Story Chapter 14: Awakening


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 14: Awakening

Tetris unfortunately woke up from a knock on the door he sighed and slowly sat. his sides and thighs were on fire as he tried to do the action “It open.” he heard arguing and someone burst into the room with an amount of excitement and worry followed by an even more worried person “fuatun!! Omg! Look at you. My poor big brother.” sandit laid dramatically on top of the injured man causing him to groan in pain. margul made him sit in a chair and he pulled out his medical equipment and began to do a full medical check up on him.

Sandit pouted looking at his eldest brother, “Who managed to injure you this badly, we heard you were already heading to san fishica for this mission and there might be a battle here. Honestly, we thought you’d handle it without injury, but when theee princess of coronolia called us we were shocked relieved and then sad when we heard you were severely injured.” Tetris smiled at his youngest brother and rubbed his cheek to which he responded by forming jade crystals in his hand.

“Gabriel.” The single word made both brothers' eyes widen in shock and disbelief. “What! I-I thought he was still in Terra, so does that mean.” margul and Tetris shared the same stone-cold expression “She was the one to help destroy and siege our town, he’s always been on her side from the get go, we just never saw it.” margul shoved some topaz into tetris’s mouth: crystals help heal the rockians whenever they have injuries or are sick.

The brothers continued to talk about happier times, a few hours later another knock was at the door. “Is that the doctor?” Tetris struggled to shrug, “I got it!!'' Margul and sandit rushed to the door to find a crouching Alejandra waving sheepishly looking surprised. “oh um, hello! I didn't expect Tetris to still have people over.” The two gasped as they allowed the 7 '9 queen to come in. “thank you my dears, sometimes I hate the fact that my father was a giant in these predicaments. No matter hello my name is-''Sandit interrupted, having been excited to meet the queen who he looked up to “Oh my god, my name is Sandit Rocka! I am Tetris's 15-year-old brother, I go to school-” Margul playfully pushed him out of the way causing sandit to push him back.

“Enough fighting both of you; I deeply apologize for my brothers, they aren't used to being in front of royalty.” Alejandra laughed genuinely and kneeled next to Tetris with a bowl of food no doubt made by Figaro. “I'm pleased to see happiness and it makes me smile.” She placed the food on his hospital table and stroked his cheek as if he were her child. “How is he, is he awake yet?” Alejandra looked sad and shook her head. “No, he hasn't yet. Whatever alexio and Gabriel did to him he hasn't woken up from it, they said it might take him up to 8 weeks to wake out of his coma if only there was another way to get him healed and up." Tetris nodded glaring at his brothers who were arguing again, sighing. He then realized something “your majesty, does your husband still have his healing powers?” she nodded and then smiled brightly, Alejandra stood up and hit tetris on the leg “ow!” “thank you tetris for this wonderful idea, I'll check on you tomorrow and it was a pleasure to meet you two as well please make sure tetris recover fully.”

The queen squeezed herself out of the room and ran upstairs and with a rush she slammed open the royal suit door: her grandchildren got ahold of Blitz’s makeup, they were giving him a feel-better makeover with 3 of them on his bed braiding his hair, the other three were putting the makeup on his and the last two was making his bracelets. Blitz’s two eldest siblings, Mario and Maria were in a corner of the room talking and Roxana and Figaro stayed by the bed holding Blitz’s hands and talking to each other. “Family!! I have an announcement.” the room shook from the sheer strength of the coronolian queen causing everyone to hold onto something.

She realized what she had done and used her gravity powers to return things to normal. Figaro came to her and sat her in the only chair that would fit her, she scooped him up and placed him in her lap with a smile. Figaro saw twinkling in her eyes and he knew she found something out that would make her happy. “What did you find out, Mother?” The eldest twins moved closer to their mother to hear what the head of the house had to say.

“We found a way to heal and wake Blitz up.” Figaro smiled widely and began to ask when he noticed that Alejandra was staring at him with intensity, to everyone else they thought she was glaring at him but Figaro knew she was asking him the question without words and telepathically. “I will do it, my mana has returned and I feel strong enough to do a full heal surgery.” suddenly they heard a groan coming from the bed and Blitz’s eyes started to move under his eyelids “Roxana go get the doctor!” Roxana nodded and teleported away and came back with the doctor.

“Yes my queen, how may I assist you today.” Blitz slowly opened his eyes looked around rapidly and smiled softly when he spotted his nieces, “well hello to you too Denali, Jasmine,” he looked at his siblings and parents and then at the doctor. “Good afternoon my prince i am Doctor Carter, and I am a legal resident in coronolia i am your doctor for your time here at king hismotte hospital and Therapy Center. Now can you tell me how you are feeling today.” blitz smiled faintly squeezing back Roxana and Figaro's hands peeping at the galaxy press-on nails his nieces and nephews put on him.

“Im sore, my head hurts, I can barely talk and move my neck, and my stab wound is bleeding, though I would love to see what my nieces and nephews did to me so I can-” Mario smirked proudly and gave him his makeup mirror. His smile only grew when Blitz’s face was horrified but he faked it into a smile and slowly looked at his family. “Thank you, my love, it is an amazing work of art.” They cheered and went to their grandmother.

The doctor took notes on the prince’s condition and nodded “Princess Roxana said that you’ve all found a solution to heal his majesty into perfect health.” Alejandra smiled at her youngest daughter and smiled “yes sir as you know my husband here is one of the most powerful wizards in the world and he has a strong healing aura.” the doctor nodded, “I will have a request for that surgery right away your majesty.” he left to go tell and Alejandra smiled at her darlings. “Well, you heard the man, let's give Uncle Blitzy a rest. We’ll be back tomorrow ok.”

Roxana stayed behind; she scooted the chair closer and looked at Blitz, “Hey bro, i-i.” she started to break down crying, blitz used his non-injured hand and rubbed her head. The twins comforted each other and Roxana caught Blitz up on everything, Blitz ended up falling asleep by the end of the visit. She got up and tucked him in, she kissed his forehead and teleported back to her room in Alfred's palace.

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