make me deal with the Paradox she'll cause by causing those explosions. Seriously, It's going to be on my head if that happens." She meant to sound more stern, but since she was talking to someone she was friendly with, it sounded more like she was just being straightforward. "Just try to stick to doing something fucking normal, and don't carry those around!" She sounded like a nagging mother as she started to raise her voice while eyeing his weapons. "I told can leave them with me, I won't touch them." She tried to sound caring, but ended up sounding more demanding instead. Meanwhile her head tilted to look behind her as she tried to figure out where the girl had gone. "You can go somewhere with here, just keep your eye out, keep in contact, and NO MAGIC." She projected the words loudly and towards his face. "The library's gonna open soon, so I'll have to get to work, just keep her out of her until it closes." The library that Thorn ran was actually a public place, but it was usually empty and not exactly popular among sleepers in Lyre. It was open between 7-9, so the mages would often use the night hours to train, or otherwise she would simply find another place for them to go while she put an assistant in charge in her place. Nowadays they often had a third guest besides Thorn's assistant/apprentice, which was Anthony's backup assigned by the Council. Besides the carefully hidden magical materials, the library was fairly calm and normal, compared to the wild gambling lifestyle seen at Wonderland. It was a peaceful place, and therefore not interesting to the people of Lyre who craved exotic excitement. Thorn turned her back on Anthony and made her way over to the girl who was leaving her room. "Go with Anthony, ok?" She tried to usher her towards his room while talking down to her like a mother to a child. 
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Meila gave Thorn an irritable gaze. They weren't as hostile towards each other as they were during their first initial hours together, but there was still a heavy tension between them. It seemed to Meila, that Thorn was always attempting to stop her and get in her way of doing anything. Thorn had her small journal but was reluctant to let her look through all the books that filled the library.

It was still quite impressive for Meila to look at; the rows of books that adorned the shelves of the Mysterium Library, both long and tall, and crammed full of books, though meticulously arranged and in perfect order. It was frustrating for her, being in a place such as this... so many books and she could not understand any of them. She desired the knowledge that these books contained and her mind was full of speculation as to what powers they held and could unlock for her.

Meila shifted from foot to foot, holding Thorn's gaze. Ideas of various things she could do to the girl entered and exited her fragmented mind as she tried to judge how best to handle the situation. Finally, her mind settled on leaving Thorn alone, somewhat thankful for her new clothes and she spun on her heels and instead of heading towards Anthony's room, ducked into one of the isles.

As Meila drifted between the rows, she held out her right arm and ran her index finger along the shelf to that side, dancing across the spines of all the books on the shelf level with her arm. She paused a moment as her finger brushed against the spine of a large tome and she turned her head to glance at it for a moment before continuing on. The thickness of the book had momentarily reminded her of the tome waiting for her, back in her room, deep within the sanctum... and she longed to hold it once again.
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Johnny looked at the eyes of Ceada as she was taken away. Fake or not it still hurt to see her look so desperate at him with him unable to do anything. He looked down at the gun and necklace. Once it was just him and Terrance he picked them up putting the gun in the back of his pants, since he did not bring it's holster and the necklace around his neck. With the company present he was keeping nowadays he kept it under his shirt so not to accidentally burn anyone. 

Johnny did not say anything to what Terrance said, nodding a bit, he hated himself for running out of there while Ceada took all that torment. He should have been the one to stay behind for her. She was the cop doing good in the world, he was just a reporter writing about monsters and alien sightings. Why was his life worth saving more then hers. "So what are they going to do with the fakes?" He asked hating this feeling of helplessness, there had to be something he could do. He saw Alice again and once again could do nothing.

(Beat for completing Aspiration "See Caeda Again" [1/5], plus your items are returned)

Anthony waited a little for Meila to meet him while he thought of what he and the girl could do today, once he saw no sign of her coming he figured she must have ditched him. He sighed and put his swords in his sports bag and looked around the halls to find the girl. It did not take too long to find her in the library, she was moving along the books, "Looking for something to read?" The man asked as he moved a bit closer, he wondered if the girl could read english or if she could only read the runic looking letters in her tome. Anthony looked at some of the books thinking of what if anything the girl would like, she seemed to be more akin to medieval times maybe a fantasy. He frowned at that maybe not, she took things too literal so she might be confused with the idea of things in the book not being real. On the other hand both he and she are mages and to most people there not real. Ugh this job was hard, he wished he could just get a simple job killing something, that's what he was good at. 
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Selene was escorted into the building and gave a harmless nod. "I missed Terrance. An old friend is fine company." she spoke calmly in a reassuring tone, anything to reassure herself. Since she was at the bottom, she could only go in one direction, upward. As she followed her way through the building and found a bed, she searched for a light source to activate for the night, Princess' dark room left her pretty scarred, even some candles or a torch would be an improvement. she sought somebody, "Anybody know where the food and the lights are? I don't believe I can rest peacefully in a dark room on an empty stomach?"
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"Probably nothin' nice." Terrance mused on, not really looking directly at Johnny as he focused more on his own problems. "T-they haven't even found mine yet...there's still another me running around that stole my life!" The more Johnny talked to him, the more unhinged Terrance seemed. He flailed a bit as he spoke, and his eyes darted around in every direction besides where he should be looking. "He don't deserve to live, and if that girl is anything like that, then I say we kill her too before there's an issue." He grumbled and crossed his arms, not really knowing who Caeda was at all, let alone how much she mattered to Johnny. 

