Story Chapter 18: A Day with the King and… his fiances! (a week later)


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 18: A Day with the King and… his fiances! (a week later)

Blitz and Alfred came into a brunch restaurant disguised as ‘regular people’ though they were still kinda noticeable if you looked hard enough. Blitz had on a baby pink crop top jacket with the same color knee-length skirt with the stalkings clipped to his pink boots, he also had a pink bucket hat and a pink choker necklace that was attached to the jacket Roxana had bought him these things during her day. Alfred had sunglasses and a Nobel-styled dress shirt and pants. They sat down giggling and laughing, water lily: the new name they named the dog, sat down next to Blitz’s foot panting from the long walk, a waiter came and gave them each a menu “Hello sirs, my name is Ingler and I will be your waiter for today.” Alfred smiled as he flipped through the menu “We’ll have the whole menu plz” he paid upfront and gave the menus back. The waiter looked surprised and nodded and rushed into the kitchen.

As the two talked, 5 familiar men walked into the restaurant and took a seat a few ways away from the best friend's table. Sampton was still giggling over Willam losing to strip poker and having to pay for the men’s brunch. “This is stupid.” rocktooth rubbed his thigh in comfort “Don't worry pond-lily, it's only for a day.” willam grumbled something making Michael and rocktooth chuckle. “But wow! You guys kept your relationship with the king a secret for 4 years.” Michael nodded at the curious young man “Mhm, we all grew up together with my father bringing me to work with him, rocktooth being trained as a soldier since the age of 5 at the palace, and Willam being a noble son who liked to see the former kings jabu/mate often due to them being cousins.”

Sampton was surprised, “that is so awesome!.” sampton could feel Tetris staring at him for the 5th time today, ever since the kiss the two were kissing and touching none stop having moments where it’d go further, though they had moments where they argued over stupid things like today, a captain of the guard came up to sampton to talk since the two haven't seen each other in years. Tetris found them talking and was jealous over it, once the guy left tetris went to sampton asking questions to which sampton answered them nonchalantly. Blitz ended up stopping the two with a simple hug for each telling them where he’d be and who he was going with.

Alfred whispered something to Blitz, causing the two to look at the table where their boys were. Alfredo smiled and walked over as a waiter was asking the group what they wanted to eat, they all chose expensive things making Willam growl dramatically “You all are gonna run through my paycheck, I didn't even buy my Gordon eights yet.” Michael whispered something in his ears and made him blush “Fine… fine- I'll pay for it in full.” Alfred fully reached the table putting a single hand on the rocktooth who looked up and recognized the king. The sergeant got up and bowed to him kissing his hand “Hey my favorite sharks, Sampton and Tetris. Me and blitzy over there are having our brunch bestie date, do you chaps wanna join me and my associate?” willam clung to Alfred playfully glaring at Michael who had a simple smirk.

“This one tried to get me in my sleep this morning by rolling on me!” Alfred smiled down at the short shark laughing a bit, “Really Mikey.” Michael shrugged. The guys went over to their table to join them for brunch. sampton and Tetris sat on opposite sides of Blitz who smiled because he was happy to see them. The food arrives and they all eat, enjoying each other's company.

They left the restaurant and headed towards a jeweler's place, tetris and rocktooth were in the back of the group discussing their battles and experiences in their respective armies, “should we go get our rings and the earpieces rocktooth?” Alfred asked, glancing back at the drill sergeant, his face looked like he was frowning, and due to his facial scarring, Alfred knew he was smiling which made the king smile too “Well that is a yes!” blitz looked at Alfred, and the sharks and realized something that's been in front of his eyes the whole time *Alfred's secretly engaged to them! Awww.* The king and his men went into the jewelry store to get the piercings and rings, while Tetris stayed outside for a little while.

Blitz noticed how Tetris and Sam were being more awkward with each other and got an idea, he tugged tetris’s shirt, making the bodyguard look down. “Yes your majesty.” blitz pouted “Can I kiss.” Tetris sighed and kissed his forehead. blitz next went to sampton, he kissed his cheek while the boy was watching his phone in his scuba suit. Sampton blushed and looked at the prince, which prompted Tetris to go on the other side of sampton and kiss his other cheek making the boy put his hands on his helmet moving around flustered. Blitz was confused and worried at the boy trying to see what was wrong while Tetris laughed at him *They're so hot. Omg Tetris did it on purpose again!*

Alfred watched from the jewelry store window as he got his nose and the top of his ear pierced for his engagement ear-nose piece; he was planning on announcing his engagement later that night at a Country Union address. He smiled finally, happy his best fish friend had people who loved him genuinely. *I'm truly proud of you, my friend. Hopefully, soon you will find a way to confess.

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