Story Chapter 15: the surgery and good times.


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 15: the surgery and good times.

Figaro comforted Blitz as they put the anesthesia in him. The evergreen family, tetris and his brothers, and the ecklairs stood on the observation deck to watch over the surgery, alejandra was nervously eating mini pizzas to try and contain her nervousness; *Hopefully he finishes this in time hopefully i don't run out of snacks* she looked at the screen intently and her toddler grandchildren sat next to her with their tv devices to watch tv.

Once blitz was under, figaro activated his mage powers and started to heal his son from the top of his head; figaro held in a snarl as he found various injuries caused by alexio and the injuries that were blindly missed by the fish doctors. *I must heal these injuries. The sorceress is gaining ground quickly and blitz is needed in this grave situation. Son, I believe in you. Make me proud.*

(3 hours later)

Blitz started to wake up in his hospital, he saw that sampton and a wheelchair bound tetris was in his room alone with him. “Blitz!!” sampton hugged him excitedly and Tetris only gave Blitz a welcoming smile. “Oh um sorry hehe” sampton sat back down blushing, *get it together sam, the guy just woke up and you're already all over him like a freaking creep.* blitz slowly sat up stretching “feels good to be all better.” he looked at tetris and noticed he had his shoulder bandaged up and then he looked to his face and sighed of relief. *i'm glad he didn't get hit in the face, tetris has a handsome face, plus his lips look kissable* blitz staring made tetris gently rubbed him gaining his attention.

“How do you feel today majesty?” he held the prince's hand, rubbing it with gentleness, it sent shivers down blitz’s spine. It was the fact that tetris managed to be so big and the way he fought gabriel and cellanias army off, and yet this tall, large massive rockian can be so caring and gentle with the tiny prince. “I f-feel amazing text, and I'm so happy you both are doing good too.” he leaned over and patted samptons leg to which healed the boy's sprained leg. Sampton moved it without pain. “Blitz, have I ever told you how much I appreciate you?” blitz reached over and grabbed his fan putting it over his face to hide a blush he had. *Sam is so sweet, I can tell he would be perfect as a partner. Ooo! Why do they have to be so amazing to me? I can't take it! TvT*

sampton managed to evade his sisters by pretending to fall asleep on blitz’s bed but the two were watching tv on blitz’s phone giggling and talking under the covers. “What! I didn't know you also love minecraft!” blitz nodded as the two played together, “i play it when i'm bored; or when i need to release stress and tension within myself.” sampton’s eyes widened and nodded too. “I do the same, after a long day at college and at work I kick back, eat something, and play video games. For the rest of the night leading into the dawn they talked about everything having laughs and comfortable silence moments tetris joined in every once in a while to entertain the two and get into playful arguments with sampton. Tetris kept an eye on the two till they fell asleep, he carefully got up to kiss both of their foreheads with a smile *i think she was right, they are right for me*

Alejandra and figaro carefully pulled back the covers to find blitz, tetris, and sampton cuddling together with tetris in the middle between the two in a protective grasp. Alejandra smiled and turned towards her husband, “I think my baby finally found his conlinx.” figaro nodded and led the queen out so they could have their own little day together.

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