Kana returned to the two of them after locking Caeda away, Johnny still noticing that she was a massive hulking crab-girl rather than the schoolgirl he saw before. "We can't really kill her in good faith yet unless we get proof, ya know?" She was texting someone on her pink cell-phone, covered with a case, as she slowly made her way towards them. 


Celene had already flicked on the lamp in the small room, giving her a bit of light near the bed. The two mermaids left to fetch her something to eat, wondering how long she had been starved before she got here. "You should probably talk with the Queen about your stay here, when you get the chance." they reminded her of the situation she was in. At this point, Selene had distanced herself from returning to her family and never bothered to get involved in changeling politics. Now, she had been dropped right into a changeling territory outside of Lyre...and it wasn't even guaranteed that they would allow her to return to the casino. She was given a small meal of cold leftover fish and an english muffin with some milk. It was surely better than being force-fed candy and sweets for several years straight. 

Mysterium Library



"Get going, I'm not gonna tell the public that they can't come in because you two want to loiter around." Thorn waved them off from behind the service desk. Her phone vibrated against the wooden desk for a moment, the screen illuminating. 

You up?

Yeah, why, is it an emergency?

Not really, but Princess just dropped two people off here. A maid and a police officer.

Lemme guess, you want me to dress up as a witch to complete your costume party?

We need you to check them for damage. This is a high-risk situation.

I'll have my assistant cover the morning shift, but I'll have to leave by the afternoon.

Probably won't take you long, right?

It shouldn't.

Thorn moved into another room, said a few words, and waited for another girl to stumble out of her own room. "M-master, are you sure?" 

A slim girl with braided hair and thick black glasses shyly skipped out with Thorn towards the desk, looking like she could hardly walk with the way she moved. The two in the library would recognize her as Thorn's official apprentice appointed to her by the council, but they hardly saw her until now. 

"Well, Kat, if I don't go...the Freehold's going to be thrown into chaos, and if they can't protect us from Princess than the whole town will follow." Thorn recognized the threat she posed, while also mentioning Princess out loud to the others for the first time. It wasn't like the fae was Voldemort or anything. Her title only held personal power, and even then it was only a title. 

"But! But! If I'm away from my room, then the library might fall apart! The books will fall everywhere!" The apprentice was wearing a dark green schoolgirl outfit as well, but it was more crumpled since had just gotten dressed. She raised her hands in the air to protest.

Thorn lowered her hands using her own, "Then pick them up." She dashed out of the building, moving for the car that was parked out front. She turned to Anthony while unlocking her car. "Freehold business, go ahead and call Kat if there's any issues, kay?" She flashed him a smile and slid into the tan muscle car.

Meila stared blankly at Thorn as she ran from the Mysterium library, spouting nonsense about a 'free hold' or something, after moments ago mentioning a princess. "Stupid person... Always calls me stupid but she is more stupid!" Meila mumbled, scratching her head frantically with a mixture of frustration and anguish, causing her dark hair to frizz out. "What was the the Thorny lady saying about freeing holds to throw chaos at a princess?" She asked, glancing up at Anthony, performing a somewhat energetic twirl, causing skirt of her new black dress to spiral around with her, showing off her slender legs encased in thick white tights.

Meila paused with a sudden jerky movement, causing her skirt to fall down, back into place and she smiled impishly, glaring towards Kat. "You! Cat window eye person! Where can I learn to throw chaos? It sounds fun!" She asked, giggling softly, taking a few, small hop-steps towards Kat. "I have books with pictures of princesses in them, but no chaos! Only apples and beasts and stiltskins!" She explained, making wild gestures with her hands, causing the flared sleeves of her long-sleeved, white blouse, which she wore beneath her black suspender dress, to bounce around in a bubbly manner.

She paused again suddenly, her hands held in the air as though she were being held at gunpoint and she took a few more steps towards Kat, before bringing her hands together with a loud *clap*. "Weeeelllllllllll?" She asked, her sharp pitched voice like nails on a chalkboard as she dragged the word out, along with her inquiry. "How does one throw chaos?"
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Johnny was silent as the man raged, not sure what to say. He actually was a little worried about what he would do. He also did not like the fact that he was for killing the person-thing that was wearing that was the Ceada they had. "Hey, don't worry. He can't hide for long, we have the whole winter court to look for him. I'd be pissing myself if I was in his position." He said and was glad to see the crab lady... He never thought he'd be thinking that in his life. He sighed a bit as she said that they needed proof that she was not who she claimed she was. "And I take it there's a way to prove she's a fake." 

He looked over seeing her using a phone, it was a bit strange to see the crab creature use a pretty pink phone but he pushed the thought away. "I need a drink and a game of dice." He muttered to himself as he wondered who she was talking to.

Anthony nodded to the woman, he may not know the exact situation but he knew that every city seemed to have their problems. Black Bay had vampires and worse monsters who played as nurses. This place had fae that kidnapped people off the street. He looked to Meila and smiled as she asked about throwing Chaos. "'Throwing chaos' is another word for making trouble for everyone." He said trying to explain the situation in a clear way. "You know your books with pictures of fairies and things like that. Well instead of granting wishes for princesses they are making trouble for people and Thorny lady is going to help." and started to lead Meila to his motorcycle. "Now where should we go today, are you hungry?"
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For the first time in a long while, Selene would help herself to something she wasn't accustomed to. She would see fillet of cold fish, seemingly safe for mortal consumption. Well, it was better than nothing. It was also a nice break from being force fed tea and sweets. She took the fork to the cut of leftover muscle tissue from an aquatic creature with her left hand, well, she tore into the fish flesh with her teeth out of dire hunger. She was ravenous due to having been starved for a while, her ravenous hunger denied her a chance to properly experience the taste or texture of the fish. Afterwards, she helped herself to the english muffin and would save the milk for after the meal. Normally, she was supposed to be an elegant lady, the perfect maid, but her hunger superseded any training in etiquette. She needed to crash for an hour or few, that walking was harsh on her fragile and wounded body and she would have to request the queen's address when she awakened. but now, she needed to rest while there was still light to protect her from the darkness. She needed some rest, not just physically, but mentally as well.
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Mysterium Library


B.Kat was lost in thought, curiously watching Meila twirl about as she tried to fix up her green librarian outfit. She tried to get used to how Thorn organized her desk, but ended up just giving up and turning on the computer while looking a bit confused and flustered. She gasped when the girl called out her name, and she honestly didn't even remember hers. "Uum..." She peeked out from behind the computer, "You really don't want to be throwing chaos's not a good thing." She spoke quietly but earnestly, and seemed a bit afraid of the older girl even if she acted younger. Kat was about 16, but actually looked old enough to be an adult. In reality she had just been taken out of high school about halfway once she awakened. She seemed to be speaking from personal experience, and it made her even more uneasy.  "Ahh!" she was tipped over when the girl screamed and clapped her hands at her. The computer started to make strange whirring noises. Kat fell to the floor behind the desk, her glasses flying to the side while the computer suddenly blue screened. "Oh, no...I broke it..." she picked up her glasses and tried to tidy her top once again as she was forced to reboot the computer. "Um, if you're going to start your should probably wait a few moments for the Paradox to wear off..." B.Kat sighed while the computer booted up. "Unless you want to crash, or for it not to start...or maybe it'll even explode somehow..." She mused, sounded almost like she was about to cry about it. Thorn had mentioned that Kat never left her room because she was unlucky, but realizing she was an unlucky Mage would probably make Anthony want to run for his life. Someone whose bad luck was actually real...he was standing in front of a human black cat. 



"True that." Kana smiled, "I'll take you up on both of those, but you should probably let Terrance have some time alone...he's been getting worse." She tried to pull him aside. "He wasn't as lucky as you." The guardian-crab said with a shallow voice while taking him to the bar. The two mermaids met them there and reported that Selene was asleep. Kana poured Johnny a drink using her non-claw hand. "For now, all we can do is try to enjoy ourselves and wait." She placed the shot in front of him and rolled two dice. Six and Five. "You're a gambling man, are you?"
Meila mumbled under her breath as Anthony tried to usher her towards the door. Anthony person was okay, but it was beginning to seem to Meila that everyone wanted to keep her away from the books... and it was starting to get to her. "N-No! I do not want lunchie-munchies! I am not hungry!" She yelled, pulling away from the man as she spun around to face him, her ice-blue eyes now cold and the soft features of her face twisted into a vicious scowl. "Now that the stupid Thorny lady is away, I want to know, how to know, what is in all these books!"

Her eyes darted at a rapid pace, back and forth between Anthony and Kat, expecting an answer before any could possibly be given. She then gasped sharply and locked eyes with Anthony. "You said fairies? Making trouble? Throwing... chaos?" She inquired, her tone calmly slightly. "Where are the fairies? Where!?" She asked, now more excited than annoyed as she started dancing about of the spot, turning to again glare Kat in the eyes.

"You! Yoooooooooooooou seem to know lots of stuff about stuff!" Meila sang, stepping giddily towards the girl, her eyes travelling up and down the girls body... studying it and the clothing she wore. "You said something about a room? Your room! ...And you are worried about these books falling! Hmmmmm...." Meila continued to take the girl in, eyeing her like a predator eyes its prey and yet, her intent wasn't malicious; she was only curious.

Meila slithered behind the desk, getting close to Kat. "Do you have a candle too? Tell me about these books! You must be the Mysterium finger! ...and that means you know all stuff in these books! Tell me how I read! Tell me... and maybe I will not rip you open from your tummy to your face!" She giggled, tracing her right index finger from Kat's upper pelvic region, up to her throat and all the while wearing a wicked smile.

Meila didn't exactly intend to come across as mean and as violent as she did, but it was her way of asking nicely, or at least what she knew as nice from those that would ask her back home.
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Anthony winced a bit seeing the panic that the younger girl was making. Thorn trusted this girl but Meila and him would be too much? "I take it you're a Fate Arcana?" He asked sighing. She seemed so jumpy, he took a breath and said, "You seem nervous, have you tried meditation? If you like I can run you through some steps to calm yourself." He said to B.Kat before looking to Meila who was being childlike, but also a bit disturbing. He was once again thankful he was most likely not going to reproduce any time soon. "Meila, threatening someone is not the best way to ask for someone to teach you to read." How he wished he was back with the Arrows right now, at least then he'd be proactively doing something.

"Yeah, I tend to be lucky when I really need it. I guess that's what got me out of the hedge in one piece." He said taking a shot of the drink. "I guess you're right, it's not like there's much I can do against someone like her." looking at the dice. "So I take it we're playing Craps?" He said though hoped not since she already got a winning score with that yo-leven.  
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During the first part of the dream, a 1 or 2 hour sequence intended for a bit of recovery, Selene would attempt lucid dreaming once more. She was a bit out of practice due to Princess interrupting her dreams to break her, but without princess to interfere she would try once more.

The current dream was one of a more innocent nature to test the waters. She took an avatar inside her dream, a mortal named Elena, and did a dream based rendition of herself in this avatar. Skipping over lilies in a pond and farming rare mushrooms to use to treat her mother. It was like she was playing a casino style platformer game, as part of a dream sequence. A clever test of her lucid dreaming, to test one of her fantasy roles based off an amalgamation of characters she read from a variety of novels. The vessel she carried herself through in the dream, hopped across a variety of lily pads in a straight line and struggled to balance on them before the pads sank, seemingly like some kind of puzzle she imagined within her own head. Inspired by some of the games at the casino she witnessed other individuals playing as she served them drinks. The girl in the dream appeared human with black hair and blue eyes, clad in a lavender sundress with a satchel, eyeglasses, and some books. The youthful figure in the dream, purely imaginary, now proceeded to climb a tree and pick her first giant mushroom. She was in control of her own dream, but she felt like giving the fictional character she imagined success within the dream. So like a story, the young girl plucked the first mushroom she needed in the forest. upon getting the first section of the dream completed, it said, 'plus $5.00', and she started to imagine the next sequence. She truly missed her job at Wonderland and the friends she made there.
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Time continued onward, passing minute by minute, before progressing into hours. Thorn's car parked itself along the hidden mountain trail and she made her way towards the village. Kana had been playing craps with Johnny for a bit. She suggested not betting anything, but wondered if Johnny would insist.

Terrance slept in the bed next to Selene's in the small hut of a guest house. He recognized her obviously, but as he looked closer toward her illuminated form underneath the lamp, he saw what looked to be a pale elf with her features. The horrifying details of her skin and eyes, and those ears terrified him. Who was this!? Where was the waitress he knew? Was this really her? It couldn't be! No! No! He couldn't accept it, and just stood there in shock for a few moments as he watched the creature sleep. If it was her, how could this happen....was she even..human? No! She wasn't! Maybe she was evil now! Princess' spy? Possibly. Was she fake? It could mean anything.

Terrance's head spun with paranoia as he descended into madness, imagining his coworker being turned into a agent of darkness, corrupted against her will by that mad woman. Changed into some non-human monster like he had seen everywhere! This couldn't be real! But it was...He tried to trust Selene, as he knew her for years and was loyal to her, but it would be very difficult for that part of his mind to push through.

(Resolve + Composure = 5 + 1 from integrity 6 + 1 from Loyalty Virtue = 7 - 1 supernatural event, -2 from madness condition = 4 dice

embed (1).jpeg

1 Success. He pulls through and is only Spooked rather than having a mental breakdown.) 

"'Scuse me, coming through..." Thorn walked into the room and took a quick glance at Selene, only noticing her human mask since she was using her mortal eyes. She took a breath in and hovered over her for a moment as she prepared for a mental examination. She had already examined Caeda and proved that she was a magical construct, but she had not announced it yet. "She must be dreaming..." the witch concluded, knowing enough to understand her abilities to dream. 

Terrance curled up into bed, recognizing Thorn from her previous visits. He figured it would be best to stay out of things and try to collect himself for a while in the dark. In his bed, he tossed and turned, seeing a vision of Princess throwing a knife into his chest and then someone he didn't recognize shooting him in the head! He saw it all from her perspective, watching his body fall to the ground as she let the knife fly. The nightmare terrified him further, making it impossible for him to rest this morning. He had no choice but to lay there in a sweat while he watched Thorn do her work. 

(Willpower 5 + 1 from integrity 6 = 6 , - 1 from madness and -3 witnessing murder via vision = 2]


[Failure, Terrance is Integrity 5, gains 1 beat from madness so he has 1 exp)]

Mysterium Library


Nodding to answer Anthony's question, she simply responded by saying "It's rather complex to counter, but if you could focus on that...maybe this place will be safe." Disobeying her master's orders, she decided to give an order of her own for her own sake. "The council said you have to work with under that authority I...I'm asking you to stay here and counter my bad luck." She blushed a bit, trying to gather her confidence enough to look up at him. She desperately wanted to be normal, and with Anthony's help she knew she could be, so she took the chance. 

B.Kat actually did a reasonable thing to placate the screaming woman. She spent the next hour or two actually teaching her a bit about reading from the reference material they had on had. Though Thorn wouldn't have wished it, the two remained in the library as it opened. Kids of all ages, adults, and even the elderly started to wander the library as it slowly trickled people inside. Kat wasn't so busy that couldn't take a break every few minutes to tend to Meila until she was satisfied. 


The beaten and battered version of Terrance who had been shot at and terrified just as much as his human counterpart had finally returned home. After seeing the police were mostly gone, he was able to slip through a door and return to the one that created him. Once there, he found her sitting out on the terrace sipping tea like she always did. Though, as he got closer, he noticed she was holding a knife. As he approached, she released it with a sudden flick of her gloved hand. In her world, she still was rather kind because she gave him a chance to survive for now, because she could kill him. 

The knife moved like a beam of light, flickering in the air as it changed into something more resembling a sparkling beam of energy that nearly blinded the fetch and forced him to stumble backward. 

(Terrance is at half health)

The knife sunk into his chest, drawing blood from his artificial body as he fell to his knees. The princess gave an order, something Terrance could hardly hear since he was so disoriented. Her newest maid obeyed, moving over toward Terrance. "You..." He could make out a few features of her face, but his vision got blurry once she shot him in the head with her pistol alongside a slight wince from her smooth face. She let out a slight whimper in protest,

(Not gonna bother to roll for this.)

but otherwise, she quickly carried him towards the lake without another flinch. She dropped him inside and let him sink into the portal while turning around. Princess didn't need him anymore since she let the original go free, and if she needed, she could just create another. She knew the original Terrance would see the murder, as they had a strong connection now. She may have been pretty similar to Voldemort after all. 

Once Terrance's body started to appear on the other side, the residents gathered around as blood pooled out from around the false being. He cried as his body slowly died in the middle of the Freehold. At least the winter court wouldn't need to hunt for him now. As his body disintegrated, little fireflies burst out from him and floated into the sky, peacefully fading away. 

[Week 1 End]
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(Roll for gambling addiction.)
Xistund[SIZE=19.5px]2[/SIZE][SIZE=19.5px]D10[/SIZE] → 14

(6 +8)

Johnny was perfectly fine with not putting money on the table for this game, he rather play for fun if he can help it. Besides he was not sure whether or not lady luck was on his side tonight or not so no need to put stress on her. "So what do you do normally, I mean when your not doing Fae things, like do you have a cover job?" 

He said then remembered he was a reporter so he added. "Off the records, you know. I won't write anything you don't want me too. I just never thought I'd be playing Craps with a crab lady. It's still amazing. Any other paranormal things in the world?" Johnny asked his curiosity getting the better of him.

Anthony fround a bit and scratched his head at the request. "You know, I'm not a fate user, I don't know if I can personally help you, but I might know some people in Black Bay that can counter your magic. All I can really do is reverse the effects with time, maybe fix the things you break." He said sorry he could not be the one to help the girl. "Let me put in a call see if I can get ahold of one of the people I know and see what I can do."
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Meila sat in a side room, away from the trickling public that came to peruse the library. She sat amidst a bunch of books on the floor and was currently holding an 'I can read! Level 1' book called 'Danny and the Dinosaur'. She flicked curiously through the pages, looking at the pictures and words, though seemingly not reading them as she remained silent. Her eyes swept back and forth across the pages, taking in the pictures, drawing similarities between the dinosaur and the beings she knew to be dragons. 'Dinosaur' wasn't a word she had heard before... not in a standard English language at least, but as creatures and a sub-species of dragons, she had learned of them in her 'Dragon Tome' and knew them as 'Ḍā'inōsara'.

"Dinosaur... Ḍā'inōsara... Dinosaur... Ḍā'inōsara..." She muttered to herself, comparing the two words, hearing the similarities between the two. She smiled enthusiastically and tried the same with the word 'dragon'. "Dragon... Bhaẏānaka lōka... Dragon... Bha... They do not sound the same..." She sighed in frustration, pushing the comparisons from the forefront of her mind as she allowed her eyes to dart through the learning book some more.

After a few more minutes, she set the learning book aside and picked up a dictionary. Kat had explained loosely how to use the book, but upon opening it, Meila felt a little overwhelmed, seeing long and short words... words that she knew and words that she didn't... and words that she struggled to pronunciation, let-alone understand. After five minutes, she found the word 'Dragon' along with its definition.

"Dragon... Drag-uh n..." She read, both the word and the sounding out. "Noun... What is a noun?" She hissed angrily, flicking through the dictionary to find an answer. "Nouns are words that indicate a person, place, or thing... Wha?" She grumbled, shaking her head irritably as she flipped back to the page with the definitions of 'dragon'. "A mythical monster generally represented as a huge, winged reptile with crested head and enormous claws and teeth, and often spouting fire." Meila giggled at the definition. "That is a lesser dragon!" She chirped, clapping her hands gleefully and in a childish manner before continuing to look over the other definitions. "The dragon, Satan... Never heard of Satan before..." She flicked through the dictionary looking for 'Satan'. "Chief spirit of evil and adversary of God; tempter of mankind; master of hell..."

Meila set the dictionary down and thought to herself for a moment. 'Hell' was a word she had heard quite often. It was often used in association with punishments she received. She giggled nervously and her eyes started to tear up. "S-Satan must be another word for father..." She uttered softly. She had a hollow feeling in her chest and she started to rock herself as she felt immense fear. "They must be looking for me... I do not want punishment..." She cried fearfully, finally remembering that her 'family' would be looking for her and that she had been gone a lot longer than allowed. Whimpering, she crawled under a nearby desk to hide...
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"I'd strongly suggest not writing anything about the freehold, I'd hate to have" She blinked at him while she held the dice in her hand. "I just go to school, that's all." She nodded, hoping he would remember back to when she was wearing a uniform. At the moment she was wearing more casual clothing coated in blue and pink colors.

Meanwhile, in the room teeming with madness, Thorn started to focus on the mind of the young maid. She used a similar process to how fae actually observed dreams normally, although without needing a contract since it was performed through her own will. She wasn't actively reading her dreams so to speak, just observing for abnormalities in her soul beyond the tearing that came as part of being a changeling. She started to begin scanning her surface thoughts through her fae magic, hoping she wouldn't put up a fight and try to resist. 

Mysterium Library 

B.Kat continued to nod at Anthony in excitement, happy to receive help as she went between doing her job and stopping by Meila to check on her reading. She tried to explain the basics of grammar to her, but was worried she was getting frustrated by learning too fast. She tried to pay attention to the words she was researching. Once she noticed that she appeared to be afraid she tried to comfort her, bending down and patting against her back. "Who's looking for you?" Thorn had never told her anything about this girl or what she was doing here beyond the fact that she was staying here. "Is that what you're protecting her from?" She looked up toward Anthony with her quivering eyes showing worry behind her large glasses. 
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"Alright, I won't write anything." Johnny said hearing her answer. "Well what school do you go to? I'm guessing from the uniform its a private school. Wait, don't tell me you have some fairy version of hogwarts right?"

Anthony pulled out his phone and tried to checked his contacts, "Lets see I know I have the other mages somewhere here... Ah here we are." He pressed the number and called Aquillus since David was kinda an ass. "Hey Aqua? It's Anthony, hey I got a girl down in Lyre. She's a fate mage that can only cause bad luck and its not something she can turn off. I was wondering if there was something you could do to help."
Selene didn't bother putting up a resistance to the figure entering her dreams. she was tired, she assumed it just another member of the freehold that happened to be curious. well, upon granting entry, it was luckily confirmed to not be princess. the second stage of Elena's Casino Platformer game would play within her head, continuing the innocent test of her lucid dreaming derived from the fact she missed serving drinks at Wonderland. deeper into the forest, the figure in the dream could be now seen trying to jump over rabbit holes in pursuit of another mushroom. to thorn, the Dream was clearly the simulation of a game. the playstyle resembled one of the younger generation games at Wonderland, but featured a unique character and scenery that was pieced together from traits of various novels she read during her education. the dream didn't appear very corrupt, it seemed to be of a more innocent nature. and all Thorn need do, is follow through the sequence in a natural fashion. currently the youthful side was visible.
Black Bay; Residence of Aquilus Letum

A tall, thin, bald man, with a gaunt face and striking brown eyes, set deep within his sunken eye-sockets, sat behind an 18th century mahogany desk, towering above a mountain of scrolls and tomes, which he had on hand to study and scrutinise. The man was dressed in a similar fashion to his desk, clad in 18th century attire, a formal coat and shirt, a black ensemble, made of wool with silk twill, lined with cotton twill and embroidered with silver thread; this atop a pair of black leather, drop front breeches, with silver ties at the knees and finished with silver buttons. Beneath his breeches, white silk stockings hugged his slender legs and over the top of them, on his feet, he wore long, black leather boots, finished with silver buttons that adorned the sides of the boots.

This man was known as Aquilus Letum; Mysterium Councillor and highly eccentric curator of all texts and artefacts, arcane in nature. To those that didn't know him, he seemed like a man that time forgot, but to those in the know, he was well respected for his vast knowledge on occult subjects and his abilities at researching and discovering elements commonly overlooked by his peers and other such experts in the field. His diligence to his work was a great virtue but was often offset by his pride, a bi-product of his success.

Aquilus tapped the fingers of his right hand against his desk and his left raised a small porcelain cup, filled with steaming black tea to his cracked, parched lips. He took a sip as his eyes darted across arcane scribbles, written upon old parchment, stained yellow with age and ragged around the edges. As he processed the taste of his tea, he turned his gaze towards his cup, angling it towards him for a better look before setting it down on his desk in a discontented manner.

"Dagonet!" He called out to his servant and provost; his thick and somewhat badly put on Russian accent, carrying heavily through the halls of the church he called home. "Stupid boy! You forgot to put in the lemon wedge again!" He roared in annoyance as his 1897 vintage Roman column telephone started to ring from atop a stack of books to his side. "Good morning... Letum antiquities, curios and appraisal; Aquilus Letum speaking." He answered his phone in a typical manner, moonlighting as an official collector and appraiser of antiques.

He listened intently to the voice on the line, his face wearing a neutral expression as he soaked in the information in which he was given. Once the voice on the other end of the line finished with his inquiry, Aquilus sighed deeply and replied, "How many times have I told you? Don't call me Aqua! …Anyway, you say that this girl, this... fate mage, can only cause bad luck and is unable to control it?" He gave a more thoughtful sigh and pondered for a moment. "I've heard of a few cases, though they are rare... few and far between, but I might be able to help. However, I will actually have to meet and observe the girl for that, if at all possible? Are you right to bring her to me or would it be more convenient for me to come to you?"

Mysterium Library

Meila glance up at B.Kat, eyes wet with tears, though still smiling, almost like her mind didn't know how to process her feelings and thoughts correctly in this instance. Her hands and arms trembled, s did her lips as she tried to speak, stammering with her words. "M-My f-family... I-I-I was t-told to come st-straight home after I k-killed James dragon p-p-person." She replied softly to B.Kat's question. "This d-dragon s-s-satan person made me th-think of father and th-the trouble I-I am in f-for not going home..." She continued before crawling further under the desk; a stark contrast to her more menacing demeanour from earlier.
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Freehold (Dream)



(2 successes with no resistance for Mental Scan)

Thorn could sense Selene's youthful innocence, even seeing slight glimpses into the powerful lucid dream that she was having that resembled a casino gambling game. She remained deep in meditation as she continued to probe around the changeling's vulnerable mind, she was surprised that the girl was so trusting and left her mind wide open for examination. Was she that thoughtless, or was she simply used to being in submission? Regardless, Thorn felt a bit of pity as she observed the deeper complexities of Selene's mental landscape, searching for errors or tears in her soul. She plunged deep into the dark subconscious of her mind, bringing a torch with her on her mental journey as she wandered through a pathway inside her mind. The dark pathways seemed to close in on her, but Thorn wasn't the one afraid of the dark. She recognized that Selene was, and wandered about with her faerie flame flickering in her hand. Suddenly out of nowhere, a gigantic pink bear jumped out toward the witch. Thorn stood her ground, witnessing far greater monsters than a twisted stuffed bear. Metallic claws peeled out from the plushy bear and tried to tear into her, and Thorn deftly jumped back. "Is she seriously afraid of these things?" before she could react again, a yellow stuffed bunny grabbed her from behind and held her in place while she struggled against the fluffy thing. "G-gah!" 

"'re trying to play with my maid..." Princess's voice rang out in the dark like a chirping bird. Princess in reality present or aware of the intrusion, but Selene's projection of Princess within her mind was a very strong fear. Strong enough to mimic the real thing, at least for someone unaware of her real state. A pink and gold colored teapot appeared in the air, and Thorn looked up in terror as it slowly started to tilt over. The fear surrounding Selene's subconscious started to burrow into her. Sinking deeper into fear as it sunk its fangs into her, she struggled harder against the stuffed animals, slowly losing her focus and ability to concentrate as she thrashed against the stuffed bunny. She yelped out in desperation, as if anyone could help her in the dark abyss of the girl's subconscious. The teapot continued to slowly tilt down while it was held by a disembodied gloved hand, tea dribbling from the edge, like a doomsday clock. 

(Just as a note, I would torture thorn, but I feel like giving Selene a chance to jump in and be a hero! Use it well!)

Freehold (Bar)


"The Lyre Academy for Girls doesn't cater to faeries or your strange idea of wizards. I mean we had a few girls who turned out to be Mages, like Thorn and Kat...and sometimes the changelings do get sent there for re-education, but..."  Kana sneered at Johnny, showing a bit of her rough side to him. "Whatever. No, it's not like that. You don't want to put insane people in a place like that with other people, too dangerous." She gave a sharp look, narrowing her eyes as her claw clamped before Johnny's enchanted eyes. She had put away the dice after a bit, no longer interested in gambling.

Johnny's phone vibrated in his pocket, it was Burns. He worked at the Highwayman now. Julia decided to hire him after he was laid off from the Wonderland, and there were quite a few conspiracy theories spreading around the office that some people were trying to get the former manager killed. 

He still didn't really have a good relationship with Johnny, but having a week to cool off helped settle him. "You gonna get that?"

Black Bay

"Oh, sorry sir, I was trying to get the fresh ones...and I just ran out!" The young British boy paced around the office, trying to sort books and paperwork while calling over to his master from the edge of the room. The council was sort of in a chaotic state, rushing to replace the Arrows that had left while a war between the vampires and demons was brewing under the surface of the city."Oh, and if someone's looking for a Fate mage, they should probably go tell Ramses, I heard he practices he actually has a car that isn't from the last century." The boy giggled innocently and pulled a paper from his stack "And...They sent this notice all around the city, I picked it up...figured you'd want a look." A wanted poster for a man with dark hair wearing a bandana was slammed unto his desk. It bore the name Robbert Maxwell. "Should something about this? There seems to be a blood hunt out for him."

(I'm not gonna resist dropping a bit of fan service!)

Mysterium Library


"You killed what?!" Kat jumped up, causing the bookcase to shudder, a cascade of children's books fell to the ground, some smacking her on the head as she fell over, allowing Meila to see underneath her skirt while she stammered. "S-she...killed a dragon?!" She looked towards Anthony with a pale face, sweating suddenly as the fear flooded through her. "Well, uh..." She tried to get to her feet. She realized how loudly she had just spoken about a dragon publicly and tried to quiet down. "I'm sure nobody will find you here."

Two men wearing black jackets and long pants with matching sunglasses walked into the library, heavy terrain boots crashing against the ground as they walked. The two men wore necklaces eerily similar to the one that Meila was wearing, and the further drive the point home that they were evil to Meila, they smelled of home. "Excuse me, we'd like a library card..."

(Bad luck! better duck! You guys are fucked! :D)

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